Friday, February 15, 2008


I'm at home (hotel) because I had a bit of a fever earlier today at the hospital. My tonsils are a little swollen. Please, pray with me that I'm not sick and will be feeling better tonight or tomorrow so that I can continue to be with my girls. I've been very careful with my health, taking vitamins, getting enough sleep, etc.




Anonymous said...

I have been reading for weeks, but have not yet commented; all week I have been praying that you begin to take some time for you, to care for your physical and mental health. Your beautiful girls will be counting on enormous strength from you in the months and years to come.

mrsrubly said...

will be praying for you not to get sick bless ur heart Nate. take care.

Kelly Hallahan said...


TheRagan3 said...

sleep, sleep and more sleep!! get some good sleep and see if that helps! Praying for your health right now...

Adie said...

Will be praying that you stay well, Nathan.

And to help your immune system fight off anything, take large doses of Vitamin C + Zinc (for the first two days of an infection, you should take 5000mg of vitamin C.

Also, try get your hands on Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) - it's not great tasting (coming from the seeds of a grapefruit!), but it's anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, so it will cover whatever you might have.

That all will help you physically stay well.

Jerseygyrl said...

ditto what adie said, but you are in my prayers, if you dont have any vitamin C you can always guzzle large quantities of OJ!

marcia said...

Praying for you, Nate!

Laurie in Ca. said...

Oh, please be extra careful around both of your girls as they are so fragile. Maybe get the docs there to check you out. Sorry to sound like a mom, but I am and I am sure you don't want to take unnecessary chances. If you are already coming down with something, all precautions won't keep you from passing something to them. Praying for you to be well.

Laurie in Ca.

texasknights said...

Feel better soon so you can get back to being with your two sweet girls!

Anonymous said...

We WON'T offer any "remedies", because we're QUITE sure you'll get plenty from your wife, mother, and all those bloggers who can't help themselves. LOL! :)

We WILL be praying for your health and for Tricia's peace while you are away. We loved Gwyneth's valentine!! And the photo of her in the little cap was precious! Thanks for continuing to share with us (and for being such a good sport! :)

Love and prayers,
The Edwards family

Unknown said...

Hope you feel better soon, Nathan!

*hugs* to the girls!

Anonymous said...

Pump fluids and SLEEP! Whatever it is, your body needs rest to fight it.
Also, my mom takes ZUCOL ( it's REALLY good and helps kick infection before it sets in.

Feel better....praying for ya!

Anonymous said...

Sending some healing prayer your way!

Marsmile said...

Ack, hope your not getting sick... a cold or something of that sort, Nate. Def don't want the girls to catch anything and hope they don't.

I find that Zicam, in the nasal gel form, works really well at reducing the duration and severity of the common cold, especially if taken at the very first earliest sign (like a sore throat/swollen tonsils). Then, continue using it long after symptoms disappear (at least 48 hours). By the way, Zicam has zinc in it.

Get some rest, sleep well, and recover fast so you can see your girls again soon!

Marissa :-)

Lorri said...

We're all getting over Influenza A and I hear it's going around pretty badly...that and B, so I hope this is just a your body needing some extra rest.

Sending healing prayers your way!!!

Coach Prentice said...

Hey Nate....glad Meg is there to take up some of the slack in staying w the girls. We'll be praying it's a fast one.

Anonymous said...

I've never posted on your blog before but have found myself checking on you, Tricia, and Gwyneth. I just watched each of your Valentine videos and agree that Tricia is beautiful and Gwyneth is absolutely precious. I will continue to pray for you and check on you and your sweet girls.

Anonymous said...

WOW.....i don't know how i stumbled across your blog, but i am glad i did. what an amazing man, husband and father you are. i have been reading your blog for the last 2 1/2 hours and can't stop (and can't stop the tears). my heart goes out to you. take care, shannon, from iowa! i wish i could find your email on your blog, i would love to send you a gift card to your favorite restaurant! YOU DESERVE IT!

email me at

Corinne said...

Praying for you and your girls!

Anonymous said...

will be praying for you tonight'll be better tomorrow you'll see blessings Claudia (jacksonville florida)

Beebe said...

Praying, hope you feel much better tomorrow :)

Anonymous said...

Praying for you....

Jen said...

Hoping you feel better soon :)

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I'll be praying... sleep...

CJolly said...

Hate to hear you're not feeling well. Take care of yourself. I'm not at The Call because I have a beast of a cold. Tis the season...

Anonymous said...

Praying that you are feeling better by morning and able to get back with your girls. I pray for continued health for all of you. God bless.

Shan said...

We'll be praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Nate - Praying you wake up tomorrow well rested and feeling GREAT!

Anonymous said...

Nate! Oh no!! I hope you feel better in the morning and this is just a 24 hr thing. I am praying for your whole family tonight!! Sleep well!

Kim said...

So sorry! Take care and hope you get well soon!

Anonymous said...

May the Lord give you rest and take any sickness from you! Continuing to pray for you and your sweet girls!

Blessings from Arizona

Anonymous said...

Hi Nate,
I wanted to tell you that I live in Portland, Oregon. Today I went out to lunch with a friend, and while we were eating, I heard someone at the table behind me telling her lunch companion your story. People are praying for you everywhere!!!

I hope sleep is the cure for your fever and sore throat. I'll be praying for you.

Little Miss Sunshine State said...

I just discovered your blog tonight. Tomorrow 2/16 my daughter is participating in a Great Strides walk at the Univ of Central Florida. We'll keep your family in our prayers.

Scott Lawrenson said...

Sorry you are not feeling well, it's going around.I'll add your health to my prayers...
As you are well aware, I work in the allied health arena, and am therefore qualified to speak on this matter...I strongly recommend long hot baths filled with sliced worked for Mrs. Brady to get her voice back in time for her Christmas show...research shows that if you add crisco and vinegar to the water while holding garlic cloves under your tongue, followed by brushing your teeth with moldy licorice with celery sticks in each nostril, and candied figs in the ears. Before you or snyone try this contact me, I have done it several times with success , but you must have the exact recipe.

mary40 said...

I will pray that you will be back tommorrow

Aspiemom said...

I hope you are feeling 100 percent by the morning, Nate. I'm sure the drs. will tell you if you shouldn't be around your girls. I think you wear a mask & gloves around them both anyway, don't you?

Love the pictures!

I'm sure Meka is thrilled to have you home with her for a while! And I'm glad you have her to keep you company.

Anonymous said...

Prayers for you, hoping you're feeling better really soon!

I wanted to let you know that our family has been praying for you daily. The minute my girls come in from school we have to check to see how you are all doing and say a prayer as soon as we find out. You, Trish, and the beautiful Gwyneth have been such an inspiration to our entire family. You have all taught us to pray more, and more importantly to pray together daily. If you would like astory of a family you've brought closer to Jesus e-mail me sometime.

I'm glad you're gettingrest now and that you all have such a fantastic support system to help you out. You're family is truley blessed.

Lots of prayers,
The Felber Family
Mike, Jeni, Hannah 9, Megan 6, and Jack 3

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention I linked you also!


Anonymous said...

hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

feel better Nathan!

Unknown said...

feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

I don't know how I came across your blog but I'm glad I did and I will come again. Your story is very interesting. I'll certainly be prying for your wife and you. My first son, after 5 girls was born with CF. But the Lord blessed us in a special way, by healing him. I feel sorry about your wife, but I'm sure the Lord has big plans for both of you. Thinking of you...gramma_s

Jane said...

praying for all three of you!

Deb said...

Oh man! Praying sooo hard for you!

Lisa_in_AR said...

Ditto what Scott said, but I think to be most effective it should be done whilst skipping through the snow during a full moon...

Prayers for healing for all of you.

Jenn said...

Praying for restored health for you right now!!

Andy Lawrenson said...

Praying you get better. Get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids.

Andy Lawrenson said...


I just read Scott's recipe for health and I'm sure it's a winner. If you get the exact recipe call me so I can video tape the celery in your nose.

I wonder if it has to be organic?

Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

Violet said...

good thoughts that your not getting sick, I'm sure it would be heartbreaking to have to be away from your girls.

-gwyn said...

I have been reading since before your white rose made her appearance. I think the hair was great and I have to admit your attitude about all that life has dealt you is amazing. I wish I lived close enough to come say "hi"!!

Anonymous said...

Nate, I am sorry you are feeling a bit "under the weather." Praying that you feel better soon and that you don't have to miss out on any time with Tricia and Gwyneth. There has definitely been alot of icky stuff going around. Talk to you soon. Love and prayers to you all.
God's love and peace,
Cousin Amy

PS - Glad Tricia is doing well after yesterday. Loved the Valentine's card you two gave Gwyneth. It most certainly is "perfect."

Florida_Mom said...

Praying that your are soon feeling 100% better.


Mamma_of _five said...

Praying for you Nate! All the way from British Columbia , Canada eh:)))))))

Anonymous said...

I am praying that you are feeling better so that you can be with your girls. All your wonderful videos you made for Valentine's day were absolutely wonderful. You have got to be the sweetest man ever!!! You must be the most popular man on earth right now, look at all the women swooning over your sweetness. I hope Tricia isn't getting jealous, she is a very lucky lady!! And, okay I know that a lot of people have given you advice on what to take to help you get better but have you ever taken AirBorne? My mom is a teacher so she is around germ monsters all the time and she drinks that stuff all the time to help ward off bugs and boost her immune system. That will be my one and only advice since you are an adult and can make your own decisions ;). Take care and thank you so much for sharing this journey.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and your girls!

Anonymous said...

i hope and pray that you'll feel better very soon! much love to you and your girls.

twin power mommy ♥ said...

i just checked out tricia's site and i think it's wonderful. it was neat to read her story of how she came to The Lord and her amazing faith she holds. I loved looking at the pictures of you guys that she has posted. what an amazing woman you have!
many prayers for you and your girls! be brave and stay strong!

Angie said...

I left a comment on a post, but then realized it was an older post and you may not see it. A friend of mine from college had quads at 26 weeks and 3 days. Three survived and continue to amaze doctors. They have started a program for families with preemies. you can find out more at
you can also read their story at
God is using your family's situation, Nate! Praying for your health and strength as well as Tricia's and Gwyneth's!

Lifting you up - Angie

Staci said...

Get lots of rest. That can do wonders. Hope you are back to your happy, peppy self by morning. I'm sure your girls miss you.


Caroline Cordle said...

I was going to give you a suggestion, but am sitting here resisting the urge, coz you get bombarded with it

Instead, I will pray - and that's the best thing to do, of course!!!

However, if you Do carry out Scott Lawrenson's suggestion (presumably a relative!?!) PLEASE tape it for us - it would be worth it for the laugh!

Hugs and prayers from here in the UK

Anonymous said...

Hi Nate, we are praying for you! Hope the fever is short lived & that you are back to yourself in no time! Praying for Tricia & Gwyneth as well. LOVED the Valentine posts! My girls send their love to Gwyneth.

~Sara in MD

Anonymous said...

Have fun going to the grocery store and finding all the items Scott wants you to get to feel better.

Anonymous said...

Nathan, hope you're feeling better. Strep is going around. Get checked out. The dragon is cute. Be sure someone videos you trying Scott's remedies. We'd all have a great laugh!! Love you.

Anonymous said...

Praying that you will feel better and that you are not coming down with something! Take good care of yourself!!!

Scott said...

Nate, take care of yourself man, even if you have to take a "sabbath" and rest a day! You are all in our prayers daily.

Thia said...


Anonymous said...

Nate, take extra special care of yourself. . .not sure about your area, but in our area there is a TON of Respiratory infections going around and you definitely don't want to give that to your girls! My neice had RSV and now her brother has pneumonia. . . .LOTS of rest and baby yourself the next few days to get yourself through this.

Praying for you and your family!

God Bless!

Anonymous said...

pray you're feeling better this morning!

John & Michelle said...

Good Morning! I hope that this is a great day for the 3 of you! I wanted to update you on the prayer chain across the is going even better than I expected! We are missing only 15 of these United States and have several other countries praying for you all(France, Sweden, Canada, Belgium, Australia, Finland and Ireland)!!! I am so honored to be a part of something that means so much! I have felt the power of prayer in my own life and will continue to spread the word and round up prayer warriors on your behalf!
ps. no I am not a SPY...I am a waiting mom. Our unborn daughter, Raegan, is coming home from China. I have a large support group!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nate!
Take care of yourself! Hope you're feeling better soon... and if God can make blind people see, cripple people walk etc., He'll definetly be able to fix your swollen tonsils!
Love from Holland (Europe),

Kristy said...

Nate I really hope you start feeling better!!!!!


Anonymous said...

We are praying that you are not sick. There is so much flu and sickness going around you have to be very careful. I am sister-in-law to "Nick's mom", Robin. I read your blog every day. I know that we are praying for you but you give me so much encouragement every day! I know your faith will pull you through!

Also a fellow pugger.... her name is Jasmine!

In Christ,
Susan Sturgill

Brooks Family said...


Anonymous said...

Definitely follow that poster Scott Lawrenson's advice. I think he's onto something big. ha.

Mary said...

Oh Nate, I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I will definitely ask God to heal you right away so that you can return to your girls.

God Bless...

Mr.+ Mrs. C said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Unknown said...

Nate, I think you should allow Great Uncle (Andy) to try Scott's remedy first. It should keep him young for his youth activities. The Valentine toy you gave Tricia could double for the Phillies Phanatic if dressed in green. Take care and prayers for all three.
Proud DAD/ Grandpop

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for you! Get well soon!

Unknown said...

Nate, please excuse me for this response. You may delete it as you wish.
Gloria, I have never been so appalled at an attack of one's Christian character after a few moments of reading a blog. I did attempt to contact you but surprisingly you do not allow responses when going to your blog. Nate and Tricia have continued to give God the Glory for all He has done in their life. Nate's prayer life can hardly been judged properly because he blogs. Both entire families have prayed together on numerous occasions which will not be found in a few moments on the blog. As Tricia's dad, I found your comments most inaccurate and would expect an apology to be given to Natan. As I recall from scriptures, "Judge not lest ye be judged." I am judging inaccurate statements not character.

Jenn & Ed said...

To Gloria --- while all of those things are absolutely important...I think God has this family right where he wants them. There are countless people whose personal relationship with Christ has deepened substantially as a direct result of the Holy Spirit touching their heart through this story. Without Nate documenting it, that would not have happened.

Nevermind the joy that some of his messages bring to Trica...which is one of the kindest and simplest things a Christian husband can do: bring joy. Same goes for Gwyneth when she looks back on this someday and can see right in front of her the meaning of true, unconditional love...and her parent's deep love and respect for the Lord. That is one of the single most important gift a parent can give.

Lastly, since we can't begin to fathom what their life is like right now, maybe we should refrain from telling them how they should and should not be spending their time. Though the things you reference are components of a strong relationship with Christ, they are not the only components and I really don't think you are in the position to decide what should take precedence for them right now. Let's leave that to God.

PS --- Nate, I know "this is not a place for debate, etc." but I could not let this pass uncommented. Notice that I refrained from telling you to sleep more, take Zicam, etc...but I do hope you feel better soon!!

JULIAN & Co. said...

Hi Nate, I've been reading for a couple of weeks. I pray for you daily. I read a past post about jewelry you wanted for your girls. I'd love to donate pieces to you, and your "girls". Let me know....

Laura and the family said...

Drink lots of water! You will be back with your girls who need you and your support. You have my prayer.

Get a speedy recovery!

Anonymous said...

I once had a situation in which I felt my kids were in danger in my home, especially at night. I would stay up most of the night, prowling the house, checking on the kids, pleading with God for their safety. Finally He reminded me that He loved them way more than I did. It can be very hard to let go when you feel your role is essential.
I know, I am confident, that you know this, but don't forget, they're His girls too. If you need some recoup time, He'll make up for your absence with His own Self.
Blessings, respect, prayers,
Kathy H.

Cheri said...

Nate...I LOVED your Valentine to Tricia (so did my husband.) I am wanting to make a movie for Malaena and wanted to know what program you recommend. We continue praying for you and your girls! Cheri

Anonymous said...

Praying that you feel better real soon! Praying that your girls don't miss you too much!

Take care of yourself! I bet your pug will be glad to have you around! I'm also glad that you have some company!

God Bless You!

Anonymous said...

of course i am praying the fever does not lead to anything and leaves as fast as it came on & takes the swollen tonsils with em'
i hope tricia and gwyneth rose are doing well....i pray also for your families....strength and good health for all
showering you all lovingly with prayers

Melody said...

Hi, I was directed to your blog by a friend of mine. We have a 6 year old son with CF. I often do not like to read other people's "CF stories" because they are not always very encouraging due to their absence of focus on Christ. But, Tricia's witness is especially uplifting as she focuses on Christ and what He has done in her life. You are in my prayers. Your blog has also been very helpful in helping our friends and church family understand more about CF--thank you for opening up your lives to us.

Anonymous said...

After five weeks, I finally have the nerve to send a small message. You don't know me; I only know you through a friend's request for prayer. I have followed your story with tears of both joy and antipation. I have learned so much about CF, and am greatful for all of the information you share. My heart just sings for your family; and Tricia's strength is just simply admirable. I pray for rest and good health for your beautiful family.
A Teacher in western NC

Kristi said...

Dear Nate Tricia and Gwyneth -

Your blog has been an inspiration to me!! It is obvious that God has big plans for your "White Rose" and her parents. May God continue to bless you and keep you!! Bamagirl and family!

Anonymous said...

Nate & family,

We know this is real life for you. We love you all so much and we pray for you. Thank you for sharing what you share and keeping to yourselves what you don't share. You're wonderful people and you have blessed our lives with your faith and love for one another.

Heidi Reed & Family

suzie said...

Evening Nate & Tricia,

Just a quick one to say I hope the fever hasn't come to anything and you'll soon be back beside your girls. I'm continuing to pray for all three of you.

My faith was shaken recently and this blog is one of the things that helped me, I beleive that God sent me here for a reason.

Much love.

Unknown said...

Praying, praying, praying!

Leslie said...

I can not imagine what you are going through. I have become addicted to reading your blog daily. I just want you to know that I am praying for you and your family.

Cherlyn said...

I am praying for you constantly. Take care of yourself, Nate - you are an amazing husband and father and an inspiration to me! :) God bless you, Tricia, Gwyneth, and Meka. :D

And I feel compelled to apologize on behalf of those bloggers who seem to not have their heart in the right place. I do not want to judge, but I am heartsick at the idea that they would be so cruel in their comments. Please remember that we all love and are praying for you and your family!

Adayinthelifeofcandice said...

I just want to say, I have a great amount of respect for you and some other good word having a brain fart lol,oh I look up to you, you look very well for a man with so much on his plate and your holding yourself together very well, kudos to you. I grew up in a church until I went to high school then it all changed, I still believe in god I just dont attend church as often as I should, however, you are gods miracle, and though I dont attend church regularly I do believe god has your life plannned out for you, you are just along for the ride, he throws you choices though he knows which one you will choose. In your case he gave tricia the option to live saftly and do as she is told or achieve a dream of hers and not play it safe or by the rule or the book, now you have LIVING proof of the miracle of god, tricia and gwenyth. You cant change something thats already mapped out for you, you can only go with the flow, and love every minuet! I support your choice 1000%.

Andy Lawrenson said...


I'm surprised that Don would want me to be the guinea pig. I vote we let Don try Scott Lawrenson's miracle cure first, video it, youtube it, and see if it helps Don. But strangely enough the thought of Don with celery in his nose doesn't surprise me.

Go Don!

Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

Anonymous said...

Did you ever think you would get so much sympathy for a low grade temp?!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that you have to listen to other people try to run your life. It's an honor that you share what you do and we can pray for you and your family going through an unimaginable experience. 99 people (well I think I'm 98) may be encouraging, supportive and that 1 person who thinks they have it all together just ruins it.