
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Nearly Home!

We are praying that we receive the news this week that Tricia is free to go home for good.  Her staples and trach are out, her strength and breathing continues to improve, and she is finally gaining weight!  School starts for our kids August 26, and it has been our goal for the past few months to be home by that date.

Tricia has been scheduled for the nissen fundoplication in late September if it decided that she still needs it, and of course we'll be back to Duke every couple of weeks for appts, but it will be so nice to be back in our own home and getting back to a more "normal" routine after being away for so long.

I'll keep you updated!


Saturday, August 3, 2013

August 3 Update

It's been two months out of the hospital now, and Tricia continues to improve a little bit every day.  She is able to do all everyday tasks for herself now, which is making her feel more and more confident and "normal".  Her strength and breathing continues to improve as well.  She has officially "graduated" from her physical therapy, meaning she has completed the required number of days, but she continues to go every day that she is not in clinic until we are released to return home permanently.  We have been home every weekend for the past several weeks, and we are hoping that we'll be allowed to be home for good by the start of the school year in a few weeks.

Tricia is scheduled to have her staples removed this week, and is hoping to have her trach removed as well.  This past week, she had a study done to find out if she will need the nissen fundoplication surgery in the future to keep her acid reflux from causing damage to her new lungs.  We should hear about the results on the study in the next few days.
