
Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Tricia was feeling very anxious tonight (around 12:30am), so I offered to run down to the car and grab my guitar and sing for her. The first song I picked was a combination of "Always" (Hillsong United) and "Everything" (Lifehouse). This is one of my favorites to sing by myself or in a crowd.

Here are the lyrics:

Did You rise the sun for me
Or paint a million stars
That I might know Your majesty

Is Your voice upon the wind
Is everything I've known
Marked with my Maker's fingerprints

Breathe on me
Let me see Your face
Ever I will seek You

'Cause all You are is all I want, always
Draw me close in Your arms
Oh God, I wanna be with You

Can I feel You in the rain
Abandon all I am
To have You capture me again

Let the earth resound with praise
Can You hear as all creation lives
To glorify one Name

Breathe on me
Let me see Your face
Ever I will seek You

'Cause all You are is all I want, always
Draw me close in Your arms
Oh God, I wanna be with You
I wanna be with You
Oh God, I wanna be with You
I wanna be with You

How can I stand here with You
And not be moved by You
Would You tell me how could it be
Any better than this

‘Cause You’re all I want
You’re all I need
Everything, everything

Tricia actually sang along with me as best she could...when we were done, she told that was good enough...we prayed together and now she's sleeping, and soon, I will be as well.


(Check back in tomorrow morning when I'll share some details of the stuff that Tricia has been going through the past few days)


  1. Thanks for your update. I really like having specific prayer requests. I hope you get some sleep as well!

    ~Sara in MD

  2. I can only imagine what she's going're so good to's so nice to see.

    Sleep well.

  3. Cool song, I love the relevance of the "breathe on me" lyrics for Tricia's situation.

  4. Thanks Nate for singing to Tricia,like David of old, it soothes the soul. We are praying for you guys everyday. Hope today is a good day for all three of you. Happy Birthday to Gwyneth!

  5. So sweet!

    Really happy to see that both Gwyneth and Tricia are having good days.


  6. God Bless you Nathan.

  7. Nate- I am really, really praying for Tricia. Your post laid heavy on me tonight. With you having taken a few days from blogging- to your updates regarding Tricia's anxiety, restlessness, etc...

    I really pray the Lord reaches in a touches her with His healing hand. I pray that by morning you will have only PRAISES to sing and share with us. I pray for complete and total health and restoration for both Tricia and Gwyneth.

    I pray mostly that Tricia is found to be well enough for the transplant list enabling her to secure many more years of health with you and Gwyneth.

    I'm praying!!!

  8. Funny story for you:

    I was on a bus in Jerusalem yesterday on my way to an appointment. A religious girl (who I do not know at all-perfect stranger) sat down across from me, whipped out a prayer book, and started to pray.

    Me: Excuse me, but are you saying Psalms?

    Her: Yes

    Me: Ummm...would you mind adding some friends of mine?

    End of the story--I wrote down Tricia and Gwyneth's names in Hebrew characters and this nice young lady is adding you to her Tehillim (Psalms) list.

    Normally, I try to chase down nuns and the like (really!) for prayers for Catholic friends, but alas, the bus was nun-less. (Yes, I know you are not Catholic, but from my POV--Jesus=Christian and Nuns=believe and Jesus, so it works).

    Hope to read more good news tomorrow!


  9. Nate, you and Tricia may never know how your sweet voices ministered to people nearby Tricia's bed. You are living the example Rick has been teaching us at Nags Head about the mission field being "wherever you are, wherever you work..."
    I love you, and am honored to pray for and with you!

  10. So glad Tricia is doing better! Will continue to pray for all!!

  11. Nate,
    What a beautiful song. I love the words.

  12. I am so glad that Tricia and Gwyneth have you - what a miracle you are!

  13. Hey, Nate! What a sweet relationship you and Tricia have...May God continue to bless you both...and dont feel like you have to share things that are too personal, we understand...we stand in prayer with you....the father knows....

    Raleigh, NC

  14. You and God knew just what Tricia needed. I'm so glad your singing brought peace to you both and she was able to sleep.

    Continuing to pray...Debbi/Aspiemom

  15. Nate
    I know from experience, when you are sick and tired it is so wonderful to have a husband who will worship with you and pray with and for you. Thank you for contiuning to share with us all

  16. i saw on the visitor map that you guys have had over 167,000 hits on this page since the beginning of january!! thats incredible... thinking of you all today like always :)

  17. Hope you all had a peaceful night and are ready to face another day and be even stronger!

  18. Nate- I got this in my e-mail and thought of you immediately. I know you said pugs are the best dogs in the world and your little Meka is the very best! So, have a free pug screen-cleaning on me!

    So thankful to hear all continues to go in the right direction for your two favorite girls. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

  19. I have said it before...but I have to say it again...You and Tricia are both so blessed to have each other...Can you imagine if all marriages were like yours? can you imagine what an effect that would have on the world...on our children?

    We are still praying for all of you - for your ability to rest, for doctors' to have wisdom, and for healing.
    Lots of Love ~ Dana and Wil Haupfear

  20. Music is so powerful, when it is the Lord's it is even more so. When my dh's grandmother was in ICU for a week, we discovered how it is valuable in recovery. The difference in her stats when it was on or off was amazing and the drs ordered that it stay on!
    Praying for her anxiety.

  21. pug screen cleaning...HA
    Praying for Patty Sue- freedom from fear, trusting Jesus to meet ALL her needs. We are praying to the God who already knows how it all works out, right? So we can trust him to soothe our hearts.

  22. I'm still moved to tears as I read your posts each day. I'm praying that you will all get some much needed rest.

    I am also asking God to bless you with a long and blessed life together... all three of you.

  23. This is truly amazing to read each day, I am currently 31 weeks pregnant with my first baby and I heard about trica through Bethany Mckenny at Bear Drugs (I work there) they told me about her and how her baby was due after mine, now I get to see your baby grow, and strive, and I can feel my baby grow, it helps me to be brave I look up to all three of you. You have gone over some very large hurdles, and more will come your way (fact of life) but you are so striong you will breeze through it all, so I look up to you, you have helped me to be brave (I am doing this alone, no baby daddy, didnt work out) so anytime I feel a little insecure I read your blog, and I smile. I have even gotten my family members hooked, and we now make it a nightly thing to read the latest blog, god is really with you all, god has helped you, and others throug you, you are a message of god. I was wondering how I could link you to my myspace page to share with my friends, and once they read it they might pass it on, if you could help me to put you on my myspace page so people can click the link and goto your blog I would appreciate it. We are praying for you all.

  24. Thanks for sharing about those tender moments last night! The lyrics are beautiful, and I can just imagine the Holy Spirit filling Tricia's room as you sang together. You are such a blessing to each other, and by sharing your story you are touching many hearts and lives with your witness.

    Thank you for sharing your heart with us! We will continue to pray for healing, peace, and rest.

    The Edwards family

  25. I just wanted to let you know that I was praying for all of you in the night. My son was up with a cough and potty training so I was up lots around 3:00am so I was praying for all of you.

    Joy in Elizabethtown

  26. I'm praying that you both were able to rest well. What a beautiful song. My eyes teared up just reading the lyrics. Nate, you're doing an awesome job as a husband and daddy. I'm sure you've been told that, but I know that you also need encouragement. You've really spoken to me through your selfless actions.

    Praying blessings and good news for today.

    Love y'all.

  27. I just found your blog and will be praying for your precious family.

    I wanted to suggest something that might possibly help tricia sleep better, if the hospital would allow it.
    A 2or3 in. memory foam pad might help her comfort level enough to help her get better rest.
    Just a thought that occured to me as I was reading.....

  28. Praying for both of your girls Nate, really praying. I pray that Tricia's anxiety will cease and give her peace in her mind and heart. She has so much to process right now and I am sure her mind is going faster than her fragile body, not on the same page for sure. Praying it all comes together for her as she continues to heal. God Bless all of you today.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  29. Beautiful song. I am praying for you all.

  30. Thank you for keeping us all updated so well! Just wanted to let you know that at around 9:30pm (mtn time) you were being prayed for in our small group. You have a whole crew of prayers warriors out here in Colorado Springs!

  31. I'm not sure which blog I read lead me to yours; but I think you are a remarkable man with a remarkable wife and daughter. I pray that God grants you the strength of 10,000 men to help carry your family through this difficult time. I'll be checking in again. God Bless!!!

  32. I hope today is a great day for the three of you!

  33. We prayed for you and your family in my Bible Study last night. I hope all is doing as well as can be expected.

  34. so sweet! your love for each other and your religion radiates.

  35. praying and praying . . .

  36. That song is beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing your love with everyone, the Spirit shines thru so clearly that hearts cannot help but be affected (or is it effected, never can remember). Will be praying.

  37. Nate- That is my favorite song (currently). It changes weekly as I'm sure you can understand. I was wondering (and hoping) that you might be able to record you singing and playing 'Always'. Our youth sing that song all the time and it just makes my heart swell. When you pick up your guitar and sing for Tricia it makes me smile. I know, without a doubt, that if I were ever in the hospital, my husband would do the same thing for me. I love when he worships. Praying for you all. God Bless- Lorri

  38. Im a little confused on that song. I know that song and love it, but that was a different version. Did they have a Christain version AND an album bersion??

  39. Bless your heart for being the husband that you are. Having the ability to praise God with your spouse is an amazing quality to have in a relationship. I'm so glad that you were able to calm Tricia, and that you two were able to share a little worship and prayer time together.

    Beautiful song choices for your precious wife. Hillsong is one of my faves. The song "Still" is a song that I've sung to my children since my oldest was a wee one. Hillsong is the bomb. >:0)

  40. Nate, great minds must think alike. I hadn't check on you 3 since Sunday and this morning i posted that same song with the skit to it on my blog. Then tonight i wanted to read and play catch up on you all and i saw that! Also, i watched you sing on the YouTube link. Very neat! Then i found the testimony of Chuck S. and i posted that blessing on my blog too. He really has a great testimony! Thanks for sharing your singing! You are talented in so many ways! Your parents should be so lucky as to have a godly, loving son like you! Praying for Tricia to get her rest and regain her marbles. I flipped out too upon waking from my coma and had the ICU phsycosis. They say it's normal for that to happen after an ordeal like such, lack of sleep, noise, and the stress that comes w/ being hospitalized. It will go away. I was given the same med to calm me because you haloucinate and see things that aren't there including the paranoia of being killed is norm. With me it was kids trying to turn off my trach that really weren't there and blankets turning into tigers. We will be praying that the Lord will bring this time to an end quickly and fill her with a peace that passeth all understanding.


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