
Sunday, January 20, 2008

8:46pm Update

> Gwyneth Rose's CF screening came back negative (which is a positive). There are some more thorough tests that can be run when she's a bit older, but we're confident that they will also come back negative. She is a carrier of the CF gene, which simply means:

> If her future husband is also a carrier, they will have a 25% chance of having a child with CF.
> If her future husband is not a carrier, their children will not have CF.

She is on the jet vent, although she is almost down to 21% oxygen (the same that you and I get from the air we're breathing right now, which is great! They are also working at weaning her back onto the normal vent, and then giving the CPAP a go again in a few days.

> Tricia is getting stronger every day. The things that I can't lip read, she can communicate by writing or typing, which is great. Her eyesight is also back to normal, so she is able to see everything clearly and read if she wants to. I've read several of my blog posts to her, starting with a few days before her surgery/sedation, and read every single comment from This Post...she loves all that she is hearing.

She's had a few scares with the trachea, when she coughs so much that it plugs up her airway. They are weaning her off the vent, and reduced her oxygen to 65% today. They say if they can get her down to 50%, they'll begin letting her breathe for a bit at a time without the vent. They also may move her back down to 7800 once she becomes more stable.

Both of their cultures have not grown anything nasty, meaning, so far, no infections. The NICU docs are coming up with a plan to get them together soon (by soon, it may still be a week or so).

> Over $11,000 has been received for Tricia's Trust Fund in the past few days! Thank you so much! Tricia and I are both amazed at the generosity, especially of total strangers!

> Most men with CF cannot have children, but there have been exceptions, and it realy depends on the specific mutation of the gene and progression of the disease (I'm pretty sure about that).

> Somebody new asked in a comment about why our baby came so early...way too much to try to recap, so please, if you have the time, go back about 2-3 weeks and you should be able to catch up quickly.

> "OBX" is short for the "Outer Banks", the thin stretch of islands on the East Coast of NC that we call home.

> I've changed my blog header (the picture up there at the top) to include Gwyneth Rose.

Here's an updated slideshow of Gwyneth Rose (song: "Miracle" by The Foo Fighters)



  1. Just got linked to your blog through a friend's blog - know that you have folks praying for you in Oregon - praying for your precious baby and amazing wife. My niece was born at one pound 10 ounces and is now a vibrant 10 year old, active, healthy, and happy little girl. Praise the Lord for the miracles He gives us - and strength to press on through the trials.....

  2. Hey Nate, Trish, and Gwyneth that is great news about the trust fund. I know that takes a load off of your mind. God is being especially good to you all. Just want to say we continue to pray for you all. See you on Tues.

  3. I have missed so much in just 2 days not being online. So awesome to hear all the great news. I am excited for you all. Thanks for sharing your lives and for the inspiration you continually are. Blessings from Florida.

  4. I have been reading your blog since I found the link on a scrapper's blog. I have been praying for all of you everyday and look forward to your updates.
    I haven't wanted to "intrude" but today with the positive news of the negative test result - I have to say..."YEAH!!"
    You're daughter is a beauty...many prayers and blessings to you all.

  5. Just wanted you to know that I'm praying for all of you - the slideshow is precious - what an amazing little girl.

  6. Nathan, We continue to Trust Christ for His provision, Praise Him in the storm, Thank Him for the blessings....
    Jen, Brad, and the Quad Crew

  7. All I can say is WOW...your story and your life is such an inspiration. I've been reading your blog for about 2 weeks now and I can't stop thinking about you and your family. What a miracle your baby is. I've been praying for you and your family!!! Take care

    Katie from Georgia!

  8. God is so cool...I am so glad to hear about the CF screening. The slide show is great. We prayed for you all a Liberty this morning. I hope you all got some rest today.

  9. Praise the Lord for such good progress in Tricia and Gwyneth! They are such strong girls. I have just been so encouraged by everything you've posted - from the progress in your girls, to the way the Lord has provided through the trust fund.

    May the Lord continue to bless you three!

  10. I've linked your blog on a post in my site... no thanks or comments required... just get your wife and your baby well and home with you.

    God is so good! Your life has become a part of the blessings that I cherish every day... I love to see what God is doing for your family.

    I know you must be overwhelmed with comments and generosity. My only wish is that I could financially help you. I can't though, but it's my prayer that God will provide for your family like he provides for mine.

  11. Nate, Tricia, and Gwyneth. I'm praying that there will continue to be no infection in anyone's lungs. I'm very thankful for all of the good news and the video of Gwyneth is awesome. She is absolutely precious.
    Joy in Elizabethtown, PA.

  12. I am praying for the day that Tricia and Gwyneth can meet face to face, skin to skin. What a joyous day that will be!!

  13. All I can say is "WOW" and our God is worthy to be Praised! I have chill bumps from reading your "Our Choice" posts...what beautiful words!!! I also DO think that Foo Fighters song was written for you and Tricia...Hands on a miracle indeed!
    God has certainly given you a gift for words and expression... a blessing to all of us...please do consider writing a book one day...I would be first in line to buy it! :)
    Thank you for honoring God and choosing His will for your lives! You and Tricia are amazing and well, thank you!
    We pray all is well today (still praying for poop, too!)and God keeps all of you is His precious and loving hands.
    Claire Adams <><
    Raleigh, NC

  14. We have been praying for all of you since a few days before Gwyneths birth. I came across your blog on another site and when I first read it I didnt realize that this was the same Tricia that my sister in law had grown up with. Your story has been very touching as it unfolds. Most kids get up and watch TV in the morning and mine can't wait to turn the computer on to "see how Tricia is doing today." We talk about her as if we all know her!! We are so glad to hear all the good news you have just posted. It will be exciting to see what God has in store for you all this week as Tricia continues to get stronger. Matt and Kristin Schell

  15. I have no idea just how I came to find your blog (facebook?) but I spent a huge chunk of my Saturday reading back for pages and then praying for you, Tricia and sweet baby Gwyneth. Will continue to pray for you all in the days to come. So thrilled for all the blessings from today!

  16. Great news about the CF screening. You have a great perspective on this whole event/process. Keep the faith - stay strong - your girls need you and God is transforming you and enabling you, keep leaning on HIM.

  17. I just wanted to let you know that if your daughter has a child with another carrier it is a one in four chance... not 50/50 :-) That's a good thing.

    Also, I enjoy your blog so much and think of you so often in my day. Tell Tricia to keep fighting! She's my inspiration. You both are.

  18. Praise God for more answered prayers today! Hope you all have a good night.

    Mary Rogers
    Trenton FL

  19. Nate, Tricia and baby Rose,

    It was great to spend some time with all three of you this weekend. Misha and I both think Tricia had improved much from Friday night and Saturday to today. Just to see her smiling and be good ol' Tricia.

    Don't eat too many of those chocolate chip cookies at one time. Pace yourself Nate!

    Still praying,
    Gwenyth's Great(est) Uncle Andy

  20. That's so great that Gwyneth's CF screening came back negative. I'm so glad Tricia's continuing to strengthen. We're praying for all of you each and every day!
    Love, Leslie

  21. praise God for the negative test results!!!

    still praying in SC!

  22. What a miracle on the CF screening! I bet you're both so relieved! We are praying for your family and asking God to grant a mommy/daughter meeting (or should I say, reunion from the pre-existence?) SOON!!! Tricia will be such a great mom and so excited to see her beautiful daughter. Prayers with you in the coming days... Julie (mom to 4, almost 5 kids *6 weeks left! in Texas)

  23. what a great the last shot with her sweet little head and you and tricia's eyes watching over her...

  24. Just wanted to let you know that there is a bunch of us from Fellowship Alliance Chapel, Medford, NJ praying for all of you! You and your families are a perfect picture of Christ's love for all to see - thank you!

    I've just been introduced to your family and have been blessed through following the updates. Turns out that I went to school w/ Tricia's sister, Janet at Baptist High. Small world!

    Looking forward to hearing when Mommy and baby can be reunited!

    Prayers & Love

  25. love the picture montage, that is such an approprite song! so glad everyone is doing so well, all those prayers must be working!

  26. Praise the Lord that her CF screening is negitive!

    Prayers have been answered because of that! I know its a big relief to know she is not going to have it.

    My prayers to you all
    Cary, NC

  27. That song has been playing in my head every time I think about what y'all have been through; I'm so glad to hear about Gwyneth's progress! She's looking a lot more pink than before (and still as cute as ever :) She's gonna be a handful some day!

  28. You have the makings of a professional photographer, my friend. I love the last picture of baby Gwyneth facing the direction of the picture of you two. All of these pictures are simply priceless.

    In 28 years of life, God has revealed Himself to me in so many different ways, including through your story. It's only through Him that your baby girl was conceived and born quite early, yet thrives today despite all odds. It's only by Him that your precious wife is regaining her strength and able to communicate. It's by Him, alone, that this situation, your (as in your little family's) life has caused this mini "revival" that has people praying, and offering their hands to you in love and in support. Our God is an awesome God! Without Him, none of these miracles would exist! Praises be to our King!

    I can't end without using my favorite (and possibly over used by me...but I'll use it proudly anyway) quote. >:0)

    I stand amazed!!!

  29. Just a quick question.....i was under the impression that testing for CF was definitive, and you either have it or don't (I DO understand that being a carrier means you don't actually have the disease), so why would Gwyneth require "further testing" down the road???
    My brother has CF, so I know quite a bit about the disease and how it's passed down. Having said that, there's always much more to learn!!
    I'm praying for Tricia and Gwyneth tonight, as I have been since I found your blog. You are such a special family.

  30. Linked to your blog in a God ordained round-about way and watched the video of your precious baby girl with my precious 7 year old one. She was mesmerized by your pics and story and ran to tell the rest of the family that we needed to pray for you. Your family will be a regular topic of concern and prayer at our house--my princess is like a bull dog!

  31. Hey Nate, Trish and Baby Gwyneth,
    You are all miracles put together in this life by God. I feel a strong connection to name is Gwen(dolyn)...many people over the years has spelled it Gwyn. My birthday is May 15...Trish's is May 12...and I am all too familiar with CF. My brother, Danny, was diagnosed with CF at 6 weeks of age. He lived to be 14 years old (1983). There were no such things as transplants (or even CF Adults let alone CF mothers) at that time. CF research has come soo far in such a short amount of time. I am a CF carrier as well. I will keep you and your families in my thoughts and prayers. Can't wait to hear more news of the two Miracles at DUKE!!!

    Blessings from St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada

  32. I was a premmie baby, only 6 weeks - wouldn't have survived this early back in my day - man i feel old when i think of it that way... anyway apparently when my mother was in labour dad asked the doctor what my chances of survival would be and he said being a girl it would be a better chance than if i was a boy. (Mum only just found out that dad knew before she did that i was a girl - that's how this came out - man is he in trouble!!! 23 years later and still in trouble) Girls are survivors, I believe Gwyneth will be a survivor!
    These new photos already show her looking so much healthier than just a day or 2 ago.

  33. I am so glad everything is going so well. My family will be praying for continued strength for you, your beautiful wife and daughter.


    William's Mom

  34. Great news, indeed! The slideshow is beautiful, but then again- Gwyneth is a beautiful baby. We continue to keep you all in our prayers!

  35. Praise the Lord for the little miracle He has given the two of you! It sure did bring a closer meaning to me about Sanctity of Life day.... Thank you for making the choice to trust God! I pray that many many people hear your story and learn to trust in God in this area too. I am going to share this website with a friend who is on the board with our local chapter of Choose A life-Save a life foundation. I think you're story is an inspiration to trust God even when it's so scary to wonder what the outcome will be. We are praying for you all day long in Huntsville Al.

  36. Praise God for your faith and strength... it's hard to believe that some people would have chosen otherwise! I have a question - how long do they think it will take for Gwyneth to be out of NICU? And I know that is purely speculation, but assuming all continues to go well!

  37. Sigh. I'll spend the next two weeks on the sidelines. I'm already missing you guys so much and can't wait to see you 'irl' in 2 weeks. Tricia- Continue being exactly what you are, a tremendously strong fighter wrapped up in the sweetest spirit I know! Nate- Keep taking care of her like no one else can. Gwyn- Keep being perfectly precious. Oh, and poop.

    Love, (Aunt) Megan

  38. That is great news about the funds you have been blessed with!!!
    God is Great!!!!

  39. Awesome news about the negative test results!! I love the slide show. Little Gwyneth is such a beautiful baby. I'm praying that Tricia will be able to get off the vent soon.
    God Bless!

    Angela in central Ohio

  40. Praise God!!!! I got chills reading the update!!! Thanks for posting!!!

  41. LOVE the slideshow your daughter is beautiful I LOVE her hair!

    I am happy to hear that Gwyneth is doing better everyday as well thats amazing news!

    Thank You for takeing the time to share your lives with us

  42. My kids were watching a movie on the computer, and I couldn't WAIT for it to get over so I could see if there was an update....

    All I have to offer right now is prayer, but our God is good, and He WILL provide for your needs - He's already proving that, isn't he?

    What a fantastic day of Good News!

  43. I just found your blog and I am moved to tears but so hopeful for you and your family. I can only understand a minuscule portion of what you are going through, as I am the mother of preemie twins (born at 34w4d, I know, not the same at all...) who were the result of a precious gift of donor eggs, and our prayers answered. Your family's story is so inspiring to me, and I will keep little Gwyneth and Tricia in my thoughts and prayers, and try not take anything in my life for granted, anymore. I hope that years from now, the three of you can look back and see just how far you've come. Godspeed.

  44. So sweet. Love the new slideshow of Gwynie. Glad to hear Tricia is regaining strength. Jesus, thank you for allowing Gwynie's CF test to come back negative. The trust fund amt. is amazing too. So many miracles are ongoing. What a testimony you have. To God be the glory.

  45. Wow! had a "feeling" the test would turn out that way, but just did a victory dance in my livingroom for your girls...... we think/pray for you three all the time

  46. Wow! had a "feeling" the test would turn out that way, but just did a victory dance in my livingroom for your girls...... we think/pray for you three all the time

  47. Your story continues to inspire me. I can't wait to read about Tric and Gwyn's reunion!

    Thanks for keeping us in the loop. I'm sure, now that Tric is alert, it has become a chore to blog, but all of us "cyberfollowers" are so grateful!

    Stay strong!
    Refreshing in Ohio

  48. PRAISE the Lord for the negative results of the CF test.I will continue to pray.
    Bonnie Meyer
    Washington, Missouri

  49. You are correct about men with CF being infertile, roughly 98% of them are infertile-but it is gene specific, not progression specific. These men are born without a vas deferens (the tube that carries sperm from the testicles to ejaculation)
    If you have anyone who's interested in the specifics of this Nate, please refer them to my website,

    Julie wife to Mark 27w/CF
    mother to triplets

  50. I have been captivated by you and your family's life. My daughters were born early: Olivia 26 weeker 1 lb 7 oz and Ava 27 weeker 1 lb 7 oz. It was only 3 and 4 years ago but how quickly I forget how little they were. I am reliving the miracle of God through your blog! Thank you! You do an awesome job!

  51. Praise God for all the good news.

    I believe that if both parents are CF gene carriers that there is a 25% chance with each pregnancy of the baby having CF, a 25 % chance of the baby being a carrier, and a 50% chance of the baby being "normal". At least that is what we were told when we had two children with CF.

    We continue to lift all three of you up in prayer. God is working miracles and we thank you for being so transparent in your witness for Him.

    In Christ from VT

  52. I check your blog several times every day ever since my daughter sent it to me. Praise God the CF test came back neg. I continue to pray for all three of you. It's so wonderful seeing God at work though your family.

  53. I am the neonatal nurse in Memphis. It always amazes me, in a good way, when parents can become so versed in "baby" care 21% Oxygen being what you and I breathe, with vent settings, etc. You dads get wrapped around those little fingers so soon. I think you are a great papa and know Mama will feel so good to see her little darling.

  54. What an absolutely amazing little girl you have there :) Congrats to you both, Nate & Trish! She will for sure change your lives forever! Prayers heading your way from Utah :)

  55. Praise the Lord that the CF test on Gwyneth came back negative. Glad Tricia is feeling better and weaning off the vent. I'm praying that the two ladies get to meet face to face really soon.

    "Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken." ~Psalm 62:5–6

  56. Yippee! Negative CF screening!!
    My kids are like the kids in the above post...They wake up and ask if I have read "the blog" yet!(They asked that same question the first time, then asked "what IS a blog?") We still pray for poo poo every morning on the way to school...and the 3rd grader asks her class to pray too!
    Thanks for feeding our addiction to your updates
    We are so glad Tricia is doing so much better! Praise The Lord!
    Still praying in California!

  57. What an amazing journey; your story is truly an inspiration to all of us. Just remember to not doubt in the darkness what God has shown you in the light. God bless all of you. The best is yet to be!

  58. Every time I see pictures of your baby I'm just amazed at the life God made. I can't imagine how incredible it must feel to be able to witness a miracle like Gwyneth and touch her tiny hands and body.
    The slideshow is great. The last picture is so cool.
    God bless,

  59. That video is simply awesome!!! 'Miracle' by the Foo Fighters will forever be linked to your sweet baby Gwyneth! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your lives with us! We are blessed because of it! Your girls are in our prayers for more miracles!!!

  60. So glad you have that neat camera-- so precious you are capturing every moment you can for your wife. We all are so anxious for "Mom and Daughter" to be near each other. Tish you are so beautiful! I admire you so much. Love and MORE prayers, a Sister in Christ

  61. Nate: Praise the Lord for the great test result from little Gwyneth Rose. I feel I am just getting to know you from your blog but our God knows you and prayers are coming your way from Germantown, TN.

    BTW....I had premature triplets and, while it is a stressful time, they have been the light of my life. Truly miracles.

    Take care! I can't wait to hear about Tricia and Gwyneth Rose's reunion!

  62. I was watching the newest video on Gwyneth Rose and it dawned on me, one day she'll use her hands to braid blond pigtails like her mom and her small feet will one day wear high heels. Her little legs will make her run through the grass and her eyes will be used to look for her mom and dad after Sunday school. Her nose will smell roses and her ears will hear the glory of the Lord and how she came about. I am truly fascinated by your amazing daughter.

  63. Sounds like great news all around! So happy to hear about everyone's vent settings, and the trust fund money, that is awesome!

    Still praying for you here in Illinois!

    The McDowell Family

  64. I stumbled upon your story through another blog and I'm so glad I did!! Your family has captured my heart and you are ALL in my prayers!! I linked your blog on my daughter's website. Your journey as a family is filled with so much HOPE AND FAITH. Thank you for sharing so much of your lives with us. I showed my oldest daughter (9) your blog today and videos and her eyes just lit up knowing how powerful and amazing God is and how he works in ALL of us. God Bless with much love and HOPE,

    Tamm Mom to Angel Skye

  65. You sure did pick the right song. Miracle is about the best word I can think of--for any child God brings forth into this world.

  66. Praise God for the answered prayer of Gwyneth's negative test!!

    God Bless you all!!

  67. It brings me such joy to come here day after day and continue to hear good news. God is faithful!

    Still praying...

  68. Thank you for the beautiful pictures of your sweet girl. Truly she is a Miracle!
    I have to admit that I am addicted to your blog. I can't wait to see how the Father continues to use your life and testimony to bring honor and glory to HIM. You are a manifestation of HIS life...
    Praying for your girls tonight.

  69. As the mom of 3 preemies (twins and a single) I understand how Sanctity of Human Life Sunday takes on a new meaning for you both this year. I found myself thinking of you during our service this morning and that was before I read the "Our Choice" posts. I praise God for the answer to Tricia's prayer and am humbled by her (and yours too Nathan) faith and passion. Knowing what that prayer might cost her and her family and desiring to see God be glorified through this incredible journey she prayed on in complete faith! Thank you for sharing your story with us! My prayers are with you all and with the doctors and other medical staff and with the hundreds (ok thousands) of others you will touch through out this season in your lives that their hearts will be opened to the Lord.

  70. Awesome! So HaPpY to hear Gwenyth tested negative! Pheww! and WOW Congratulations on Tricia's trust fund! You are so loved by so many people! High five!

  71. Your slideshow brought tears to my eyes. You are so blessed. Blessed with a beautiful, strong wife; blessed with an amazing, lovely and strong baby girl and blessed with an amazing love story to share with your children someday. There is no better gift to give them. I am in awe...

    Many blessings and positive thoughts coming to you all.


  72. We have been in Va the past few days visiting family, we checked the blog once at Bari's sisters house, great to see pics of Tricia! Praise God for more answered prayers, Tricia's strength and eyesight,Gwyneth's cf screening, Wow and Amazing. I have to say that when I pray over our girls, I am still so Amazed and I often Thank God for the Miracle of Child Birth,and ask for his wisdom and guidance. Hands on a miracle, or miracles, so appropriate. We love you and our continued prayers are with you each day!
    Wade, Bari, and the girls!

  73. Wonderful news all around, the cf screen, being on 21 % O2, and Tricia being more alert!!!

  74. Am so glad to hear they are both improving so well!! Will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Gwyneth Rose is a precious bundle of joy and totally beatiful!!! As well is Trish! Thank you for the updated pictures I look forward to seeing them each time you post and for all the updates!

  75. Thank you for your regular updates. I enjoy coming here several times a day to find out what is happening in your lives. You are faithful to the blog world. I am amazed at how drawn in I am by your story when I have never met you and chances are I probably never will on this earth. I can't imagine what your daily life is like for the three of you. My struggles pale in comparison to yours. Like you I know I serve a great God and everything happens for a reason. We don't always understand it all when we are going through it but in time it often begins to make sense. Please know you are being thought of and prayed for. Robin in Michigan

  76. Congrats on the CF screening. Fantastic news! :)

    Now, all we need is some poop and Gwyneth will be good to go.

    By the way, I am going to be in Jersualem this Shabbat. I would be happy to stop by the Kotel (the Western Wall) and stick a prayer in the Wall for you guys. I can also try to track down a church and see if they can pray for you from here (we consider prayers from Israel to be local calls). What denomination are you?

    (Please don't be offended-I tend to look at everyone who believes in Jesus as "Christian"--I figure that keeping track of the denominations is your guys' problem!)

    And yes, I realize you don't know me. I am just amazed/in awe at your story and your attitudes and am really rooting for you guys.

    Tel Aviv, Israel

  77. Hoping beyond hopes that the girls can meet sooner rather than later! Oh what a day that will be!!!!

    Praising God for the good news on the CF test results!

  78. Glad Gwenyth's CF scan came back negative, and thankful Tricia is getting stronger and now you can communicate back and forth! Still praying for you daily!!! :)
    Are they continuing Gwenyth's feedings or are they on hold till she has a bm?
    Thank You Nate for keeping us posted daily on the progress of the two women in your lives!!! :)

  79. Thank you God for sparing Gwyneth from CF - you are indeed a God of miracles who loves to bless your children with answered prayer! Thank you Lord Jesus!

    Praying daily for you all of you Nate!

  80. That's great news that Gwyneth's CF test came back negative! Another answer to prayer! And that Tricia isn't culturing anything new!

    Will continue praying for y'all. Thanks for the slide show. Debbi (Aspiemom)

  81. Awesome! I have tears in my eyes after viewing your newest Gwyneth Rose "video"...truly a miracle! Praying for continued progress for both Tricia and Gwyneth. We do indeed serve an incredible God. Praising Him for how He has worked in your lives and in the lives of those who have been touched by your story the world over! Looking forward to seeing how He will continue to bless you. Also looking forward to meeting you...may not be until Heaven, but will be well worth the wait!
    In Him,
    Beth in PA

  82. Hi,
    I have been following your blog and praying for you guys. Just to let you know, if Gywneth married a man that was a CF carrier, I think it is a 25% chance that their child would have CF. Keep fighting the good fight.
    Double Lung Tx for CF
    May '05

  83. Constantly amazed at how great our GOD is!

    Continued prayers for your family!

  84. Nathan, you do such a fantastic job with the slideshows. That song is so fitting and just amazingly appropriate. I am so happy to hear that there are no lung infections and both of your girls are doing so well. Tell them both that thousands of people are praying for their health and safety. I simply cannot wait to hear the news of Tricia and Gwyneth "meeting" again. I know it will be more amazing for you all than any of us can imagine. Hugs and continued prayers to our Father for you all.

    Candy in WI

  85. So much good news!! Keep it coming God!!
    Lori in Haiti

  86. Hi Nate - it's so great to see more pictures of your girls.
    May they both keep up the good work.

    Audrey (CF UK)

  87. Thank you, Lord, for no CF for such a precious baby!

    Thank you for sharing your story! I have been following for a few weeks. It hit a little bit closer to home, as we have friends who have two little ones with CF and a son who is a carrier.

    We've been waiting for the results for the's just one more hurdle that she doesn't have to jump!

    What a strong pair of women you have in your family! You guys are helping us to not take life for granted through your faith! Thanks for being a strong testimony of what the Lord can do!

  88. Hi Nate, Tricia and Baby Gwenyth! Your blog has sucked me in and I cannot stop reading it! Your story is an inspiration and continues to strengthen my faith every day. I am a pediatric nurse but am also pregnant with our first baby, a little girl (who is due to arrive any day I might add!). Thanks for all of your updates. Yeah for the news on the CF test! Strength, courage and prayers from Chicago, IL.

  89. Dear Nate, Trisha and little Gwyneth,

    We've never met yet I hold a very special place in my heart for all of you. I've been checking in on your site and I love to read the "good" updates. I'm thinking and praying for you very often and your family is always on my mind. I wish there was a bigger way to help you. I've invited all of my friends to join your group on facebook so I really hope the world opens its eyes to you and your family!

    Wishes and Prayers in Kansas!

  90. Praise God for the funds He's providing for you! Just checking in on you all and letting you know that we're still praying in ATL.

    Thanks for sharing your story- you are probably more gracious than I could ever be. Just so you know, you don't have to justify your decisions to anyone and frankly, I think it's a bit overbearing for a reader who doesn't know you to think it's their business. That's very personal and it didn't only take a few minutes or hours for you to make the decisions, but it certainly only take a few for others to form their opinions.

    We're still praying and thanking God for your miracles!

  91. SO GLAD to hear the great news! Mommy's getting stronger, baby's getting stronger, no infections!! Wooo Hoo!!! God is great!!! He is definitely an awesome God! You are continuously in my prayers. Thanks for the positive, encouraging news. It's so great to hear!


  92. Aww, Gwyneth is precious! Praying for your family and sending you lots of hugs!

  93. I check your blog every day to see how things are progressing. Your daughter is beautiful. prayers are being said here for you and your family here in Belfast, Northern Ireland.


  94. wow..what an incredible journey!! i have loved reading up on yall's story! stay strong and keep the faith...God is SOOOOO GOOD! many prayers from a mom of quadruplets (that spent plenty of time in the NICU) in TEXAS!

  95. $11,000 dollars in a few days.
    No infection for the girls.
    CF test being negative.

    Our God is an Awesome God.

  96. Dear Nate,
    I can't help but to stop and praise God everytime I look at Gwyneth. SHE is truly a miracle straight from Him. I look forward to seeing Gwyneth laugh, run, and play. God has great things planned for your little girl..... As you pray and fight for your girls I also fight for mine. We are in the midst of our second adoption from Guatemala. The government just changed all the regulations, but I am trusting that our Heavenly Father will bring her home to us just as he did her big sister. We all have something we are fighting for in our daily lives. Your story and faith show others how God can get you through ANYTHING.... You are a blessing to all who find this blog. Please know that I specifically pray for all 3 of you everyday...... I can't wait to see a picture of Tricia and her daughter. God bless you all,

  97. Such great news about the tests and the trust fund! I am praying the girls have their get together soon and that they continue to get stronger and better each and every hour! Your dad posted that Gwyneth is a feisty little girl, and I say feisty is good! :) You might be in trouble 13 years from now, but for now the feistier the better.

  98. Thinking of you and thrilled for all your great news. As a mom of a 1lb, 4oz little guy, who is chasing the dog as we speak..I know that miracles happen every day. Thank you for sharing yours with all of us and reminding each of us how precious life is.
    Just one random piece of of our NICU nurses told us to take a photo of our little guy next to the same item (a rattle, stuffed animal, bible, etc) every week or so, so that you could gage his growth and size. It give you and others perspective, because it's hard to understand just how little these guys are and how HUGE they seem when they get to 4-5lbs. :)
    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers,

  99. Dear Nathan, Tricia, and Gwyneth,
    My heart, thoughts, and prayers are with you. I was the one that accepted Christ as my Savior on your Uncle Andy's blog. I know he has his healing hand and watchful eyes on both Tricia and Gwyneth. I have been reading your blog ever since I found it, and I want to THANK YOU, for letting us all be a part of your life. I check up on how Tricia and baby Gwyneth is doing every single day. I am going to have to tell you Nathan when I see pictures or videos of Gwyneth I cannot hold back the tears of happiness. She is absolutely adorable. I just cry and cry and cry at how precious she is. Well I'll quit rambling on so you can get back to what you were doing.

  100. I absolutely LOVE the last picture where you can somewhat see the picture of you and Tricia looking at her while see is looking back. Even though her eyes may not be able to see that yet it is almost like she knows it is there!! Love it!!


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