
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Sky Is Falling

interesting... when I walked outside this morning to go eat breakfast, the sky was making this really loud rumbling sound and there was lots of little drops of water falling all over the place...I seem to recall experiencing these things at some point in my life, but it's really been so long...oh well, I'm sure it will come to me...



  1. Ha. We've experienced the same phenomenon here. They call it rain. We're also experiencing something called "fall". Odd. Very odd.

  2. Nate, it was great meeting you and Tricia yesterday evening. I sat across the table from you both at connect group with Jordan and Patience. I know we don't know you at all and I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way...but Whit and I live in Raleigh. If you guys ever need anything please let us know. We are inspired by your lives and would like to keep in touch even if it is just through blogging...

  3. Cool! We'd love to get together anytime. We're up from Monday to Thursday just about every week. Thanks for your prayers last night.


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