
Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Late Night Thoughts (having little to do with CF)

I have nowhere else to write about these things, so this is the place...

> I love October ONLY for baseball. I hate it because summer is long gone and a long, stupid winter is ahead.

> Speaking of baseball, the tie-breaker last night between the Rockies and Padres was one of the best games ever...too bad I fell asleep in the top of the 13th...

> Law & Order: SVU tonight was the best ever as well. It kinda freaked me out for some reason. I am addicted to SVU and L&O reruns on TNT and USA. I HATE Criminal Intent...

> I much prefer to have Meka with us up here. She keeps me company while Tricia is doing transplant stuff.

> I am a Cubs fan this October!

> I hope the phillies get swept.



1 comment:

  1. Wow! I never knew. I too watch way too much L&O and SVU you vsn help me convience Mike that it is a ggo thing. I noticed Elizabeth at at 1 1/2 turning her head when the theme song came on the tv - remembering from utro? Too funny
    Tell Tricia hi and hugs this am from the beach:)


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