
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Lawrensons' Best Day Ever!

Four things have made this the Best Day Ever!

1) Gwyneth Rose made a POOP! Sometime this morning! They say they'll begin feeding her soon!

2) Gwyneth Rose had another head/brain ultrasound this morning, and there is NO BLEEDING!!

3) The same Transplant Doctor who told us two weeks ago that it would be at least 2-3 months before Tricia would be well enough for the double lung transplant list told us today that it could be A MATTER OF WEEKS instead!!!

4) Gwyneth Rose is two weeks old today! Two whole weeks without ANY MAJOR COMPLICATIONS!!!!

Here are some of my favorite pics from the past two weeks, with a little editing fun.

The only thing that made today not cool was that the external hard that I bought to store all of the video and pictures of Gwyneth has decided it doesn't like me any more. Fortunately, nothing that was on it is irreplaceable, and I'm hoping when I return it to Best Buy, they'll be able to fix it enough for me to be able to restore the files to my Mac.



PS. Please, continue praying for my estimation, she should be coming out of surgery about this time if all went well!


  1. I'm so glad Tricia and Gwyneth are doing so well! They continue to amaze me with their progress! Praise the Lord!

  2. Yay Gwenyth POOP!!!! This is good news, and no bleeding good news, and Tricia and a matter of weeks, God willing, Wow. God is so good in answering prayers. Praying here continually for Him to continue to do what He does best, AMAZE US.:) My heart leaped with joy when I saw the video clip of Tricia talking. What an amazing woman of God you have there. This girl does not know the meaning of the word STOP:)

    Have a wonderful day,
    Laurie in Ca.

  3. PRAISE THE LORD!!! We are rejoicing with you guys! God is so good and His hand is definitely on your girls!!!

  4. Isn't it hilarious how hugely important POOP becomes when you have a kid?? Even when everyone is healthy, it still is a major topic of everyday. Yay for Gwenyth!!!!

    That is amazing about Tricia being moved up to possibly just weeks!! I just read your blog for the first time today, and I'm already checking back multiple times to see if there's updates!! You and your family are a part of my life now.

  5. Yay! Not just yay, but double yay. And a yay on top of that! God does bless abundantly, doesn't He? You're covered in prayer, my friends.

    Amy (Jenn Kirschner's sister in Germany)

  6. Hoooray for poop! :) Only a parent can understand and rejoice for a babies poop! That is just awesome news about the transplant list, no bleeding, everything!!!! What a great day for you guys!!!!! Still praying for you all!!!

  7. Nathan & Tricia, I just caught up on all of your posts over the last year and a half after getting a link on facebook to your blog. I rejoice in the life God has given to Gwyneth and Tricia and pray for continued improvement and strength. He gives more grace.

    I'm so glad to hear of your news today. Also, I love the B&W version of Gwyneth's great-grandmother holding her hand. Tricia chose a great camera for you (I love photography).

    I added you to Google Reader so I will continue to see your updates.

    "He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength." Isaiah 40:29

  8. Your story is so uplifting and serves as reassurance that the LORD IS POWERFUL AND WONDERFUL! He really is shining down on you guys in a massive way. Congrats on all the accomplishments today. May your two ladies continue to heal and defy all the odds. Continued prayers from Houston, TX!

  9. Isn't it funny how exciting poop can be?! So happy for the good news for Gwenyth and Tricia. Thank you Jesus for your mercy and grace!

  10. How awesome is all of that! That is so wonderful guys!

  11. Nate,
    Have you viewed your clustrmap lately??? You guys are sharing God's amazing love around the world!!! Awesome!!! Continuing to keep your girls in our prayers and praising God for how well they are both doing! You and your family lift my spirits! Thank you!

  12. PRAISE the LORD!!! what an awesome day!!! I will continue to pray that all goes well!!! What wonderful news about Tricia as well.

    I am continuing to pray for Alice.. I remember when my uncle had his double lung transplant how long the wait was!

    Many Blessings,

  13. Yea for a good day! Here's hopes and prayers for many many many more! Who knew one could get so excited over some poopie :)! Love it!

  14. So glad to hear this update... and the possibility of waiting only a matter of weeks for Tricia, what fantastic news! We continue to cover the three of you (and your families) with prayers of healing, comfort, encouragement and strength. Praise God!!

  15. Wow! All sorts of wonderful news!!
    So happy for you!

  16. POOP!!! I was feeding a friends baby around 11:30 this morning...I was praying for Gwyneth to poop! A baby needs food. I am doing a HUGE hallelujah dance for you guys!

    I CAN'T tell you how excited I am about ALL your news!!!

    PRAISE GOD!!!!!

  17. I follow your blog everyday! Today's news is such good news. My December 04 birth board on has numerous members following your story and thinking and praying for you everyday!

    Tiffany in IL

  18. YAY!!!! Thank you Jesus for these reports. Hugs and prayers from TEXAS.

  19. What wonderful answers to prayer today! I was so excited by the video of Tricia up and talking, and I don't even know ya'll IRL. :-). We'll continue praying for you and your girls.

    Leah Courtney

  20. When I read that the Transplant doctors now estimate only 2-3 weeks before Tricia would be ready, I said outloud, "NO WAY!" Truly, completely A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

    Happy 2 week birthday to Gwyneth!

    Your lives are such a testiment to trust. That God is our gracious Father who loves to give good gifts to his children. =)

    Rejoicing with you about it all - even the poop.

  21. Yeahhhh for poop!!!! Way to go Gwyneth!!! Wow, what a good day. Praise God! I'm glad your ladies are doing so well. I love the pics. Thank you so much for sharing them.


  22. Wow! What an amazing day! I have been following your story from the Leino's blog and since January have been checking your blog daily (many times!) My husband and I are both LU graduates so your story is even that much more special to us! My husband works at a church in the Raleigh/ Durham area and there are many people there praying for you guys as well! God is SO good and Tricia... you look absolutely beautiful! Can't wait to see what else God is going to do through you all!
    Many Blessings and Prayers!

  23. Who knew we would all rejoice over POOP so much! I literally started clapping my hands and bouncing in my seat. Yes, my new employee thinks I'm nuts, but who cares! Hahaa What a fantastic day for you all indeed. Such joyous news throughout the land. Praise be to God!

    Trenton FL

  24. PRAISE THE LORD !!!!

    Your family continues to amaze me. You are all still in our prayers.

  25. So thankful for the good news. And with all seriousness, I'm thankful for the poop (I'm a nurse by the way). So thankful that things are going in the right direction for your girls.
    Ft. Myers, FL

  26. Praise God! So glad to hear all the good news. Was good to see and hear Tricia say hello. Continuing to pray!
    God's love and peace,
    Cousin Amy

  27. YEAH FOR POOP!!!!! You will see just how happy poop and pee makes you when your child is in the ICU!!! It is the BEST thing in the entire world!!! Way to go Gwyneth!!!! No bleeding is even better news - YEAH!!! Praise the Lord for miracles do happen and we are witnessing some of the biggest ones right now! Way to go Tricia for doing so well that you can get on the transplant list so much sooner than expected! YEAH!!! How can you not be a believer when you witness such miracles right now! I will be praying for you always! God bless you!

    Melissa Morris

  28. Praying for Alice, and sending praises to our Lord for His awesome work as our Father. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am for the Lawrenson Fam! Whoo hoo! >:0)

  29. You certinaly have two amazing ladies on your hands! Lucky guy! I have been reading your story for several weeks now and wanted to say congratulaions...for so many obvious reasons.

    Keep up the great work ladies and I hope God continues to bless you as your story has blessed me.

  30. Praise God!!! I'm so happy to hear the Gwenyth has taken care of "business"!! I will be praying so that she will tolorate the feedings.

    Great news about Tricia, I will continue for you all.

    God Bless You!

  31. i will also echo ...YAY!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!! What amazing miracles are living in your life. We are praying for increased health and amazing advances that even the doctors can't help attribute to THE ultimate HEALER. Your girls are sooo beautiful!!

    Yay for pooping baby Gwenyth, that is no small task for such a tiny girl...way to go.

    Tricia, I don't think that I have ever seen a more beautiful woman. Your love for God shines through your eyes... into the video camera...through however that video clip got onto my computer ..... and all the way up to this room in Victoria, BC, Canada .... we are all praying for you!

    Blessings to you!

  32. What a MIGHTY God we serve. What awesome news. Crying tears of joy. Praise the Lord!!!


  33. Yeah for poop! I remember waiting and praying for poop with my baby too! Funny what you'll "wish" for, right! Praise the Lord for good news all around!!

  34. A-Mazing :)

    God really does answer prayers!!

  35. Praise the Lord!!! What wonderful news! Celebrating with all of you!!

  36. SOOO BEYOND AWESOME!!! and PRAISE THE LORD!!! No other words can say it better.

    Were still praying - Ashley Black

  37. Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Let the People rejoice!!!

  38. God is so good! I praise Him with you at all of your wonderful news! We truly worship a God of miracles, and I praise Him in particular today for your 2 very precious miracles!
    Your sister in Christ,

  39. Yea! Got a note from my 10 year old granddaughter that she has been praying for Gwyneth's poop.
    (Personally I think she just likes the idea of saying that word...but she does pray)
    We are so excited about the good news...we will continue to pray....God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.
    And all his children say, AMEN!

  40. So pleased to hear all the good news! We're checking in all the time, and praying for you constantly. With much love to you all, Pete, Alison and Charlie xx

  41. Praise God for all the many new blessings!!!

  42. Dear Nate and Tricia, I have never been more happy for a baby to POOP!!! Praise the Lord. Praying that Tricia's transplant comes soon. I am so glad that you guys had a wonderful Monday. Hoping the rest of the week goes just as well.

    Love The Hagers in Michigan

  43. God is Good!!! Continuing to pray for your family...

  44. Great News !.......This is terrific. There are a lot of prayers answered in this earth shaking news. I think that the Lord lifted a lot of the burden from you Nate in the process as well.

    Will continue to pray.

  45. Nate--Check Alice's blog! her sister just posted that the surgery is finished!! PTL!!

  46. That is all such good news. I expected nothing less. Tricia looks amazing and so does the baby. Still praying...there is more good news to be had. Blessings from Florida.

  47. Praise God! I love how every time I check your blog, I get to read more good news. God is so faithful.

    Praying that this week is full of more wonderful days.

  48. What wonderful news! God is really working here!

    All my prayers,

  49. I came across this blog yesterday, and have to admit that it is now eating up most of my workday! (It does certainly help pass the time until I can rush home to see my baby girl though. And of course helps me to pray and praise throughout the day!)

    What a blessing for all this good news! And don't be bashful to ask for prayer for poop! My daughter's Nana still prays for a poop diaper, and my daughter is now 5 months old! =)

    God is abundant! Continuing to pray for all of you!

  50. WOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOO!!! God you are so awesome. Thank you so much for meeting the needs of the Lawrenson's. You are so GOOD.

  51. I have a home daycare and I hate baby poop. However I love that Gwyneth pooped. Good job Baby Girl!!

  52. Wow - just wow! So happy that everyone is doing well! (and yay for poop - LOL!)

  53. Congratulations Family of Lawrenson's! Your post is such an encouragement. I look forward to your daily inspirations. I think I've become more attached to reading your blog than I do the newspaper. Thank you for sharing your story again today. Continued Prayers and Blessed Wishes for another good day!

  54. I'm so happy for all of you!!!
    Good luck with everything, and I hope that the days just keep getting better!
    Lots of love,

  55. We share in your joy over such a great day! Hope to see many more posts with this same title!

  56. Rejoicing with you here in St. Louis!
    (When you're trying to potty-train Gwyneth, you'll look back on the celebration of her pooping in a whole new light.)

  57. PTL!! I love it when God proves any doubters wrong!

  58. I'm so glad for a good day! Thank GOD for POOP!!!!! So glad to hear the good news!!!! I can't believe it's been 2 weeks!!!! Time flies when you're having fun- right! :) Still praying for y'all!!!!

  59. Never thought I would be so excited about POOP!!

    Yay Gwyneth!

    The pictures are great Nate. And that is wonderful news all around. Thanks so much for keeping us all sooooo up-to-date on the happenings there!

    Still praying, and will continue to--God is making miracles happen right before our eyes!!

    Devin in Illinois

  60. Praise God for the great news! What Awesome answers to prayer. I am continually encouraged by your faith in God in what He is bringing you through. Thank you for keeping us all updated so closely. It is so neat to be able to share in this journey with you.

    Danielle Davis

  61. yay, that is so awesome. who knew you would get so happy about poop, until you have a child. I am so excited to hear about the transplant. prayer is powerful. What a glorious day!
    We're still praying in cincinnati.

  62. Yay for poop! :o)
    What a blessed day! Praise the LORD!
    Continuing to pray for y'all.

  63. Hooray for poop! Did you ever think there would be a day when you would rejoice because of poop. Welcome to parenthood :)

    Your girls continue to amaze me. Way to go girls!

  64. Yahoo for POOP! How fun is it that we are praying for POOP! Tricia looks so gorgeous in the photos! Continuing to prayer for you all and Alice too! Have a wonderful blessed day!

  65. Praising God with you. Did you ever think you'd be praising God for poop?

  66. Praise the Lord for your wonderful day! I tell everyone I talk to about your family, so expect the prayers to increase exponentially! Praising God for you in Huntsville!

  67. Prayers for poop DOO work. :o)

    I am so happy to hear that your ladies have had a wonderful day.

    I also just read on Alice's blog that surgery went well and the lungs were a perfect fit. Now they just wait to see whether her body will accept the new lungs.

  68. Hooray for Poop!!! and all the other good things.

  69. Lots of great news today!
    I'm so glad to hear it!

  70. "Praising God with you. Did you ever think you'd be praising God for poop?

    Wait until you get a little older, Amy.

  71. Amazing! Praise God!

  72. Congratulations on the first of many poops!! what an exciting day when you get to feed her that first bottle!!

    Tricia, I am so excited for you.. I pray that all goes well and you and that sweet baby continue to get stronger with each passing day with no set backs..

  73. What wonderful news!!! I know you have to be the hap-hap-happiest man in city of Durham!! God certainly has answered prayers! I pray that Alice has a successful recovery!

  74. Congratulations! I'll admit to praying for that little poop every time I found myself on the pot for too long...maybe that's more than you needed to know, but I am so glad that she has experienced one of life's great joys ;) You must be so proud! It is so neat to see God's hand at work in the lives (and bodies) of your family. Thanks for letting so many people bear witness to what the Spirit is doing by keeping us so updated. We will continue to keep all of your bodies and spirits in our prayers (but, maybe pray in a little more sacred space!) !
    the clements

  75. I am so happy to hear Ticia and Gwen, are doing so good. How are you doing?

  76. such a day! so many many good pieces of news. rejoicing with you in all - except the hard drive. Praying for Alice today and hoping to hear she was able to have the surgery, that it went well. If Tricia could have her transplant and recover while Gwyneth gets stronger and stronger ...what an amazing thing to hope for. Your girls are strong!

  77. Whoo-hoo! I literally jumped up and yelled when I caught your update. To note, Josh and Leah's naps are now over.

    Oh, and without prayer, both Josh and Leah pooped today.. in case you were wondering. ;)

  78. Way to go! I am so happy to see the power of prayer and God's wonderful plan working. I am sure that you are on cloud 9! We'll continue to pray here in NJ. You three are so inspiring!!!

  79. Hooray for POOP!

    This is all such good news. Yay!


  80. I love the picture of Tricia, she has this happy new mommy look! Which is of course, one of THE best looks!

    Welcome to the next few years of kid poop talk! Yay baby Lawrenson!

    Apryl in NC

  81. Hooray for POOP!

    This is all such good news. Yay!


  82. What a GREAT God we serve! I am thanking the God of all grace for your faith and his affirmative answers to our prayers! It seems so easy to serve him when we see his almighty hand at work! We won't quit praying for you and giving thanks every time we think of you!

    the Dodges in snowy Michigan

  83. OMG what wonderful news...a poop is HUGE :) congrats and beautiful pics!!!!!!

  84. Rejoicing with you as you have had a wonderful day!

    Just checked Alice's blog...she is out of surgery and recovering in ICU...the lungs were a perfect fit....

  85. God is so good, Nathan. I'm sure the entire world that has kept up with all this is so excited over Poop, we sure are in my office. Also, praying for Tricia, weeks sounds great. You have such strong, determined girls. Still praying for Alice.

  86. I'm so glad Mrs.Lawrenson is doing better!!Great pics. The one of Mrs. L is SOOO cool!!!

    Love In Christ,
    Amy Anderson

  87. Not being good with words AT ALL all I can say is...PRAISE GOD!!! He is SO good! The video of Tricia smiling and talking was more of a blessing than I can put into words....I wept for joy! I am rejoicing with you, and praying for you and your beautiful girls, in Voorhees NJ!

  88. It's quite compelling to me that she looks like you, even at 25 weeks! I wanted to share a poem with you that I wrote for my husband after our daughter was born.

    Monday, February 21, 2005 9:47 PM CST

    I Think of Your Father

    Dear Lucy,

    As I sit at your bedside today, you, my beautiful 5 day old daughter, I think of your father.

    I THINK OF YOUR FATHER, Lucy, the man who held my hand tightly as we saw your tiny, twinkling, blinking heart on the ultrasound screen next to the very small, still body of your twin.

    I THINK OF YOUR FATHER, Lucy, the man who let me sob on his shoulder after the doctor told us you had a fatal birth defect. I looked outside her office on that gray day, my tears mixing with your father's as our dreams for you fell apart.

    I THINK OF YOUR FATHER, Lucy, the man who refused to end the life of a child he may hold for only a few minutes after birth, as she took her last breaths.

    I THINK OF YOUR FATHER, Lucy, the man who cried tears of joy as you entered this world, sputtering and coughing, the heavens opening up and shining on the 3 of us as you were bundled up and carted away for surgery.

    I THINK OF YOUR FATHER, Lucy, the man who called me with a quavering voice, telling me you had made it through perfectly. We cried together.

    I THINK OF YOUR FATHER, Lucy, a man who knows what is right and does it, who stands up against the evils in this world, who leans on his faith in God instead of the world's knowledge to give him what he needs to be the rock for his little family.

    So, my little Lucy, when you don't know what to do, when the world is telling you one thing and your convictions tell you another, just do what I do. Think of your father.

    I can't help but remember those feelings when I look at photos of Gwyneth Rose. Be blessed.

  89. Praise the Lord!!
    Praise the Lord!!
    Praise the Lord!!

  90. What a GREAT God we serve! I am thanking the God of all grace for your faith and his affirmative answers to our prayers! It seems so easy to serve him when we see his almighty hand at work! We won't quit praying for you and giving thanks every time we think of you!

    the Dodges in snowy Michigan

  91. Truly, the Lord's mercies are new every day and His Word is alive and breathing through your lives Lawrensons! We are rejoicing with you!

  92. Yeah Poopie for Gwynie!!! Hooray, thank you Poopie Fairy.

  93. Oh my!!! I was just praying for Gwyneth to poop today and I get on here and get the awesome news! God is SO amazing! The news about Tricia is amazing too. Praise God!!!

    I love your edited versions of the photos. The b/w grandmother's hand and Gwyneth is incredible.

    Angela, praying in central Ohio

  94. Thanking God for blessings -- don't they come to us in peculiar ways! Did you ever think, Nate, 10 years ago that you'd have people all over the world praying for poop!?!? Tricia a/k/a WonderWoman is doing so well. I am thrilled so deeply for all of you. God's grace and mercy is evident in your lives. Thank you for allowing so many people into your story!

  95. "ahhhhhhhhhhh...." says baby Gwyneth
    I'm doing a Thank You Jesus Hallelujah dance on the OBX!
    Our Lord continues to do more than we could ever ask or imagine!

    Funny, (not really) a pregnant mom at work needed the same answered prayer as baby Gwyneth - our amazing body at work!

    Here's an idea that has been rolling around in my head -
    Can we pray specifically for Baby G's developing body? I was checking on a website - mommies to be kindof thing and at each crucial week - specific things develop in the body - nerves, hearing, fingernails, body fat, etc, etc!
    Is it the same once the babe is outside the womb????
    Anything specifically to lift up to our to our Creator in Baby G's continued development at week 26, 27, 28, etc?
    just wondering....
    c wise
    grandpa rick - your comment made me lol!


    Raleigh, NC

  97. Way to go, Gwyneth! So happy for your family! Tricia looks so great in the pictures! My mommy heart aches for her to hold her baby girl...can't wait for that picture!

  98. Tricia!!! It's so good to hear your voice. I'm so proud of you honey - having that trach is no picnic - but look at you - you're exuding beauty and grace. I know the road ahead seems long, but soon you'll be looking back in amazement at home on the beach with your little Gwyneth and amazing husband (did I mention how amazing he is)?
    Keep up the work - get up and outta that bed as much as possible. I can't wait to see you back at the CFL

  99. WOOOHOO Gwyneth ROSE!!! You rock!!!! I'm so glad there's been no bleeds. And continuing to pray for tricia!! Prayers to you all

    Love and God Bless

  100. Yay for Tricia and Gwyneth! Way to go girls!

  101. Yay for POOP!! Go Gwyn!

  102. YEAH!!! I just want to share that as I was changing my nearly 2 year olds terrible poop this morning I prayed specifically that Gwenyth would POOP!!! HOW GREAT IS THAT!!!! WOO HOO!!!

    Praise God for Tricia's good news too!!!! YEAH!!!!!

  103. Those pictures are fantastic. I am so happy for you and Tricia and Gwyneth!!! She is so adorable. :)
    I hope things continue to get better and better for all of you--prayers continue! :)

  104. Wahooooo! Isn't it amazing how exciting poop is when your kid is in the NICU? I remember when my son first pooped, we were thrilled. Praise the Lord that both of your ladies are doing so well!


  105. What a blessing and Joy to have 2 beautiful people making such excellent progress , I enjoy very much to read your blogs and will continue to pray as well. Take care

  106. WOW OH WOW!! I am so happy for you all I am in tears! Here is to both of your girls continuing to do well!!

  107. Praise the Lord!!! You never realize how exciting poop can be until you're the parent of a child who has struggles with it for whatever reason! Wonderful news about Tricia!!

  108. Wow it is a good day. Usually things haooen in the set of 3 but you got the Bonus! Awesome that Gewnyth Pooped! Woah Hoo! and Amazing Job Tricia for doing so well! You look so happy in your pictures~

  109. Praise God for poop!!! Awesome news! Go Gwyneth!!

    A couple at our church has a preemie, too. She was born at 25 weeks and is now 6 weeks old and doing well. God can do such amazing things.

    Still praying for you, Nate and Tricia. Your strength and faith is such an inspiration. God is so faithful!

    Melissa in PA

  110. Hi, I work with Donna and have been following your story along with her. We've had our yea hoos!!! and our tears. This day is a GREAT BIG PRAISE GOD!!!!!!! He surely has your family in his loving arms. A love never ending -- the same today, yesterday and tomorrow. My prayer is that all of your tomorrows are as good or better than today!!!!!

    Praising God for Poop! along with the rest of you!


  111. Yeah for the poop!!!!! That's really not an exciting thing until you have children!
    So glad to hear the news about Tricia's transplant!
    We keep on praying!
    The McLamb's
    Clayton, NC

  112. Oh. My. Gosh.

    It really is amazing. All of it.

  113. Love that we're all getting so excited over POOP!

    What awesome news!!
    As a mommy I know how exciting poop can be! LOL
    Rejoicing with you today Nate and Tricia!!

  115. What wonderful news! Praise God for his many blessings! Continued prayers said for continued good news.

  116. Praise God for a great day!!!!!

  117. Amazing news all around! So happy for you all! Prayers are answered!

  118. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  119. I am so happy! What wonderful news.

  120. What WONDERFUL news! So glad to hear all of the encouraging reports! God bless you and your girls!

  121. Wow God is good! Wonderful news & we will continue praying for your family. Thank you for posting about Alice. We will be praying for her as well. God is still performing miracles today!

  122. We are rejoicing and praising the Lord for such a wonderful day! Never has there been another father so proud of his little girl's first poop!! congrats!
    palmers in IN

  123. Poops are good! Here's to lifetime of more poopage!

    Great pics!

    Thanks for sharing your lives with us!

    Praying for you all.

  124. Yeah Gwyneth! So happy to hear the good reports. Doing the happy dance here in Florida.


  125. Awesome news - and beautiful photos! I'll contunue to be praying.

  126. Praising the Lord with you! Such a great day- so glad you've invited us to be a part of it!

  127. What a fantastic day! The Lord is so good! We continue to pray for you all and know that you feel all of our arms around you.

  128. I'm so happy to hear all your good news today. Who would have thought it would be so great to read the word poop, lol.

  129. Such wonderful news! Praise the Lord. Continuing to lift you up in prayer.

  130. Congrats with Gwyneth and the POOP! Such good news! I am so happy for you all and I continue praying everyday for your family. :)

    Jennifer in Illinois

  131. Praise God!! Rejoicing with you tonight! Continued prayers!

  132. So glad to hear the news.....God is Good! Keep up the great work Gwenyth.....Tricia so glad to hear that the transplant is only weeks away.....Still Praying!

  133. I would not be surprised if you can't hear us shouting out our praise (along with all the other shouts being lifted up) from here! God truly does make all things possible! INCREDIBLE!!!
    The Plylers

  134. It is so awesome that my girls and I have prayed for specific things for Tricia and Gwyneth each morning on the way to school...and when I picked them up today, we got to PRAISE the Lord for ANOTHER answer!POOP! POOP!! Yippee! Such a great day to read the blog, I love the HAPPY news of this day! Thank you for sharing the blessings with us!

    Love from Northern California!

  135. Yay for poop! Are they still planning to feed her breastmilk? I hope so, it's a miracle food. I am so glad that your girls are doing well. LOVED the video of Tricia talking, it made me smile.

    Nathan i never thought i would be so happy to hear of poop but when it comes to your Gwyneth Rose this is the BEST news,add to that the WONDERFUL news from head/brain ultra sound & add onto that the BESTEST news that the transplant doc gave to day is HUGE and that your beautiful Gwyneth Rose is 2 wks old & doing great...all i can say is... today i just read about a bunch of miracles
    that i know happened because of
    WHO NATHAN and TRICIA are, their FAITH & BELIEF and the POWER of PRAYER...I am doin the happy dance for you guys...
    showering you all lovingly with never ending prayers
    Long Island New York
    lots a hugs for you "Mighty Three"
    such a true inspiration

  137. I'm so glad that your little one has finally pooped! I'm pretty sure God has never heard more prayers about poop- ever. I'll be praying for Tricia in dealing with not being able to see or touch her baby for the time being. I can't imagine how hard it must be for her to be so close to her sweet baby girl & not be able to see her!
    God bless you tonight.

  138. Fantastic News! Ask and it shall be given, Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. Matt 7:7 What an Loving Heaventhly Father that allows us to bring our petitions to Him and is willing to hear them at any hour.Great answers to many prayers today. It was great to see that Alice appears to be moving through here jouney quite well at this time. Always good to hear Trica's sweet voice. (Nate, please get addresses from those who are willing to change diapers down the road.)

  139. Rejoicing with you on your good news...and thank you so much Tricia for your video clip...what an answer to prayer:)

  140. Happy second week birthday, Gwyneth. Praise God for poop, no bleeding and new lungs coming soon. God just continues to follow through on His promises for those who believe. We are in awe and thank you Lord.

  141. What wonderful, encouraging news!!!! My heart is happy for you guys! What an amazing day. The power of prayer is amazing. I have been praying for you no less than 10 times a day!!! You have had such an impact on my life. Thank you! All of you are amazing!


  142. Amazing! Thank you so much for the privilege of praying with you. God gets all the credit for the miracles that we are seeing, but what a great faith-building journey you are allowing us to be a part of! Still praying with you!

  143. Sometimes alleluia, sometimes praise the Lord. Sometimes gently singing, our hearts in one accord...
    O let us lift our voices, look t'ward the sky and start to sing; O let us now return His love, Just let our voices ring!

    O let us know his presence let sounds of praises fill the air; O let us sing of Jesus' love, to people everywhere.

    What a wonderful day Nate, praise be to God. He feeds the sparrow, certainly he can ... well, make Gywneth poop!!! Keep up the good work Tricia. "Three sets of 10" (PT)

    From "S. Jersey"

  144. Nate,
    The team here in Honduras is cheering with you over the POOP, and the good news about Tricia's continued healing. Rest assured, you all are never far from our thoughts and our prayers.


  145. Yay, yay, YAY! Congratulations Lawrenson's on your Best Day Ever!
    Yippie Gwenyth for poop!!

    Like so many thousands of others, I have been connected with you through cyberspace and have been prayerfully watching your miraculous story unfold.

    I have CP as the result of my preemie birth in the 1960's , and while I am not "fixable", I am familiar with many of the medical paths you all also follow. As your journey continues, please know that I will continue to stand and prayerfully believe in God's good and perfect plan for your family!

    Thank you so much for your willingness to openly share with the world! Even in the face of some loss of privacy and undeserved scrutiny, your testimony of faith is undeniable! It is, I believe, et al, the answer to Tricia's prayer for an extraordinary life.

    Written by Peter Marshall (husband of Catherine) over 20 years ago, these words have always brought great comfort to my spirit, and a smile to my face; Not that she needs to be reminded, but If I could, I'd add them to Tricia's wall...:

    "- and He will make us according to the pattern for which, in His love, He designed us; and it will be good, for our own good, and for His glory."


    Melinda in Nor Cal.

  146. so glad to hear all the good news...i am so excited about coming there!!! God has done such amazing things

  147. Wow Nate! What fabulous never imagine being excited about poop before your a parent. LOL. That is wonderful news about Tricia. Thrilled to bits for all of you and can't wait to keep hearing these great progress reports!

    Ontario, Canada

  148. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!! I am so glad to hear the wonderful news about your girls! I'm so glad to hear that Tricia could receive her transplant in weeks instead of months! God is so great! I'm so happy! Still praying...Jennifer in LA

  149. The fact that you have written documentation to humiliate Gwyneth when she is a young girl is AWESOME! How many people could ever say that families around the world were praying for them to (ya know)? I can now go to bed with a huge smile on my face and in my heart! What a great day.

    I also want to say that you, Nate are an amazing person. Tricia and Gwyneth are so blessed to have you.

    And, I've been praying for all of your medical staff! They deserve high praise for their knowledge and hard work! They must feel wonderful knowing that their hands are helping with miracles!

  150. I haven't checked in a few days, so I just read 3 pages of updates...but it was so worth it! All the tears and smiles, and personal growth were worth it. I try not to take anything for granted, and to appreciate and love my husband, children and family, but you help and inspire me to do that so much more! Are you in/close to VA Beach? I have family there, so I just wondered! =) Also, my neice that is from there had her daughter full-term, but she only weighed in at a little over 3 lbs. She has a chromosomal defect and is still on a feeding tube, but at home right now...I believe she is around 6 months old now. She has had a few surgery's already, including a hernia repair, and will need several more before she is even a year old, Please pray for her...her name is Crystal, and her daughter is Jayden. Also, I thought I would share my story, it might not seem like much to some, but it was HUGE to me, and it truly felt like my first answered prayer that I KNEW without a doubt was God. My husband and I are 24 and we now have a 21 month old and a 3 week old. When our son was 8 months old we decided we wanted to start trying again. Well, that was December and every month I thought I was pregnant (December I'm still not positive that I didn't miscarry again.) After months of being irregular, when I'd always been regular, I asked my OB about it, and they decided to run some tests...the tests revealed a hormone imbalance. They said it would not be possible for me to get pregnant and that I would have to go on birth control to even out my hormones for at least 6 months before we could start trying. I was so bummed! Neither of us are big fans of birth control, and ever since my first miscarriage we had just used natural family planning with great success, with the idea that if I were to get pregnant, it's what God intended and he wouldn't give us more than we can handle. I went home with the birth control, and in the next few weeks that followed before I was supposed to start taking it I prayed that I would get pregnant every night, if that's what God intended, and told him that I trusted him and I knew he knew what was best for me. I prayed a lot for others too. Well, sure enough I was late, really late, and I took a test, but it was negative. I waited another week and prayed about it more...and the next week I got my positive test, and never had to start the birth control! Not only that, but I had a great pregnancy! With my son I was on bedrest, I had placenta previa, and pre-term labor twice but he was born full-term and healthy by the grace of God, and I know that my pregnancy was so good b/c of all the prayer I was doing and others were doing for me! Just wanted to share! You and your family are such an inspiration, thank you for sharing and know that Lapeer, MI is praying for you! Also, if you get a chance to check out this blog... She is an e-friend from and her and her family are really amazing as well, and her little boy could really use prayer too, as well as her family for strength!! Have a good night, you're in our prayers, and God Bless!! =)

  151. Hooray for POOP!! (Wow, don't often get to say that, do ya?!?) Awesome news, and proof (again)that God answers prayers!

  152. Those pictures and the progress your wife and daughter are making are EXACTLY the reason I believe in the sanctity of life. life is a miracle. your family is a miracle. wow. how blessed. God clearly knew you all can handle all the hard times and difficulties so you could truly soak in His love and blessings.

    Thank you for sharing your story. You don't know me. A friend passed on your blog and I have been following everyday. Your family remains in my daily prayers.

  153. What wonderful news! We're so thankful for the answers to prayer.
    Debbi (Aspiemom)

  154. Praise God from whom all blessings flow...

  155. amazing! we are so excited for and with you all.

  156. I am so glad things are looking up for Gwyneth and Tricia! Praise the Lord! I pray for you all daily.

    -Jackie in MN

  157. Great news Nate, wonderful update. We are praying for you guys out loud by name every day and often throughout the day silently while working, etc. Praise the Lord for all the good news.

  158. I look forward to your updates everyday. I admire your faith and courage and pray that all will continue to go well for you and your family. We are so lucky that God is good!

  159. I'm so happy for all the good news!!! I also loved Tricia's video!!! Our God is Awesome! :)

  160. Praise the Lord! I am rejoicing with you and continuing to pray for your family. It makes me excited to hear how God has been working in your family. Thank you for keeping us all updated so we know what to be praying for.

  161. YAY!!! Such GREAT news! Praying for Tricia and the donor's family today


  162. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!

    Praise the Lord! We're still believing God for more and more miracles in your lives!

  163. Hooray for poop! and all of the other fantastic news!
    We are so happy for ya'll!
    We continue to update others and join everyone in prayer for continued healing, doctors' wisdom, organ donation, and that God will continue to inspire and encourage others through your family's story!
    Lots of Love ~ Dana and Wil Haupfear

  164. Yeah!!! What exciting news. I am so glad they are both doing well. It was so wonderful to see Tricia talking and smiling. You two are both an inspiration to many. We are continuing our prayers for all of you.


  165. PTL!!! What a great report on Tricia & Gwyneth! Praying for another great day today!

  166. I am beyond happy to hear that Gwyneth finally pooped!!!! Yayyyyyy!!! I've prayed so hard for that, so that she can begin eating and I'm so grateful for another answered prayer. :)

    Love the pics, as always.

  167. Excellent news all round - really, really happy for you all.

    Audrey (CF UK)

  168. God is so good!!!!!!!! Tricia looks phenomenal and poop is a great thing! (Don't worry you'll be equally as excited two years from now when she does it in the potty :)) Our family continues to pray for yours.


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