
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Pray for our Nephew, Jack

Please pray for little Jack. He is 15 months old and in the hospital, and the doctors are trying to figure out what's going on. He woke up this morning vomitting, and they think he might have a bowel obstruction, possibly related to an operation he had ealier this year. Jack is the youngest of 5 kids. Thanks.



  1. Just got home from visiting. He's hanging in there like a champ. He has pancreatitis and the doctors hope to have some firm answers why tomorrow. In the meantime, the little guy can't eat or drink for the next three days! I know Jan, Jeff and the whole crew appreciate each kind thought and prayer!

  2. Praying they discover the cause and that it will be remedied. Also for the whole family.

  3. Got an email from Don saying that he has a virus and things are looking up.


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