
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

1:00pm Update

Tricia is doing well today. They are weaning her off the last of the sedatives. I'm not sure what to expect.

Gwyneth is doing well. Was a little unstable this morning, but a slight adjustment with her breathing tube has her happy and healthy.

I'm going home in a bit to get a shower and nap and check the mail for some more cards and gifts...that's become one of the highlights of my day!



  1. Praise the Lord for a good update! I'm so happy to hear that "your girls" are doing well today. They are certainly receiving superb care from the Duke staff.

    Rebekah V.

  2. How do I mail a card?

    angela conklin


    Amber from Ohio

  4. Praise God for this update! We'll be awaiting word on how Tricia does waking up! I can't wait to hear her response to her beautiful miracle!

    I must have missed where to send a card or package, can you repost that? I still love to send and receive "snail" mail.

    Praying and refreshing throughout the day...

  5. Thank you Jesus!!! Glad to hear things are looking brighter today.


  6. Hurrah for coming of the sedatives. It's amazing to watch the ever slow progress! You have me captivated here in Eugene, OR.


    25 w/cf

  7. I just returned from my bible study group and upon leaving we lifted Tricia and Gwyneth up in prayer. Looks like God is already answering our prayers! Glad to see the new post of some good news! Still PRAYING all the while PRAISING God for his healing touch! THANK YOU JESUS! Looking forward to your next blog as we are EXPECTING GOOD NEWS! Be blessed in the LORD today. Meredith/Orlando Fl

  8. Praise God for good reports!

  9. Glory be to God! I am so glad to read your update! Holding you up in prayer!

  10. So glad to hear things are good and you're taking the opportunity to rest for yourself.

    My thoughts are never far from your family even while caring for my own four children!

    Refreshing in Ohio

  11. My sister was on a vent for 12 days in November. The 2-3 days where they reduced the sedatives to the point that she was awake enough to go what was going on, and was clearly in great discomfort, scared, and unable to communicate were near-unbearable. Hopefully this is a difficult step to getting off the machine.

  12. So glad for the update. I've checked and rechecked your blog all day. Prayers for you all. God is good, All the time.
    All the time, God is good.

    Mary Rogers
    Trenton FL

  13. Nate, You don't know me but I, like many others, follow your blog everyday. Thank you for taking your time and keeping us all updated. You are truly inspiring as are your girls. I loved the video from yesterday. Thank you for sharing. You are all in my prayers. I hope that the gift of health and time are among those delivered today.

  14. Hi! Y'all don't know me but I found your blog on the blog of a friend of mine. My family lives in Prairieville, Louisiana. I've spent the better part of the morning reading you and Tricia's amazing story. My heart is rejoicing with you as I read your most recent update. Praise God that both Tricia and Gwyneth are doing good today! My family and I are standing with you in faith and prayer that He will continue to work in your girls and that He will heal them both in a way that only HE can. This is a perfect situation for God to show up in and show off in... a perfect situation for one of His miracles! My prayers are for you as well... that you continue to have faith in our Lord and that He will continue to strengthen you each moment of each day. Would it be ok with you if I submit a prayer request to our church staff to pray for all of you? We are members of Healing Place Church in Baton Rouge.
    Be blessed and take care of yourself and your girls...

    Lesley M.

  15. Hey, Nate! I have included your story on my blog and asked those that visit to pray for you and your sweet girls. I am praying too. Please check my blog ( to see the post entited "In need of Prayer".


  16. Nate!
    May our Father God bring the three of you through this trial with a story that could change the world!

    I pray for Peace and for miracles!

    Peace and Miracles!

  17. how can i send a card and where can i send $ to help you guys right now? please let me know.

    praise god for the good update... i know there are more to come. god is with you and your precious family.

  18. I'm almost done putting the package together for you...I'll try to get it in the mail tomorrow. Hopefully some goodies you'll enjoy and to keep you busy :) So glad to hear a good report. I'm praying that when Tricia is off this sedative she will be able to talk to you and really understand what has occurred...that is my BIG prayer for you right now as I know you are so ready to be able to communicate with her better. So happy Gwyneth is doing great!!!

  19. Can you please post the mailing address for gifts again please? I have a special gift for Baby Gwenyth that I would love to send this week.
    Thank you for sharing your precious miracle with us!
    Heather in CA

  20. YEAH! So happy to hear such a great update. keep them coming I am on the edge of my seat over here in NY:-)

  21. Hallelujah for a good update!! I'm praying hard that weaning her off the sedarives goes smoothly.

    Glad to hear Gwyneth is ok.

    Sleep well!

  22. Praying for Tricia as she wakes up praying for you as your rest and for baby Gwyneth to continue to grow and learn to breathe. Enjoy the mail.
    By the way I love checking on your cluster map and watching it grow as news spreads around the world about your family. I also am finding more and more blogs that I read on a regular basis with your family's story and links to your blog and am always happy to see that others are spreading the word about this miracle you all are experiencing. Continuing to pray for God to strengthen your whole family.
    Rachel in PA

  23. I'm so glad that today has brought some good news. I will be praying for Tricia as they wean her off the last of the sedatives.

  24. Just another person you don't know praying for your incredible family. : ) Thank you for taking the time to keep us updated throughout the day. Love, prayers, and thoughts from Columbus, Ohio.


  25. so awesome to hear both your girls are doing well. we think about you all the time and pray for peace and strength. i do have one coffee your new best friend, b/c I work for do the math. :) blessings from Florida.

  26. So very thankful for an update and a good one at that!!!!

  27. Good news to hear. We will be praying that this allows the two of you to truly reconnect and share the events of the last week together.

  28. PRAISE GOD!!! Do you have an address to send notes to to share?
    Glad to hear things are going better for Tricia today - I am sure this can be scary at times for her!! well really for all of you... but praise God - its a new better day! Danielle

  29. Nate...I have been checking all morning for an update. We'll be praying constantly that you can be in there with Tricia and give her peace and understanding as she continues to be more wakeful. I can't even imagine being in her shoes. But, God is good and has been with her. So glad to hear that Miss Gwyneth is holding strong. Can't wait to get back down there.

  30. You've got your prayer warriors working overtime in San Angelo, TX - praying for continued good news!

  31. Hello Nate. You are doing a beautiful job keeping this Blog and recording all of these miraclous events. I have CF as well and am a patient at Duke Hospt. I recieved the Gift of Life... 2 beautiful new lungs there not long ago. I have many stories and words of advice for you but for now just a quick tip... Could Tricia be HOT? I remember coming off of the seditives feeling like I was going to blow up from being overheated. Someone had suggested that my husband buy a NEW in the pkg. small portable fan to cool me off in ICU. It was a Godsend. Also, cool washcloths on my forehead and neck helped make me feel better. One more... John Suscavich. He works at Duke Hospt. and can help calm patients durning very stressful times. ie: getting my breathing tube out. He held my hand and talked me through it with an amazingly calm voice. (they didn't allow my husband there at that time) Hope this helps. God Bless you and the girls. FAITH, LOVE of my family and friends and the GIFT of LIFE from my donor family are what got me here today.

  32. We are continuing to pray for Tricia's comfort as she fully awakens. Get some rest Nate - let T and I know if we can do anything at all for you.

  33. Nate I am checking on updates three and four times a day, and praying with you and your family each time. I'm also calling your Aunt Donna and checking in with her, we cry and Praise the Lord together. My Church family at the Church of God in Siler City are continuing to pray. We love you and your family and will be there with you in prayer. God Bless You All!

  34. Praying hard in Collingswood, NJ

  35. I don't remember how I originally found this blog, but I just wanted you to know that your family is in my prayers.

  36. Nate,
    We will continue to pray for peace and strength for you, Tricia and Gwyneth. We are also continually thanking and praising God for all of the amazing things He is teaching all of us whether family, old friends or new ones.
    Aunt Julie

  37. Well Praise the Lord!!!! PTL as we say at my house!!!! I am so glad to hear that both girls are doing well!!! Many prayers are being said on their behalf! God is so good! i can't wait till Tricia wakes and is able to see the pictures of her sweet baby girl!!!!! Oh, and yes, how do we send cards\packages???

    God Bless you all today!

  38. Wonderful news! I think "captivated" (as used by Talana - theprincess) is a great term for what you've done by telling us your family's story. I can see God visibly working on Tricia and Gwyneth (and you too!) and it's wonderfully encouraging to me!

  39. I'm glad to hear this good update. Keep us posted, especially about how Tricia does being weaned completely.


  40. Saw your link on a friend's blog and wanted you to know that we are praying for you and your girls in TN today.
    Rebekah Wright

  41. Praying that Tricia adjusts well when she fully awakes. Glad to hear Gwyneth is doing better.
    Had lunch with T at LaFogattas today and we talked about you guys, yea, I know, it's gossip. "but it's true" ;)

    Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

  42. I have found you thru another blog and just wanted to let you know I have gone back and read your whole story. I am moved beyond words and have added you to my "favorites" list. I will check in every day to make sure you and your precious family are progressing. I am thinking of you and will pass your blog along to everyone I know. We have close friends whose baby was just diagnosed with CF. Your blog gives lots of hope!

    Columbus, OH

  43. So glad to hear Tricia is doing well today. We will pray for this next transition to go well for her. Glad they got Gwyneth stable again. We continue to pray for the three of you, medical staff, family and friends traveling to be with you, everyone praying for you, and all who are touched by your tremendous journey. Keep leaning on Him, as I know you will, and He will carry you through. God's love and peace, Cousin Amy

  44. So glad for positive news. hope your nap refreshes. Sending love to you and your girls, and, always, my prayers.

  45. what is your address to mail something to? praise the LORD for the wonderful update! praying that the day only gets better for your girls!

  46. I'd love to send a card. If that would be ok with you, my email address is

    Apryl in NC

  47. I'm so glad to hear things are going better today. I'm glad Gwen's breathing tube being adjusted was able to make a positive difference. We want that little girl comfortable and happy!

    I hope that as Tricia's weaned off her sedatives that she does well on the Vent and doesn't become agitated. I'm praying about that. Her mother and sister are there again, aren't they? That should be a help to both you and her.

    How are people sending all of these emails, cards, gifts...I haven't seen anything posted for people to do that? Maybe they are personal friends and family. I'm just happy to be able to read your blogs and be able to comment once in a while. I pass your blogs on quite often so I know many are thinking of you and praying for you. We'll be praying for you at prayer meeting tonight!
    Debbi (Aspiemom)

  48. Thanks for sharing the good news. Praying for all of you!

  49. my name is amy. I go to Campbell University and today I learned about Tricia and Gwyneth. I just want you to know that I will get everyone I know to pray for you all. Today I read all of your entries. I just couldn't stop reading. Know that God is there with your side. He is watching over your "girls"!

    God Bless,

  50. Wow! I found your blog through a childhood friend adn read as much as I could last night. I have posted your link on my blog and asked people to pray. I will certainly be praying for you guys. Your writing is so raw and honest and will touch people in a powerful way. I am praying the Lord gives you all that you need during these days and that many souls will be touched for His kingdom and glory.
    The Lord bless you and keep you and make his beautiful to shine upon you and be gracious unto you...
    sarah smith

  51. I am a LU student... and I have been following your blog for quite some time now. Your faith continues to inspire me. Just wanted you to know that I am praying everyday for yall. I have also been passing your story onto many.

    praying praying praying!

    -LU student

  52. Nate,
    Isn't it amazing how responsive and attentive everyone is who reads your blog? I just read this update and took note that the cards and gifts are the highlight of your day... and wondered the same thing that I now see everyone else is...

    Your strength inspires me and I'm sure everyone else. Your girls fill our hearts. It's hard to read all you've written and not feel like a member of the family.. and for some of us who are far away (I'm in Massachusetts), our hearts spring at the chance to be a part of something that is "the highlight" of your day because it is something we could do to make a difference (besides, of course, the prayer that so many people are offering).

    If you do tell us how to mail to you, I predict that the hotel staff may soon have to devote a laundry cart to your mail!

  53. I am also a LU student...
    before class began today, your story was shared. just wanted you to know that my class of 300+ students were lifting yall up today!

    praying for tricia as she slowly wakes... praying for precious gwyneth as her little body continues to develop... and praying for you nathan your faith continues to inspire me!

    praying, praying, praying!!!

  54. I just found your blog from another blog—Scott Ward. The Wards also have a preemie, born Nov. 28 at 26 weeks. I'll be praying for the three of you. One suggestion that might help in communicating with Tricia. My father-in-law contracted West Nile back in August. He has been on a venitlator with a trach since then. He writes with his finger on his stomach since he can't hold a marker.

  55. how can i mail a card/package to yall?

  56. I found your blog through a link of many others, I was in tears reading your blog. I am praying every night for Gwyneth and Tricia to recover soon. Remember God Loves you and your family very much,
    God Bless

  57. Hi Nathan. So glad to hear the sedatives are nearing the end! Thank you for your updates, are you thinking of writing a book one day! I bet it would be a best-seller. Hugs to Tricia & Gwyneth and you! Take care. thinking and praying for you all, Steve & Judi

  58. I've added you and your beautiful family to my blog. Sending many prayers your way.

  59. Sounds like a lot of Progress! You enjoy your well deserved rest!
    also I would love to send a special something how can I go about it? my personal email is...


    ...thank you!

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. You two are an inspiration. I just lost a friend to CF and I have CF myself. I am just starting O2 at night (tonight will be my first night), so it's kind of a rough time for me.

    I have many friends with CF, and I've seen many of them go through transplant and live wonderful lives! I know Tricia is strong enough to pull through this, make it to transplant and then be a wonderful mother to your beautiful baby girl.

    I only hope one day I am as lucky as you two - you have each other and loving families. I hope one day I will have a husband like you!

    Lots of love and hope to you, Tricia and Gwyneth :-)


  62. I'm so happy to hear that Tricia and Gwyneth are both doing better.


  63. Hooray for a good day!
    Praying for you daily...

  64. I'm another "lurker" that checks your blog regularly for updates of your wife and baby girl.

    Lot's of prayers going up for all of you.

    I'm so impressed with how strong you all are, especially how spiritually strong you all are.

    I'm a big believer that we are only given what He knows we can handle.

    Praying for more good news with every update!

  65. I came upon your family's story from a fertility forum, could you even try to wonder how you got on that!
    Anyway, I understand how your family feels, well about 20% perhaps of how your family feels. I was in the hospital for 3 months, and fearing for the life of my child before she was born. I am praying for you and know that is what got us through.
    Got is amazing.
    God Bless You and yours.
    Becoming a dad will be a wonderful gift, I can't wait until you can enjoy it and smile at your little one w/out any fear.
    Andrea in New Mexico...

  66. How did Gwyneths head u/s turn out? You may have posted it somewhere and I missed it..

  67. I found your site today. Prayers are coming... your family is being lifted into the house of our lord.

    He is so good and awesome as our Lord.

    My prayers to Jesus may be silent in thought but they are loudly heard in heaven and it is my prayer that your family has healing, love, warmth and protection from God.

    Bless you and yours

    Amanda (All the way from Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada)

  68. A friend told me of your family yesterday. I checked on your girls all morning praying as I waited to hear of their progress today. My husband and I have already begun to lift your precious family before the throne of Grace in confidence as we join with you and the multitudes of others believing in all He is going to do on your behalf. After all do we not serve the one and only God who is able to do far more than we can ask or imagine?

    Isaiah 58:11
    The LORD will guide you always;
    he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.

    Apex, NC

  69. My sister-in-law posted your blog on her blog site. Seeing the pictures of your precious daughter brought tears of joy to my eyes. I have a son, who just turned 1, actually on 01/08, and I know how precious children are and how suddenly when you meet them you have so much love for them. I will be praying for you and for you two beautiful girls. I have sent your blog address to my Sunday School class as well.

  70. I have added your story to my blog and I pray for your girls to find strength, comfort, peace and healing.
    Praising God for the good update!


  71. I have been praying for you and your family for about 2 weeks now. I am so glad things are looking up. I know God will continue to Bless you all.

  72. can you post the address where we can send gifts and cards to?
    Thanks, holding you in prayer!

  73. God is Good!

    We were so thrilled to hear that the "girls" are having a better day today. We're headed to Wed. night service soon and we'll be sure to lift you all up during prayer time. The NSF family loves and misses you and Tricia, and it's exciting to see how intently everyone is following your journey. Many prayers are coming from Va. Beach!
    The Edwards family

  74. Praise the Lord for the update! :) I'm glad to read the update about your girls. Still praying for you guys!

  75. Hi Nathan-
    I found your blog thru a caringbridge site. I have visited many times over the several days and you and your girls have been in my thoughts and prayers. Your love for your family is so heartfelt as is your faith. It has brought me back time after time. I also have a blog about my family and would like to put something on it to let others know about your story and put out a call for prayers. Finding your blog was such a blessing since I struggle with my faith and how to have faith during trying times (which we have also had our share of). I read your posts and feel the love you have for God and that you accept his will without guestion. I want that so bad-thank you for reminding me it does exist.
    with prayers from Kansas

  76. sorry I forgot to leave my blogsite:)

  77. FYI,
    At 5PM Tricia is off sedation. Her mom is in with her now. Nathan is back at "home" getting some sleep.

    I don't yet know how she's doing at this point, but I'm sure Nate will update us here tonight. Let's pray its real good news.

  78. Thank you for the great report. I hope your nap was heavenly and there were lot's of cards and goodies in the mail. Giving Him the praise.....

  79. Praise the Lord for every improvement. Praying for Nate, Tricia, Gwyneth, Rick, Gail, Joe, Kendra and sons, Gabby and her family! Lord bless all of you.


  80. "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. John 14

    I am asking the LORD, if it be in accordance with His will, and so that it may bring glory to the Father, to completely heal Tricia from cystic fibrosis. It's impossible with man, but with God ALL things ARE possible.

    He has promised to show wonders on earth in the last days. Joel 2:30.
    I believe we are living in these days. I am asking for this wonder,
    a miraculous healing that our LORD might be glorified. So that men might turn to Him and repent, and be saved, as we see his love and goodness and power.

    In Jesus name, Amen

  81. We continue to pray for you all!
    The McLamb's
    Clayton, NC

  82. May the effects of the sedatives go away quickly and bring peace to Tricia so that she may learn of all the miracles that occured over the last week!

    Praise God!

  83. Praying that Tricia is having a smooth transition to being awake. I can't wait to hear about her getting to visit Gwyneth for the first time. It will be a good time to buy stock in kleenex.

    In Christ

  84. I am the neonatal nurse, I just want you to know I say a prayer for you all. Seeing the little one on the vent and your comment about CPAP let me know where she was in her progress. Loved the Christmas video. I feel like I know you all.

  85. Hi!

    I got you blog-address of a friend of mine, she has posted it on her blog too (
    I just read your entries and i'm really touched by the situation and how you handle that! it just showes me what REAL trust and faith in GOD means...!!!
    your witness is strong and known already in many parts of the world. keep on trusting and talking with Jesus about e v e r y t h i n g, cause he care's about your situation and the lifes of your girles even more than you!!!
    can you imagine that? :-)

    be richly blessed, i'll pray for you guys!

    corina, from switzerland (europe)

  86. Hi!

    I got you blog-address of a friend of mine, she has posted it on her blog too (
    I just read your entries and i'm really touched by the situation and how you handle that! it just showes me what REAL trust and faith in GOD means...!!!
    your witness is strong and known already in many parts of the world. keep on trusting and talking with Jesus about e v e r y t h i n g, cause he care's about your situation and the lifes of your girles even more than you!!!
    can you imagine that? :-)

    be richly blessed, i'll pray for you guys!

    corina, from switzerland (europe)

  87. Hi!

    I got you blog-address of a friend of mine, she has posted it on her blog too (
    I just read your entries and i'm really touched by the situation and how you handle that! it just showes me what REAL trust and faith in GOD means...!!!
    your witness is strong and known already in many parts of the world. keep on trusting and talking with Jesus about e v e r y t h i n g, cause he care's about your situation and the lifes of your girles even more than you!!!
    can you imagine that? :-)

    be richly blessed, i'll pray for you guys!

    corina, from switzerland (europe)

  88. sorry, i didn't mean to post this comment three times ;-)

  89. Posted on my blog today for prayer.
    I just spent the last hour (at work) reading your story.
    I pray that you continue to have the unshakeable faith and peace that the Lord will sustain you and your beautiful girls.

    Molly from Dallas, Texas

  90. Your faith is an inspiration and my heart goes out to you all at such a difficult time. Kind thoughts and very best wishes to you and to Tricia and Gwyneth for their continued recovery.
    London, England.

  91. Loving the updates and praying Tricia will tolerate waking up well...and of course, always praying for Gwyneth.


    Their son is dying of a nuerological defect. He's only 6 months old. They've been to Duke and to London, England seeking experimental treatments. He is on a drug that is helping him, but it's not FDA approved and their emergency approval has been stuck in red tape for over a month now. Tonight they gave him his last dose of the drug. There is 60 doses waiting in England to be shipped to him, but due to the FDA, they can't receive it. He'll die without it. Their story can be read under the blog section of their website. It's heart wrenching. PRAY THE FDA ALLOWS THEM TO HAVE THE EMERGENCY DOSAGE THEY NEED.

  92. Does God really answer pray? Are you kidding! How would you feel if your wife called and said your dautgher wants to talk to you and her name is TRICIA? She had mouthed my name for my wife to call me. I am just thankful for all have joined us in lifting her up to our Heavenly Father.We as a family can only use words to say but please realize our hearts are shouting. It is such a blessing to know for sure she was able to realize she is a MOM.This was a sign to me that an awesome God was rewarding two of His favor servants for thier commitment to Him. Your comments continue to encourage us are sign that GOD is alive and His servants are busy about His business. Thanks again.

  93. Can't wait for another update. Your girls are just beautiful. You are such a good loving husband and Father!

  94. For Don and Agnes:
    I check Nate's blog many, many times each day and just read proud dad/grandpop's comment. WOW! What wonderful news! Tricia and Gwyneth are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. You are all in my heart.
    love from Agnes' old friend Judy

  95. We've missed you Tricia! So glad you are awake! We continue to pray for you constantly and pray that you are comfortable. Can't wait to see you.


    T, Allison and Colin

  96. Rejoicing in the Lord that Tricia is awake and able to communicate with her parents. Praying she continues to improve and that the Lord blesses her with more glorious miracles. Looking forward to the next update. God's love and peace, Amy (cousin)

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. nate, tricia, and gwyneth --

    i discovered your story today via a friend's blog and immediately linked to you in my own blog. there's nothing i can say that hasn't been said, or that you don't already believe because of your strong faith in God.

    i just wanted to let you know that more prayers are being lifted up for you and your sweet family.


  99. Sending prayers from Outback Australia for your two sweet angels!

    hugz to you


  100. I am continuing to pray for both Tricia and Gwyneth. Praise God that Tricia is more alert and trying to communicate. Is there any way a Speech-Language Pathologist from the hospital can come in to give suggestions on ways to interpret her communication? That is what I do (with children)..and there should be someone available to give you and your family suggestions once reviewing her case. Just an idea!
    With continued prayers from California

  101. Praise the Lord for progress! I am praying for you and your precious family, your daughter is incredibly beautiful. I will continue pray for progress for them both, and strength for you. Your blog is a wonderful testament of your faith, thank you for that, please know that you are inspiring me in my own faith. Thank you for sharing your journey, it is so amazing how God can pull his family together across the world!
    From Beverley in London, UK

  102. Hi Nate!
    You said to let you know when we posted something about your family on our blog.
    Just to let you know, we just did. Our blog is

    Praying for you all!
    -Julie & Seth Nickerson

  103. *bump*
    There have been some questions about the Duke ECard. I do not feel comfortable giving out Tricia's room number on the internet, especially with as much exposure as this blog seems to be receiving. I pray you'll understand that.

    But, you simply need to address the ECard to "Tricia Lawrenson" in room # "ICU" and I guarantee it will make it to us. It seems everyone in the entire hospital knows who Tricia is.

  104. Nathan, we are praying for you with great hope. I know your journey is long, but "Those who put their hope in Him, will never be put to shame." (Rom. 12:11)

    Sharing your story that God may be praised, at titled "Pray with Us."

    Olivia Brigham

  105. Nate,
    Great to hear it has been a good day! I have added your blog to my blog so my family can pray for you as well. Just remember, the Lord is faithfull and will be with you through all of this. He has meaning and purpose behind all he does even when we don't get it.

    Fort Wayne IN

  106. Nathan,
    You don't know me, but I've been following your love story for several days. I will continue to lift you and your girls up in prayer. Tricia is an amazing woman! You do a wonderful job of sharing who she is. Gwyneth is beautiful!
    With Love in Christ,
    Julie from RI

  107. Praying for your little family and that you all know the God of all comforts holding you close.

  108. Nate, could you email me your address, I have something special I would like to send you guys. Thanks Heather

  109. Hi Nathan and Tricia- I heard of your situation through a comment on my blog. I'm a quadriplegic and spent several months in the hospital on a vent/trach a couple of years ago after I broke my neck. I'm a fellow believer in Jesus and in prayer! I am committing to pray for you both and for your precious Gwyneth. I'm glad to see you have such a loving supportive network of family and friends. May God hold you in the palm of his hand as you wait, heal and grow.
    Kari Morris-Guzman
    Riverside, CA

  110. Continuing to pray for your sweet girls and you as you walk this road. Praise the Lord for the support you have, near and far, and all the wonderful people you have praying! Your story has been on basically every blog I read and keep up with... mostly those families that are walking our road with a Trisomy 18 baby. You 3 are listed on my "families in need of prayer" list on our blog... I truly believe that each of us walks a road at some point that we truly don't understand~ but thankfully the Lord does!

    Holding you up in prayer,

  111. Nathan,

    My name is Larry Nance, and my wife's name is also Tricia...You don't know me, but I know you. You are absolutely exhausted but can't wait to get another chance tomorrow to see your precious baby and wife. You stay up at night researching everything that the doctors said about your wife and your daughter trying to learn what to expect for the next day. While you pray for your daughter and your wife, you cry. When you let your daughter hold your finger with her whole hand, or when she wrinkles her face or stretches, you are amazed at what a perfect little girl you see in front of you, and you cry some more. When you wake up, you depend upon God to get you through each little tiny part of the day like never before--and sometimes, deep inside, you feel a little angry that this is all happening. At the same time, you thank God for all the amazing advances in technology that are keeping your wife and daughter alive. Taking your daughter's temperature and changing her diaper seem like priceless time you get to spend with her...

    My brother in Christ, on Christmas day 2006, our little miracle baby boy was born at 28 weeks of age and 2 pounds 11 ounces. My wife's blood pressure went so high that she could no longer see and her kidneys began to fail. Although our stories are not exactly the same, I have a very good idea what you are going through. I am blessed to be able to say that Tommy is now a bit over a year old and despite being on a ventilator and all of the other things he endured, he is doing perfectly. And my Tricia (this could get confusing) also recovered after a stay in the hospital. The only complication on my end was that Tommy was our fourth child, and we lived about 45 minutes from the hospital where Tricia was and about 2 hours from where they were taking care of the baby! Now we live in Dayton, Ohio (I am in the USAF).

    My advice to you is simple...sleep when you can, eat when you can and pray always. And don't spend hours on the internet researching all the things that could go wrong! That is what the Doctors get paid for!

    You are in our prayers. May God strenthen you and fill you with the power of the Holy Spirit. And may He, the master physician, heal and comfort your child and your wife like only He can do.

    P.S. Feel free to drop me a line if you'd like to chat!

  112. Nate, I just want to encourage you and let you know my friend had a baby that weighed a little over a pound and he is in school now. She named him "Silas" and he is very smart. Due to his prematurity, he does have a mild form of CP, but other that that, he is great. Thank you for sharing your story & keep praising the Lord for all he is doing! I will keep your family in my prayers. Love in Christ, Sheryl

  113. What a good update! Seeing your loved one being weaned off a vent, is a hard thing. You want them to wake up, and be able to communicate, at the same time you dont want them in any pain or discomfort. Prayers being sent to you and yours.


  114. Our church is praying for you
    Grace Bible Church Barrington NJ

  115. Glad to see the latest post from the proud dad! Praise God for a good day. We continue to pray for everyone.

    Creation shows the power of God- there's glory all around, and those who see must stand in awe, for miracles abound.

    I cannot doubt the work of God - it's plain for all to see, the miracles that he has wrought should lead to calvary...Carlton C. Buck

    Today, the same boy that compared Gywneth's "cute little skin" to an elephant(see comments from a few days ago); well, he accidentally hit the print button when our computer was open to the CF Husband blog. Caught that...15 PAGES LATER!!!

    Thought you'd appreciate the humor. Anyone know where you can get dell printer ink cheap?!!

    from "S. Jersey"


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