
Saturday, January 12, 2008


Quickly...both of my girls are the same as when I left them last night. I've been to visit and pray with both, and have been doing some work and catching up with the blogosphere that seems to be consumed by Tricia and Gwyneth.

I'm going to actually go somewhere other than home (hotel) and the hospital today to buy a few things.

If you're just checking in for the first time today, please keep reading below as I updated a few times late last night.




  1. You will never meet me but I stumbled accross your blog when I made mine. I have a cousin with CF that is only 17 and expecting her first child. I am a respiratory therapist here in memphis at a childrens hospital called Lebonheur. I love my job. I actually work in the NICU and take care of babies just like yours. I have been checking your blog several times a day and now we are checking it at work and our entire unit is praying for your family. I want you to know that this is the most incredible story I have ever heard. You give everyone hope. It is such a joy to look here and see how well things are going. I want you to know that it is amazing to see the power GOD has when you really trust him. KEEP YOU HEAD UP AND KEEP YPUR FAITH and this will all go well. There is a plan for everyone. This is just one more chapter in your family book and now that you are a family of three you will have many more chapters. Please pray for our families going through a similar situations at our hospital. I have passed your blog onto everyone I know.

  2. Praising God for the status quo. Still praying for the 3 of you!

  3. YES!! Leave the hospital and the hotel! I was on vacation, actually, when Lincoln decided to come 16 weeks early and I was stuck in another country for months until he was stable enough to come home. I remember going from the hospitality house to the hospital every day, non-stop and never doing anything else. It does become draining, even though everything you love is there and you just can't imagine leaving. You do need to do it for yourself though.

    I remember, however, walking around the mall once and looking at these people who were SHOPPING. I mean, they were actually shopping - How could they shop when there were things so much more important in life? They were trying on clothes!! Did they know that my baby was just born weighing barely over a pound? HELLO? It was a weird moment for me...And now, here I am a year later, walking around the mall with that same little one. I guess it really is all about perspective, but I just hope I keep mine.

    Good for you for getting out and about. It's good for you...

    Tricia and Gwenyth's angels will watch over them while you're gone. Lincoln still looks up to the ceiling sometimes and smiles. I know it's his angel that kept him comfortable for so many months in the hospital, just checking in to make sure he's okay.

  4. Nathan - We are in earnest prayer for Tricia, Gwyneth, and all of the medical staffs working so hard to help each through their daily challenges. I have known and loved God with all my heart, all of my life. I have taken happy and sad journeys in my life, but always with my God's nurturing, forgiveness, and encouragement. After reading your daily blogs, I have found an even more renewed joy and sense of purpose in knowing my God even more closely. I see the joys you share, when others worry of your sadness, and your entry about that touched me deeply. Jeff and I have been looking at the pictures with great joy. Our congratulations to your parents and Tricia's parents on their miracle granddaughter. We grandparents are a "mighty force" filled with love and we join them in prayer for this sweet baby and her mom and dad. May everyone be as joyous about their relationship with God, as we find in your heart. Continuing in prayer - Diane Fischer (Outer Banks)

  5. Nate,
    Thank you for taking your time to keep us updated. I know there is some therapy in "blogging". It really helped me during my pregnancy with Madeline. I am praying for you and your two girls as I go about my day. Know that so many are lifting you up. I know you stand amazed at the power and goodness of our Lord. May you have a blessed day filled with many joyous moments.


  6. Nate,

    Glad to hear you're getting out today. I know you love being with your girls but hospitals and motels get old after a while. You know Tricia would want you to get out.

    Glad to hear all is well.


  7. Enjoy your trip to the outside world! It'll give you something to talk "with" Tricia about today! Still praying!


    I heard about you, Gweneth, and Tricia through our homeschool organization called YMV (Young Musicians of Virginia) located in Virginia Beach. Your family has been lifted up in our prayer request/memos every week. I just wanted to share with you that I am a mother of a baby that was born extremely early at 22 weeks last March. He (Tyson, hence the name because he was a fighter!)was a twin. His twin, Trinity, was born at 20 weeks but did not make it. Tyson stayed in my womb for another two weeks and lived!. I was not expecting for the doctors to keep him when he was born because they informed me that normally the doctors would only save those babies who are 24 weeks or older. BUT, God had another plan. HIS plan. His plan was to show us, the doctors, and staff that He is the God of MIRACLES. Tyson defied all of the odds and everyone couldn't believe that nothing would be wrong with him. Tyson survived every surgery, passed every test, and was allowed to go home after three months with only vitamins and a liquid medicine due to his adrenal glands being immature. Our GOD is a GREAT GOD. The only thing that didn't happen while I was going through this that Tyson's father, mother, and his brother, etc...did not see the miracle of his birth and recognize that it was only GOD who made our little angel survive everything he went through. I continue to pray for God's revelation of Himself and his word in their lives. I truly thought that this would be the turning point for them, however, our situation has worsened. Tyson's father has moved out of the home. Tyson's grandparents will not communicate with me. We've even have been to court for custody and visitation and still have to go to court in February because of the enemies evil plot to cause seperation and division in our lives. BUT everyday I continue to speak and confess God's word that I have been redeemed from the hand of the enemy and I know that God will bring back Tyson's father and restore my family. So, please keep us in prayer as we continue to keep you and your family in prayer. Gweneth is Beautiful! You know, all Tyson does is smile throughout the day. Everyone who sees him can't believe how much he smiles. His spirit is so sweet and is just a reminder of God's love in the mist of my storm. MANY BLESSINGS TO YOU! GWENETH will be healthy and strong; TRICIA TOO! TAKE CARE!

  9. Well I hope you received our e-card but I know you have so many to go through. It's us from the OBX-Dylan (w/ CF), Tina, Shawn & Chris (David Taylor's friend). Chris is in Wilmington at college keeping up through me everything that is going on. Dylan is so excited that Tricia had a baby girl but at the same time he asks me if God is going to take her away since he gave you a miracle because most people only get one miracle (the mind of an 11 yr old). I told him that Tricia was a miracle in itself & Gwyneth came from her so it is miracle within a miracle and God works in mysterious ways. Ours is not to question why but just to be thankful that he gave us the gift in the first place. He is praying at his bedside every night for you as am I. I have kept up with every one of your blogs every day and I check back often for any news & Dylan & I talk about it often. Chris is also praying for you too and admires you for your strength and perserverence and undying love. He hopes that one day he can experience a love as true. We truly admire you and have from the very beginning we met your family. You give us hope for Dylan and his future with CF. When Tricia does wake please let her know we are thinking about her night & day and will continue to pray until she and Gwyneth come home. We pray for you to continue to be strong and remember you have sooo much love & support, we will not let you falter. With all our love, the OBX Clan.

  10. Nate,
    I agree that you need to get out for a little while...God never leaves those He loves and calls according to His purpose...we will be praying here on the OBX that your girls will rest easy while you are out.
    We love you all,

  11. Your 'not sad' post hit the nail on the head, Nate! When I was waiting in bed for my double lung transplant, so many people kept telling me how 'tragic' my story was - hardly so! The Lord was glorified through EVERY step, and even if things would have turned out differently here on earth, He still would have been good and sovereign.

    His ways truly are higher than ours (Is. 55), and I know that Tricia and precious Gwyneth are bringing Him MUCH glory! Still praying (along with thousands of others).

    Amber from Ohio

  12. Yeah Nate,

    I'm glad you are going to go out some, clear your head, enjoy the outside world a few minutes. Thanks again for sharing your life like an open book with us. You guys are awesome and I know you give God the glory.


  13. Nate and Tricia,
    I continue to be amazed at your journey and your devotion to God. I can promise you that everyday someone's life changes because of your family. What an amazing feat! Nate, I remember what it was like holding my daughter for the first time and you have amazing pictures to be able to look back on years from now. I can't wait to see the two girls back together again for the first time, which will happen when the time is right. Prayers of thanks that your story turned out different than ours and praying for many more memories to come your way.

  14. Hi Nate,
    Amazing reading as always. Why is it though that if your story is not 'sad' that I cry every time I read it?
    You're right though, it's not sad. It's humbling and inspiring.
    My thoughts are totally occupied by all of you. Your wedding ring on Gwyneth really shows how tiny she really is. But eyes open!? She looks like she's already ready for a walk in the park :-)

    May the good progress continue xx

    Audrey (Uk CF - post liver transplant with son aged 4)

  15. Prayers continuing here for your two precious girls and for you. I agree with your previous post that feeling sad for you as God unfolds this miracle is not an option. This is where He does His best work, showing the world who He is and what He does.
    Praying for continued peace and joy as you wait for Tricia to be fully awakened. God knows the exact second and is guiding the doctors hands and heart, pouring out His wisdom on all who touch your girls.
    The latest pictures made my heart jump with awe for what He is accomplishing here Nate. Your family is in Heavenly Hands. God is so incredible and wonderful. My heart is full for you.

    Laurie in Ca.

  16. Thanking God for the miracles you have seen so far and standing in prayer for many more!

  17. Nathan and Tricia,
    My heart and prayers are with you fervently. You also have family and friends here in california praying for Tricia and Gwenyth, and also my church family at Evangelical Free Church of Diamond Bar, CA is praying.

    I am amazed at God's miracles and amazed at how God loves us so much. Thank you for posting and keeping us updated and informed...Its good to have the details to pray for, God is in every detail.
    As someone with CF, Tricia's age, this hits home for me and my heart cries out to God for you. My heart also yearns to have a child someday, and walking in prayer with you guys in this is ministering to me and showing me that God is bigger than anything I could ever dream of. God works miracles, and I truly believe He is working miracles right there in Tricia and Gwenyth. So thank you, all of you, for being an instrument of faith and testament to our God in my life- you have no idea the impact you have made for me.
    May God protect, heal and comfort each of you. God is our strength.
    These verses have been close to my heart lately, I feel led to share:
    "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is YOUR faithfulness. I say to myself, The Lord is my portion: therefore I will wait for him." Lamentations 3:22-23

    I pray and thank God for his faithfulness each morning there with Tricia and Gwenyth.
    with His joy,
    Emily Haager, CF friend in CA

  18. God Bless you Nathan
    I also feel it is good for you to breath some fresh air
    still showering you & yours lovingly wwith prayers
    Long Island New York

  19. Nate....Go to Target....then you can fill Tricia's ears with the glorious journey to her favorite store...THAT too, will bring her a smile!!!!God bless you today and may today be a real turning point!

  20. Overjoyed to hear the Lawrenson girls continue to hold steady. We're so honored to have seen sweet Gwyn & to pray along side your family through this journey. See you all soon!

  21. Glad to hear that you will be getting out and about today. We are still here amazed and in awe of the Great I Am. We all have seen miracles this week through your lives - Take care, still praying for you and your girls.

  22. I have been reading each day for a few weeks now. I want to thank you for allowing us to all peek into your life and you taking the time out to share your most personal times with us. Your blog with open eyes and educated us on CF, Premature Births and God. Thank you again and I think of you all often during my day...Keep that smile on your face you have so much to smile about~

  23. Nathan, I will be praying for you & Trish & for healing. I'm sorry for her dilema. We are to weep with those who weep & be joyful for those who are joyful. The Spirit of course gives us that ability & sensitivity. We lost my 35 yr. old niece almost 5 months ago from cancer. She fought it for 6 yrs while growing closer to the Lord each day & teaching her two young boys the love of Jesus. She also home schooled them while her husband Jon worked at the San Diego airport. Jon has been blogging on his own web site too as you have. He pours out his heart each time he adds to it. Jon was a professional baseball player with the Dodgers before he & Jess met. His web site is.....The Life And Times Of Jon Graves.
    God bless all of you. In His Name, Gayle J.

  24. Dear Nathan and Tricia,

    I found your blog via the Christian Mother's Forum I don't normally read blogs. Being a SAHM, homeschooling mom of three, I guess you could say my life is busy. However, I really felt God tugging at my heart. So, I went back as far as October and began to read. I have spent well over an hour laughing and crying. Thank you for posting your story. I praise our Heavenly Father for His grace, mercy and faithfulness. The Holy Spirit has humbled me and made me thankful because of your story.

    My heart aches for both of you and your beautiful baby. I'm praying for your family. I am strengthened and encouraged by your faith.

    Heavenly Father, I lift up Nathan, Tricia and Gwyneth to You. Please, Lord, heal Tricia, provide for her new, healthy lungs and bless her with a long life. I ask that you continue to allow baby Gwyneth to grow, thrive and be a source of joy for her family. I pray that You will bless Nathan (and the entire family) with the strength, faith and fruits of the Spirit that they so need, in order to weather this storm. Hold them all close, dear Lord, and allow them to be a witness to Your glory. In Jesus' name. Amen!

    Be Blessed!

    P.S. Tricia, please come visit CMF when you are well! We want to get to know you better and be able to support and pray for you as a new mom!

  25. Thanks to a friend who goes to your church, many of us at Manteo Elementary are following your story. We are so encouraged by your faith! We are continuing in prayer for your family. God bless you all!

  26. I want to reccomend a book for you to get. I read it while I was in the hospital and I think it will be of great inspiration to you and to Tricia when she's awake. It's called 'Tomorrow: Adventures in an Uncertain World'
    It's written by Bradley Trevor Greive.
    Continuing to pray for you guys and I have a package coming soon to you

  27. Wow! Reading through your comments, Nate (& Tricia) I am thinking you are so popular you could run for President! lol Like you'd want to!

    Yes, when you wander into the outside world you will probably feel culture shock, but it will be good for you to go out and do something "ordinary", like buy something in the store. I bet you're going to buy something for your daughter, huh????

    I look forward to your next report...Praying, Aspiemom

  28. Dear Nate, Tricia and baby Gwyneth-
    We will never meet, but you have captured my heart and the hearts of all who have heard your story. Your story has me reconnecting with the Lord in a way I have not known in so long. Your faith and hope in a MIRACULOUS GOD is so inspiring, it makes me want to grow my own faith. I am continually lifting your family up in prayer and am expecting miracles when I do. I know your lives are glorifying God in so many ways. Reading the comments today, I cannot begin to even understand how many people have been changed and touched by your faith.
    As a fellow cfer, I have passed your story on to so many because your story is the most amazing love story I have ever seen or heard. Many people ask me how my friend Tricia is today....amazing, even though I have never met her, she is a sister in Christ.
    Hold on Nathan! Even in your weakest moments, know that there are thousands holding you up in prayer. When visiting Tricia, even though she is in twilight, ask her to imagine the thousands of healing and praying hands on her. God is the ultimate physician and His story and Glory are are unfolding every second.
    Thank you for allowing us to follow your life story...thank you keeping us updated.
    With love and prayers.
    the Elmores

  29. Speaking of out shopping, Eric just brought Amy home with her new goldfish and three guesses what she named them? You guessed it...Nathan, Trica, and Gwyneth ! Smile.

  30. "Abba Father, I thank you for the lives of this percious little one. I thank you that you know her and are familar with all of her ways. I thank you that you have given her your kiss of life and placed her in a family who treasure her. Lord I know that the Lawrenceson's have found favor with you and I ask that you will continue to sustain them in this time of need. I thank you for the lives that this family is touching and I ask that you would reveal Yourself to each person that comes in contact with this family. I ask that you would be with the family of the triplets as well and each family that is calling out to you for the lives of their little ones. Thank you that you have revealed yourself to Nate in a supernatural way and that you have given him your Spirit that he can have your peace in the midst of this strom. I ask that you surround both Trica and her precious baby with your guardian angels. Speak words of healing and strength and wholeness to their spirits. Thank you Lord that we can trust you in all things. Thank you that you know the needs of my brother and sister in Chirst and you will supply them with all they need in your goodness and mercy. Thank you Lord that because of this trial rather than in spite of it that your word will come alive and many will turn to you and be saved. Thank you for the prayers of the saints and thank you that you are quick to respond. Bless your name for you are good."

  31. Nathan we have been following this for several weeks now. There are several families in the Buckeye, AZ area that are praying, and yes our God is just AMAZING. I want to thank Jesus for touching my heart through your beautiful family.

  32. WOW I am gone for a wedding, come back and I have to catch up. HA HA. So excited to see all the amazing news. God is so very good and you are so inspiring.Sorry if I overstate that. Still praying. Blessings from Florida.

  33. Dear Nathan,
    I will continue praying for you, Tricia and Gwyneth. My daughter Michalea is a miracle baby like Gwyneth!!! She was a preemie, born with so many physical problems and dr's told my hubby that she only had a 4% chance of survival...the Lord gave me this verse that I would like to share with you to pray over both of your girls, Psalm 118:17, they shall both live and die and proclaim the works of the Lord...I prayed that each day while in NICU with Michalea, and I would pray over the other little ones while I was there as she was in the worst NICU unit. But God is faithful, she just had her 11th birthday this week :0) I would ask though that you would also pray for us, we found out last year when my oldest daughter that was only 22 at the time- found out she is HIV postive and she was pregnant with our first grandchild and she has been very sick. I am praying for you.

  34. Thank you so much for sharing your story of love, faith and hope. I am the parent of a 12 year old with CF and I appreciate being able to share with her your love of God as well as how you guys are handling this situation. It is inspiring to us as a family how you and Tricia have kept Jesus as number one in your life and you have demonstrated your love of Him in every single post. I pray that your story reaches even more people and more families will come to know God through your story. I am also praying for Tricia, Gwenyth and the medical professionals taking care of them, for you and Tricia's family during these long and difficult days.
    Alicia (garner, nc)

  35. Thanks so much for the fantastic comments. So many mention what a blessing Nate, Tricia and Gwyenth have been to them but just do not realize what a blessing it has been for our family to read your comments. Tricia had the blessing of sharing her life with 5 sibblings. Her one most heart felt desire was to be a MOM. She has always been very close to all sibblings. Gwyenth has been privledged to be our nineth grandchild. As a CF parent, it was tough to imagine how the pregnacy would work but how could you deny your daughters heart felt pray? We appreciate all your prayers knowing we are where we are today due a Heavenly Father that cares and answers Prayer. For all the CF'ers, keep up the treatments and meds as the Lord may use you one day for His divine purpose also.
    Thanks for all the prayers and comments.

  36. Kadence is Praying for Tricia and Gwyneth!

    I read your story yesterday and it really touched me. Made me realize just how fortunate I am. As I was closing the page, tears running down my face, my 2 1/2 year old daughter, Kadence, came up and asked me what was wrong. I did my best to explain to her about Tricia and Baby Gwyneth, she told me to just pray. (We have taught her when we are sad or need help we can pray and God will help us). Well as I went to tuck her in bed last night, she got down on her knees beside her bed and prayed for "baby Gwyneth and Gwyneth's mommy". Nothing brings a mother to tears, or feels her heart with so much joy, like the innocense of her child's prayer.

    I took this picture just after she was done praying, I tried to post the picture in the comments but it wouldn't let me. So here is the link.

    God works miracles!

  37. Nate,
    Please know that there are whole community's of people praying for you! I heard about your story on the baby-fit website, and there are so many people praying for you from that site. I have asked for prayer for you and your family from my my-space friends as well. I believe that Gywneth is one of many miracles that are happening right now, as well as Tricia! I try to check in often, and I can't wait to hear your next update! God Bless! =) ~The Hagemeisters~

  38. Nathan, what a amazing story you are telling. As I read your words and saw your daughter all I could think of was the power of love. God's love for us, and the love you hold for your girls. The picture of Gwenyth holding your finger is beyond anything I have ever seen! God is our strength, healer and victor and I will stand by you, your wife and your baby girl in prayer and faith.
    A sister in Christ,
    Carrie- Reno, NV.

  39. Nathan,
    Your story brings tears to my eyes. I've looked at the pictures of your beautiful daughter with your wedding band on her arm and have shown them to my entire family (hubby, me, and five kids). We want you to know that you have prayers coming from Manassas, VA here on the east coast of the good ole USA. You are all an inspiration and we know... we CLAIM this miracle that God will work in your lives. We claim his victory so that all may know he is the one true God. Be strong, my brother, and know that if God be for you who can be against you.

  40. Oh Nate how wonderful for you to get out today - I stand in AWE of our God and I think I am still speechless at times. I keep thinking about the name you and Tricia chose for your daughter, and I keep comng back to what was once my Hebrew name - Zimra - It means "song of praise" - all I do is sing songs of praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for all that He has done and will continue to do for you and yours and for all the world one day - God Bless you and your entire family for sharing this story of love and joy and hope!! Love you guys - Denise

  41. Tricia and Nathan, your daughter I every bit as stunning as her beautiful name.

    Gwyneth, grow strong little girl.

    Tricia, I pray your sleep is helping restore your strength.

    Nathan, you don't know me, but as a wife and mother, it is my prerogative to nag (my husband and kids will tell you I have it down to a fine art). Take care of yourself. Eat well, sleep when you can and rest in between. Get out of the confining walls of the hospital and hotel. This is not a sprint but a marathon and your girls need you. Take care of yourself.

  42. Hi Nate it is Skye.I was just wondering what Duke Hospital address was and tricia room number was.So how is Tricia and Gwyneth right now Nate.OOOOOO have u seen Gwyneth tonight yet u probuble already saw her I was just wondering. So Nate have you goten any things for the scarpbook from anyone yet.So have you holden Gwyneth yet. Me and my mom have read every thing you have wrotein on your blog. I think it is amazing how tiny Gwyneth is. Last night befor I went to bed I prayed two time for you and your family that is at Duke or travling there or home from Duke.I went to the thing on google and read about it, it was very intresing I think.I love your baby girl Gwyneth. Tell Tricia when she awkaes that i would love to meet you guys. So hope you have a good night tonight. Love Skye Robertson

  43. Hey! I know what your going through. I am 12 andd have CF. Me and my family will pray for you! Good luck.


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