Friday, February 22, 2008




(I'll write more later)


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Coach Prentice said...


Anonymous said...

WoooooooHooooooo! ! ! !

Thodgson said...

AWESOME!!! Thank you Lord!!!

Shari said...

Praise the Lord! I have tears of joy and hope!



turtlemama said...


mrsrubly said...

nate i've decided to start fasting and one of my prayers is ya'll! tricia, honey i am so happy i am crying!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Praising God with you!
--Annmarie (Kernersville, NC)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, thank you JESUS! Wonderful news, Nate! That is awesome; what a huge step! I know it must be a relief for you to finally have her listed. Continuing to pray for you all!!!

Lee in MO

Pete, Ali, Charlie and Rosie said...

What wonderful news Nate! I haven't posted for a bit, but we've been checking in several times a day, and thinking of you and praying for you all the time. We're so delighted that Tricia has been listed... here's hoping she gets those new lungs soon, and can finally have a cuddle with her beautiful little girl!
Take care xx

Anonymous said...


in Va Beach

Debbie said...

That's great! I will pray for healthy lungs to come your way!

Anonymous said...

Praise God. I have not commented before but I have been following you closely. Praying for all!

Anonymous said...


Christina said...


marys3munchkins said...

Congratulations! I have been a daily blog stalker ever since the delivery (saw a link originally on
Prayer for Tricia as well as for the donor family whoever they may be. May God grant them peace when the time comes to make that decision.

Anonymous said...

That is SOOOOOOOO awesome!! Congratulations! Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!!!!

Rebekah said...

Praise the Lord! I'll be praying that they find a match soon! :)

TheRagan3 said...

Thank you Father! Praying for lungs ASAP - praying for the donor family.

Anonymous said...

WWWWAAAAHHHOOOOOO! That's so great!!!!!! Praise God!!!!!

Corinne said...

YAY! Praise the Lord!! Praying for you all and the donor's family.

Melissa said...

Wonderful! Praise God!

Amy said...

Congrats! I'm so happy for all of you.

Melody said...


Praise God!

Candi and Skeet said...

That is so great! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Will continue to pray!

Melissa P. said...

praise god! continuing to pray....

Anonymous said...

Yay!! Priase God!

Carla said...

Thank God. I'm so excited for this day!!!

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord !! WOOOOHOOO !!! Happy dance for all three of you. Something tells me the girls will be released from the hospital at the same time.

Andy Lawrenson said...


Anonymous said...

I've been checking all day for this update!! WOOHOO!!! I haven't posted before, but have been following here for almost 2 months, praying for you all!! (((HUGS))) to all!

Becky said...

Amazing! Will be praying!

Anonymous said...

nothing more beautiful or more totally cool than Prayers being answered !!!!
I honestly feel Our Lord is walking hand & hand with you "The Mighty Three"
God Bless
Showering you all lovingly
with Prayers,
P.Nelson & family

Anonymous said...

YES! Wonderful news! thank you so much for sharing!

Anonymous said...

We serve an AWESOME God!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the listing and activation. That is truly great news. Also, thank you for sharing your story. It is inspirational to so many people that you will never know.

I cared for a family member with ESRD , and I can relate to being in the hospital for days, weeks....and months. It is a tough and trying time. Hang in there.

Best wishes and I look forward to the day that Tricia gets a new set of lungs and Gweneth goes home!!

Cathi said...

Yay! Thanks for keeping us posted...

suzie said...


Praise God.


Knick Knack Paddy Whack, Throw This Mom a Bone said...


Lesa said...

That is wonderful news. We are all praying for getting those lungs quick! Your girls are incredibly special and you all deserve to have your dreams become a reality!

Aggiema (Michelle) said...

Wonderful, Another prayer answered!

Anonymous said...

Praise God! Praise God! Praise God!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!!!!! That thrills my soul!!! Another miracle!!!!!! :) Praise God!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for all of you!!!

I'll keep praying for a successful timely transplant!

Lesley said...

Praise God!! He is so faithful! I continue to keep all of you in my prayers, and also praying for the donor and his/her family.

in Louisiana

JuJu - said...


doin the happy dance while I put my laundry away and hold babies:)

To our God be the Glory!!!!!!!!

terri c said...


Prayers continuing. Hope you two can have a little celebration of making this milestone. You both worked hard to get here!

Vicki said...

Praise the Lord. Continuing to lift all of you up in prayer.

Brad, Carmen, Braylen and Alea Fleck said...

woo-hoo, yippie-yeah!!!

Kate said...

PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW! Congratulations! Enjoy your blogging break and CELEBRATE!!!!

Jayne said...

Still reading, still thinling of you all.


Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!! Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

Swweeettt!! That's awesome news for this Friday!!

Jane said...


Anonymous said...

I'm in tears AGAIN! How exciting! Jump up and down with Tricia (okay, maybe just you...) for us all!

Praying for you, the donor, and their family...

Anonymous said...


Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

A prayer that has been answered! AMEN! If I could ask for prayers for the Lozado family...he is the officer killed today while on motorcade with Sen. H. Clinton in Dallas. He was a fellow officer with my husband.

Lara said...

Thank you Lord for providing! What a sweet blessing! Praying for you guys!

Blessings from Arizona

Anonymous said...

GREAT NEWS! Here's to a nice heathly pair of lungs SOON.


Anonymous said...

YAY!!! Praying steadily...
~Sheryl, NJ

Lil Mama said...

Praise be to God!!!!!! You will be in my prayers as you prepare for this next journey together.

Renee' said...

Thank you Jesus!

Anonymous said...

Jenn and Matt

ttulizzy said...


Anonymous said...

I am so happy!! Praying for the future donor's family as well

The Adoption Of William said...

YEAH............HOW WONDERFUL!!!

Praise the Lord.

Praying for You and Tricia and Gwenyth. Also praying for Tricia's donor and their family!

With love and hope,

Jen-William's Mom

Bird's Words said...

I am praying for continued strength while waiting, and praying grace over the family of your donor. You are prayed for in KY!

shoutingforha said...

So happy to hear the wonderful news! God is indeed faithful.

Ben said...

I'm so happy for you guys - every time I clicked on the link to your blog for the past week, I hoped to see that message and it's finally there! Praise God!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Susan said...


Erin said...

I can't remain silent any longer! WE SERVE A MIGHTY GOD!!!! THANK YOU for allowing, us ~ the whole world ~ it seems ~ to share in your wonderful story of of the TRUE MIRACLES our Lord is working TODAY! Much love to Tricia, Nate and BEAUTIFUL Gwenyth! You have 2 of the most BEAUTIFUL women I've ever seen in your care, Nate ~ and what a great job you are doing, by letting them know how much you love and care for them! Thanks again for sharing your amazing story with us!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Prayers go out to the possible donor family at this time. It must be an extremely heartwrenching time for all of you,knowing that for Tricia to benefit, someone else must die. My heart goes out to all involved.
~Carrie Ann

NuttyGal said...


Shannon said...

Wooooooo hooooooooooooo! AMEN!

Laura said...

That is so wonderful!! I am so happy for you! :)

Anonymous said...

Praise God!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Keeping you in my prayers!

Anonymous said...

I am praying!!! That is wonderful news!
Thank you for sharing your journey with us!!

Kim said...

That is awesome! God is faithful. Now praying for a quick successful transplant!

Kim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

What wonderful news!! Yeah!

Anonymous said...

Coming out of weeks of lurkdom to say.....Thank-you Lord!!!! Way to go Trisha! All your strength and hard work has paid off. God is faithful.

Megan said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Prayer Answered- I love it! God is so faithful! Whew! When this is all over with- I think we should just rent out a huge stadium, heck maybe a city, and have a "Celebrate Jesus" party featuring his 3 miracles- Nate, Tricia & lil' Rose. Now that would be fun! :o)

Anonymous said...

Take good care of your lungs this time around, Tricia! Blessings to all!

Vicki said...

I was so happy to log in today and see your good news. I pray that Tricia has her new lungs soon!

Unknown said...

Awesome, awesome news! So happy to share in your joy!

Unknown said...

I am sure this has lifted your gaze upward to your Savior and King! Praise God! He is faithful. We rejoice with you!

Anonymous said...

Hip, Hip, Hooray!!!!


Cara said...


Anonymous said...

Praise God!

Florida_Mom said...

I am continue to be amazed at how a family that I have never met can reduce me to tears in an instant.

Praising the Lord for this wonderful news. Praying that the Lord will provide the pefect donor in his perfect timing.


Luke 1:37 (NKJV)

For with God nothing will be impossible.”

Philippians 4:19 (KJV)

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Your Sister in Christ


Anonymous said...


Tanya said...

Wonderful News!

Anonymous said...

Yahooooo!!!!!! Congrats!

Anna Marie
Wilmington, NC

Anonymous said...




GOD ANSWERS PRAYER!!!!!(Not that I didn't believe that before now)

What a happy day, thank you Jesus.

We love you all!!! (and are still praying)

Aimee said...

Praise God!

debangel said...

Oh thank you GOD!

Please, let's pray just as hard for that donor and their family as we do for Tricia and Nate and Gwen.

Praise the Lord, and pass the Kleenex..

(p.s. This is a little strange, but I wasn't going to check the blog again this afternoon since Nate said he was taking a break, and I swear that while looking at my bookmarks I heard a voice say, "Check it. Tricia's been listed." I have goosebumps.)

Anonymous said...

One more to add to the rest: Yay, Woohoo, Praise God, and all the rest. Congratulations and blessings to you all.

marcia said...

I'll bet those Baptist preachers are dancing again! :):):):)

Anonymous said...

woohooo! whoooop! doing happy dance!!

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord.

N. Richland Hills, TX

Melissa said...

Thank you Lord! I am so happy for all three of you :) More prayers coming your way for another miracle. Please continue to have a wonderful weekend.

John & Michelle said...

WoooHooo! We could not be happier for the three of you! 2008 will be a good year for yall...I just know it!

Anonymous said...

Wahoo! Yippie! Praise Him!

weavermom said...


So glad for you that you are one step closer to a life at home with your BEAUTIFUL daughter as a part of it!!! :)

I'm sure there are many struggles yet to come, but so thankful that this step that the doctors said would likely not happen is here!!! Yay!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's a great day - Tricia listed on the one-month anniversary of Alice's wonderful new lungs!!! Congratulations and I'll be hoping for the next good news with every breath!

Anonymous said...

hope that baby gwenyth can get lung transplant too! blessings!

Anonymous said...

WOOHOO!!!! YIPPPEEE!! I hope your time waiting on the list is short. Keeping you, as well as the future donor family, in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

is the surgery tonight? if so, please keep us posted!!!

Cathy N said...

Praise God!!

Tamara M. said...

Wauw!! Very exciting!!


Anonymous said...


Jenny said...

Congratulations! I'm hoping and praying for a new set of lung for Tricia ASAP...


Kimberly Richardson said...


Jessica said...

Nate and Tricia,
Praying that God will once again blow your mind in the way and time he answers this request! And if it happens to be within hours all the better!
Love to all three of you! Stay are dearly loved!
Jessica in VB

00 said...

w00t!! God is so good!

Anonymous said...

hallelujah! god bless and i'll be praying.

Anonymous said...

Praise God !!
psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart.

Anonymous said...

Woooo! God is SO amazing, faithful and true!

Terri said...

Praise the Lord! This is wonderful news! Praying for you Tricia :)

Jennifer Burgett said...

Praise God.

Anonymous said...

good thoughts go out to tricia and to potential donor family. blessings all around!

Anonymous said...

Praise God!!
Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart.

Deb said...

Praise the Lord!
Praying for the call very soon!

Anonymous said...

praise God!

Anonymous said...

What time is the surgery tonight or tomorrow? Praying hard.

lisa said...

Yea!!!!!! That is awesome! We are praying for you guys!

Lisa and Mike (in NJ)

Anonymous said...

Praise God!! Praying in earnest for you guys and for the donor's family as well. God is good.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wow! awesome!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I second that emotion! Prayers also sent to the selfless donor family. I pray for your pain during this time and please know Tricia is in need of these lungs. Bless you for this precious gift of life. Hope surgery goes well today! Keep us posted! Yipppeeeeeeee!!!

David said...

Awesome! We will continue praying and praising our sweet Lord!!

The Campbell Family

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the surgery Tricia! Way to go!! you must be flying high with happiness now!

Beka said...

Praising our great God with you! This is wonderful news.

mary40 said...

Malette in ND

Anonymous said...

That is some awesome news! Praying for more blessings for your family!

Sarah Joy said...

Praise the Lord! What awesome news for your family. I will continue to pray for the lungs she is to receive.
To God be the glory great things he has done...
Sarah Smith - Stallings, NC

The Rosetto's said...


Anonymous said...

There is NO scheduled surgery, you guys. She is listed and activated which means she is on the list to recieve a new set of lungs when they come available.
I, for one, am in constant prayer now for the potential donor, their loved ones!
Praying, Nate and Tricia, for a "perfect" match to come along soon.
Keep on fighting!!!!

Anonymous said...


North Carolina Mom said...

I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes. I am so excited for your family! I know you would say you already have everything your heart desires, but I hope you have all that and more very soon! Tricia, wow, you are the picture of strength, endurance, and patience, Gwenyth is so lucky to have you for a mother, you're going to be great when you get to mother her on a daily basis!

Anonymous said...

Prayers for you all, and for all healthy people who might make the choice to change lives by becoming donors. Search your hearts and act now to be prepared for the unexpected.

Anonymous said...

I have tears of joy for your family right now! Your all in my prayers everyday.

Anonymous said...

Praise God! We are so happy for you all and will continue to pray for God's perfect timing and provision!
Bekah (Ravenna, OH)

Patience Leino said...


Darby said...

Prais the Lord!!

cheryl said...


Andria said...

That is absolutely wonderful news!

Candy said...


Amber said...

Praise God!!!! We continue our prayers for both your girls and you.

Anonymous said...

FANTASTIC NEWS!!!! xxxxxxxxxx

Carol said...

Oh, I have been hoping and praying so much for her to be listed--Glory Hallelujah! I was about to suggest that all of us come up there and form picket lines or something!

Jenn said...

Praising God with you!!!! Thankfully, it is possible to celebrate for Tricia, while at the same time, stay in prayer for the donor family. Will keep praying over the next days, update or not...

Tracie said...

Rejoicing and continuing to pray for a perfect match!

International House of Prayer
Kansas City, Missouri

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking ... how cool would it be if Tricia (with new lungs) and Gwyneth (graduated from NICU) were ready to go home on the same day?!?!

That would be some party!

Joyce in Oklahoma said...

I have never posted before now, this is the best news so far.
I can not stop thinking about your family, every morning, afternoon and night I pray for guys.I am hooked on your story and love to read what you write. Nate you are very special person, thank you for allowing us to follow you amazing story.

Amy said...

We are praying in Virginia! Thanks for keeping us updated.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful news!!! You got a big smile out of me when I read this entry! Celeste in SC

Anonymous said...

What wonderful news!!! You got a big smile out of me when I read this entry! Celeste in SC

Carolyn said...

We are so Happy! That's awesome, Praise God!

Marcie said...

Great news!

G Unit Momma said...

Praise God!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you all, and thanking God for His Goodness.

Desiree said...

Sweet Cookies!

leiGh said...

wow!!! He is amazing!!! This is awesome news...I am praying for you guys...and that sweet precious of yours :D

Anonymous said...

Amazing! Im praying for your family and for peace in the hearts of the donors family!

Anonymous said...

What great news. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Praise God for hearing our prayers on Tricia's behalf. I continue to keep her (and Gwyneth) in my thoughts and prayers. Also praying for the donor and their family.

daralala said...

praying for tricia and the future donor's family


Anonymous said...

HOW EXCITING!!!! Thanks for sharing the awesome news!
Praying in NY, Amy

Anonymous said...

YeeHaw!!!!!!!!!!!! We will pary for a quick match but also for the family who will be donating their loved ones lungs.

nicole said...

yay yay yay!

NCBeachMom said...

Continueing to pray for Gods perfect timing!!!

Raleigh, nc

Julie D. said...


Coffespaz said...

Nate, that is just fantastic!!

Hugs and Prayers

Anonymous said...

Is baby Gwyneth on the list to get new lungs too? Was just wondering if she was too little?

Anonymous said...

My husband travels a ton and has a bunch of hotel points (enough for a 2 month stay or so),that we would be willing to transfer to you if that would help you stay near Tricia for her surgery. Let us know if that is something you could use, if not we would like to donate some funds for your use! Praying for Tricia's surgery!

Matt Millard said...

That is wonderful news!

Many prayers being said for all involved!

Anonymous said...

PRAISE GOD!!! Praying hard for you & the fam!

Anonymous said...

Excellent!! Praying for you all!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I am so excited to finally read this!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sending prayers of Thanksgiving right now!

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!! God is good all the time, and we're praying for Tricia and for the person who will eventually give her their lungs. Yippee ciii yo!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love God's timing!!!!How perfect!!!! YEAH!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Praise God! Praying for a quick turnaround!

Beebe said...

yes LORD, yes LORD, yes yes LORD, yes LORD, yes LORD, yes yes LORD


Lord we all just THANK YOU right now for your many blessings and answered prayers :)

Thank you Nate for the update :)

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord! Now lets pray for Tricia and her donor. I hope it happens very very soon ( who knows tomorrow as you said :) ) Lu

Erin said...

I have been following your journey since Gwyneth was born but I have yet to comment. I have been praying for all three of you. I pray that God will provide a new healthy set of lungs for Tricia and that Gwyneth will continue to grow bigger and stronger. What wonderful news!
Erin in Pittsbrugh

Anonymous said...

I have this feeling it will happen this month! Praying for donor family. Feels strange praying for someone else to die, ugggh is that wrong? Anyway, hope Tricia is gaining weight and getting stronger to prepare herself for this surgery. How is little Gwyneth doing today? Are her lungs any better?

Kerry said...

Yay! Praise the Lord! I'm so excited for the three of you!

Tina said...

Praise the Lord!

AlaneM said...

That is awesome...praying lots for you guys...

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