Saturday, February 16, 2008


Me. Tricia's dark hospital room. 10:52PM.
Tricia's sleeping. I'm wide awake.



Matt Millard said...

That picture is cracking me up!
I am glad you are feeling better and able to be back with your girls. Stay well!


Anonymous said... 6 month old giggled at that. I'm calling you if he won't go to sleep tonight!

Anonymous said...

YOU'RE NUTS, NATHAN!!!!! (giggle) Glad you're feeling better!
~ becky b

anita said...

hey man - glad you're feeling better! Apparently you slept so much that you're all caught up!

Give my love to the girls!

Anonymous said...

Ok. since you are wide awake, would you mind pecking out part 9.. the suspense is KILLING me!

Anonymous said...

I guess this means your feeling better :)

Christy. said...

I have just recently started reading your blog and I love it! I always love to hear real people doing extraordinary things! God has given you a great gift in writing and I am so glad that you have this outlet to update friends and family. I am sure it is healing, in some way, to express what is going on in your life. I can tell that you are a true Godly man and that you love your "girls". Keep up the great blog and I will continue to pray for you all!

marcia said...

You absolutely, totally, and truly are a wild and crazy person! :):):) That celery would look right at home!
So very glad that you are feeling better and were able to go see Tricia tonight!

Tracey said...

Your face will haunt my sleep.


Anonymous said...

OK, so the spicy food I had for dinner and that picture of you are going to give me interesting dreams tonight! :) Just kidding!!!

Tell your wife and daughter that almost 1 million people are thinking of them and praying for them! That's just kind of cool.

Glad you're feeling better! :)

Anonymous said...

Dude... no more caffeine! =-D Hope all is well and that you continue to maintain your health!

Unknown said...

Man, Nate...that is THE scariest pic I have ever seen...LOL. Why did I check the blog right before I went to sleep? =) Praying everything is going well with the girls!

North Carolina Mom said...

Lol! You'll have to teach your daughter how to be silly like you, it will probably rub off too!

Have a good night!

Anonymous said...

creepy. very creepy.

Mandy said...

You just answered the burning question I've had......What does a bored man with a camera and a computer do.......? :) Glad everyone is well! :)

Renee said...

Sinister...quite sinister! ~:O)

Your girls are in my heart. I pray for them and their health. Be strong wild man!

Scott said...

Again, thanks for the update and the continuing story of your guys. You are getting the hang of the cliff hanger! You guys will all be in our prayers today!

Anonymous said...

If I was Patty Sue I don't know that I could fall asleep with that in my room! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahha =) brilliant that is

The Adoption Of William said...

You look wide awake...and then some!

Great..yet scary pic :)



Anonymous said...

Don't scare us like that! teehee... the scariest thing you put on your post! -Mrs. D

Jenn said...

I'm wondering how many bottles of Moutain Dew you had at that point?? :)

Anonymous said...

I am so glad things are going so great for all of you.
Now go get some sleep man ;)
I lol'd at that pic..


Andy Lawrenson said...

You look a little alienish there!

Tonight (not to make you drool) are celebrating Valentines ( I know it's late but can't do much the week of The Call) at Jolly Roger. Misha is gong for the seafood lasagna. I'll get either chicken paremesan or some sort of large slab of grilled beef.

Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

Andy Lawrenson said...

and apparently I can't spell when I'm really tired.

Anonymous said...

Amy Anderson

Anonymous said...

LOL... Nate you are such a nut... You are certainly a silly man. Too much caffiene eh. Glad you got the rest.

Thinking of all of you.