
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

You Pick

32 points to anyone who can guess the following correctly...

Tomorrow, Tricia and I are:

A) Going to the NC State Fair

B) Going to an animal farm

C) Going home

D) Going to sleep until 3PM



  1. Well, I'm still a little bitter that my points from the "guess the fruit" contest have not arrived yet, but I'll still be a sport and play along. I'm going to vote for the NC State Fair. Sounds fun! How is Tric feeling? Any better?

  2. Too bad Daughtry is sold out..that would have been fun.

  3. Anyone else? You have until 5PM today to guess, when I'll announce the winners and credit your account(s) with the points. And, NO cheating! And, you only get one guess, so make it good.

    Tricia is feeling better, but she has lots of stuff in her lungs now.

  4. Animal Farm.

    Since Janet and I are the only ones playing, can we split the points and cash in for babysitting?

  5. I think I would like to change it up and this time cash my points in for a restaurant giftcard. Is that too much trouble?

  6. it is passed five, but wanted Janet and Megan to know that they are not playing alone Hi!!! I too think it is the State Fair.

  7. oh!! Tomorrow, duh. I think I will take more meds and go back to sleep. Hope to see you guys soon, Tina

  8. Megan wins! We went to two animal farms this morning, neither of which were open... :)

  9. My points have been added in the notebook.

    Thank you very much.


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