
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Taking a Break

> Heading home in a few minutes. Wrapping up week...I've lost track...

> Taking next week off from the back and forth of Durham. We've got TRUNKorTREAT next Wednesday, and we're going to attempt to get all of our packing finished so we can get out of our OBX rental by the end of the month.

> Another day of rain here in Durham...only need about 30 more of days like these to get us out of the seriously dangerous drought that we're in.

> I've been to Starbucks each of the past two days (I'm here right now)...that's incredibly odd as I usually only make about 2 visits per year...but that's what happens when you believe that coffee tastes like dirt and stunts your growth. But, they're giving away free music downloads on iTunes, so I figure the incredibly overpriced (and slighty dirt-tasting) hot chocolate is worth it.

> We had an appointment with the CF docs this morning, and everything is looking good. Here's Tricia in the examining room.

> I have to go pick up Tricia now and head home.



  1. Have a great week and a safe trip home. TorT looks great. Looking forward to some good pictures.

    Can't wait to see you guys!!

    1 week and 4 days. :)

  2. we're excited to see you too! and Leah!


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