Sunday, June 10, 2012

Rejection is Back

Tricia is back in the hospital, and the doctors say things look "very bad".  She has been having trouble breathing the past week, so much so that we had to cut our time with family short in NJ and fly her down to Duke on Saturday.  The doctors believe her rejection is back, in the form of something called BOS.  She is set to receive a medication called CAMPATH, which is a chemo drug that will wipe her immune system out for up to a year.  But, she has a sinus infection that must be cleared up before the CAMPATH can begin.

I drove the kids home on Saturday, and Gwyneth and I are packing the car right now to drive to Duke.  Tricia desperately needs your prayers.  Her PFTs are down in the 20's, which is just a little higher that when she received her transplant, and her weight is actually lower than her transplant weight.  She is in a very precarious situation.

Please, pass this along to anyone you know.  I will be blogging as much as possible, but if you'd like to receive more updates, you can also follow me on Twitter.

Thank you.



Brandi Jordan said...

We're praying for Tricia and all of you!! Love from all of us!!
-The Jordans

Salome Ellen said...


Kristi Bowers said...


Amy said...

Praying for Tricia's health & for you as her husband and strength :)

Anonymous said...

Prayers coming your way! May the good Lord bless your family in mystery and miracles!

Beth said...

Praying for all of you!!
God Bless,
Beth Light

BG said...

Thinking and praying for you.

Laura Anne said...

I've asked my blog readers to pray for Tricia, kinda saw your tweet yesterday and had a bad feeling. Praying praying praying. Tricia is a fighter and know that she can do all things through Christ.

Laura Anne

Unknown said...

Hey buddy, hang in there. Me and the Liberty family will be lifting you guys up! We are standing with you guys.

Aspiemom said...

Praying for Tricia and all of you. I've posted the request on my FB page and to my S.S. class.

Anonymous said...

Prayers n thoughts tricia xxx god bless u

Michelle Farley said...


Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

I'll be praying for Tricia and your family! Believing in miracles!!!

Laura said...


KAL071203 said...

Praying for god to heal Tricia, wisdom for her dr. And nurses and peace for you, tricia, gwenyth and the rest of your family.

Kristen said...

Praying for you all.

Crystal said...

I am praying for the Doctors to help Tricia fight this battle she is enduring. It disturbs me to know a fellow recipient is in danger. We fight so hard against our disease, and the fight must still continue after transplant. You are a fighter Tricia, you can do it. You have your Family to fight for.

Anonymous said...

I am praying for your family during this season of uncertainty.
Praying, praying, Destiny

Unknown said...

Praying for you and your family...God will protect.

Stephanie Sheetz said...

prayers are with you. I also sent a prayer request to our local christian radio station Joy Fm.


Ron Lamprecht said...

Wendy said to pray for you and yours. I always do what Wendy says. Be strong when you can, cry when you need to, love constantly.

Chana Batya K. said...

We are praying over here in Jerusalem!

Anonymous said...

Nathan, we are so very sad to hear about Tricia! We met your beautiful family a couple of years ago when you took our pictures. Please know we are praying for all of you and believing God will restore her!

God Bless,
Stephen and Heather McLeod

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you all, i follow Tricia on the lung transplant and cf mummies site and am praying that the treatment works its magic. All my love and prayers
cf,13years post double lung, mum of 18 year old son .

Tamara M. said...

Praying for her, this must be tough :(

bobbie said...

Keeping you all in my thoughts & heart ~~~

Jacquelyn Jackson said...

Praying the new medication works. Praying for comfort for the entire family.

CulyQFun said...

Wow, will start praying now. I dont do twitter but will ck in here.

God has done miracles for you & can still do miracles.

Praying for strength for you & peace for the kids.

lightshines said...

Praying for all of you.

Emily said...

So sad to hear this news. Praying for all of you like crazy, that God will provide you with another miracle.

Anonymous said...

She is in God's hands~

ShEiLa said...

Oh dear! My prayers will be with you all. Hugs to Tricia!


June said...

Our prayers are with you all and those providing care as well. Take care.

Beverly said...

Praying for improvement...and that the new med works!!!

Love Being A Nonny said...

Praying in NC.

~j~ said...

Praying for you,Tricia and Gywneth
The Lord comfort you all and bring you peace.

Debbie Lawrence said...

Praying mightily,that the Great Physisican heals Tricia quickly. And praying too for strength and peace for each of you as you go through this trying time.Our God is an Awesome God! He is holding you all in the palm of his hand.

BMC516 said...

Nate... I am so in awe of you and your family. What a truly strong and remarkable family you have. Praying for Trish's healing, guidance for the physicians and caretakers, and for strength and comfort for Trish, you, Gwynneth, and all of your family and friends. May God Bless each of you.

Anonymous said...

Praying for our great God's healing touch

Susan said...

I'm sorry things are not looking good at the moment. I hope that things turn around when you least expect it. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

praying in NJ - never commented before but have prayed from the beginning

Anonymous said...

Praying for strength & comfort for your whole family, and skill in the hands of the medical team. (friend of Becky's)

Anonymous said...

FB friend from Elizabeth City is also praying!!!

The Bailey's

Anonymous said...

May all be well.

Donna said...


Lisa said...

I am keeping You and your beautiful. Family. In my prayers

Judy said...

Praying for you guys in the name of Jesus!

Lesley said...

Praying for Tricia's health and peace and strength for all of you.

Anonymous said...

Prayers for you all from KDH.

Anonymous said...

Sending love and light to you, Tricia and Gwenyth.

Liz said...

Praying! And sharing this on FB so I can gather more prayer warriors!

Sharon Hall said...

We are so sorry to hear this. We will keep you both in our prayers as well as the medical staff caring for Tricia. God is a mighty God & He is the great physician. He is, He will & He has been with you all the way! Let us ask God for a mighty miracle! This wonderful lady needs to see her child grow up & needs to be completely healed, in His name...the mighty name is:JESUS! Take care & we pray for your safe trip to Duke & we will never give up! Many hugs to you all!!

Missy Roark said...

Praying earnestly for your precious family.

Danny Sleeper said...

I will be praying for you and your family.

Susan Lee said...

Just heard about your situation from a good friend- Praying for your family, for your wifes doctors, and for a cure for this terrible illness that caused her need for a transplant. As a mom to a cf-er, my heart goes out for all you've already endured as well as what you must face in the future. Stay strong, keep hopeful and be lifted up by the many prayers sent your way.

Anonymous said...

Prayed. Keep strong my brother. Have the kids pray as well, their hearts are pure.
Lord touch her lungs now and rebuke any virus, sickness and rejection in Jesus name! Amen

MINDYE said...


Anonymous said...

Praying for Tricia and your family.

asplashofsunshine said...

Hugs and healthy thoughts to ALL of you!!!!!!

Jayne said...

Thinking of you. X

Anonymous said...

sending love from south africa. may the Lord and doctors be of great assistance. keep the strength tricia, nate, gwyneth and family xx

Jeon R. Lopez said...

Prayers for Trivia and your family. May the Lord's healing hands be with her in her recovery!

Anonymous said...

Praying for Tricia and your whole family.


Dee Dee said...


Pamela said...

Praying for Tricia, you, Gwyneth, your foster child, the rest of the family, and the doctors.

Pamela said...

Praying for Tricia, you, Gwyneth, your foster child, the rest of the family, and the doctors.

Pamela said...

Praying for Tricia, you, Gwyneth, your foster child, the rest of the family, and the doctors.

Anonymous said...

Praying for healing, wisdom, peace, comfort, and that God would be glorified in such a difficult situation.

"I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep."


Joyce K said...

Will be praying for all of you during this difficult time. Tricia is a fighter as she has proven many times!

Cathy said...


Anonymous said...

Please know you all are in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

praying in Lynchburg!!!

Leah said...


Shannon said...

We'll be praying for all of you

Summer at Laurel 2014 said...


Summer at Laurel 2014 said...


Melonie said...

tricia and you and the rest of your family are in my prayers.

Janis said...

So many prayers for Tricia and your family! ((HUGS))

Perpetually Sarah said...

Praying in Lynchburg VA.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I will be keeping Tricia in my prayers.

Karen said...

You've been an inspiration to me and so very many. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers. We are praying, praying to have Trisha healthy and strong and back on the Outer Banks soon. All our love. Karen

Anonymous said...


jenny said...

Praying, Nathan. Hold on to Jesus - He's got you all in the palm of His loving hand.

Anonymous said...

I will add you all to my prayers!!

you only live once said...

Oh, dear! So sorry to hear this!! Lots of prayers coming your way. Our family has been praying for and inspired by the three of you since you were in the hospital pre-Gwyneth. --The Evans Family

Leland Herring said...

Praying for you & Tricia... Just went thru something similar @ Duke for the past several months... Keep Trusting Jesus & listening to Duke!!! Leland Herring Psalm 112

Leland Herring said...

If you have ANY questions feel free to call / FaceTime / Text (561) 358-3678... I'm praying for relief, & open airways & dead viral/bacterial infection!

Candace said...

So sorry to be reading this. I am just a reader and check back every few months to see how things are going. Praying for your sweet family.

Marcie in Canada said...

Praying for Tricia. May God bless her and keep her and may He restore her back to good health. Peace be with your family.