
Thursday, October 11, 2007

That's A Wrap

> Today wraps week 6 of PT. Tricia should "graduate" next week, meaning she's completed the 23 days required minimum of PT. But, it's up to the doctors and God when she'll be activated.

> It finally feels like fall is here...that's me below in downtown 5 minutes ago with my hooded sweatshirt on.

> The NC State Fair begins tomorrow...we're taking a day off from PT and going all day next week. Tricia's super excited, especially since her only similar experience has been the NJ fair (I did not realize produce and small farm animals could survive in that kind of environment)

> We saw a cat this morning that looked like Ralphie, and I thought Tricia was going to cry...thanks dad and Sue for checking on him this week!

> Maybe my sweet new shoes will come in before Monday!


  1. Hey Nate! Let me know when you plan on going to the fair next week. I know Steve is really busy with soccer AND softball in the evenings, but I would love to meet you there!!!

  2. will do! It will probably be either Tuesday or Wednesday.


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