Saturday, January 26, 2008

Best Post Ever! (No Words Needed)


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Anonymous said...

FIRST FAMILY PICTURE!!! I have no words that can add to this. Congratulations, Mommy! Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Praise God! His timing is perfect!
What a special moment...

Pete, Ali, Charlie and Rosie said...

Wow! How wonderful! We've been waiting to see these beautiful pictures since Gwyneth was born! Just priceless! X

Julie said...

YAHOO!!!! Now we can just keep praying for the day you can HOLD Gwyneth!!! What a great post.

(Thanks for not waiting until 9:00am - I could hardly stand to wait!!!!)

Unknown said...

Awww...awesome. Tricia DID get to see Gwyneth! I'm sure it was a moment to treasure.

Marc and Charity said...

yeah! I'm so pleased to see these pics! What a special moment for y'all! Keep 'em coming, I'm addicted. :)

I'm Jen. said...

I was hoping this was the good news this morning. :)

jesse and whit... said...

you're right, no words needed. soooo beautiful... all of you. thank you God!!

Laura Lee said...

I got a lump in my throat. I'm so happy for you all. Praise God Tricia is doing so well. Still praying for her continued improvement and little Gwyneth's tummy issues to resolve.

Anonymous said...

It is the BEST POST EVER. Tricia, you did it! You were brave and you survived something very hard. We are proud of you. We pray for you every night with the kids. Nathan, thanks for the faithful pictures and texts. Can't wait to hear that Tricia is equipped with NEW lungs. Joel and Joanna

Crystal Lee Smith said...

Oh how beautiful. That is so wonderful, Tricia! Being able to see your little girl in person for the first time is so heart touching. My heart is just leaping for joy for your family. Continuing w/ our prayers. God is amazing and his faithfulness is beyond all expectations.

The Petro Family said...

What a way to start out a weekend! First family photo! So special. Just a bouquet of roses!

Roxanne said...

Congratulations, Tricia, darlin'.

Anonymous said...

I agree totally with the title because there are no words needed!! That's not only the best post ever but I'm sure it was the best day ever for Tricia (next to meeting Nate of course!!)! I'm so happy she was able to see her precious little angel live and in person.

Family by Love said...

Praise the Lord ALmighty for His wonderful gifts! What completely awesome pics.

Anonymous said...

Johnson City, TN

Unknown said...

Congratulations Tricia!! I am so overjoyed for you all. Thank You Lord for finally letting this awesome mama see her precious miracle baby!!

Marla and Paul

Anonymous said...

So wonderful...priceless, post ever. Thank you. Praying and praying.

Angela in central Ohio

Heather Nicole said...

Congratulations! Tricia, you are already such a great mommy. You have such a beautiful family! Gwen is super blessed to have such excellent parents. Have a happy family day :)
Heather and Sam Clement

Scott said...

Wow, moved me to tears! Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

How wonderfantabulous! Praise the Lord!

Aspiemom said...

How wonderful! I'm so happy to see your first family pictures! And I'm so happy for Tricia that she got to be with her little girl and check her out personally!
Continuing to pray, Debbi (Aspiemom)

Jenny and Matt said...

yay! That must have been amazing for you all!
Just wonderful!

Scott Lawrenson said...

Crying, yet again.
I am happy for the three of you.
Way to go Trish!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family picture. One to always remember and treasure!!

Andy Lawrenson said...


Cathy N said...

Crying tears of joy! What an amazing gift God has given you. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

YAY! That is totally awesome.

May I please ask a question? (You'll need to put a FAQ segment on soon) Gwyneth is doing so well!... how is she doing it without food?

Praying for you all here in Australia. (Hense the night-shift gag. I get it, anyway *grin*)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing, God bless you all.


Anonymous said...

I am so thrilled that I got to start my day with such a precious sight! Praise the One and Only for answering this prayer, I am sure it was one of the best days that you will ever remember. Still praying for you three!

Anonymous said...

That is so wonderful. I'm so happy Tricia is doing so well. Well enough to see her 'white rose'. Thank you for sharing. This advanture you all are taking has moved me to be closer to the Lord and I just wanted to thank you. You all are in my prayers!!! Congratulations and my god bring Gwyneth through the tummy issues.

Anonymous said...

Oh, the joy in your eyes, Tricia. It could light up a room. Praise God! May He continue to work miracles in your family. You remain in our prayers.

In Christ!

Kathy's Korner said...

I've been reading now since babe was born....and have been moved to tears numerous times....and well this post did it again!


Jen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jen said...

Amazing! Incredible! A dream come true for all of you! I am so incredibly happy for all of you!

Lizze said...

WHOO WHOO!!! (Sorry, that's all I've got.)

Anonymous said...

Glad Tricia finally got to see Baby Gwyneth.
What a blessing!
The McLamb's
Clayton , NC

Shelly said...

BIG yay for a family picture!!!!

UKNat said...

I've been so worried about when Tricia would get to see Gwyneth. It makes me cry.

Still praying for all of you in Nashville. Natalie

Jen said...

God is GOOD!!! Wow!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I am so happy for you all, I can't wipe this silly smile off of my face!

This made my day, thanks for sharing Nate!

Anonymous said...

THIS IS THE BEST POST EVER. I have chill bumps now.

Amber said...

AWESOME!!!!! What an amazing God we have! These are just the first of many great family photos to come.

Sue said...

Tears of joy for you Tricia!!!Praises to out wonderful God!!!

Anonymous said...

awesome pictures!!! Brought tears to my eyes!!!!

Anonymous said...

I literally gasped and started to cry when I saw the first picture which showed Tricia in the NCIU- this just came sooner than it sounded would be possible would be able and I am soooooo happy for all three of your. BEST POST EVER for sure. Still pretty teary here - enough said - just rejoicing with you all.


Anonymous said...

How breath taking. Absolutley priceless.The tears poured into my eyes. AWESOME.

Holloway Clan said...

Chills and tears! God is good!

Terry Gray Sr. said...

Whomp.....there it is!!!!!!

Looking high, saying How Great thou art!

Continued prayers for the yet to come special day when you will both hold Lil Gwyneth.

Standin by:

cheryl said...


Anonymous said...

Oh Nate and Tricia! What a beautiful picture. I started to tear up when I saw it. A picture is worth a thousand words. Thrilled to death that Tricia got to finally see Gwyneth in person.

Love, The Hagers in Michigan

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!! How awesome is that????

Anonymous said...

Best post indeed! Enjoy! Oh ! By the way ! I have never seen a prettier little head full of blonde hair. I want to touch it! You have got yourself a little princess there!

Anonymous said...

Praise God!
This post was simply wonderful... thank you so very much for sharing it with us! Know that you all continue to be in my prayers.

Unknown said...

tears falling, happy tears

Candi said...

I couldn't wait to get here this morning. I thought this is what I'd find from your teaser last night.

Wonderful!! I'm sure that seeing her little girl was the best medicine she could get!!

Carmen said...

Nate & Tricia I can't tell you how happy I am for you.This will be the best medicine ever for you and Gwyneth. I love the first family portrait.Beautiful, Beautiful Family!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Kangaroo care" will
follow before long.
Love you all!

beanhead said...

Those are the best pictures. I have ever seen. I have tears of joy right now. My daughter is three and when ever I bring up your blog. She says that the picture of Tricia on the top is Snow White. Today she was very happy that Snow White was able to see her baby. My heart is filled with joy. I will keep the thoughts and prayers coming.

CJolly said...

Wow! Just what you promised! Beautiful!!!

Sarah Furlough said...

I have no words, that is such a beautiful sight! I am so glad that Tricia was able to see Gwyneth up close and personal. I'm sure that filled her heart with much happiness!

Blessedw5mom said...

Oh thank you for sending those precious photos!!! I'm so glad Tricia has seen Gwyneth in person now! Praise the Lord!!!

Anonymous said...

What an incredible picture! Continuing to pray. Matt and Kristin

Anonymous said...

Oh! I am so Happy Tricia FINALLY got to see her beautiful little girl in person!
I check everyday for updates, and am definitely pulling for you guys!

She is getting more gorgeous everyday and Tricia looks wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Tears!! (No words needed)

Well actually I want to give praise to God for all the prayers He is answering. He alone is worthy!!! Thanks for sharing your blessings with us!

Shawna in Oklahoma!

marcia said...

Yes! Absolutely the best post in the history of the Internet! Praise the Lord! Tricia, I am so thrilled that you could FINALLY see your little Sweetie face to face! Thanks to both of you, for sharing your joy with all of us!!

Jenne said...

I am so happy that Trisha finally got to see Gwyneth. What a beautiful 1st family picture!

I "check" on your family a few times a day. Thanks for sharing your blog with us!

waiting for Isaac

Mary said...

Thank you Lord Jesus, Thank you.


MamaBear said...

Perfect title, perfect pictures, perfect Savior who's watching out for you all.
What else can I say? It's PERFECT!

By the grace of God ... said...

no words ... just tears of joy and thanksgiving ...

Melody said...

YIPPEE!!!!!!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!!

Anonymous said...

= D

humble servant said...

Congratulations! God Bless you both with continued improvement and increased health.

We'll continue praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Please read to tricia-
Tricia, you have beautiful eyes but the pic with you looking lovingly at Baby gwyneth says it all! The loves just shines through in the photo. I am praying for you both that soon Gwyneth will be ensconsed in your arms instead of an incubator.
Cheryl from Fairfax

Just Me - MJ said...

What a wonderful, blessed moment to cherish forever. Beautiful family - Mommy especially looks fabulous! May there be many such moments to follow (and eventually, may they be without the tubes, wires, warmers, and such of the NICU!).

Mandy said...

My heart is smiling for you guys. That is the best thing ever. I am so happy Tricia finally got to see and touch her sweet miracle baby. God is so good! Thank you for starting my day with such a blessing.


Wade said...

yahooooooooooooooo!Congratulations Tricia,This is Magnificient! Sending a group hug from the Marlands in Manteo! Our girls got huge smiles on their faces when we shared with them this was your first family picture! And they love the webkinz pug! Praise God! Love ya!
Wade,Bari,Bailey,Alex,and Cydney

Anonymous said...

I can't hold back the tears! What a beautiful time! I know you are the proudest daddy around! Proud of your wife and your daughter! I pray for the first time you get to hold your sweet Gwyneth! Praise the Lord! Franklin, TN

Melissa said...

I was hoping this is what we would all get to see!! PRAISE GOD!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing such a beautiful, special moment for your family! Your faith is awesome and inspiring for all of us keeping up with your progress.

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

How truly incredible that Tricia was able to see Gwyneth and that the 3 of you were finally able to spend time together. The pictures brought tears to my eyes, I am so happy for all of you. Congratulations! As always, you all are in my thoughts and prayers.

North Carolina Mom said...

Ohy my! Last night when you left your hint this is exactly what I was hoping for!!! There are no adequate words... Seeing Tricia's eyes over her mask says it all!

Tara said...

Yay!!! How beautiful.

Kelli said...

OH that made my heart smile SO big and brought tears to my eyes. What a joy and blessed day for Tricia to see her baby girl for the first time!! :) How wonderful for you to see your girls "meet" for the first time!

Anonymous said...


So good to see you doing so well. I know this made your day!! Waiting to see more pics like this one.

Jessica R

Sylvie said...

Youpppiiii !!! (Yeeeppiiii in french! ) :-)

Anonymous said...

you are words needed! Beautiful! No doubt best post ever! Our Lord is so Faithful! Bless you!!
palmers in IN

Lora said...

Praise God!!!

Shelley said...

These pictures brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful family picture. Congratulations to all 3 of you!

Anonymous said...

Yippee~~ Today is my birthday. And Nate and Tricia gave me a wonderful present! I remember seeing my daughter in the NICU for the first time, there are just no words for it. Congrats Tricia, may your days to follow have many visits!

Rachel said...

Yeah prais God! Thanks for sharin gthe pics.

josh and nicole said...

YAY!!! Oh, Tricia, we are so happy for you! Hope this can happen often now. Thanks for sharing such an intimate, precious moment. Still praying.

Anonymous said...

What a special moment! So glad both of your girls are doing great!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness!!! I am so happy that I checked in before going to my job fair! Congratulations to you all. These pictures just brought tears to my eyes. Praying for you all to get to hold her soon, and continued improvement for both of the girls.

Anonymous said...

It's a Wonderful Morning
Tricia & Nathan I am so filled with happiness for you ...I have been praying extra hard and steady for Tricia to be with her daughter
I thank you both for sharing all these very personal moments with us..well ummm..really for sharing with the whole wide world
that's what were all feeling for you Tricia & Gwyneth & Nathan, this is a very thankful,very joyful very happy day,
Showering you lovingly with many Prayers
Long Island New York
p.s. i never would have guessed what this morning's post would be about i knew it was going to be good but i had no idea...I thought it was going to be news about a web cam set up =) =) =) =)
p.s.s. God Bless His Mighty Three

Marsmile said...

Yay, finally!! (Waving hands in the air-- the deaf way of clapping) I wasn't expecting to see Tricia in the photos so was taken by surprise! I am sooo glad she saw Gwyneth in person at last! So touching! :-) Praying she can visit Gwyneth as often as she wants!

Keep up with your strength, Tricia! You are doing so wonderfully!

Marissa :-)

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!

No words needed is right...

::: clapping :::

::: cheering :::

::: smiling :::

Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Hooray! It's so good to see Tricia at her daughter's bedside, finally! What a blessing! May God continue bless you!

Rebekah said...

Your post brought tears to my eyes! I'm SOOOO glad mom and daughter finally got to meet. The Lord is good. :)

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you. Praise God that you got to see your beautiful daughter!! I know your heart melted.. Hopefully soon the pictures will be of you guys holding her.

Anonymous said...

the BEST family picture i have ever seen!!! I cried in my coffee! Our prayers are with you guys for the day Gwyneth is completely free of tubes and Tricia is breathing with her new lungs and you three are HOME living life to the fullest!

Lovin' Life said...

So good to see this, I'm going in to no-computer-world for a few days and this is so good to see before I leave. This is so exciting. God is an AWESOME God!! Praise His holy name! My prayers continue!!

Anonymous said...

As a mommy myself, this made me cry...again. :) Tricia I am so glad to you got to see your beautiful little girl!! Thank you Jesus for your love and blessings!! We are praying for you all daily!

Sarah said...

Praise God! Your posts often reduce me to tears, this was an out right sob. :) Thank you so much for sharing your lives.

Anonymous said...

YEAH YEAH!!! YEAH!!! that was awesome to look at this morning, We are still praying for even more to come!!!


Anonymous said...

Awesome! You were so right - definitely best post ever! Thank you! Praise the Lord! Absolutely beautiful! -Cousin Amy

Christy said...

No words needed, indeed.

Praise You, Lord Jesus for such sweet blessings!

My husband has been following your story, with me. He gets a little emotional right along with me, and has enjoyed all of the funny stuff you've posted. (He said, when you posted the silly late night pictures, "They remind me of us. They're a cool couple.") The first thing he asks, each night when he comes home is, "How are they doing?" followed by, "Did she get to go down and see the baby yet?" I cannot wait for him to come home so I can share the happy news with him. Our God is an awesome God! >:0)

Anonymous said...

That is the best!!!!!
Continuing to lift up both the beautiful girlies in prayers from here in Texas.

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

Seeing that totally made my day! WOW!

Vicki said...

Amazing! I can't begin to imagine how excited you all were! Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

What a blessing! Thanks for sharing the moment. Praying for the time you will get to hold that precious baby girl."Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His faithful love endures forever."~Ps. 118:1

Anonymous said...

Oh, how absolutely Wonderful. First Family Photo! A true sign that God answers prayers and sometimes we just have to patient for things to work in his time.

Anonymous said...

Praise God! Tricia, I'm so glad that you got to see Gwyneth. Children are precious and each moment spent with them is a treasure. I am praying for many more moments to treasure. I'm praying for you in Elizabethtown!

Anonymous said...

That is so AWESOME!!! Praise God! Our prayers will not cease! God bless you! Thank you for sharing!

K Hutchinson said...

OMG this is the best post ever! It brings tears of joy to my eyes! So wonderful! Beautiful picture of you all!

God Bless

Nichole said...

What a wonderful and heartwarming moment. It is so fantastic to see all three of you in the same picture!!!

Anonymous said...

Praise God! What a beautiful family!

JonesFam4 said...

Awesome!!! Soooo happy for your family to be in the same room, was praying for this very thing! Stacia (found you from another blogger)

Anonymous said...

AMEN!!! How wonderful that Tricia finally got to see her little angel! Those pictures are absolutely beautiful. We have to start praying that the day you will be able to hold your precious girl comes soon!!! I got a huge smile on my face getting to see Mommy being able to visit her little one. I can't imagine having to wait that long. I'm glad the moment finally came. Amazing.


Sheri said...

YES!!! Praise God! What a beautiful family!

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome.. I am so glad you can see your precious daughter. Yay Tricia.

Anonymous said...

Praise God! The great physician has brought these medical miracles together.

One great family picture!

Given Grace said...

Great first family photo! God is awesome!

Anonymous said...

What a thrill to see these pix. God is good!!!

Anonymous said...

priceless! :)

MrsKruse said...

I need to stop reading your posts first thing in the morning! I always end up tearing up and having to redo my mascara!

Congrats! What a beautiful family!

Tanya said...

Praise God!!! How awesome!

TheRagan3 said...

Tears have come to my eyes to see the 3 of you together for the first time! what joy you all must be feeling. I have been praying for this moment since I "met" you. Thanks be to the Father for HIS timing!!

Meredith said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! I absolutely got goose bumps! What a beautiful family!!! Many Blessings!! Meredith/Orlando FL

Mamma_of _five said...

congrats Mommy what a beautiful little family , best post ever was right , again Congrats.

Larissa said...


Tami said...

BEAUTIFUL! These pictures are priceless!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Tricia,
FINALLY you got to meet yor precious little baby.
Thank the Lord you are feeling so well.


Anonymous said...

PRAISE GOD!!!! How AWESOME is THAT?!?!?!? All that keeps going through my mind as I type this are seven words from an old hymn: "Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus"!

~ becky b

Anonymous said...

Tricia & Nathan,
I keep coming back to the computer to look at your new pics and i just want to say...hands down, hospital gowns and all..the love in your eyes makes the picture of the three of you one of the most beautiful i have ever seen...
breath taking thats what it is...
Showering You Lovingly with Prayers
Long Island
New York

Anonymous said...

Tears of JOY! You're words needed! I'm so happy for you! Tricia, you're a beautiful mommy and Nate you are a very proud papa and hubby!

Love & Prayers from IL,
Jessica J.

Gail said...

Most beautiful post!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was SO hoping that this is what this post would be!!!!!!!!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!! :)

BS said...

This post brought tears to my eyes ... I remember the joy of seeing my preemie for the first time ( 3 1/2 lbs and 31 years ago). What a special moment.

Devin said...


You were right, Nate; BEST post yet!!

Still praying,
Devin in Illinois

Kate said...

PERFECT!!! congratulations, momma!

hartmanj said...

I have been checking on and praying for your girls daily. Today's post had me in serious tears of joy. What a special moment when a mother sees her precious child for the first time. Thank you for sharing it with us. God is so good!

Janet Hartman
Greeneville, Tennessee

Paula Farah said...

My Heart just skipped a beat!! I can feel the love in your heart and it's soooo strong it envelops all of us!! WOW!!! Praise God for this much anticipated family photo. Love you all!!

Julie said...

I've been waiting for these pics! I love the pure mommy-joy in Tricia's eyes! Still praying.

Anonymous said...

Thank you God for small miracles. I have been following your blog for sometime now after a prayer request went out. It lifts my heart to see Tricia and Gwyneth together. The smile behind the mask is huge I am sure but the smile on Daddy's face is priceless. I hope that there are many more days that are as bright as this for you. Enjoy your family time. Prayers for all of you and all your requests too.

Anonymous said...

"what a wonderful world"... priceless, just priceless...

The Sinks said...

Praising God with you all! Absolutely beautiful!

Anonymous said...

This has touched my heart. I want ever forget when I had my daughter, the first time I laid my eyes on her...what a blessing:)
I am so happy for you Tricia

Anonymous said...

What an awesome post! I've been watching your page like crazy for the last few weeks and this is the best one yet! I've been praying for your family and it seems as though, so far, all prayers are coming true. I will continue to pray that both girls continue their strength.

Brad, Carmen, Braylen and Alea Fleck said...

Amazing, priceless and miracle are the only three words that come to mind and even they all pale in comparison to the experience you just witnessed.

Kristen said...

*tears up*
totally best post ever!!!

Patti said...

God is good! Congratulations, Tricia! We are overjoyed.

Court said...

You are right ~ best post ever. I had a "feeling" that this might be what you were hinting at last night....PRAISE THE LORD! We are rejoicing with you. I can ONLY imagine how Tricia felt seeing the precious babe for the first time! Many many more happy visits!

Anonymous said...

YES! What a great day!

Alison said...


a teacher and a learner. a tearner??? said...

What a beautiful image!!!! Praise God from whom alllllll blessings flow. Prayers for you guys. Love all three of you.

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!! I was wondering after yesterday's comment about being in the chair most of the day if that meant you got to see your baby. Its an amazing moment when a mommy meets her baby for the first time! I am so happy for you Tricia!! Stay strong!!!
Rebecca in KS

Anonymous said...

Best Post EVER is right! I am so happy for you guys! Your miracles (Gwyneth and Tricia) have renewed my faith in God. :)

Melissa said...

Best post ever, I agree! What an answer to prayers!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh how awesome!! She is so beautiful Tricia I'm gald you could finally meet your miracle. You look pretty good yourself. Hang in there family, God is so good. Praying every day
Katie Columbus,OH

Anonymous said...

The love coming from her mother's eyes is radiant! I'm so happy you have finally been able to spend time with your true little blessing.

Anonymous said...

Incredible! Oh, I'm so happy for you!

Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks be to our God!! Prayers, thoughts, and love! Colleen in Ohio

Anonymous said...

Those are the most beautiful pictures I've ever seen. My daughter looked over my shoulder and asked me "What's that?" I almost couldn't answer her because of my crying tears of joy for all of you. Congratulations on being able to get together like that. May it be just the beginning of many more. Love, Kathy in Miami

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy that Tricia got to see her little beauty in person!

Thanks for sharing your pictures!

Florida_Mom said...

Our God is so Awesome - I can hardly see to type though my tears of joy.

Praying that your girls get stronger every day.

In Christ

The Brezina's said...

What a beautiful portrait of God's AMAZING Grace!
Praying for all 3 of you!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful!!!!!

Lissa Lane said...


Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Great Family picture and the FIRST one!! I am so happy that Tricia got to see her little one. I have been hoping for that. I am still praying!! Sandy

Anonymous said...

Awesome sight! Love you guys! Continuing to pray for you both daily.

Anonymous said...


erika said...

Congrats!!!! Yea for you guys! How exciting for the whole family!

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!! I am so excited!!! So THANKFUL for how far God has brought both girls. It's been a long few weeks but those pics were worth the wait! So glad that both are doing well and we're still praying for the belly problems to subside!!! Praise God for WHO HE IS!!!! God is good!!!!!

Dana D said...


Anonymous said...

oh how i wish we could see through tricias mask to see what an amazing smile im sure she is wearing!! =]

DGTDDMD said...

That is so AWESOME!

Danielle Davis

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! The family is together!
The tears are streaming for joy here! What a beautful moment it must have been for you.

God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Amazing! God is good!

Following your story from Nashville.

Heather said...

What a wonderful post! Congratulations. I'll confess that I teared up :)

Renee said...

better than looking through a web-cam! what a great moment!

Emily said...


Unknown said...

Wonderful! Well done all of you...

Unknown said...

Yay! What a gorgeous family portrait :)

Sending lots of prayers from Charleston, SC!

Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL! Praise God!
Thanks for sharing!

Denise said...

Praise God!!! What a wonderful post!

Anonymous said...

YES YES YES!!!!!!!!

Marjolein said...

This is just brilliant!

Big hug

Anonymous said...

Your family is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

When Lori Morris Hughes sent out a plea to her website readers and in an email to her friends to hit our knees in prayer, I thought, "Okay, I'll say a few prayers, read the webpage and move on." She was correct, your family's story is compelling reading and your faith is uplifting. I find myself checking in frequently. The Lord has indeed blessed your family with improving health for your two girls. I will keep you all close in my thoughts and prayers. Congratulations on the family time today. dp

Anonymous said...

Aw, that's SO amazing and special! Praise God for this incredible moment! :)


Anonymous said...

Yahoo! So happy for you!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. Crying tears of joy. Thanking our amazing Father for this awesome moment.

N. Richland Hills, TX

Anonymous said...

Dearest Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth, Beautiful family!! We praise God with you! I just found your blog today...I have CF and got pregnant and carried our baby to 29 weeks when I had respiratory failure. Our son Aiden is doing great today. There are so many similarities to our stories, my husband "lived" in ICU and NICU for 5 weeks! I am currently on the lung transplant list in Michigan (I was listed after recovering from the pregnancy). I love the Lord and the way he has worked through you and your story in the blog is amazing. Thank you for letting your light show in every way. I will pray that the transplant list will accept you soon, but I know the frustration, the progress was never fast enough. Be encouraged, as I know you are, that God has it all in his hand. Someday, it would be something for us to meet, both Tricia and me with new lungs, our children in tow, and sing worship songs together for all HE HAS DONE!! Bless you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

How awesome!!!!! What a great joy to finally see all of you together!!!!
Praise the Lord!!!!! Still praying!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE YOUR FAMILY PHOTO!!!! God Bless the three of you.

Anonymous said...

Audrey (CF UK)

(No words needed, right?)


Olivia said...

Praise the Lord Oh my soul, all my inmost being Praise His Holy Name! As a photographer, I believe that is the best family portrait EVER!

Karen said...


Destini said...

That has to be the most beautiful sight I've seen. Praise the Lord...what an awesome gift!

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