
Friday, December 7, 2007

Death In The Family

Tricia's "Uncle Joe" (Not really an uncle, but somehow a part of the family) had a heart attack and passed away last night.

I didn't know Joe very well, but I know he was loved by the Kischners, and that he'll be missed.

Just this week, Aunt Patti sent Tricia a hand-made quilt that she, some lady friends and a priest had prayed over for Tricia.

Please pray for the Kischner family and Aunt Patti. Thanks.



  1. Nathan and Tricia,

    We are SO excited about your news! We have been checking your blog and praying for you for a while, but didn't realize we could post a message. (Yes, I know that's very lame, but true! :)) I wish you could hear our children praying for Tricia (and now the baby) during our bedtime prayers. It is so sweet to hear the prayers of little children!

    We really miss you guys here in VB, but we know it has been good for you to be close to family. We are sorry to hear about Tricia's uncle.

    Get lots of rest, Tricia! We'll continue to pray for both you and your precious little girl! We know she is "fearfully and wonderfully made".

    Love and prayers,
    The Edwards
    Greg, Laura, Allison, Kyle,& Nathan

  2. hey! Good to hear from you! Thanks so much for the prayers and letting us know! Tell the kids we said thank you!

  3. I came across your blog from Jordan & Patience Leino's page... just wanted to say that I will be thinking of your family and praying for you both and your precious little one. Your story is such a testament of faith...

    "He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it..."


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