Wednesday, January 9, 2008

12:26pm Update

Tricia is completely off the paralytic drug and stable. They are taking her off the first of three sedative meds...the next Big Hurdle.

Also, the Transplant Team is back in the picture and stopped by a few minutes ago to check her out. That will be the long-term prayer for Tricia.



Anonymous said...

Wonderful news...
We'll keep praying...
We love you, your precious wife, and your amazing miracle baby so much.
Love, Dana and Wil Haupfear

Unknown said...

Thank you thank you thank you Lord! Awesome news Nate! I will continue to pray for more amazing miracles! Thanks for keeping us updated! Much love!

Anonymous said...

Praise God for good news! Praying that this is just the start of many miracles today.

Anonymous said...

Just amazing. Praise God...I'll keep praying!

nicole said...

Wow! Thank you, Jesus!

Anonymous said...

Nate - Thank you so much for posting these updates so quickly. I'm over here in Germany following Tricia's status and I'm prayerfully watching God move. I find myself waking up early and rushing home from work to check to see if there are updates. I keep finding myself cheering "Yes Lord, keep it up!"

Amy (Tricia's cousin's wife's sister...i.e. Matt's sister-in-law)

Anonymous said...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Continuing to pray. We appreciate the updates.

Another sister-in-Christ from the blogosphere.

Anonymous said...

Wow God is the author and finisher of our faith!!!! Praise God!! We will keep praying.
Autumn Miles

Anonymous said...

Nate, I have asked my entire office (registrar's office at LU) to be praying. Here is one response from one that I thought would be encouraging to you.

I can so relate about Gwyneth and am in prayer for them. The first few weeks with Karah were so difficult, especially when we found out she had a bleed (grade 4 IVH - highest one you can have) and not knowing what the future would hold. Somehow through it all, God held us together and gave us peace. It was all him and not us, in our own strength we would have fallen apart. No matter what happens, even if she ends up being a special needs child, I pray that they will grow in faith and strength. Years ago, before I had children and was young and stupid, I thought if I ever had a special needs child I didn't think I could handle it and you never wish it on the child or yourself because you would think your child is less than perfect. But years later when I had a 'special' child, I think the opposite became true. You see what a blessing and a miracle the child is, and how 'perfect' they are the way they are and sometimes you think that child is more perfect than a 'normal' child.

If you want to share this with them, they may already have a special song or two already that will get them through this time, but one of ours with Karah was Third Day - Show me Your Glory and then oddly enough they did another song when Kalah was born that was almost a fulfillment or answer to that song - Who is This King of Glory?

P.S. I still have some preemie diapers (a huge bag full), a few newborn pacies (brand new) and some preemie hats, a few preemie outfits I think as well. If you want them, please let me know.

If you wanted any of the things she mentioned I am sure I can get them for you guys. I am praying!!!!!

Anonymous said...

still praying almost incessantly

Anonymous said...

Still praying!

Chris and Ann Young said...

I am sure our God smiles when he looks at both you, Tricia and your precious baby. I keep you all in my prayers from NY.
Because of your profound faith many have, and will now recognize the miracles which happen every day if only we watch for them.
I pray the weening goes well and the angel you call Tricia opens her eyes and sees for the first time the miracle God granted when your precious baby was born. This I ask in Jesus's name.

Anonymous said...

Praise God! Continuing to pray for you and your family! Here's a couple of quotes I pray will lift your spirits.

"One of the best safeguards of our hopes... is to be able to mark off the areas of hopelessness and to acknowledge them, to face them directly, not with despair but with the creative intent of keeping them from polluting all the areas of possibility." - WIlliam F. Lynch

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome." - Anne Bradstreet

"The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the very most you can do is live inside that hope." -Barbara Kingsolver

Always be in state of expectancy, and see that you leave room for God to come in as He likes." - Oswald Chambers

Amanda said...


Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Yay for good news!

Still praying...

Anonymous said...

Blessed be his name and to God be the glory.

Still praying!

Millicent said...

Praise God!!!! praying for God's will to be done!

Rich and Lauren said...

yay! we'll still be praying!

Anonymous said...

Praise God! This is just wonderful news! I was emailed your site yesterday and have been praying and thinking of the 3 of you since. I have your blog open so that I can continually check for updates! I will continue to pray for you in these precious hours ahead. Your love and faith for our God is just awesome!

Unknown said...

My very favorite:
"What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me." Psalms 56:3-4

Praying without ceasing...

Laurie in Ca. said...

Such wonderful news. Prayers continuing for all that is ahead. God is so wonderful in this miracle journey. Hoping she will be able to see her baby soon. May be technically difficult but God will make a way. I can't wait to hear what her first words will be when she wakes up completely. Probably something like "Thank God I am alive".

Laurie in Ca.

Anonymous said...

praise the Lord!

Meghann T said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Praise GOD!!! Still praying!
-Carolyn Kirschner

Meghann T said...

Thank you so much for these updates. I find myself frequently running to the computer to see an update on Tricia & Gwyneth. You are constantly in my prayers. I thank God for the miracles you have already seen, and I am praying fervently for even more to come your way. God give you, Nate, strength & rest as you are there for both of your angels. God bless all three of you!

Meghann from Raleigh

Anonymous said...

God sees how steadfast you are in Him. You continue to lean on Him for everything and leaving it ALL in His hands. I am praying with a strong belief that the Lord will continue to work complete miracles in Tricia and Gweneth's lives.

Nate, you are touching thousands of lives with your faith in God through this difficult time. You and Tricia are a living testimony of God's unfailing love.

I am praying for Tricia's new set of lungs and for her body to recovery quickly and be ready to receive them soon. She is a stong woman, and a sweet blessing from the Lord.

God is preparing the way. You are following as a child with total trust in his Father. Continue on drawing your strength from Him, as Tricia and Gweneth are doing as well.

God is and will continue BLESSING you and your family beyond measure. We will not stop praying!

The Black Family :-)

Sunshine said...

I just found your link in the comment section of Ashley's Journal and I spent a few minutes going back and reading older posts. I will post a link on my blog and my family will join in praying for yours - God is HUGE! Congratulations on your new baby!Sunshine

Anonymous said...

The Lord is good. What an answer to prayer! I pray that you will soon be able to see your beautiful wife awake and aleart.

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that I have been following your story for a couple of weeks now and am amazed by you and your family. Your faith is so inspiring. And I love watching God perform his miracles. I am praying for you all. God Bless!
~Raelyn from Illinois

Jane said...

praise God!!!

One step at a time. Or we will take leaps forward from you, our Lord and Savior!

Thanks again for the update!

Anonymous said...

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord, wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon the Lord.

Anonymous said...

Another sister in Christ praying for you in Ohio...

I stumbled across your blog, and I don't believe it was an accident.
I am honored to pray for your miracle girls.

Wishing you the Peace that passes all understanding....

Anonymous said...

Good. Thanks so much for the fast updates. It helps with prayer.

Sylvie said...

Daniel 10:16-19

And suddenly, one having the likeness of the sons of men touched my lips; then I opened my mouth and spoke, saying to him who stood before me, “My lord, because of the vision my sorrows have overwhelmed me, and I have retained no strength. For how can this servant of my lord talk with you, my lord? As for me, no strength remains in me now, nor is any breath left in me.”
Then again, the one having the likeness of a man touched me and strengthened me. And he said, “O man greatly beloved, fear not! Peace be to you; be strong, yes, be strong!”
So when he spoke to me I was strengthened, and said, “Let my lord speak, for you have strengthened me.”

Some verses for Sleeping Beauty ;-)

Anonymous said...

I was thinking yesterday about how your baby girl was born on 01.08.08and when I was telling my mom about it she said that in Scripture 8 is the number of new beginnings.
I looked it up online and it said
"It is 7 plus 1. Hence it is the number specially associated with Resurrection and Regeneration, and the beginning of a new era or order."

still praying

Anonymous said...

We've been down a similar wilderness-road, and have tasted the Lord's goodness, even when it was painful. Praying (from Philadelphia) for you, lifting your wife and precious baby girl before God's mighty and compassionate throne. May God continue to strengthen you in Christ, and equip you to deal with whatever joys or sorrows He brings. Praying that God will, as you said, take your heart's deepest desires, and so move His hand to keep your wife and daughter by your side for years to come.

Larissa said...

Praise the Lord for his love and care so far! Your daughter is beautiful.... I'm continuing to pray for Tricia, Gwyneth, you, and all involved there. Thanks for your detailed updates.
much love,

Jessica said...

What wonderful news!! I know she is still in need of many more prayers but what a wonderful hurdle to cross! I pray that this is one of many prayers answered!

anita said...

Praise the Lord! Keep fighting, Wonder Woman!!!

Love y'all~

Anonymous said...

Nate and Family,
I understand personally how God uses prayers from people you don't even know. I am one of those people. I don't know you or your family. I received an e-mail from my sister-in-law who may know your family. Regardless, when God needs his children to pray it just happens. I am touched by your faith. Last year my mom was in a near death experience accident and it was the prayers of those around her that brought her healing. Many miracles took place at that time and she survived. I understand the many decisions you have to make at the hospital, many you may not even be sure you should make. God will pull you through this. He has so far and will continue. "He who began a work is able to complete it". I pray for peace through this time for you, your wife and your family.
Love In Christ,
Jessica Mujica

Anonymous said...

Praise the LORD! I am so glad She is up and over the first big hurdle. THANK YOU FOR KEEPING US UPDATED! I can't wait to hear more good news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amy Anderson

Anonymous said...

Loving these updates, they are getting better everyday!!!!
Go, Tricia, GO!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That is wonderful news! GOD IS WORKING HIS MIRACLE ON BOTH OF YOUR GIRLS!! Keep your head up!! I am still praying that they both continue to recover so well!!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you all, in winston-salem, nc!

diddyangel said...

Yay for good news keep it coming! Still praying for you all here in the Uk. I hope you too are ok Nate and getting some rest? x x x

Burnie said...

Go GOD!! I sense He is using the three of you, and all the thousands of people now involved, in ways that would simply blow our minds if we understood them all! Not only are we cheering here on earth, but the heros of our faith are cheering right now; Abraham, Moses,David, Samuel, Joseph, in fact Hebrews 12 calls it a Great cloud of witnesses that have run the gives us strength, and encouragement! Tricia is an incredible young lady, and Nathan is an awesome man! Truly heros of our day! Praying hard here.

BuckeyeNP said...

One step, one step. I was listening to the old hymn "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing" this morning (Chris-Rice style) and thinking of you all.

By His great help, you've come this far. Jesus sought every one of us, as we wandered...rescued us from danger with His precious blood.

One day we'll be freed from sinning and see His lovely face. Until then, we have faces like Tricia and Gwyneth to reflect His glory.

Anonymous said...

God is in the miracle business and we are so honored to be apart of this miracle. We know and believe in faith that Tricia will continuously gain strength and ability to perservere. God Bless you all.

Anonymous said...

Still praying fervently here in CA--- great news so far!!!

Anonymous said...

Praise the LORD!!! We are still praying for many more miracles!loving you all from mexico!!!

Laura said...

Tricia, Gwyneth, you and all of your families are in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Your story has come my way through a friend of mine who is friends with Tricia's sisters. I have to tell you that God is revitalizing my prayer life through your story. I am on my computer all day long and feel as though God is constantly bringing you all to my mind, which then leads me to pray for you. Being in a state of constant prayer has changed the perspective of my days. Additionally, I have been challenged in my faith and dependence upon the Saviour. I have spread the word among my own circle of friends. Praise God for the many miracles already accomplished!

Unknown said...

I read about your story from my aunt who sent around an email to her family and friends, My uncle has CF and 2 years ago had a double lung transplant, My Mom and I flew up to Duke and stayed at the hospital with my aunt and cousin while he was in surgery and for 2 days of his recovery. I am praying for you and your wife and daughter, I have been reading your updates, and my prayers go with you, I have also sent around prayer requests. I know that The Lord is with you! and will never leave your side! God Bless God is in the Miracle business!!

Anonymous said...

You are forever in our prayers! Amy Anderson

vb2000rn said...

Thank you Jesus for everything you do!! We trust in you and know there are more miracles to come.
Still praying!!
"Say to God, "your works are amazing! Because your power is great, your enemies fall before you. All th earth worships you and sings paises to you. They sing praises to your name." Psalm 66:3-4

Marjolein said...

Wonderful news!
I have been away all day, for a checkup at the hospital. I couldn't wait to get home and check this site.

My thoughts are with you

Devin said...

Miracles are happening, right before our eyes. Thank you Jesus!

Will keep praying and checking back,

Devin in Illinois

mummyofprincesses said...

Thank you for sharing you heart with us and opening it up to the world. I know the Lord will provide the perfect match for my precious daughter with CF, to hold her hand and lift her up through the journeys ahead that God has laid out for her. You are a powerful testimony to a faithful God, a humble picture of one trusting His heart through all these mine fields. I think of all the lives that you are touching and believe that peoples eternities are being changed as they choose to have hope in the one that you all are pointing to. Jesus Christ. None of your suffering is in vain. Praying that your girls rest peacefully being cradled by our powerful God, and being ministered to by His angels.
Looking forward to what He will do today......
The Weigners (Quakertown, PA)

Pete, Ali, Charlie and Rosie said...

Congratulations Nate and Tricia on the arrival of your beautiful little daughter!
We just got back from our son Charlie's hospital admission, and the first thing we did was check in on your blog. What a lot has happened in three days!
Wanted you to know that we are praying for you all, as are our friends and family.
With our love, Alison, Pete and Charlie xxx

Anonymous said...

God bless the three of you. I have a nephew with CF. He is 10 years old and although he tries to live a normal life he struggles with hospitals stays. It is very hard for my brother and his wife as they have already lost one son to CF. God bless you. You are all in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

so glad to hear good news!

you never change, you never fail, O God!

Anonymous said...

It is Tisha again form Oklahoma! One of our co-workers here at Mercy wrote this amazing poem and it seemed so fitting:

Have Faith

When trials and tribulations get you down and blue

And there's no one that you can turn to
Just look to the heavens to our father above
He'll come into your heart and fill it with love.

He knew of us before we were conceived
All he asks o fus is that we believe
You must trust in God and not in man
He won't give you more than you can stand

So keep your head up to the sky
Don't always ask questions or wonder "why"?
Just put your hand in the Master's hand
For all us, He has a plan.

He'll touch your heart and free you from your strife
He'll give you a whole new outlook on life,
There's NOTHING that the Lord cannot do
If you just "HAVE FAITH", He'll see you through.

Written By: Marsha Ingraham
Mercy Health Network in Oklahoma

Our prayers are with you every step of the way!

Tisha Besse

Anonymous said...

All of you are in our constant thoughts and prayers. Congrats "Mommy and Daddy" and for a few others, welcome to the "Grandma and Grandpa" club. We can't wait to have all of you home. The Everharts

Brad, Carmen, Braylen and Alea Fleck said...

Just heard your story and wanted you to know I am praying fervantly for your family. I serve a miracle making God and I believe He is at work on your behalf. I will continue to petition Him for you. God bless

Aspiemom said...

Praise the Lord!!!!
Aspiemom (GA)

Anonymous said...

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1

This verse brought us a great deal of comfort one year ago as we rode the roller coaster ride of joys and fears that come with having a preemie in the NICU. Our Nathan was born at 26 weeks and weighed 2 pounds, 2 ounces. At this moment I am holding our 16 pound one-year old...a perfect testimony of God's goodness and mercy. He is a good God!!

Honored to be among the many fellow believers holding you up before our loving Heavenly Father,
Deanna Hatfield

suzie said...

Praise God....praying for all of you.

Sandy said...

Nate - I heard of your story on another blog and having been following ever since.
Congratulations on your new baby girl!!! I am praying for your wife and new baby!!

Anonymous said...

Nate, Tricia, and baby Gwyneth: Praying and sending on links to your site so others will pray also. God bless you in your journey.

Anonymous said...

Wanted you to know I wrote a poem years ago that may be an encouragement to you and

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

You do not know me, but my daughter was a 25 weeker and she weighed 1 pound (16 oz) at birth. I know the NICU rollercoaster can be crazy, but I just took it one day at a time and trusted in God's plan. My Hayden Grace did wonderfully in the NICU, but sadly passed away in December '06 from a heart condition at 15 months old. Though I miss her greatly, I know God needed an angel to watch over tiny babies, like yours. I wish you, your daughter and wife well. My prayers are with you.

Sarah Furlough said...

I came across your blog via Asher and Jacob's site. My husband and I had preemie twin boys in December 2005. Our surviving son is now 2 years old. He was born at 25.6 weeks (his twin Logan, was born at 25.1 weeks), and though it was a long road, it strengthened our faith and our marriage.

I wish the same for you and Tricia. May God continue to walk with you on this journey. There are many people who are praying for you!

If you ever need any information on preemies, please don't hesitate to contact us. There is also a great preemie support group on Yahoo that you may find helpful :

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord! Still praying!

Anonymous said...

Nate, Aren't you glad you have such a crazy uncle? Still praying!!!!!! Marilyn too! Love you, Trish and Gwyneth!!!!! Love in Christ, Ellen

Sonia said...

I just learned of your blog through another blogger buddy and I wanted to let you know I'm praying for your wife and daughter.

All my prayers,

Emily said...

Oh that is great news!
Having been on a ventilator myself it felt really good when they removed the paralytic drugs.
I will continue praying for both Tricia and Gwyneth (are you guys going to call her Gwen for short?)

Scott said...

Just got home from work and couldn't wait to read the updates. Even my wife is checking them during the day and keeping me posted. Still praying.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing two days. We truly serve an awesome God.Just want to thank everyone for their prayers and kindness for our family. It is tough to put into words the joy and happiness we have at this moment.We are so proud to be grandparents again.The Lord has shown His hand in all the events leading up to this time. It was neat to have a staff member stating how impress they were with the families and friends that are supporting Nate and Tricia. I saw Tricia and it was fantastic to see her in a restful state.Keep praying as we pass thru this next step of reducing meds.

Anonymous said...

WOW - Just came across your situation through a friend but I am passing along my EXTREME faith in God, our Father and his ability to heal and nurture and love. I am also from NC, although currently living in Canada, and I am praying so hard for your family right now.

Our son, Lincoln, was born 16 weeks early and we relied heavily on the grace and mercy of Christ. I'm not sure how others make it through. You know the strength he gives you. Take advantage and use it to care for your girls.

Thinking and praying for you...

Anonymous said...

We are so thankful and still praying for more! A friend who was formally in a similar situatiion with 26 week old twins in the NICU wanted me to tell you to see if you can switch blankets with Tricia and Gwyneth sometime so they can smell each other. She did this with her twins and it was so helpful she said. She still carries pieces of those blankets in a locket and her twins will soon be 12!

pam"n"chemlab said...

Wow, miracles are happening!! I have been following Tricia's story and your blog for about two week's now. During this time the prayers have been flowing. I have always been a prayer warrior at the school where I teach and at church, but I have literally been praying at every available moment for Tricia, Gwyneth Rose, and you Nate. The other FCA sponsor at our school knows you, but I feel as if I have known your family forever after pouring my soul out in prayer for all of you. I'm so thrilled with the wonderful news!! The prayers will continue from me, my family, our school's FCA, and our youth Sunday School class. (That's around 160 from this end praying for you although most are relying on our constant updates instead of checking the blog themselves during school) Just three years ago prayers of thousands carried me through a brain tumor and a 12-hr operation at Baptist Hospital in NC. Miracles and blessings will abound in your lives when you are willing to let the Lord use you in such awesome ways. We'll all keeping praying in Caldwell County, NC . . .-- Pam C.

Anonymous said...

praise God... i have been in constant prayer and will remain in it. i love you all.

susanna b.

Anonymous said...

Nate, I've just started reading your blog yesterday, and I am praying for you.

Because of Tricia's condition, I'm sure that she is not pumping breastmilk at the moment. Making sure that Gwyneth's first feeds are of breastmilk can dramatically reduce the chances of her suffering from some of the most common preemie problems. I don't know if this is something your hospital talks about (many don't) but it is possible sometimes to get donated breastmilk through the hospital or through a milk bank -- or through private donation. Please post about it if that is something you want to consider (I don't have a Blogger account and don't want to post my email publically, but I would create one if needed to communicate). I'm not able to pump just yet, but I'm due in about two weeks and would be happy to pump for you as soon as I gave birth.

lisa said...

Still continuously praying for all three of you!! We love you guys SO much! God is so faithful - just a few more hurdles to go!!

Anonymous said...

Still following the updates every few hours and thinking of you Nate, and Tricia and Gwyneth. Love Emmie (from the UK) xxxxx

Karen Smyrl said...

Remember God promised to love you with an everlasting love and to be with us if we but call on Him. My prayer is for strength for you and your precious girls. I pray God will work a miracle in each of their lives so that the only way to explain is through the mighty hand of the Great Physician they are healed...
We are praying for you...

DGTDDMD said...

What an awesome God we serve! We are praying for you both and for your precious little one.

Doug and Danielle Davis

liz.mccarthy said...

Hi, I'm sure with the amount of comments and all you have going on, you probably aren't keeping up on all of these comments to your blog and amazing wife and daughter.

I wanted to let you know that there is hope for your daughter. I too have a miracle micro-preemie, and I know how badly I wanted to see success stories of babies born way too early. My blog is:

Additionally, I started a Micro Preemie Support group (for children born under 2 pounds) We have all been in your shoes, and we would welcome you with open arms, as we can probably help you with so many of the NICU up and down battles that you will likely face.

Here's the link to my Yahoo support group:

I hope and pray that your wife improves.

Anonymous said...

I sent you a FB message (a long one).

Amy said...

I heard about your blog from Candi at All Day Night.
I have said so may prayers as I read your posts from the last couple of days. I will continue to pray that both your girls will thrive in this world.
God be with all of you.

Anonymous said...

You all are in our thoughts and prayers. God is good!
The McLamb's
Clayton, NC

Anonymous said...

Such amazing news keeps on coming.

Anonymous said...

We are praying and praying that God will give you the desire of your heart and that Trish will soon be able to see her baby and you Nate. What an amazing miracle this is.
Much love,
Carol and Les

Anonymous said...

I have been sitting here all day hitting the 'refresh' button hoping and praying for more good news. I hope that no news is good news.