
Monday, October 22, 2007

On the Road Again...

We'll be on the road again to Durham in an hour.

We've memorized the morning radio schedule of every radio station between Nags Head and Durham.

We know the location of every gas station and McDonald's (Tricia's choice, not mine).

We know where the cleanest restrooms are.

We know where every rest stop is.

We know which convenient stores sell V-8 (again, Tricia).

We know exactly what time we'll arrive.



  1. Better than "Cranberry Cocktail". Who raised her, anyway? Doesn't she know K's drink Iced Tea?

  2. hey, I am over the v-8 thing for a while. and yes, i still drink cranberry juice EVERY day. hope there is some in heaven!


  3. me too, cause I know what you're like when you don't have any cranberry juice...


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