
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Answered Prayer!!!

Gwyneth Rose's distention is all but gone! The barium enema they gave her did the trick (meaning it helped her make a few very large poops)! I went down to visit with her around 2:30am this morning, knowing that they had taken another x-ray at midnight and hoping for a good report. The nurse practitioner showed me the x-ray they had taken at 4pm yesterday compared to the one they had taken at midnight tonight, and the difference was incredible.

Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers!

They said they may wait a little while to let her intestines and tummy relax, but they should try the CPAP again and start feeding her both within the next few days, which is great news.

Please, pray with us that the distention is a thing of the past, that she will tolerate the CPAP well, and that she her belly will love the breast milk and her body will begin growing more because of it.

Tricia still needs your prayers. I'll share more when I feel comfortable doing so, but just know that the past 48 hours have been a huge setback for her.

Thank you (back to my break)!



  1. Great news about Gwyneth - a real answer to prayer! Tell Tricia we're all praying for her, and sending lots of love and hugs. XXX

  2. Answered prayer is wonderful!! Glad to hear the GOOD news about Gwyneth, but I will still be praying for her, her mommy, her daddy, and all of her family. Prayers being sent your way from my way in MB, SC ~amanda

  3. yeah for Gwyneth Rose!

    Nathan you need some r&R and since you cant truly get it right now might I mention the benefits of a little excercise to burn restlessness, fatigue, tension, and the like away? It really helps, a quick walk, a few puhsups and situps, nothing fancy can make a big difference (who cares about the weight theres time for that late) I just mean to help you physically relax a bit and perhaps sleep a little better.

    Trisha-I hope you just tried to do too much too quick and will be doing well again with a bit of extra rest. Hang in there, hormones are brutal.


  4. Thanks for the great news! There is an awful lot of posting here for being on break!!! We will pray especially for Trisha right now. May the Lord bless her and give her some rest physically and emotionally. Lord bless you guys.

  5. Praise God for answered prayer!!

  6. God is showing himself through your family!!! If ever there was a non believer they should be redirected to your website. You should ALL THREE recieve nation recognition on the today show for what you are going through right now!!! I will keep Tricia especially in my prayers. I am sending word to everyone I know to especially pray for Tricia. God bless you all.

  7. Awesome news about Gwyneth!

    I'll keep praying, for both of your girls... extra hugs for Tricia...

  8. Praying for Tricia.

    Praying for Gwyneth.

  9. Praying for you all and giving thanks to God for answering prayers for Gwyneth!! Tell Tricia we're praying for her ... life confined to an ICU room day after day can really mess with a person, and being separated from Gwyneth cannot possibly be an easy cross to bear.

    I loved the list, especially the one about God never wasting a hurt. I think the same thing can be said of trials. Whatever He allows us to go through in life, no matter how gut-wrenchingly hard, has a divine purpose in His grand plan.

    Echoing what a previous writer said about getting some exercise. Not for losing weight but preserving your own mental health. I "lived" in a hospital for an extended time last year with a family member, and brisk 15-minute walks around the hospital campus in the sunshine went a LONG way toward preserving my sanity.

    Sending love to all of you!

  10. Wonderful news about Gwyneth. I hope her Mommy starts feeling better soon. I can't even imagine how hard this is on her.Sending prayers from Ky.

  11. Good news about Gwyneth. Will keep Tricia close to God's ear.

    Love and prayers,


  12. Awesome news about Gwyneth!! She is doing so amazing! Continuing to pray for Tricia ... "And my God will meet all her needs according to his GLORIOUS RICHES IN CHRIST JESUS!"

  13. That's GREAT news about Gwyneth. We'll keep praying that she continues to do well. Please let Tricia know, again and again, that there are so... many people continuing to follow this blog and praying for her and your entire family. God will give her the strength she needs to move forward. Bless you ALL!

  14. Praise God for the news on Gwyneth. Will continue to pray for Tricia--especially for peaceful sleep.

  15. Great news about Gwyneth! I will keep praying that she continues to do well, and is on the cpap and eating like a champ asap!
    Hugs and prayers to Tricia.

  16. My heart goes out to Trisha at this time. I am praying for her. I am praying for you as well as you are by her side.


  17. Praising God with you!! Continued prayers for you from here in PA...

  18. Jesus, we praise you for your touch on Gwyneth's body! And now we stand in the gap for Tricia. Jesus would you hold her in Your arms, and comfort her mother's heart. Would you grant her sleep enough to revive and sustain her and keep her eyes on You. Would you calm her anxious heart, and speak peace to her spirit. Though it is not easy- please have Your way with each of us. We love You and trust You.

  19. Continued prayers for all three of you.(Agnes too!)

    Ditto to the advice about getting outside for a break. I spent time taking care of my parents in their last weeks, and I know the toll it took on me. I can only imagine what this must be like for you and Agnes.

  20. PTL that Gwyneth has had a breakthrough! I will continue to pray that this will help Tricia to relax and get the rest she needs to get back on track. When you look at all that your family has been through in the last mo. its just so much to walk through. Firmly standing on Tricia will see a breakthrough as welll, that she will rest knowing her baby is doing an outstanding job, her body will gain strength so that she is able to recieve her surgery. Y'all are doing an awesome job:) Blessings and Love to your family

  21. What a fabulous way to start the day with such outstanding news. I guess once again it really is "all about the poop." I am so glad to hear that Gwyneth is improved. Will bump up the prayers even more for you and Tricia.

  22. Praying for you in Greenville, SC! Thank you for being so open. You and Tricia are such an inspiration to the true meaning of family. God Bless!

  23. wonderful update on your thriving nicu girl. glad that nicu tango two steps forward, one step back) is on an upswing.

    get some rest...your blog is in fine hands with your father, and your girls are in fine hands with Our Heavenly Father...for they are His girls too.
    praying in hong kong

  24. I'm so glad Gwyneth is doing well! She is continually in my prayers. I'm also praying for Tricia - that the Lord will strengthen her through whatever circumstances she is in.


  25. Hey, i have no idea how my wife found your blog. But she did, and we read. i just wanted you to know that someone in Georgia is pleading on your behalf your family daily to Jesus for healing and comfort.

  26. Praise God! Happy about news from Gwyneth. Tricia and Nate, Love and many prayers. Ellen

  27. Great Great News Nate. And you don't have to ask for prayers for Tricia or Gwenyth.... you are now a part of our families prayers.

    My children, though only 3,5,and 8... mention your family by name with each prayer now. We are covering you as if you were a part of our family.

    I pray you are finding time to rest Nate. And that Tricia, and as a byproduct her mother, would also find quality, restful sleep that ushers in recovery.

    Hang in there!

  28. Praying that today will be a calm, restful day. Kristin and Matt

  29. Sorry... I meant to type, "GwYnEth" not Gwenyth." Sorry.

    Still praying for her despite the fact that I clumsily typed her name wrong... :)

  30. Great news about Gwyneth. Sorry to hear about Tricia's setbacks. I'm sure you are probably not so surprised by the peaks and valleys of a chronic medical condition, but that doesn't make it any easier for either of you. Prayers for you, your girls, and the medical staff there attending to them! Thinking of you and praying often!

  31. So happy for the answered prayer. Will pray more for Tricia today. Debbi/Aspiemom

  32. Yay for poop!!! There's nothing that can make you poop more than barium!

    Post pregnancy is a sucky time - you're still hormonal, you have huge physical changes going on as your body tries to recover, and lots of emotional stress to boot -

    Tell Tricia to hang in there, don't over do it, and she and Gwyneth have tons of people praying for them! (and you too!)

    You are so right about it being easier when you make conversations with God part of your everyday life - I guess that's what they call "walking in the spirit" but by including him in our everyday thoughts, we never stray too far, and it's an easy reach back into the arms of the Father when we really need Him :-)

  33. Praise God for answering prayers and Gwyneth getting better! We will continue to pray for Tricia to get some sleep and to heal.

    God Bless!


  34. thank you for sharing about Gwyn's triumph over poop! So many people are praying.
    Praying for Tricia. I was in tears yesterday as I recounted your circumstances to my mom and sister. I can't even begin to imagine how Tricia must feel - But I do know the Great Physician and I KNOW that HE hears the cries of our hearts and feels our pain. HE has Tricia, Gwyn and you in the palm of HIS hand.

  35. WTG, little Miss Trooper! Wow! Gwyneth is just a remarkable baby, all in thanks to her Maker. >:0) Still lifting her up in prayer!

    Praying, fervently, for your Tricia. The fact that she is having a hard time is so completely understandable. Praying that the Lord wraps His loving arms tightly around her and gives her peace and comfort...and good sleep! >:0)

  36. When you become a parent, you are surprised at how interesting poop suddenly becomes. You can't believe it gets any more intersting than that particular moment, but it has....huzzah for this healing!

  37. Nathan,
    That is such wonderful news about Gwyneth. Despite all the challenges you have been facing, God really has given you the blessing of being able to bond so closely with your daughter.

    I am praying earnestly for Tricia.
    "For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds," says the Lord. (Jeremiah 30:17)

    "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us." (Ephesians 3:20)

  38. Thinking of you three. I hope Tricia is okay, please keep us posted. I am praying for you guys.
    Ft. Myers, FL

  39. PRAISE GOD! We will be praying for Tricia! Sunshine

  40. Still praying and thanking God IN ADVANCE for how He is going to heal your girls! Keep holding on....

  41. Tricia,

    Jesus knows exactly what is needed for you right now to get you back on track sweetie. I am praying that He brings His light into the situation and brings His peace and healing. You have endured so much, so be patient with Him as He knows what's best for you right now sweetie. You amaze me and your baby amazes me and Nate amazes me. God holds you all in His loving hands and will bring you through.
    Praying for Gwyneth's tummy to continue with great progress so she can eat and get chubby.
    I love you Tricia and am praying for both of you to continue to heal and gain strength.
    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  42. Yeah for Gwyneth! That is great news!
    Many prayers being said for Tricia and Gwyneth for continued improvement and health and for Nate as well to get the R&R he needs to stay strong and healthy for his girls.


  43. Doesn't it just make you want to sing praises to our Father for answered prayer! I am so happy to hear Gwyneth's tummy is better!

    Please know that we don't need details to pray for Tricia! It's okay to just say, please pray!

    Praying for you (especially for sleep), Tricia, and sweet baby Gwyneth.

  44. Great news about Gwyneth's tummy! Praise God.

    Continuing to pray for all of you... but especially for Tricia.

  45. Great News about Gwyneth Rose WOWEE
    Prayers for Tricia, that she is able to rest and move away from any set backs and towards feeling better & stronger & well rested each day....for Gwyneth Rose that the distention is totally a thing of the past and each day you watch her grow strong and healthy...
    Showering You All Lovingly With Prayers
    I find it hard to beleive people are sending you "tips" what to do on how to
    Long Island New York
    lotsa well wish's too

  46. WOOHOO! Thanks for sharing the exciting news about Gwyneth!!!!!

    Continuing to pray in NY, ~Amy

  47. It makes my heart so happy to read your good news this morning!

    I pray that you, Tricia, and Gwyneth all have a great day!

  48. God is AWESOME! So glad that he continues to answer prayers for you all. Here's to a healthy eater and a growing baby girl.


  49. Woohooo! God, You are truly amazing! Can't wait to one day hug that baby girl (& the the Mama girl, too!) that we've all been praying for!!!!

    Love y'all!

  50. After reading your list of things to do, in the middle of the night, to pass the time, it made me smile! My philosophy in life has always been that when 2 or more people think positive, things always work out ! Thanks for staying positive! I will continue thinking positive, as well! Daily prayers continue from Texas!

  51. How wonderful to hear Gwyneth's good news.

    Nate (or Nate's dad) - the last two posts each had me thinking about the same thing... Nate mentioned how underappreciated windows are - and that Tricia was having a hard time. Not to assume that I know anything - but perhaps the hospital has a light box or Lite Book - they're made to help people with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD - or the "Winter Blues") but might also help make the room feel a little sunnier for a few hours each day!!

    If the hospital doesn't have one, maybe someone who reads your blog has one sitting around and could send it to you or loan it to you. We used to have a light box in our basement playroom - no one actually had SAD but it really made the room happier!

  52. Very Thankful for Gwenyth and saying a Prayer for Tricia!

  53. yay for Gwyneth and lots of continued prayers!

  54. Yeah Gwyneth! That's one less obstacle for you to worry about. Still praying for Tricia. I hope her setbacks are overcome very soon. And as for you, Nate, I pray that you get some rest, burn off some steam, whatever you need to get by and relieve some stress. God Bless.....

  55. Nate I want you to know what a witness you are for our Lord. A true reflection of his glory. Thank you for your willingness to be transparent and letting your struggles witness to God's grace and power. I continue to pray for Gwyneth and thank God for the poop! Tricia is weighing heavy on my heart today and I have been lifting her in prayer fairly constantly since last night. Post-partum is hard enough without being stuck in the ICU and fighting a battle for your own recovery when all you want is to be with your baby. My love and prayers to you all. ~Stacey (aka DoK)

  56. Isn't it funny how, when you become a parent, poop becomes a national event? And even more so in Gwyneth's case! That beautiful, teeny little bundle is something else, isn't she? My heart is with her, and with you and Tricia as you climb this huge mountain together.

    The Lord bless you and keep you
    The Lord life his countanence upon you
    And give you peace, and give you peace
    The Lord make his face to shine upon you
    And be gracious unto you, be gracious
    The Lord be gracious, gracious unto you

  57. Praying for more good news. And also praying for each of you to have all of the strength you need during any sad/scary/disappointing/hard times.

  58. Praise God!!!
    Continuing to pray for Tricia!

  59. Yeah for poop! I am thrilled that Gwyneth is doing well. She will remain in my prayers.

    Praying for sweet Tricia too and you Nate. May God continue to watch over your two girls but may he also watch over you and give you all you need to be a support to your family.

    Sending hugs for you all :)

  60. Continueing to pray and pray....wonderful news about Gwyn...and lifting Tricia to the Father.....

  61. Praise GOD! Still praying for Tricia and you.

  62. I haven't written you before but I've been following your blog since before Gwyneth was born and praying for the three of you daily. I've been praying for Gwyneth's little tummy. What a mighty God we serve! Continuing to pray for Tricia's healing as well. Also praying for you, Nate.

    Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, Ephesians 3:20

    Continual prayers for the three of you in Florida

  63. Awesome news about Gwyneth!
    I'm so happy things are getting better, Tell Tricia there are alot of people praying and sending many ++++++++++++++++++++++ thoughts and hugs to you and your whole family.



  65. For someone who's taking a break from blogging, you're still doing an awful lot of it...LOL Of course I am thrilled to see any updates, so I guess we can let you slide.
    Seriously, though, glad Gwyneth's bowel troubles are getting better, and I'll continue to pray for Tricia (and you) - you have been through a lot in the last few weeks, and I would have really been surprised if there weren't times when you both felt the effects of the stress, emotion, and physical pain of what's gone on! Still praying for you all!
    Now, get back to your break!! I mean it!

  66. That's so wonderful about Gwyneth!!! Another answer to prayer!!! AWESOME GOD!!!! Tricia is being bathed in prayer today. I hope she feels our prayers more than every today!!!! And you too!

  67. Praying for Tricia, hope you bounce back soon!
    The McLamb's
    Clayton, NC

  68. Yeah Gwyneth! Praise the Lord for answered prayers. Praying that Tricia wil have a wonderful day today and that everyone gets some rest.

    In Christ

  69. Thank you for sharing the answered prayer!

    We are continuing to pray, especially for Tricia. We look forward to seeing God continue to work out His awesome plan for your lives. As I prayed this morning, Proverbs 3:5-6 came to mind. It is one of my favorites!

    "Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge HIM and HE will direct your paths." Prov. 3:5-6

    Love and prayers from VB,
    Laura and family

  70. Praise the Lord for Gwyneth's great report. Praying for Tricia's physical, mental and emotional well being.

  71. Your family has touched so many to experience God's love and grace. The strenth He has given you and Tricia, gives us a knowledge of His power to help us win the battles in our own lives. Please know there is an army standing with you and your family.

  72. Glad to hear Gwyneth is doing better. Hope Tricia has a better day.

    Sending hugs and prayers your way

  73. I am keeping you all in my prayers. Please know you are surrounded by love and prayers.

  74. Praise God!! Still praying for everyone!!

  75. Nate, I hope you take whatever break you need. Thanks for sharing the wonderful news about Gwyneth, and I will pray that God in his infinite wisdom continues to guide Tricia's journey.

    A whole world of people are praying for your family.

  76. Continued prayers for both Gwyneth and Tricia (and you too!). Hoping that everyone gets some needed rest!

  77. Glad the baby is doing better, we are still praying for Tricia and you

  78. Yay for poop!!!! Go Gwenyth! My thoughts and prayers are with your and hugs from IL

  79. That is wonderful news about precious Gwyneth... Please know that our prayers continue with you all..

  80. Awesome news about Gwyneth!! I'm praying for Tricia now. Muah Tricia.

    Angela in central Ohio

  81. Yeah for poop!!! Praying you all find rest and peace of mind and spirit.

  82. Prayers for Tricia and Gwyneth. Great news about Gwyneth's tummy.

  83. Nate-

    Still praying all day long - (learning that point on your list myself - its good having the conversation all day long). Glad to hear the good news re Gwyneth.

    Imagine you find your support in the most unexpected places and ways - all we can do on this end of the blog is care and pray and will continue to do so.

    Love to you all - I mean all, the whole extended family and support persons, the care givers of every form.

  84. Praise God! I'll keep praying for Gwyneth and step up my prayers for Tricia.

  85. This is your FIRST "poop party"! You'll celebrate again another day when you potty train Gwyneth and you can have another "poop party" when she does it in the potty! Congratulations!

    We'll keep them both in our prayers, especially Tricia. What a trying time for her and probably pretty frustrating too! I can't imagine her pains, especially being in a completely different room than her new precious daughter. Nate, you have two incredible girls there! They both have a lot of spunk and God is on their side!

  86. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! Perfect news. Hope Tricia is feeling better soon. She is constantly in our prayers.

    With much Love and Hope,

    William's Mom

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. Praying for Tricia -- praising for Gwyneth! Hang in there :-)

  89. Thanks for telling us how God is answering our prayers! We are grateful that he is working in your family and in our hearts!

    The Dodges

  90. Wonderful, wonderful news about sweet Gwyneth!! We are continuing to storm the heavens with prayers!!! My 4 yr old says a special prayer for your family each night....she never, ever forgets.

  91. PTL! Great news about Gwyneth! I'm glad about that. Still praying for you guys. :)

  92. Thanks for updating. Maybe one thing that you could do to save on sanity is not worry right now about keeping up on all the comments. They'll still be here when treading water is easier. Wishing much love and peace. ~Liz

  93. Thanks for the update! Glad to hear that Gwyneth is doing better; hope to hear the same about Tricia in your next post.


  94. Praise the Lord! I've been keeping up with you guys for a while and been praying a lot. Will continue to pray for both girls, but particularly Tricia right now. Her strength amazes me. It's hard enough emotionally just having a baby, without adding everything else she's had to deal with.


  95. You don't know me, but my name is Mia and I just want you to know that I care and that I'm praying for you all!! I've asked everyone I know to pray for you guys, too.

    Prayers from Dallas, TX

  96. sending lots of prayers your way, your story is amazing. It is my greatest wish that Tricia gets to hold and kiss her beautiful daughter. Hugs to Tricia, I can only imagine the range of emotions she is going through.

  97. Glad to hear Gwyneth is making progress and I'm praying for Tricia!

    Also please pray for a young boy from my church who is having brain surgery Friday morning - see my actions speak loudest blog for more details.

  98. "And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has caled you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, confrim, strengthen, and establish you." 1Peter 5:10 We love you guys

  99. Great news on the pooping! Go Gwyneth!! Nate-no one can possibly understand the emotions Tricia is experiencing right now, unless they've been there. As a mommy, I can't process how she is feeling and my heart hurts for her. Please know that although we don't know one another, your situation is close to my cousin has cf and i'm expecting my 2nd child with a high risk preg prayers and thoughts are with Tricia each day. Our God is faithful and Tricia will experience brighter days soon. Recovering from childbirth is emotional and draining but adding the other issues she is facing can be incredibly overwhelming to say the least. Hang on to the truth that God is faithful and He is Omnipresent...prayer for blessings of peace and unspeakable joy today.
    -palmers in IN
    ps tricia is my hero!!! I don't even know her personally and from this situation alone- i agree with you-she is the strongest woman i know!! :)

  100. Praise Jesus for Poop! So I'm a little behind in responding to the jewelry post, but in case you haven't found the right thing yet check out this blog ... just discovered it and love her designs.

  101. Praise God that Gwyneths x-ray showed huge improvement, continuing to pray for her tummy to stay clear and for feeding and cpap to go smoothly.

    Praying that Tricia makes progress after the setback and that you and the rest of the family are given the extra strength you so need right now.

    Much love

  102. Love all of you and am continually praying for your well being.

    Remarkable people.

  103. GOD IS GOOD (and so is poop:))


    We knew that little one could make some poops!

    Very happy for all of you. And still praying for both Tricia and Gwyneth.



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