Friday, February 8, 2008

White Rose Blooming (1 Month)

A month full of pictures...two of my favorites from every day.

("Proof" by Coldplay)



Patti said...

Beautiful!! I truly am speechless...

Brandi said...

absolutly beautiful, continuing to pray everyday for you and your family.

Anonymous said...


(Happy 1 month birthday, Gwyneth!)

Destini said... amazing...what a miracle.

Anonymous said...

she is so beautiful. What a miracle baby she is!! The pictures are priceless. -Jasmine

Candi and Skeet said...

She is gorgeous... I can see why you are in love with her. I think I am too. Much love!

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful! The pictures are wonderful! Thank you for sharing. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers!

Happy 1 month birthday Gwyneth!

Emily said...

That is one of the most precious tributes to life I have ever seen! My 18 month old watched with me and kept saying "ahh, baby" while blowing kisses to your sweet Gwyneth.
I found your blog a couple of days ago and I truly believe that it was not by accident. I have started praying for all three of you and encouraging others to do the same. I am praying for a miracle for your beautiful wife, for peace and strength as you walk this path, and for a totally healthy baby as your precious daughter grows daily.
Thank you for sharing your story, it is a true testament of faith and love. I am inspired by you and your sweet wife.

Anonymous said...

Amazing...beautiful beyond words. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Nate thank you so much for posting that. your daughter is beautiful..i love seeing the tiny fingers and toes and her eyes sweet
thank you...

The Brown family said...

Happy Birthday Gwyneth! Thank you for the pictures. They really show how much she is loved.

Photochick said...

whew! i am crying, your delicate rose is soo beautiful.

Happy Birthday Gwyneth!

Still on my knees for all of you.

Sara said...

happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear gwyneth rose, happy birthday to you and many more!!!

thanks nate for sharing the photos with us, xx

Anonymous said...

Happy 1 month birthday Gwyn!

We're all so proud of you!

Love you all!


Anonymous said...

What an amazing God we have :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the morning treat, nathan!
The Andersons

tay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

She's gorgeous.

Christy said...


Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful! I pray a blessing of healing over your family. God Bless you and keep you strong Nathan.

Praying in Barrie Ontario Canada

Anonymous said...

Truly, a gift from God! You are a great photographer! Thanks for sharing!

Happy 1 month birthday, Gwyneth!

God Bless!

tay said...

Happy month day Gwyneth
The world is a brighter place
With you in it

Anonymous said...

It's so neat to see her growing - when you see it all in series like that it's very evident! She's looking stronger every day!

Thanks for sharing with us.

Twice Blessed said...

What a touching video Nate.
Memories of the NICU are flooding back to me. She is so precious.
What a great father and husband you are to document this for your family. Will continue to pray for your family. Dana J

Anonymous said...

What a perfect little tiny baby! She is absolutely precious! God is SO good!!!!!! Can't wait to see how much she changes in month 2!

Anonymous said...

Gwyneth is beautiful. My 3 year old watched the slide show with me and kept commenting on the "pretty little baby girl". How she knew Gwyneth is a girl is beyond me. I didn't tell her. We are praying for you. Thank you for sharing this special video with all of us.

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing. Thank you Jesus for this precious life you have given Nate & Tricia. May their rose continue to bloom and gain strength each and every day.

Rachel said...

Happy Birthday Gwyneth!

Anonymous said...

That was AWESOME! She is BEAUTIFUL....our White Rose is TRULY blooming! Still praying....

Be blessed!

Katy said...

Happy Birthday Gwyneth! I hope Mommy gets to see you today. Thank you for sharing the pictures, Daddy!

Anonymous said...

In a world completely obsessed with "celebrities" like Brittany Spears, I feel priveleged to be "obsessed" with your little "celebrity", Gwyneth! What a joy! Praise God from whom ALL Blessings flow!
p.s. She has her Mommy's hands!

Gretchen said...

She is just gorgeous!

Sheila said...

Oh, she is so precious. What a beautiful video - you will treasure this collection in the years to come.
Happy 1st month birthday Gwyneth. Keep on growing!

Anonymous said...

Thank you God for showing us a small glimpse of your beauty in sweet little Gwyn.


Anonymous said...

1 month already! Such a milestone she has hit and with great strides! I just can't wait to see how much she changes from now til next month.

Girls are fighters, and it seems that lil miss Gywneth has certainly inherited her mothers fight genes!

Very much hoping that Tricia is able to visit her again today!

Momnnashville said...

A picture says a thousand words ... she is beautiful like her mommy! Prayers continue in Nashville. Thanks for sharing and I LOVE that song.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! :) I'm so happy for you guys- I agree with others- she's a miracle baby. :)
You guys are still in my prayers.

Jeanette said...

I'm not new to the blog, but it's my first comment to you and your family. I've been following your story since Gwyneth was born and was moved to tears and to humble prayer as I watched the video. I continue to pray for peace, patience, strength, and continued blessings on your family. You are a testament to our faithful and loving God and I look forward to watching the rest of your story unfold.

Rebekah said...

That was beautiful! :)

Mandy Farris said...

i really hope you keep this blog up long after you are home. I cant wait to see her grow up into toddlerhood and beyond. It is so neat to watch her grow. Thanks Nate!

Andie said...

simply beautiful!

Laurie in Ca. said...

Beautiful, precious miracle Gwyneth Rose!! Happy one month birthday sweetie. Praying for you every day. You amaze me, little girl.

Love, Laurie in Ca.

Anonymous said...

She is absolutely beautiful. She is a little miracle. Thank you so much for sharing her and Tricia with us! Our continued prayers in Wisc.

Darcy said...

Beautiful, what an amazing month of miracles.
Coburg, OR

Melany aka Supermom said...

Thank you for sharing those photos. Your little girl is absolutely gorgeous and personally I think she looks like you

Anonymous said...


John and Michelle said...

Beautiful. Still praying in FL. I added your link on my blog asking for prayers for you and your girls! Blessings!!!

~Shadow~ said...

Gwyneth is so beautiful - I see a little of both of her parents in her! No wonder she's so beautiful! : )
And Nathan - great job on the video production. It makes it so much more heartfelt.
And Tricia - great job on the baby production. There's no question about whether or not you, Nathan, and God pulled off a miracle baby.

Happy One Month, Gwyneth.
Thank you, Lord!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday baby girl!

Anonymous said...

Happy 1 Month Birthday White Rose!!

Nate, your video was absolutely amazing. I can't believe how much she is changing in just a month. She is so beautiful.

I hope Tricia will be able to see Gwyneth today. Get well Tricia, we're all praying for you here.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing all of these beautiful photos - she looks wonderful. Will be praying that Tricia gets to see her today.

Anonymous said...

Awwww those were lovely! My favourite is the one of her in that gorgeous teeny weeny bobble hat! How cute is that?!

Happy 1 month Birthday Gwyneth! xxxx

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful photography! Question: Is Gwyneth back on the ventilator because she's sick, or just tired out? And how are the feedings progressing? Haven't seen you mention that the last couple of days.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!...thank you for sharing~~~~

RiLes said...

Precious...absolutely precious.

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful and stong. The strongest little person I know. Happy 1 month Gwyneth. Thank you for sharing. Continuing to pray for you all.

Angie said...

Happy Birthday, Gwyneth!

What a beautiful way to celebrate her first month. Thanks for sharing it with us!

Stephanie said...

Best wishes to you, your beautiful wife, and your precious angel baby. Thank you for your willingness to be so real and share your family's journey with the world.

Tammy C said...

Amazing to see how much gwyneth has changed in one month.thanks for sharing

josh and nicole said...

happy 1 month birthday, gwyneth! you are such a beautiful girl!

Anonymous said...

beautiful pictures. Praying for the 3 of you for health and strentgh. Praying that Tricia gets to be on the transplant list real soon. Gwyneth is gorgeous. thanks for sharing your story. your positive attitude and faith really helps me go through a difficult time as I have a very sick loved one and I am trying to turn to god for help but it's hard. thank you.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Gwyneth!

Caroline Cordle said...

Truly beautiful - continuing to pray every day.

Jayne said...

I don't have any words because they have already been said above.

Take care.

Jayne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

boy you sure know how to make a girl cry!

~*~Bre~*~ said...

How sweet is she??? The video is absolutely beautiful! It's amazing to see how much she has grown in that month even though she's still soo teeny. I'm still continuing to pray for her every single day! My favorite pictures were on Feb 2 (also my birthday :)) and on Feb. 7. The ones with her eyes open at the end were entirely too cute!!

Happy 1 Month Birthday Sweet Girl!!

Mandy said...

She is truly precious! I loved seeing those gorgeous eyes opened wide! It is so evident that she is getting stronger every minute! We are continuing to pray for you all...I too hope that Tricia is able to see her sweet baby girl on her 1 month birthday...I cannot imagine what she must be going through...not being able to be with her every own "mothers heart" goes out to her! She has proven herself so strong even in all her physical weakness. She is my hero!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry if this is inappropriate but I was wondering if some of the other wonderful people who pray for you like I do could find the time to pray for Ashley Adams who is an organ recipiant (multi organ about 14 months or so ago) and who is critical and described as rapidly declining - the doctors don't know why. Her family are very religious and would welcome all prayers.

Anonymous said...


Robin said...

Wow! Thanks for sharing!

The Mac Fam said...

I have no words. Blessings from Florida.

em said...

what an awesome slideshow! good job!

we're still praying for you & your girls.

in his MIGHTY love,
emily & josh smoyer

The Murray Crew said...


1st of all Thank you for sharing 1 month of LIFE with all of us strangers. It was a breath-taking miracle to watch.

2nd I don't want this to look like a shameless plug, but as you are celebrating 1 month, our miracles are celebrating ONE YEAR. It's been incredible....If it would be of any encouragement to you to see our NICU pics and how far we've come, check out the link for our 1 Year Video (One Year with Four Miracles) when you get a chance and share it with whomever. I know when we were livin' in the NICU it was always so uplifting to see other babies who had walked our path and could relate to the struggles and joys.
We continue to lift you all up in prayers. Our God is Sovereign!
Jen (Mom to Quadruplet Boys)

Mary said...

Happy One Month Birthday sweet girl! Congrats to you and Tricia Nate. She's truly a blessing from God.


Jenn said...

Happy 1-month birthday, Gwyneth!!
I'm still praying for you all!

Anonymous said...

There is power in prayer! Lifting your family up often. We have former 23 weeker that stayed at Duke for 6 1/2 months. Gwyneth is doing AMAZINGLY well. Claim your miracles as you are reaching the world!

See Logan at

Jennifer said...

She is so precious and beautiful. You truly have a wonderful gift from God.

In praying for your beautiful baby I was reminded of another little baby girl who has had a really long battle physically and has had several organs transplanted. She was home and doing so well and as of yesterday was put back in the hospital and is declining very rapidly. I was wondering if you could put up a post with a link to her Mom's blog where specifics prayer requests are being put. Her blog address is

Thank You and I will continue to hold your your beloved ones in prayer.

Mandy said...

Wow, Nate! I love it! I'm sure that Tricia does too! My 10 year old, Katie, watched it with me, and couldn't get over how teeny she is! She's beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful video! Thanks Nate. I'm praying for Tricia to be able to see Gwyneth again and to get on that transplant list!

Angela in central Ohio

Jenny said...

It's wonderful to see how Gweneth has grown and changed day by day. Thank you for sharing with us.

Anonymous said...

How Beautiful! Thank you for sharing yours and Trici's special little girl. May God continue to bless you with milestones, whether large or small.
Still praying for you.

twin power mommy ♥ said...

That was a great video. My twins were born at 25 weeks and weighed 1.2 and 1.3 pounds. They looked so much like what your beautiful daughter looks like. They are now somewhat healthy little (soon to be)6 year olds. Have faith and trust our God who is sooo good. Hang in there, be strong, be brave.
-candice lovett

Mandy said...

A sweet miracle! Thanks for sharing. Still praying.


Unknown said...

precious pictures of a precious, precious little girl!

Happy One Month, Gwyneth Rose!!

Happy to be able to rejoice with you over these last 4 weeks...

Barbara said...

Happy Birthday sweet little angel. I continue to remember you and your mommy in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

So very Beautiful!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't remember how I came across your blog, but I now check in on your family every afternoon. The slide show is absolutely beautiful! Happy 1 month birthday Gwyneth. I hope that Mommy gets to come see you again soon.

Tanya Breese said...

Beautiful little fighter

Anonymous said...

Beautiful . . .

Jen said...

You know what's cool - she's going to be sitting on your lap one day watching this and giggling at how tiny she was. Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

You have done such a wonderful job with the blog Nate. The pictures are so beautiful and inspirational.

Anonymous said...

Simply.......BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing Nate! She's as beautiful as her Mommy! God Bless!

Tamm Mom to Skye

Anonymous said...

AMAZING!!! happy tears...

Abby said...

Beautiful video.

I'm praying for you and your girls.


mckennah said...

amazing, this has been an incredible month! thanks for sharing her life. i look forward everyday to what is going on with her and tricia. thank you for sharing!!

Unknown said...

So precious!

Tish said...

praise God! hope it's ok, i linked your site to mine so people can see the video. God bless!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing all you do. We continue to think of and pray for you all constantly. We had the opportunity to share your blog with another praying couple who said they would pass it along to others. Love you guys!
God's love and peace, Cousin Amy

Anonymous said...

She is Beautiful and a wonderful miracle. I bet it was the most amazing feeling in the world when you were able to hold her in your arms for the first time!

Meredith said...

Wow, what God has done in 1 month! Just BEAUTIFUL! She is just so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nate and family,
I am praying for you and your precious girls. I've never posted a comment but thought that if you haven't seen this cute video of a pug cleaning your computer screen, you might enjoy it. Link is


Rick Lawrenson said...

Just watched it again.
Can't believe how much I love that little girl!

Cindi M said...

BlogBoy96 says:
I really can't get over how cute she is...
I am still praying for gwenyth and Tricia every night.

Anonymous said...

It is SO hard to believe it has been an entire month since I began following you, Tricia, and precious little Gwyneth's amazing journey. I love your obsession with her feet. I still love to look at my 3 year olds feet and remember how tiny they used to look in my hand and how tiny she used to be in my arms and now rocking her when she's not feeling well is difficult! I'm so glad you are taking all of these pictures and videos because it won't be long before you too will be amazed with how much she has grown. You and Tricia are already wonderful parents for loving her as much as you do. She is a lucky little girl! We are continuing to pray for Tricia and Gwyneth. I especially pray that Tricia is well enough soon to endure the transplant surgery. Happy 1 month Birthday Gwyneth and Congrats Mommy & Daddy for another milestone with your beautiful White Rose!!