
Sunday, January 27, 2008

2:25pm Update

Both girls are doing about the same physically. I got plenty of sleep last night, and Tricia got a little more than she has been getting. Thank you so much for your prayers!

The past few days have been emotionally rough for Tricia and stressful for me (and Agnes). Without going into details, we appreciate your prayers more than ever right now, especially for the mommy.

I'm taking a break from blogging anything new for at least a few days. Please, feel free to continue hanging out on the blog, but try to resist the urge to call, text, email or Facebook (while I'm on break), unless you are family or close friends (you know who you are).


Nate, Tricia & Gwyneth Rose


  1. Tric...we love you, honey! I can't imagine how tired and stressed you must be trying to get yourself better and worrying about your new little one. We all are praying for you every chance to have peace of heart and mind and to get some good sleep and for Gwyneth to poop her little pants all day and night :) LOVE YOU HONEY!!!

  2. I will continue to pray for your family & respect that you need a few days to break away. God bless you all. You are all 3 in my prayers.

  3. Nate, we'll keep praying.

    "See" you when you get back from your break.


  4. Have CF, had respiratory failure and my baby was born at 29 weeks, was on a vent for weeks after baby was born, couldn't sleep after woke up from 'deep sleep', just like Tricia, I was very disoriented for awhile. the lack of sleep is likely from ICU psychosis or the medications she received during the 'deep sleep' for pain/forgetting/sedation. It took me several weeks to get it out of my system. I know we're different people, but my husband and I went through an almost identical circumstance. Please email me if any questions you or Tricia might have. I might have a perspective about how she may feel or something. I had nightmares and when I woke up, I was confused but I didn't know how to talk about it or what exactly to do or say. Lord willing, if I can help..I'm here. Thank you for your witness and authenticity.

  5. Your family will continue to be in my prayers. I can't imagine what Tricia is going through. I feel so badly for her. I'm praying that God will give her peace of mind, and His hands will soothe her. I will miss your updates, and look forward to them when you return. It's definitely the highest priority to be there for your girls!! They need you just a bit:)


  6. Prayers are winging their way across the pond to you all from Epsom, Surrey, England

  7. The prayers will continue, do enjoy your blogging break! Some alone time with just your girls will be well good for the three of you, hopefully give you some time of peace and recuperation.

  8. Nate and Tricia,

    I completely agree with janet's comment and I will be praying for much wonderful rest and restoration during your break from here. You certainly have earned it. God Bless and He has all three of you in His amazing care.

    Laurie in Ca.

  9. Breaks are good, very good. We'll keep praying.

  10. I know how hard this bit is without the added emotion of just becoming parents and I'm praying for continued rest, calm and strength for all of you.

    Also praying for Tricia and Gwyneths continued progress.

    Sending much love a a massive (((HUG))), take care Nate.

  11. Keeping you in my prayers - glad you're taking a break, I'm sure you need one.
    Will be looking forward to your next update in a few days. Til then, enjoy your rest.

  12. Jordan & I continue to pray for you three. Take as much time as you'd like from blogging. We'll be praying in the meantime as you rest & spend time together.
    You both are doing an amazing job as Gwyneth's parents & as a couple going through this journey. We love you guys!

  13. always praying, even with out details. God knows, and He is in charge so I will continue to pray on your behalf, for whatever is going on that minute!

  14. We will still be praying for you all continuously! That's not ever contingent on if we get updates or not. :) A verse that has helped me...
    "Hear my cry, Oh God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I."
    Psalm 61:1-2

  15. Continued thoughts and prayers for your family.

    You owe the blog community nothing in the way of updates! Anyone who has been following this knows that we have your thanks for the prayers even if they are unpublished.

    Remember, no matter how many are looking in from the outside, this is YOUR real life journey. Do what you need to do to take care of you, Tricia and Gwyneth and the real life people you all care about so deeply.

    ~ California

  16. enjoy your break. Rest up and take this time to enjoy your family. They need you as does Meka. I will continue to pray and send happy thoughs your way.....see you When you come back. Hugs to you all!

  17. I'll be praying....

  18. Nathan,

    I am praying for peace and REST REST REST for all of you.
    Keeping sweet Gwyneth in our prayers, too.

  19. good for you (for taking a break)! take care of yourself and your lovely ladies! praying for you all!

  20. Praying for you all right NOW!


  21. Sending yet more hugs, thoughts and love to Tricia (and of course to you Nate and little Gwyneth). Take care Tricia, you will get through this and I'm sure that one day this will all be a distant memory and you will be focussing on much happier times xxx

  22. Hey there. We will continue to pray for you. I can't imagine how exhausting it must be to be going through all this and still be keeping up with your blog. We are thankful you do but totally understand your much deserved need for a break. We will wait patiently for your return. Know you are constantly being lifted up and God is still in control. Blessings and prayers from Florida.

  23. You three are always in my prayers and will continue to be.

    After the birth of my second son, I suffered from PPD (pospartum depression). It started with the inability to sleep, then I became anxious, and then I fell apart emotionally. I just mention this because with all that Trish has been through, she is a classic candidate for this very debilitating disease. I just want to throw that out there, so you are aware and can watch for it. If you have any questions or concerns related to PPD, please let me know. It is real and it is very serious. Treatment is a necessity. I may be way off base here, and if I am, please just ignore me. (

    Whatever is ailing Trish, I hope it all works itself out quickly.

    Continued hugs and prayers from Houston, TX.

  24. We love to read your blog, but totally understand the need for a break. You should take all the time you need. Certainly it will be refreshing for you and you will be able to concentrate on your wife and baby. Good for you Nate. We'll still be here when you come back.

    We will keep praying in your absence.

  25. Family is #1 as it should be. Praying for rest for all 3 of your minds, bodys and spirits. Respecting your need for space - I imagine I would as well.

  26. I hope you all can get some good rest.

  27. I'm new to your story & am amazed at how upbeat you are under your circumstances. What a testimony! Anyway, enjoy your break & your family. I'm going to use the time to read back & learn more about you.
    Praying for you,

  28. Praying for you all to get the rest and relaxation that you need to heal and recover.

  29. Continuing to pray for the three of you.

  30. will continue to pray for Tricia and Gwyneth during your time together. :)

  31. Our family certainly appreciates every kindness that has been extended to N,T&G. Nate has attempted to keep you (viewers of the blog) informed as best he can on most every day experiences. I would like to ask a favor of all concerned. Nate and her Mom are attempting to be present with Trica as much as possible while she is expiencing her sleepless nights. I know your are concerned for her as I am and would ask, please refain from traveling to the hospital in hopes of visitng them at this time. I apolize for I know that some have traveled and Tricia has not been up to visiting with them. Continue to pray that she will gain her strenght and be able to aquire some needed sleep. Please call me if I can answer any questions concerning this request. At some time, I am sure she and Nate and Gwyneth will welcome your visit. Thanks again for all the prayers that you have offered on behalf of the N,T,& Gwyneth.

  32. praying for you while you rest and get a break!

  33. Enjoy your blogging break. We will continue to lift you up before our heavenly father and wait as patiently as possible for your return. Much love for you all in Christ.

  34. Take all the time you need, we will all miss the updates and your funny sense of humor but right now you need to do what's best for Tricia. I will be praying for peaceful sleep for all of you.

  35. Even us moms that had normal pregnancies, healthy bodies, and healthy babies are emotional basketcases for a while after the baby arrives.... ahhh those wonderful whacky hormones!!

    Praying for all three of you, and thanking God for what He has already done in your lives!

  36. To all of you....sleep tight, get some much needed physical and emotional rest. I do the same.. there is a time you just need to walk away, not talk, not blog, just be......y'all will continue in our prayers. Those that have "been there done that" understand..

    Love and prayers!
    Shari J

  37. Nate-

    Praying for all of you tonight! If you wouldn't mind praying for another family, admist all your many many prayers, a little guy with T18 (like Maddox) just went home to be with the Lord this afternoon. He was 56 days old and this was VERY unexpected. Thank you for praying for so many others through your situation! (

    Love and prayers,

  38. Praying for you, Tricia and
    Gwyneth in Louisiana today and always!

  39. Praying God will grant you all some rest and sleep...and that Gywns little belly will get settled...

  40. we will continue to pray for your health, rest, and relief of the stress you are all under....looking forward to hearing more of your wonderful witness.

    Bethann in South Jersey

  41. Praying for your beautiful family! Thanks for sharing your journey with us.

  42. I completely respect your need for a break. I pray it's a refreshing and peaceful time for your precious family.

    Still praying...

  43. I just received your comment and wanted to thank you so much for taking time to pray for me. It means alot!

  44. I'm praying that you and your girls will all find good rest. While so many of us love to hear how y'all are doing and see photos, your place is with your family and taking care of yourself. May God surround all of you with His grace, peace and healing. I continue to pray for each of you. With love - Lynne B.

  45. Prayers for you (from Jerusalem today). Hope both of you get rested up.


  46. Prayers continuing for all of you.

  47. continuing to lift you 3 up in prayer

  48. We will be praying for you daily with or without the blog. You deserve a break. We'll pray for strength and patience and rest and healing. Lord bless you all.

  49. Enjoy your blogging break. I can not imagine how tired you all must be both physically and emotionally. We'll be praying that all of you get plenty of rest.

  50. Thinking and praying for you! *hugs*

  51. I got to adopt my husband's son when he was 3, he's now 17, who was born 1lb 2oz and 10.5" long. (Pretty scary back in 1990, they also said to "terminate" the pregnancy.) He is now a healthy, skinny, typical teenager. There were many issues, surgeries, etc. along the way but I praise God for bringing us thru all of those. I pray for your precious gift, that she will continue to amaze you.

    And your beautiful wife. What an amazing woman. I've read all the blogs you've posted as well as Tricia's, your dad, uncle, and her sisters. WOW! (Not much getting done in my homeschooling house lately!)

    You have an awesome family and I'm strengthened by your strong faith and wisdom to honor Him thru it all.

    I'll be praying for you, your bride, and your baby girl, and for the first time ccosidering organ donation. Have never thought about it until now. Thank you for being so candid with us and for sharing your very personal story with us.


  52. We're still praying for you all. Hugs and hope for your and Tricia's peace and well-being, as well as the girls' health.

  53. Tricia,
    My mommy's heart aches for YOUR mommy's heart. I simply can't imagine what it is like to be in your shoes---new preemie baby with your own health concerns. I often just go pick up my own daughter Miracle and hold her close, crying and praying for you and Gwyneth while I do so. Oh, how I cry out to God on your behalf. I will continue to do so.
    Much, much love.

  54. Will continue praying for all of you. You DESERVE a break! Take some time to rest mentally and recoup physically. No worries...we'll be here when you get back! :)

  55. I am praying for your sweet family. Praying for your stress to be relieved and for you all to get rest.


  56. Praying often for each of you.

  57. Hey Nate, Sorry for the text to Trisha. I sent it before I read this posting. Hope things continue to get better. See you all soon, Kelly

  58. Continuing to pray in Missouri...

  59. I miss Nate. Thinking of y'all.

  60. It's great that you are taking a break. I know you will enjoy! Prayers from your Gators supporters will continue to head up to Heaven for your whole family. You are an inspiration and being aware of your family's journey has helped me grow closer to God in my own journey. Thank you for reminding us of the preciousness of life and the beauty of God's Grace.

    Hugs and Love from Florida!!

  61. I have been following some of the families blogs and your name was on the Stanfields. It's been a heartbreaking week or so with the deaths of the T 18 babies, and hope burst forth when I checked your blog. Your wife, baby, and you are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Kim-fellow blogger

  62. Praying for you. Have a good break.

  63. Nate,
    I wanted to let you know today that you and your family are a true inspiration. I learned of you from my link with Tracy Creek Memorial Church in Vestal, NY. You are in my prayers.

  64. Yes, take all the time you need to rest and be together as a new family. It's hard enough to have a preemie baby in the NICU, even if mom is healthy. I was not well after the birth of our triplets, and the combination of meds, hormones, intense anxiety and stress, and exhaustion, was overwhelming.
    Sending continued prayers for both Tricia and Gwyneth's health, and for continued strength, courage and peace for all 3 of you.


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