
Sunday, December 30, 2007

Tricia's Hospital Room

In case you ever wanted to know what a Duke hospital room looks like...

Here's the new BiPaP machine that basically forces oxygen down Tricia's lungs:


  1. Now that balances both comfort and style! Great look!

  2. I got one of those at the firehouse. But I have to wear the tank on my back.

  3. i want to see that belly!!!!
    Missed you guys at the family gathering...Happy New Year!!!!

  4. Hey Tricia... I have a CPap that I sleep with at nights! They are pretty stylish! LOL!!! My husband nicknamed it Darthie when I started sleeping with it 4 years ago. Hope you have the same positive results that I get from it. My rest at night is SOOOO much better.

    FYI...I get some irritation from the pressure and plastic being against my skin for 8 hours straight. I have found that if I cleanse my face with my facial cleanser and use a good facial moisturizer just before bedtime it almost never happens.

    Praying in SC!


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