
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

9:48am Update

I just arrived at the hospital, and Tricia seems to be very anxious this morning (not in a good way). She was asking for me when I arrived, and she asked me for her mom, who is on her way. I can't imagine what's going on in her mind and heart. A week of hazy sleep that must all feel like one long dream, not knowing for sure what happened to her or her baby.

Please, pray with me this morning that God will allow her to fully wake soon and that, in the meantime, the peace of God that passes all understanding will invade her mind and heart.

I asked if they could give her some meds for the anxiety, which they can, but I'm sure it will slow the waking process down a little.

Thank you. (I'll go to visit Gwyneth in a little while)



  1. Immediately praying that this day will be a good day and Tricia will be comforted by you and her mom.

  2. Hi! Found this from a blog and I'm praying for you guys! I'll keep checking for updates. :) Hope all is well!

  3. I'm praying Nathan!

  4. Nate, My brother was in a medical induced coma for 3 months and when they do come around some it is scary for them...I will be praying for all of you today especially to give her that peace.

  5. Praying for both your girls this morning!

  6. Asking God right now to give Tricia His peace and remove her anxiety as she is in this in-between state. May she have complete comfort as you speak to her and pray His peace over her. Praying here non stop for both of your girls.

    Laurie in Ca.

  7. Dear Father in Heaven, please bless Tricia today that she will have peace and feel your presence.
    In Jesus name Amen.
    Karen, SA

  8. Nate, I have just read and watched your last 3 entries/videos. Tricia is indeed a beauty. I know your presence will comfort her. You all continue to be in my prayers. I can see, too, why your little one is stealing a big piece of your heart because she already has a piece of mine, too. Hang in there. I can't wait to see a family photo of the 3 of you together - no tubes, no iv's. I am already thanking God for that!

  9. Praying for GOD'S peace and comfort to rest on Tricia from her head to her toes! And for HIS peace and comfort to be with you and her mom, and the rest of your families this day. Tricia is an AMAZING WOMAN OF GOD and I know that HE is right there with her!

  10. Here in Grenoble, we're praying...

  11. Praying for Tricia. Forever God is faithful...

  12. Hi Nathan, I was directed to your blog from another website and have been following your miracle for the past week. I have been praying for Gwyneth, Tricia and you and will continue to do so. I pray that Tricia will feel God's peace in a mighty way today.

  13. Praying for you and Tricia and Gwyneth.

  14. My dad was heavily sedated for about two weeks. It was very scary (for them and us) when he was waking up from the meds. He wasnt used to any meds and then to be on such strong ones was mind altering to say the least. It really really really helped to talk to him about things from his past that he was very familiar with. I think it was comforting.

  15. Nate, I'm praying for you, Tricia and your baby.


  16. praying for peace and calm for Tricia

  17. I heard this on the radio yesterday and thought of you. Praying that God's peace flows over all of you today. Our amazing, loving Father is bringing you the rain to bring Him the praise!

    Bring The Rain by MercyMe

    I can count a million times
    People asking me how I
    Can praise You with all that
    I've gone through
    The question just amazes me
    Can circumstances possibly
    Change who I forever am in You

    Maybe since my life was changed
    Long before these rainy days
    It's never really ever crossed my mind
    To turn my back on you, oh Lord
    My only shelter from the storm
    But instead I draw closer through these times
    So I pray

    Bring me joy, bring me peace
    Bring the chance to be free
    Bring me anything that brings
    You glory And I know there'll
    be days When this life brings me pain
    But if that's what it takes to
    praise You Jesus, bring the rain

    I am yours regardless of the clouds that may
    loom above because you are much greater than my pain you who made a way for me suffering
    your destiny so tell me whats a little rain

    Holy, holy, holy
    Holy, holy, holy
    is the lord God almighty
    is the lord God almighty
    I'm forever singing

  18. I am certainly praying for Tricia this morning - that our Lord will give her peace that can only come from Him. I trust also that your presence and her mom's presence will bring comfort to her.

    I'm also praying for little Gwyneth this morning - that she will poop and that she will continue to grow and develop beautifully outside the womb. As your photos have shown us, she is indeed fearfully and wonderfully made.

    May the Lord bless you all today.
    Rebekah V.

  19. I recieved your blog last Friday from a friend of Julie Lawrenson. I am a mom of two teens with CF and shared your photos and story with them last night. We are praying for you and believe God is in control, He is faithful, and will continue to bring peace and His grace to you! Thank you for blessing us with your incredible walk with Christ! 2 Cor. 12:9 Jerri

  20. Lord Jesus, please bless and keep Tricia, Nathan and Gwyneth; make your face to shine on them and be gracious to them; Lord, turn your face toward them and give them only you can! Lord, we would be remiss if we did not ask you for complete healing for Tricia, so we ask it no doubt you have been asked many times before. But you said to keep on asking, so we do that. We do not put any restrictions on how you might heal her, as we want only to give you all praise and glory. And Father of all of us, your children, please impart your strength to tiny little Gwyneth Rose; enable her little body to continue to develop without complications, and specifically without CF. There is much room in this family, dear God, for you to work your wonders, and we give you praise for all that you do, in Jesus' name.

  21. Father God ~ You know Tricia's heart and mind. Lord, wrap her in your gentle loving embrace bringing peace that surpasses all understanding that we know only You can bring. How blessed we are to be able to come to you oh God and know that you are in control. You know Tricia's needs! Father, let Nate feel your mighty presence constantly and ease his mind, oh Lord. I ask in the name of your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ,

  22. Dearest Family,
    You are constantly in my thoughts, in my heart, and in my prayers. As always, it is so good to be updated on Tricia and Gwyneth. Very much enjoying all the pics of Gwyneth. I'm about to bust to meet her. Enjoyed the slide show of Tricia (and the video). Will especially pray for Gwyneth to 'poop' and to have negative CF results. Also for Tricia to be at peace in her rest so that her body can recover for her transplant. Love you all so much!

    God's Peace and Love to you, Tricia, and Gwyneth,
    Your cousin Amy

  23. Thank you for taking the time to make us aware, Nate. Trusting that you and Tricia (and Gwyneth in her own special room) have already felt that peace come over you as you rest in God alone and allow others to stand in the gap for you!

  24. Sending you prayers from Ontario, Canada. I visited this blog through a babycenter link, and your story touches my heart. Your belief and faith is inspiring, and your wife and daughter are beautiful. May God bless you and your family.

  25. You're in my thoughts and prayers. I got the link to your blog from your prayer post at Crosswalk.
    Take care and God bless. I will keep lifting each one of you up in prayer.

    Manda (in the UK)

  26. I am praying hard for you and your girls. I understand what you are going threw. I am 30, and married for 10 years. My wife Shannon has CF. (We are from Portsmouth VA, saw youve been there)
    My wife was listed for a lung trans a few monthe before she became pregnant. Her pregnancy was hard, and the transplant was harder, but with the power of Jesus it all worked out! She is more healthy now than ever, and we have 2 beautiful sons!. BTW, Duke did her transplant. Dr. Scott Palmer and D. Davis are GREAT!! You girls are in good hands.
    I will keep praying for you guys. I know you don't know me, but if you ever want to talk with someone who has been in your shoes you can email me at anytime. I would be happy to give you my # if you would like it.

  27. Hi,
    I "found" your blog and just wanted you to know you are in our prayers. We have a daughter who will be 30 years old in a few months who was 2 months premature and weighed 3 pounds. Of course that long ago they did not know half of what they know now and it was along haul but the Lord also led us through the experience as He is your family.

  28. Praying for Tricia this morning. Lord Father, give her Your peace...

  29. Praying for all of you today.
    What has helped me if I ever felt anxious during medical procedures was to imagine myself laying my head in Jesus' lap and He was stroking my hair-- would calm me right down. Maybe you can share the image with her? Don't know if it would help her or not, but just wanted to share that with you.
    As always, praying for her, you and Gwyneth (she's getting stronger each day!).

  30. Praying for you, your sweet wife and baby all the way from Dallas. Your positive attitude and strong faith is amazing and so uplifting to read everyday. Hang in there...

  31. Nathan,
    I check your blog every few hours waiting to hear all about Gwyneth and Tricia. I must say you are restoring some of my faith. I have to admit - my faith has been very lacking ever since my father died in 1988, but through this site I am amazed at all that God can do. I think about you and your family all day long.

  32. Praying:

    "You will guard me and keep me in perfect and constant peace as my mind is stayed on You, because I commit myself to You, lean on You, and hope confidently in You" Isaiah 26:3

    "God's peace which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over my heart and mind in Christ Jesus" Philippians 4:7

    We speak God's perfect peace, a peace that passes ALL understanding for Tricia right now in Jesus name. God Bless, Meredith/Orlando FL

  33. Praying for you and your beautiful girls! I am unsure how I found your blog...but you've been on my mind ever since. Sending prayers and positive energy your way...from South Dakota!

  34. I have been praying this morning for you all and will continue to do so. I am saying another prayer right now.

    -Jackie in MN

  35. Lord Jesus, I ask a special blessing on Nate today, Lord give him the strength and endurance to hold up for his girls to be that comfort that they need during this time, I pray for little Gwyneth, Lord what a precious miracle you have given these two people who are seeking to follow you in every area of their lives. Lord I ask that you grant this little girl an extra measure of Grace today, that you would allow her body to respond the way it needs to in order for her to fully heal. Dear Father, I pray for Tricia, what a scary thought it is to think you don't know what is going on around you, or what is happening to your body. Father I also ask for Grace and Mercy for her, that you would give her a peace that passes all understanding , and that you would allow her to rest comfortably in you. Thank you so much for your blessings on this day, and may we be ever mindful of you. Amen
    Nate, May the Lord be with you and give you an extra measure of HIS Grace today!
    Many Blessings!!

  36. Hey Nathan - just thought I would share an experience with you. I dont' know if it will help, but maybe it will.
    I had to be put under when Caitlyn was born and I ended up having pneumonia etc., and they were not originally aware of that. For whatever reason, I had a very hard time waking up and it was several hours of them trying to get me awake before I finally did. In that short time I can tell you that there were definitely things I thought of, was alert of, and I remember them clearly to this very day! Don't worry, I won't share all that went through my mind here. If you want to know more of the story though just ask.
    Anyway, to make a long story short I can tell you what helped me was EXACTLY what you all have been doing with Trisha, and what I have seen a couple others also say: talk to her about the good things as often as possible, good things about life, Gwyneth, our Lord etc.
    When I was 'under', they had a nurse next me telling me over and over about Caitlyn and the reason I was there - it was that fact that finally got me out of the place I was in.
    Maternal feelings and instincts are fierce - I believe they are some of the strongest feelings every created...and I can only imagine that Trisha is very much desiring (to put it lightly) to get to her daughter.
    Anyway - Just know that I am praying for Trisha to feel that peace regardless of the sedatives and for Gwyneth to go poo soon. ;o)

  37. Praying for peace today...

    Isaiah 41:10 Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

  38. Nate,Claire and I are praying hard for peace and calm to come to Tricia right now.Your brother in Christ,Tommy

  39. Nate- Remeber that God is in control, and He is watching over both of your girls. My prayers and thoughts are continuous! Sing to her, and listen to God talk to you through the words.

  40. Must be great encouragement hearing stories like parker1877 talked about! Praise God his wife is doing so well!!! I know it is so difficult to watch your loved one like this. I think a lot of us think of your story and try to encourage you with things we've been through that are similar (but of course not the same as what you are experiencing). My mother-in-law had open heart surgery in August and her heart stopped beating during surgery. The doctor had to pump her heart with his hands. Those few days that she was still sedated after the surgery were pure torcher for us. She barely looked alive and we wondered if she would ever wake up and would ever be the same again (as we didn't know if there was a loss of oxygen and possible brain damage during the surgery) After a week she was completely back to normal (other than recovery time)and then we waited over a month before telling her all that happened during her surgery. It is so hard during the wait. You have so much you want to say and especially with precious Gwyneth, I know you want to tell Tricia all about her. But I believe with all my heart that God will keep Tricia safe and she will wake up fully soon. And then we all look forward to her getting to learn all about her sweet baby girl...and the miracle that they both are!!!! I LOVED the video of you two camping. It was so great to "get to know" Tricia a little bit better. You two are a lot like my husband and me and I wish we lived closer to get to know you guys better. We continue to pray for your girls today and I pray specifically that Tricia will stay calm and will be able to wake up soon and more miracles will happen each day...that we will continue to be amazed by God's goodness. And for Gwyneth, that she will poop soon and continue to grow into a healthy girl. And for you...that you can have peace during the wait. I'll be sending you a package soon to maybe help pass the time! :)


  41. Praying for peace for Tricia today and for continued strength for you.

  42. I was led to your story by another blog and have been following it for the past week. Both your girls are beautiful and I will continue praying for them.

  43. Still praying here at Liberty...for peace and calm for Tricia (and Nathan) and for a continued excellent report on Gwyneth, and for strength for you, Nathan. Praying for all the doctors involved, for wisdom and clear minds. Praying for the timing, for Tricia to become aware at a good, safe rate.

  44. Tricia is soooooo beautiful, and Gwyneth looks better and tougher as each day passes.
    Thinking of you all, every day, with hope, admiration and lots of tears!

    Audrey (CF UK)

  45. Heavenly Father, Please bring peace to Tricia during this time. Please help this family through this waking process. I am begging you to bless Nate for all he is doing by keeping his girls with him. Please put your loving healing warm hand on Tricia and calm her fears and confusion. Jesus the world is begging you to continue to show your power through these girls. We need your comfort today, Nate needs it Tricia needs it and the family needs it. This "internet family" needs it as well. Continue to bring your people to their knees so that we will trust you for this healing. God we beg you today, not even knowing this precious angel personally that you will perform a miracle in her body and bring her out of this dear Lord. Bless her today, keep Nate strong. Bring revival as Pastor Rick is praying for. Continue to use this family. Thank you for being faithful and hearing our prayers, we will continue to "praise you in this storm" dear Jesus! amen

    We love you and we have never even met you! How awesome is our God!

  46. Lord God, you fearfully and wonderfully made Nate and Tricia, and Gweneth. You allowed the CF and the premature birth. Lord, all these things flowed through your mighty and loving hands. We are your people, the sheep of your pasture. You care for us all more than we can even understand, we trust you, we need you, be merciful to us, LORD God. You are Jehovah Rapha, the LORD our healer. We desire above all, that you be glorified, in our health, in our sickness, in our triumphs and our tragedies. We want what you want for us, to be a light, to be salt, to share the glorious truth of your saving grace. We present these requests to you, as an act of worship, for healing, for peace. I know you love it when we have the faith to ask you for big things, and I ask you to give us a miracle of healing for Tricia. Confound us, LORD with your mighty power!

  47. I am praying for Tricia this morning. Was wondering if you had thought about setting up a facebook group to pray for Tricia. I have posted your link on mine and have asked all of my contacts to be praying. Let me know!

  48. We are praying for Tricia to have peace and that her doctors will continue to be given wisdom as they make decisions about her sedatives, vent, transplant,etc...along with praying for the baby sleeping beauty to poop.
    (I love that, as humans, we are able to have a relationship with the Creator of the Universe, with our Savior and Lord, that we can come to Him and pray for poop.)
    Thank you for sharing these stories, pictures, and requests with all of us and in some small way letting us be part of the miracle God has for your precious family!
    We love you.
    ~ Wil and Dana Haupfear

  49. I've been reading your blog for about a week, and yes, just like everyone else, this story has captured my heart!! I think the reason why is because of you & your family's sweet spirit. When I read through the posts, the Spirit of the Father God just oozes out of them, and they are peaceful in spite of the trials you are facing. that is something rare and precious!! We also had our firstborn spend many weeks in the NICU, and know some of what you are experiencing. He is now a healthy, normal, extra precious 6 year old. God is so good, no matter what happens. Keep on blogging...we're all pulling for you!!

    Jason & Louise Zook
    Kalona, Iowa

  50. Nate, I just wanted to let you know that when my mom was on a vent with all those sedatives, she sometimes did have anxiety and it was because she was imagining things. For example, she heard someone say the name "Paul" and she assumed her ex-husband was there. She was certain and we couldn't talk her out of it. She also was convinced the doctors were sure she was going to die. Because she seemed so lucid much of the time, we didn't understand how she could be out of it at others. But, she was and it caused her great anxiety.

    I have been checking on you several times a day and you are all in my prayers. May God continue to bless you.

  51. I'll be praying right away for Tricia to have peace in her heart and mind, that her anxiety will disappear. It must be so difficult for her, I can't imagine!
    Debbi (Aspiemom)

  52. praying for peace and health.

  53. Hey Nathan,

    My best friend Meredith Andrews mentioned you and Tricia to me several months ago. We may have met many years ago as we have mutual friends(within the LU network), but all that to say I am praying for you all and hope to one day meet all 3 of you. :) Praise God for miracles!

    Kristi Wiggs

  54. Nate,
    I'm praying God will put His loving arms around Trish right now as she slowly comes to.
    I pray that He continues to be with your beautiful miracle that continues to bloom before your eyes, beautiful Gwynetht Rose.
    I thank you for your openness to share with thousands of others your love of your family, the love of the Lord and your families testimonies!
    I pray for God's direction for the doctors for Trish.
    I pray for safety for your families as they contiue to come and go for their visits!
    I pray for those that Might come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior through your continued sharing of your Love for your 2 beautiful girls in your Life!
    Thank You also for asking for prayers for others that might need it as you come in contact with each prayer need.
    I pray Joe, Kendra & the 2 boys are doing well. I pray that the prayers that have been lifted for them have been felt.

  55. I'm praying that Tricia is comforted and calmed. Praying that the two of you will soon be able to enjoy your precious White Rose together. May God continue to protect and keep you and your girls.
    Love, Leslie

  56. Jesus,

    Bring Tricia peace in her mind and heart like only you can. Calm her body. Help Nathan, the nurses and doctors discern her needs. Thank that your there now.

  57. I just have to say that I admire your strength, and especially your faith. I feel hope reading your blog, since I have been having a crisis of faith as of late. Our friends 16 month old daughter died 3 days before Christmas and I have had a hard time believing and trusting that there even is a God, much less that he has a plan, ever since then. I feel like your blog is giving me back some of the hope that I used to have.

    Anyway, I am thinking of you often, and hoping that things go well...I am not really ready to pray yet, but when I am, you all will top my list. Thank you.

  58. Praying for you all!! Your baby girl is absolutely beautiful! I pray for peace and comfort today for Tricia and you!!

  59. Praise God for all his mercies so far, and your faithfulness through this time that demands so much patience. I'm continuing to pray for Tricia, Gwyneth, and you, (as are my church, ladies sunday school, and girls prayer group)!

  60. Hello, Lawrensons! We've never met, but I've been following your story since a friend of mine (Susanna Cummings [Morrison]), who was a childhood friend of Tricia's, posted an email to our church, asking us to pray for you all.

    I gotta confess... I'm addicted to your blog now. I don't usually consider myself the "stalker-type". It's just so incredibly moving and awesome to see God giving all of you the hope and strength to endure through it all. And what gift could a mother give her child that is greater than a gift of sacrifice? Amazing!

    We're praying that you will be able to come home with your new family soon!

    -Angie Wilson (Williamstown, NJ)

  61. To Denise S. from MN: You may not be ready to pray but I will pray for you. I think Tricia would want it that way. Loss isn't easy but God never leaves you. I pray that you will talk to Him soon. He has helped me get through some of the worst grief. I'll admit I was angry with Him too, but I kept talking to Him and was honest with my feelings. What happened was a closer and more loving relationship between Him and I than I ever imagined. I will pray this will happen for you too!
    As always praying for Tricia, Gwyneth, Nathan (and family), premmies and mommy's and daddy's everywhere!

  62. My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life.

    Psalm 119:50

    Continuing to lift you guys up in prayer.

  63. Nate,
    We're still praying for all three of you - for little Gwyneth, that she grows stronger every day; for Trica, that she may have peace as she slowly wakes; and for you too, because it's really hard being the one watching and having to stay strong all the time!
    With love,
    Alison, Pete and Charlie xxx

  64. Your new NH "family" is praying for you!

  65. Just checking in today to see how everyone was. I will continue to send up my prayers for Tricia and Gwynth and that today will be a good day for you and your two beautiful ladies.

  66. Since I heard about your webpage about a week ago I've been so inspired by your family's story. You and Tricia have amazing strength and such faith in God and it makes me realize that I want to have that kind of faith. I find myself thinking about your family and praying for ya'll thoughout the day. Thank you for using a difficult situation to help so many people. Your attitude and words of belief in God's plan are a blessing to everyone who hears about it. I'm sharing this site with many people and pray that they are affected as greatly as I am. Prayers for Tricia to be less anxious and for little Gwyneth to get stronger. GOD IS SO GOOD!
    -Becky Ferrell
    mom of former 23 weeker - now 21 months old

  67. Oh heavens...

    I'll be praying.

    Poor thing... I wonder what she's been dreaming about (if she HAS been dreaming)?

    I know the prayer will help with the anxiety, and I hope the medication does as well. :)

  68. Praying without ceasing right now. My heart is aching for her.

  69. "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you."

    Father - our desire if for Your peace and comfort for Tricia. Strengthen her, help her be fully alert today and breathing well today.

    Thank you for answering our prayers.

    - continuing to pray in Atlanta


  70. Just checking in on you and your girls. You're all inmy thoughts and prayers.

  71. I just came across your blog, and I just wanted you to know that I am praying for your baby girl and your wife! May God Bless your new Little family!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hang in there!!!!

  72. Thought this may bless Tricias heart. While I was helping out in Childrens Church, (NHC) and we were doing prayer and study time, the little children all new Tricias story and the latest blog and wanted to pray for all of you. They all could'nt belive they were as small as Gwyneth! Sending love and prayers.

  73. I'm praying, Nate.

  74. i'm praying for everyone involved with your wife and your newborn, family, friends, and especially the doctors... i pray for their wisdom in all that is to come.

  75. I've been reading and praying with your for nearly a week now and wanted to just let you know. Your girls are incredibly brave and strong. I love the picture (a few posts down) with Gwen facing the pict of you and Tricia.

  76. I've been reading your blog for several days now and have been challenged and encouraged in so many ways. Thank you for your willingness to share your story. I am praying for Tricia to be flooded with the peace of the Lord today.


  77. Nathan,
    I just had a few minutes to check the update; please know that I am praying without ceasing for your sleeping beauty! I pray that she will wake soon and that her anxieties will be gone.

  78. Praying...praying...and praying some more....

  79. I found your blog through Angela Hunt. My 4-year-old daughter Mia and I are praying for you, Gwyneth, and Tricia.

  80. Just a quick note to say your story has touched my heart. My husband and I were married on June 27 as well, and we have two little girls, so I know how precious they are. Can tell Baby Gwyneth is a fighter already. Praying for your sweet family!

  81. Hi Nate,
    Wow, what incredible miracles are being worked through your Tricia, your Gwyneth and through you. I found your site through one of the Trisomy 18 blogs that I've frequented since losing my baby to T18 back in October. You guys are definitely living right because reading through your posts, the last thing that I feel is sadness or pity. I feel hope. I feel inspired. I feel that love does conquer all. Your love, faith and optimism are super contagious, and it is just awesome to think that you have used your story to touch so many lives and mend so many ailing hearts. God bless you and your girls. There is a hurricane of prayers coming at Tricia today from the Bahamas... more water spouts and mini-cyclones of prayers for your sweet little girl and for you!

  82. Many prayers still being said here!

  83. Praying for peace that passes all understanding...

  84. Dear Jesus,I come before you right now on behalf of my sister in Christ, Tricia. I ask that you calm her heart, mind, breathing. Bring clarity to her so that she knows that Nate and family are close by. May the peace that you give invade her body. Give her rest, healing and recovery. I ask these things in your precious heavenly name, Amen! Heather in Dallas, TX

  85. I'm not sure, but I think this is what you requested. Prayers going out for your family, LOTS! I mentioned you several times on my blog

    Heather in Dallas, TX

  86. Still praying here, Nate. Worship at NHC was incredible Sunday. We really missed your physical presence, but hundreds of us felt all of you there with us in spirit.Looking forward to the day to have you and your girls back with us.

  87. It's hard to find new words to say what so many are already telling you. I love our Lord already, but your lives give me a new sense of hope and joy. Your faith is amazing. I'm praying for you daily and will continue to share your story with everyone I can.
    Love and prayers from SC

  88. JUst read your blog, really amazing,i have lit a candel here for you all and am praying for you here in dublin, three are amazing,your wife,an inspiration xxx

  89. Many people and churches in Wilmington, NC continuing to pray for you, Tricia and your precious daughter Gwyneth. We can't hardly wait for you to hold her and Tricia to see and touch her.
    Thank you for keeping us posted. We love the pictures.
    God is good!

  90. Wow...I am so amazed by your faith, your courage, and your character. Your wife and your daughter are so blessed to have you in their lives. I am a Youth Minister in Batesville, Arkansas. My church family will continue to pray for you.
    Katie McLean

  91. praying for you Tricia! i love you!

  92. It's amazing how God sometimes speaks to my heart. Today I had this overwhelming feeling when I was thinking about Tricia waking up. I struggle with panic at times and I can only imagine how scary it must feel waking up and not being able to cough...which is what your body would feel the need to do. Like an itch you are told not to scratch. How annoying! But that's just me trying to imagine how she must feel. I was just overwhelmed and prayed "God give her peace and a clear mind about what all is happening to her. Patience for what is going and NO PANIC!" I hope she feels God's comfort through this. It must really feel scary.


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