
Saturday, January 26, 2008

Pray For Alice (Possible Infection)

Our CF friend, Alice, who just went through a double lung transplant, may have an infection, which at this stage (less than 1 week out from the surgery) could be very serious. Thank you so much for praying with us for our friend.



  1. Praying for God's will in this situation. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh no. I will keep Alice in my prayers today.

  3. Will continue to pray for Alice.
    God's love and peace, Amy

  4. I will keep Alice in my prayers!! Thank you for updating us on her situation

  5. What a great way to start my day---pix of the family. When I saw the dark hair on the top of the head in the first pix---almost started crying from joy that mother and child were at last meeting. Continue to pray for health and happiness for you all and Alice's improvment.

    Bless you,

  6. Praying for healing of the infection for Alice.

  7. I'm in Alice's family and have started reading your blog since last week monday, it has been such an encouragement to me. We serve a miracle working God. The photos today of your family is a great testimony of God's power. I just believe that God's hand has been on Alice's life since the first day she was born and that no infection or any other weapon formed against her, will prosper. She has a testimony to share! Let's keep her covered in prayer and see God move in a mighty way.
    Blessings to you all!

  8. What a miracle in Tricia and Gwyneth. Last night at 3:00 a.m., the Lord brought Gwyneth to my mind and I began to pray specifically for her. Thank you for all your updates and beautiful pictures. Tricia, I know your cousin Rich and your Aunt Millie.

  9. Hi Nathaniel, I am Kristy Rodriguez and I found your blog from another friend who has a blog. I have to tell you that you have truly inspired me,I admire your faith, endurance and patience. You have two very beautiful girls in your life and have so much to look forward to. I would like to share Psalm 71:20 with you. "Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again". I trust that God will take care of Tricia and Gwyneth and also Alice. If it is ok I would like to have your permission to put your girls on our prayer list at our church???? You can leave me a comment on my blog if you'd like. I also put a link on my blog so people could see your story and pray for you. If you would like for me to take it off just let me know ok??? May God bless each of you. Love, Kristy

  10. Of course. We will continue to pray for Alice.

  11. Hi Nate! I found your blog through Kristy, who introduced herself in a comment to you earlier. (I know Kristy through the community of Chinese adoption blogs.) I've spent quite a while today reading through your entire blog. What a deep and profound faith you have! I am truly humbled by your terrific attitude and your reliance on God. Your girls are both beautiful, and I will certainly be praying for you and your family in the days, weeks, and months to come!

    I am a kindergarten teacher, and a few years ago I taught a young girl with cystic fibrosis, so I know just a little about the breathing treatments that Tricia describes in her blog. I wanted to mention also that I appreciate your cross references to your dad's blog--he has some great posts!

    God's peace be with you!

  12. Praying for Alice & Family everyday from Long Island New York


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