
Monday, November 12, 2007

Tune Up

Tricia thinks she needs to go into the hospital this week for a "tune up". She's been having a hard time breathing this week, and her chest has been hurting a little (which is very common for her, so don't freak out)...this is usually a sign of an infection. We're waiting to hear from her CF docs about that. If that happens, we'll head up to Durham this afternoon and I'll probably come back home tomorrow morning. We'll let you know. Thanks!



  1. I just let Sarah know. We're praying for you guys.

  2. Thanks for letting us know, Nathan. We'll be praying, too. Will she have a computer there if she goes so we can email her?

  3. praying for you & your girl. if you all need a place to stay last minute, just let us know.


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