
Friday, September 21, 2007

OBX Great Strides Walk '08

We're looking at another Sept. date for '08. Brochures will be printed in mid-October, so we've got less than a month to pick the date.

Any suggestions about how do to things better next year?



  1. I think it was great! Janet and I brainstormed some good vendors to hit up, I'll dig them out of my muddled brain and email them to you. We'd love to hit the beach for you guys when we're there in June!

    I think the day was fabulous! You guys hit more angles your first year than the Jersey one ever has. Loved the roses and the silent auction.

    I hope you guys "need" a bigger venue next year, but the location was perfect and the pavilion was great.

    Having activities for the little kiddos was a great touch. I have to go out and buy Josh a hula hoop though, because he keeps talking about spinning.

  2. LOVED it all! I really liked the date. Everyone is home and settled from vacationing so there weren't any conflicts.

  3. cool beans...since you two seem to be my only readers, I'll assume this post has run it's course... ;)

    We're home, BTW.

  4. Does that make us very elite or very dorky?

  5. Your mother in law is also reading your blogs.

  6. So. Basically your crazy sisters-in-law and your mother-in-law religiously stalk, erm, read your blog.

    Enter PSYCHO music here.

  7. I was just reading old posts and starting laughing at the comments to this one... 5.2 million hits later and I think your reader-ship is up by a few! Go God!



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