Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Meka The Pug

She's been feeling very neglected as of late, and because I love her, and because she's not as scared of my camera as she was last month, and because Old Navy sells cool dog clothes, and because several people have asked for more pictures of my curly-tailed pup...

Tomorrow is going to be Gwyneth's first Valentines Day. I got her a card that's perfect...I'll show you tomorrow...speaking of which, I have a three-part, surprise Valentime's (that's how Tricia says it, and it's cute) gift for Tricia involving the blog, which I promise will make you laugh and cry and wish you were me (excepting those of you with hearts of stone...).




Unknown said...

Awwww Meka is so darn cute! DJ just told me that he wants a puppy like that. ;) Can't wait to see the superdeeduper valentines!

Gail said...

Meka looks so ready to have Tricia and Gwyneth home. Lots of prayers for both of them from me.

Megan and Company said...

Al wants to know if he should ship down a GIANTS t-shirt for Meka as opposed to the dopey Old Navy Girl clothes she's currently wearing?

BelleLaDonna said...

She is soo cute! I like how you dress her! I dress my dog and my hubby makes fun of me...ha!
I am looking forward to tomorrows surprises!
I haven't commented in a while, but I am still checing your blog a million times a day and praying for y'all just as much!

Amy said...

Cute pup!

Can't wait for tomorrow's Valentime's update!

Anonymous said...

She is so dang cute.

careysue said...

Wow you sure have set the standard for all the men out there! We look forward everyday to your blog. I hope the three of you have a wonderful Valentine's Day. Wonderful things to come for your fabulous family. (I sound like Dr. Seuss!) Love from Michigan.

Anonymous said...

Ok, now that is a cute dog!! Nice depth of field in the second shot, but the 4th one should be framed. Too cute!

Gwyneth is going to love playing with Meka!

Praying for a good night tonight and improved health tomorrow.

Just curious, and this may be a silly question, but what does Tricia do all day? Does she mostly sleep or does she even feel like doing anything? I think I would go stir crazy. She is a tough girl!

Anonymous said...

Meka looks so dang cute!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are one lucky dude...a beautiful wife and daughter and one of the world's cutest dogs! Who could resist those sad little eyes?!?!

Anonymous said...


Hey.. I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for baby Gwyneth, and all of these little twists and turns will work their way out to where she's doing wonderfully again. As I am also doing for Tricia. I also wanted to share a Bible verse with you that is very comforting to me.

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future

Just keep remembering that our Great God is in complete control over everything. He's got your girls in His grip, and won't let them go. He knows their needs, and is watching over all of the doctors and nurses taking care of them. We serve an awesome God! I can't imagine what you are going through, but I know that when things get rough for me, I always go back to that verse, and remember that God is in control, He has my life planned out, and it's going to work out the way He wants it to; even if it's not what I want. You've got the best there is taking care of your two girls!! I hope this gave you some encouragment.... even just a teeny weeny little bit!!

P.S. Meka is adorable, and I can't wait to see the Valentimes stuff :)


Martha said...

Ooooo, you really know how to keep us hanging! Can't wait for the update tomorrow!

JnR said...

I love Meka!!!!!! She is so adorable, reminds me of my dogs (because they are half pug) does she like to wear clothes? Our Chug (chihuahua/pug) hates wearing her sweater, when we put it on (if we can catch her, she hides when she sees it) she just stands there like a statue and looks at you with the saddest eyes. Our Puggle (pug/beagle) doesn't seem to mind wearing a sweater but we've only put it on her once, she doesn't need to wear anything she's bigger than the Chug and doesn't get cold as fast.

Can't wait for the Valentine's posts!!!!!! Happy Valentines!

North Carolina Mom said...

Ah, a cliffhanger, cool!

Cuuute puppy, ya know what makes doggies happiest, besides being with their people? Having a doggie friend to hang out with! :D I won't bug you about it, I'm sure as soon as your daugher starts talking she will advocate for Meka!

Anonymous said...

My first time to comment...and all I have to say is: You bought Meka an outfit to match the sofa???

PS to any of you who click on my link - I realize my blog is hopelessly out of date. But hey - I'm working for Jesus and He hasn't given me much time off lately. :)

The Adoption Of William said...

Awww she looks sad, but don't all pugs look sad? I think Meka misses her people and cannot wait for them to come home! Love the one with the hood over the head. Dog clothes rock! My dogs hates them, but I love them on her :)


William's Mom

Katie said...

That is quite possibly the cutest dog I've ever seen! I love the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Meka is adorable. I cannot wait until your Valentine's Day surprise!!

Aspiemom said...

Nate, you're just plain crazy! (in a good way!) Looking forward to another surprise...

I love Meka! She looks so adorable! I'm not familiar with Pugs at all - we have a golden and a lab - but do they all have such a sad look to them? She looks so sad and sweet! I bet Tricia enjoys seeing the pics of her and misses her like mad. You take excellent pics, BTW.

Donna said...

Won't it be fun when Meka and Gwyneth get to meet each other? Then maybe Meka won't look so sad. Great photos!

Leslie said...

Meka is soooo adorable!!! Thanks for the pics. Can't wait to see Tricia's "Valentime's" surprise!
Happy Valentime's Day to the both of you and sweet Gwyneth too!

Love, Leslie

Donna said...

I can send Meka some holistic dog food if you don't object. Let me know if you'd prefer I not:)

Staci said...

Glad the pup is getting some attention. It's amazing how much our pets love us.
Hope you and your lovely girls have the best possible Valentine's Day. I know you'd rather it be somewhere else, but you are together and that's what matters. The rest is gravy.

Continued prayers.

Candi and Skeet said...

What a cute dog and great pictures! You are very talented!
I hope that you, Tricia and Gwenyth have a great Valentines Day. More than anything I pray that especially on this day, you all will feel the love of all of us, across the world, praying for you.
Much Love!

Aspiemom said...

Was just wondering...what happens to your counter when you hit one million? Do you get more spaces for numbers?

Anonymous said...

OOOh so cute! I can't wait to see the "valentimes" card!

Anonymous said...

awwwww! Meka is a doll. She and Gwyneth are going to love each other. I hope you three have a wonderful Valentine's Day. Can't wait to see your surprises!!

Jennifer said...

How cute is that pup????

I am praying for you, and both of your girls...

Thank you for opening your heart and your family - and for sharing this incredible journey.

I am so excited each day as we see how God's hand has been at work.

Nothing is impossible for God!

FourBlackSheep said...

You are surrounded by cute girls!

Our oldest little girl, who is 3 1/2, calls it Balentime. So darn cute!

Have a wonderful day of 'love' with your girls :-)

terri c said...


Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Cute, cute, cute. :)

Scott said...

Thanks for all the updates on Meka, Gwyneth and Tricia along with the edition 7 of your story. You guys are in our prayers all the time and we are trusting you guys will get to go home together someday soon.

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day! btw, that is one cute pug!

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

I wish I lived Closer....Meka could hang out with me andmy 3 Pugs during your time away from Sweet Meka. I bet Meka is waiting for the day to lick Gwyneth's sticky fingers!

pam said...

It's like pugs are the new in dog. They are so darn cute. I'm seeing them everywhere on blogs. Great pictures, but her eyes look so sad---Wish our Shih-Tzu would let us put clothes on her---she would be warmer but also CUTER!

careysue said...

7:24 it turned to One Million...congratulations!!!!!

Andy Lawrenson said...

Meka is welcome to come stay with Sasha and play with her. Sasha would enjoy a small snack, I mean a small friend . . . er. . . uh

Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

Anonymous said...

Can't wait! Happy "Valentime's" Day to all three of you (oh, and Meka, too)! Something tells me, though, that EVERYDAY is "Valentime's" Day with you guys!!! As always, I look forward to reading on...

Still praying in N.Canton, Ohio

Anonymous said...

Is Meka allowed to go in and visit Tricia?

Still praying for you guys!

Apple said...

Looks like you reached your 1 million mark on Valentine's Day...what a fun thing to write in Gwyneth's baby book!

Unknown said...

Meka is too cute (and I'm a cat person)!!! She's feeling what you are going through, they are tremendous friends...with you through thick and thin... there to listen when you need to talk to "someone" who won't talk back! I'm sure she misses Tricia a ton... and treasures the time you spend in the hotel sleeping. Hopefully she snuggles up with you!

begins with v said...

What a sweet baby!

Anonymous said...

The one with the pink hate covering her face is SO CUTE!

Christy said...

Totally in love with Meka!

Coffespaz said...

Aww...poor punkin. I am sure she misses Mommy and wants them both to come home soon.

Happy Valentine's to an obviously wonderful man and his terrific family! I wish that all women were as lucky as Trish to have such a loving and caring support system!

Hugs and prayers!

Marsmile said...

Aww, Meka is just so adorable! Her big round brown eyes! Just like our 16-year old Shih-tzu's eyes! I just love dogs with such expressive faces!

Hugs and kisses to Meka, so she doesn't feel so lonely! I'm sure she would love a nice body rub! :-)

Marissa :-)

P.S. We put booties and a sweater on our Shih-tzu so she stays warm when it's freezing outside, with or without snow! :-)

Anonymous said...

My 2-year-old daughter summed up my thoughts about these pics - " So cute! can I see the puppy dog?" *said in a squeaky high voice*

Seriously - that dog is awesome!

00 said...

Oh my lanta!! Those pictures of Meka are SO ADORABLE!! Especially the first one :-)

Anonymous said...

That dog is so stinking cute!!!! I have a dachshund that rules the roost and she is our little queen so I know just how much these dogs mean!!! I'm glad you took a little time to pamper her! Thanks for the great pics!

Annie- Nashville

Jenny said...

Ok you have officially made me a pug lover. Seriously she is just precious and I want one so bad now. :) Poor baby..I'm sure she loved being spoiled by you.

Anonymous said...

I really hope that the faces of my dogs are just as cute as they are missing me. Thank you so much for those wrinkles, they made me smile after a rough night. You guys hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Meka is so adorable!!


lizcannon said...

If y'all lived in denver, we would adopt Meka until you could have her back (you would get visitation rights of course:)). she would play with schnoozeberry all day long!

lizcannon said...

one more thing. THIS WILL MAKE YOUR DAY. it made mine when it happened. We bought our dog an outfit that came with shoes, and strapped them on her. (there's a video on one of my posts from dec) anyway, she walked like she was walking on hot coals, but would shake her feet (the old shoes had bells on them). anyway, it would make yall laugh and laugh!