
Tuesday, December 4, 2007

338 Hits Yesterday!

This blog got 338 hits! The most I'd ever gotten before in a single day was 82.

Here's what the chart on Google Analytics looks like:

Thanks for wanting to be involved in Tricia's life. Please, let us know you came by posting sometime, even if it's just "hi".



  1. Hi! I'm a random stranger who happened upon your blog after seeing it linked by Jordan and Patience (I'm a random stranger to them, too!).

    But I wanted you guys to know that you are in my prayers.

  2. Hi! Hey...if you have any spare time today...let's say between noon and 4pm when you are just hanging out on your computer... could you email me where to put the code for Google Ana? I went thru the steps to get the code, but don't know where to put it. THANKS! Love, your totally computer illiterate SIL

  3. Hi! I fould your blog from the Baby Leino blog. Just wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you and Tricia during this time, and after!!

  4. you need to paste the code to "Add A Page Element" - "HTML/JavaScript"

  5. I found you guys through Jordan and Patience. My family attends C3 Church. You are in our prayers! Our God is a BIG God and we are trusting in Him for great things for your family!!!

  6. Hi. I too am a random stranger. I saw the link on Jordan and Patience's blog... they don't know me either. But I want you to know that my husband & I, and our church are praying for you two. Your testimony is amazing. I pray that God shows Himself to you, and you get the miracle you need.

    KF in Ohio

  7. hi - i found you guys through jordan & patience's blog...not even sure how i found these. anyhow, just praying for you guys! i have a little one due about the same time as you. best wishes, i'll be praying!

  8. Found your blog through Jordan and Patience's blog... we too attend C3 and will all be in prayer for the three of you and your families.



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