
Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Cause

Along with CF and Organ Donation, I have a New Cause. Please, take the time to check it out and consider making a difference today.



  1. Nate,

    My nephew, who shares a birthday with your daughter, was born prematurely. (His third birthday was yesterday.)

    He was quite a few weeks "older" when he was born (31 weeks and a few days), but I remember how scared I was when I learned he was coming early. (I felt about the same way yesterday waiting to hear your news.)

    At three years old, Francis is a happy, healthy kid, smart as a whip. I pray the same with be true for your precious baby.

    Sometime in the next few weeks, I will make a donation to the March of Dimes in honor of my nephew and your daughter. They share a birthday, and a place in my heart.

    Much love to the three of you...

  2. I already support this cause with all my heart. I have twin sons that were born 10 weeks early. I don't know your pain of having both a wife and a child on a ventilator, however I do know the pain of having two children on one. The NICU is an unpleasant journey as I'm sure you have been told about. My story ends happily with my boys turning 18 months old this month. I am thinking of your family and I know the pain of the NICU. I had a complicated pregnancy for different reason's than your wife. I would pray each and every night for the staff caring for my children and that God would send his angels, two of them, to stand beside their isolet, and watch over them, give them comfort and guide the staff. It was very comforting to me. I continue to pray that those angels follow my sons through life and guide and direct them in the ways of the Lord. God Bless you all.

  3. I work in a place that highly supports March Of Dimes. I've always had this charity in a special place because of my job (I work in a day care), BUT now it will be extra special. I've marched in the walk twice now and it is amazing how many people come with t-shirts in "honor" of preemies. You should get shirts made up for March of Dimes with little Gwyneth Rose's pictures on it once things get a little more "settled."

  4. 4 years ago I was sleeping beside my baby in the Duke Intensive Care Nursery every day and night, waiting to hear any progress updates and getting tired of hearing the O2 machine beeping. My son was older and bigger than your Gweneth, but I still know the fatigue that sets in and waves of love you feel while there. The Duke ICN is the best place you can be. I have walked in the March of Dimes now every year since he was born, and when I walk again in April, I will walk in honor of my son and your Gweneth. Your story has spread across the world, and please know that so many of us out here are praying and will be reading in hopes of hearing good news as the weeks progress.

  5. March of Dimes was a great help to me when my daughter was born prematurely. I hope they can do the same for you and Tricia.

  6. I made a donation today. What a wonderful place to donate some of the money God blesses us with.

    Congratulations, Daddy. I cannot wait to hear about the first time Traicia gets to see that sweet baby girl she has given so much to bring into this world.

    Your girls are miracles from God.
    Blessings, The Black Family


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