
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Saturday Night

> My new shoes haven't come in yet...I'm pretty sure I would have run like 11 miles today...

> Tricia and I participated in the 1st Annual Vintage Ping Pong Tournament this evening. Neither of us made it very far, but it was fun.

> Next week mayb be a short week for us...we mayb not make it up to Durham until Tuesday, and we may have to come home early...throw in a day at the state fair, and we may only get 2 days of PT in.

> We're going to get some packing done tomorrow. Feel free to join us.

> I love baseball in October!

> I love that the Skins could be in first place tomorrow afternoon!

> I love that the eagles are really bad!

> I love that my wife is smokin' hot!



  1. Have you checked the football scores lately? It seems the Eagles know how to win. I am not sure about the Redskins!


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