Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tricia's Story Video

I've put together a video of Tricia's Story from this past Sunday, including a news clip that was shown. I'd still encourage you to check out the entire podcast to get the context of why she was asked to share her story.



Amy Anderson said...

That's terrifficc!!!!!!!!
Amy Anderson and family

Skye said...

Nate (and Tricia)-
I recently found your blog and have been reading the archives voraciously. Your story is beautiful and touching, and you tell it with honesty and humility that I really admire.

I want to let you know that I have always been pro-organ donation, but thanks to you I found out that my state has an online organ donor registry and I just signed up. I am telling my friends and family about it too.

Thank you so much for sharing your story! (And a belated happy birthday to your beautiful daughter!)


Anonymous said...

I listened to the audio yesterday and just now watched the video as well. Tricia did such a great job in the telling of her story. The story of your family is truly that of such an incredible miracle. There truly is nothing that God cannot do when you put all of your faith in Him. God Bless you both and little Gwyneth Rose. ~ Bethany

Ellen said...

Awesome.... I've been a blog follower since the early days and enjoyed Tricia's story, in her own words, all over again! What a wonderful reminder of God's faithfulness! Thank you!

Kylee said...

Tricia did a great job! I really enjoyed the podcast and the video. God is so good!

Edwards gang said...


All I can say is WOW! As I watched and listened to your beautiful testimony (through tears of joy), I kept thinking about what a blessing it is to know you and to call you my friend! When I worked with you at WHBC in children's ministries, I always knew you were very special and that you would make a WONDERFUL mommy one day! God is now using you, not only as a wonderful mommy, but as a living testimony of His faithfulness and love. Every time I read Nathan's blog or look at a photo of your beautiful Gwyneth Rose, I am reminded of God's faithfulness and of your remarkable trust in Him!

Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your story, not only with your friends and family, but with the world!! God bless you, and your beautiful family. I am honored to have served with you, and to be able to call you my friend! :)

Also, our children will never forget your story, and they have shared it many times with people they know. It's amazing how many lives you continue to touch!

Much love,

Penny said...

I'm in tears! Beautiful story and Tricia did an awesome job delivering it! God bless. :)

Laurie in Ca. said...

Wow Nate, this took me back to the moments as each one happened. It is a beautiful story, full of faith, hope, trust and miracles. You guys are some of my favorite people.

Love and Hugs, Laurie

Unknown said...

Nate and Tricia,
The story still brings tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing it again.

Chris said...

What a beautiful story.
i was in tears. Tricia you were so brave to tell your story. I have been reading the blog so I know it was hard for you to do.
God bless you all!

Danifred said...

Thank you for sharing, both of you. You are amazing inspiration. You've also given me much to think about tonight as I struggle with finding my own place with religion.

ShEiLa said...

Simply beautiful!

YOU did an amazing job speaking in front of all those people. I applaud you for your courage.

I thank God for your miracle.

I have followed your story for awhile and feel as though I have known your little family forever.

I can't tell you how many prayers I have offered in your behalf and shared your story with many. Gwenyth Rose is adored by our family.

Just today I was in the temple worshipping and I placed your name on the prayer roll. I don't think there is ever a moment in our lives that we cannot use prayers in our behalf.

Thank YOU for having the courage to keep your baby.

My sister was told by a team of doctors to abort her baby due to comlications... she did not and Luke is a happy and healthy boy that will be 11 years old in July.

Tricia you are amazing and so is Nate and together you share a miracle in Gwenyth Rose.


House of Collinsworth said...

It doesn't matter how many times I hear the story, I cry every time. It was wonderful hearing Tricia tell it.

Kaylee said...

Hey im trying to spread the word and get donations for Great Strides,

Rachael said...

Thanks for sharing this Nate and Tricia. Your faith is amazing and so inspiring.

Thank you

Rachael x

Florida_Mom said...

Tricia did an amazing job, no matter how many times I watch that story I cry every time. It was so wonderful to hear it in Tricia's voice. I have followed your blog since the week before Gwyneth was born. It is wonderful to see your family continuing to give God the praise and Glory.


KJ said...

What an inspiring story! Thank you for sharing it with us!


Julie said...

That was awesome. Great job Tricia!

I still remember the first time I read your blog - Tricia was in the OR having the C-section and you were requesting prayer. It still amazes me how God worked in your lives!

Anonymous said... not watch this video while at work. Now I have several people wondering why a 51 year old grown man is crying in his office. :)

Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful story. I am a CF-Uncle and have a niece awaiting a double lung transplant. This gives me even so much more hope for the future.

God bless you all.

Michelle LaRowe said...

no matter how many times we hear/read your story, the miraculous shines through and is overwhelming. Wonderful job Tricia and we thank God for you and yours!

Anonymous said...

Tricia you did a great job telling the story and Nate you did a great job supporting her. God continues to use your testimonies to touch people's hearts and tell the story of His plan and grace. I liked hearing the story told by Tricia (no offense, Nate LOL). BTW Gwyneth is so wonderful.....the way you both nurture and care for her is as amazing as her birth.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I too have a fear of public speaking!! You did an amazing job! I would have never known you were nervous! Very well written too. What an inspirational story!

Lindse94 said...

Wonderful to watch, Tricia did a great job speaking.

mom nana nelson said...

Nathan & Tricia,

This is such a touching video clip, with all my heart I am so happy for you beautiful three.

May the three of you enjoy each all more than deserve it.

Misty Rice said...

I loved every bit of the video. Trish's voice is so soothing I could listen to it all day.

God IS that big.....

I love and feel so honored to know Him as well...and love watching you turn the pages of your families story by each blog post you publish.

Thanks for share.

Full of JOY said...

God is so incredible! I'm in awe of his power and the miracles he has done in your lives. Praise Him! Thinking back on the last 2 years of your journey just blows my mind. Thanks for sharing your heart Tricia!

Bekah said...

tricia, what a great job!!! honestly! you guys continue to inspire me in my faith with the Lord some two years after I began following your story. Thank you for letting GOd use you and work in and through you. What faithfulness He has for us!

Bekah said...

tricia, what a great job!!! honestly! you guys continue to inspire me in my faith with the Lord some two years after I began following your story. Thank you for letting GOd use you and work in and through you. What faithfulness He has for us!

Anonymous said...

Hey--is there going to be a 2-years pug picture soon? Eager audience wants to know! :-)

Anonymous said...

Beautifully done. What an awesome testimony your story is and what a wonderful blessing to hear Tricia tell it! Thank you both so much for being willing to share your story. I am sure you are touching WAY MANY more lives than you even know!!

Anonymous said...

Nate and Tricia -

Your story is such an inspiration to me. I am a new blog follower who also has CF. In many ways I can relate to your struggles, I have CF as well and I am a five year out liver/pancreas recipient. But more importantly we are a family in Christ.

It's such an encouragement to me, a single college student, that our God is a big God and still performs miracles every day. Although I already know that it's always comforting to hear someone else's story.

Thanks so much for sharing your story.

<3 - Tara Parker

Linda Crane said...

Wonderful. I think Tricia has a future in public speaking. Thank you for being a vessel of blessing from our Lord.

Linda in Louisiana
Mother of Mandy (with the angels) Kyle, Hunter and Brady wo/cf and Jamie, 24yom w/cf

Kacy Goff said...

I have been following your blog for two years now and I don't think I've ever commented. I just wanted to say that Tricia did an excellent job!! Your story is amazing and I am so glad you guys are where you are today. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!

Kristi Bowers said...

What a testimony to our Lord. What great things you are doing through your trials and what faith. It inspires me as a CF mom to not give up hope, to keep focused on Christ and to remember HIS plan and timing is always best....

Anonymous said...

What a gift to have that kind of faith.

Anonymous said...

amazing! thank you!

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

What a beautiful story of God's love your family has. Your story still brought tears to my eyes and brought back the memories of what you shared while you were going through these trials. Thank you for sharing!!! May your story continue to reach many people and I pray that God will use it to help others choose LIFE!

nicole said...

Wow, God is so good! I've been following your blog for over a year now- What a blessing and witness you and your family are. May the Lord continue to bless you and give you all strength, peace, love, and joy for many, many years to come.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Amazing. Every single time I hear this story it's amazing.

You did a great job, Tricia. :)

Sandi said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful -- God has done such a BEAUTIFUL work in your lives. Thank you so much for giving the glory to Him and for sharing your story. I've followed your blog for over 2 years now, and I am amazed every time I read by God's goodness and by the faith that He has given you.

Goodzik said...

Thank you for sharing your video with us. We are blessed that you chose to share your story.

While celebrating Sanctity of Human Life I ask that you please keep Baby Isaiah May in your prayers.

Here is a link to his story:

Lora said...

that was awesome. thanks for sharing! lora

Anonymous said...

She is amazing!

Anothermadhousewife said...

Great job, Tricia! And Nate, thanks so much for sharing this.

I haven't been by the blog in a while but wondered if I could ask prayer for a family, whose wife/Mom recently (last week) lost her battle w/ C.F. She was a believer, and I am praising God that she is breathing freely in heaven right now. But I'm sad for her husband and little girl. Anyway here's the link to Emily's blog:

Emily said...


Christy said...

I just got the courage to come and listen to Tricia. That is an awesome video. I will go listen to the podcast soon. I went thru all this with you thru the blog. I think with having cancer for the 2nd time and feeling that life is so very precious, this touches me even more now. It is so hard to see others around me passing away and then seeing Tricia and myself doing better. There are so many thoughts and emotions that are present. I thank God for life!!! My friend just told me that they had 2 goats this week that had given birth to twins. One twin from the first set didn't make it. I just can't help but thank God for life. Even if I am thanking him for goats. Life is a precious thing. We are here for reasons and I am proud that one of the reasons you are all here is to be a blessing and encouragement to me. I thank God for Tricia, Gwyneth and you Nate. God is a good God.

Diana Lightcap said...

Thank you so much for being so outspoken and real in sharing your struggles and stories! It's seriously amazing to watch God work!! Thanks again for the awesome reminder and you are a beautiful family :)

Kadence and Adam. . . and Mommy said...


Twirly McSwirl said...

I know you don't know me, but I happened upon your journal, and that made me cry - it's such a heartbreaking and wonderful story, all at the same time! I'm so glad you got your miracle baby and chose to trust God. So many abandon Him and His plan when they don't like the risks, but when we trust in Him, we get all it's worth!

Prayers for continued well-being for little Gwyneth Rose.

Susan from Barrie said...

Wow Amazing ... you guys have been on my heart and mind the last few weeks ... so I thought I would stop by and see how everything was... God is GOOOD .... I cant believe that Gwyneth is now 2... time flys .. Tricia you are more beautiful today ... I am going to download the podcast and listen to it tonight ... you are still in my prayers.

Susan from Canada