
Monday, November 19, 2007

The Problem with Christmas Music

I love Christmas music. I began listening to "Jingle Bells" and "O Holy Night" several weeks ago. The way I see it, the department stores (and their incredibly early commercialism) are finally catching up to my family and our traditions. My mother would pull out the Christmas music well before Thanksgiving, and we had a very nice collection. Old records of Bing and Nat, updated classics with Steven Curtis Chapman and Amy Grant, and even a little bit of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra filled our house and car with the sounds of the season.

Anytime I hear any of those recordings, or even any recording of some of those songs, a warm and welcome sense of nostalgia causes a flood of memories to flash through my mind. Christmas music is such a beautiful and fun part of doubt everyone has distinct memories of Christmases past (whether good or bad), and, my guess is that most of us relate many of our Christmas memories with the music of the season.

And, therein lies the problem with Christmas music. I've discovered over the years that, it's very easy for us to sing our favorite Chrismast carols in December and never allow for anything more than that warm nostalgic feeling. We can get so caught up in the warm feelings that worship never really takes place...worship is the primary purpose of my life as a God follower, not singing Christmas songs.

And, I think this problem goes way beyond Christmas songs. Christmas (or any holiday season for that matter) can, as a whole, seem more like a nostalgic and whimsical dream than a reality. The commercials, the movies, the shopping, the parties, the food and's a huge thing that can seem to pull us out of our everyday lives, including our everyday worship. Singing songs, hanging out with friends, giving gifts, and even reading the Christmas story (Jesus) can become the ultimate goal instead of means to a greater end. (that's partly why January can feel like such a depressing month).

So, this season, let's be sure to remember the why and Who that everything Christmas should revolve arround.



  1. wow, that was deep. But also very true.:)

  2. Point taken, but I want to do both! Doesn't your nostalgia come from the blessings God has given you? Just sayin.....

  3. I'm NOT saying that nostalgia is a bad thing. I'm saying that it's not the main thing. I thought I said that in the post...?

  4. I wasn't attacking what or how you choose to express yourself (that was the "point taken" part). My comment was just in response to how your words affected me. Now your words, only on paper without the benefit of inflection or body language, have me feeling like I should be defending how your blog has affected me. But, I don't like that feeling. Just sayin.... (I thought I said that in my post...?)

  5. It's ok. I love you and your family and I'm sorry if it came across funky. I enjoy reading your blog and your points of view. I'll even say I've had cause to reflect... (i.e. learn).


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