
Friday, January 25, 2008

(Bump) Psalm 34:1-4 (The Message)

If you've been with us for a while, you've probably read this passage from the Bible with us. This is my favorite and the one I always remind myself of when things get tough.

I bless God every chance I get;
my lungs expand with His praise.

I live and breathe God;
if things aren't going well,
hear this and be happy:

Join me in spreading the news;
together let's get the word out.

God met me more than halfway,
He freed me from my anxious fears.

Psalm 34:1-4 (The Message)



  1. Hi! I have been trying to figure out how to send an email to Tricia... I am not too good at these blog sites! I am an old friend of Tricia's from FBC. I have been praying for Tric nightly since I heard the news. Please let Tricia know she is in my prayers and thoughts constantly and i miss her terribly! My email is Melisa Lasken

  2. Turning in for the night, thought we'd check in one more time.. Praying that you all are getting some rest. Love ya

  3. I love the bible verses that you just posted. How great is our God. I am thinking of you and praying for you in Rainy Southern California. You can visit my blog for my story. My sister gave me your blogsite.


    Dear Tricia, I'm writing to you from New Mexico.

    I have a friend at CBN, and this past year, she forwarded to me the prayer requests for Baby Isaac and for Patience and Jordan Leino. I learned of your situation through Baby Isaac's blog when I visited that site around October to see how Patience and Jordan were doing. Thanks to Nate for all of his work on the cfhusband blog. I will continue to visit it for updates.

    I want you to know I am praying for you and your daughter. I pray for your hubby also. God loves all three of you very much. I admire you greatly for being Pro-Life in the most rigorous of circumstances. You epitomize a mother's devotion and willingness to make big sacrifices for her child. Are you familiar with National Sanctity of Human Life Day? It's the third Sunday in January, so this year it's January 20. Right around the target date for your baby's delivery!

    You are a wonderful example of someone who not only says they are Pro-Life, but who also demonstrates they're Pro-Life!

    +* +* +*
    My Pro-Life Story

    This past Saturday, on December 29, my son turned thirty years old. He is here in this earthly life because God sovereignly planted a couple of Pro-Life seeds into my heart when I was in high school back in the 70s.

    1. I had not grown up in church and so was not aware that some people were standing up for Pro-Life Truth. I had not given any thought to Roe v. Wade when it was decided by the Supreme Court in 1973. However, my dad said once at the end of a news broadcast concerning that subject that if a woman ended her pregnancy, she might as well go ahead and get her tubes tied at the same time.

    2. One day, when I was at my high school, I noticed a girl named Kerry had on a bracelet, it was sort of like the old POW bracelets everybody used to wear, but it was bigger and had some writing on it with some dates and other things. I asked her what it was. She told me she was Roman Catholic and that many at her church had vowed to continue to wear those bracelets till Roe v. Wade got overturned.

    That's it. That's ALL I ever heard that registered in my mind and from there I realized that pregnancy was important and that those little babies were precious and should be cherished and welcomed. [Also, BTW, in 1974, right before my junior year in high school, I found saving faith and invited Jesus into my heart.]

    I had been a late bloomer, so it was my freshman year in college before I had a serious boyfriend. I made compromised I should not have made. That Spring, I discovered I was pregnant. I went to what back then was called the Infirmary and they confirmed it. They tried to counsel me right then and there to end the pregnancy. I was one hundred percent sure I did NOT want to take their advice. My boyfriend told me to end the pregnancy. I refused. His parents tried to get me to end it. I refused. I told my boyfriend, "You ARE going to marry me." (That's what was done in 1977.) So, we got married.

    December 29, 1977, my firstborn child was born. I was 19.

    My husband and I had our second child, a baby girl, in August of 1979.

    I became a divorced mother when my kids were in 9th and 8th grade. My parents helped me, and I earned my Bachelor's Degree the same year my son graduated from high school.

    Today, I have two wonderful grown children, a son-in-law, and this Spring, I will gain a daughter-in-law. No grandkids yet.

    Dozens of times each and every year over these past three decades, I have said, "Thank You, God, for sparing me from making the terrible mistake of ending my pregnancy. Oh, Thank You, Lord, for sparing my son's life and showing me the Path of Life." It's a song in my heart all the time.

    +* +* +*
    I tell you all of this as an affirmation of your Pro-Life decisions which are coming with much more risk than I ever encountered. I commend you for that.

    I am praying for all of you and agreeing that the Lord will help your precious baby thrive in your womb till January 18 or even beyond that date.

    God bless and keep you, you wonderful woman!

    Sharon in New Mexico

  5. What a beautiful reminder scripture, and perfect for you guys! I'm in awe of your faith. I found you through a friends blog. It's a priveledge to be a part of the family of Christ, praying for one another. I will be back frequently for updates and have passed along the word to faithful prayer warriors who are lifting you up as well. Our God is a good God and one of miracles!

  6. Dear Tricia

    I'm thinking of you and sending positive vibes and a really big hug across the ocean.

    Lots of love, Marjolein

  7. Thoughts and many many prayers for all of you. Matt and Kristin Schell

  8. Lifting you both in prayer daily for strength, peace and healing. Miss you and love you guys!

  9. Praying for Gwyneths next x-ray to show improvement and thanking God that Tricia is off the vent.

  10. Nate,
    We are lifting you all up regularly and will pray hard for little Gwyneth's intestinal issue to clear up. Lord bless you and the girls today with a great day of progress.

  11. We're still following your story! Stay strong, Nate! (Not that you need reminding). I'm sure I can't write anything you haven't read from someone else already- but I figured I'd say it again... we're praying for you! (Yep- YOU. Good husbands need prayers too. How else are you supposed to be such an amazing man of God through all this?) And on a lighter note, it's nice to know there are other couples out there who take silly pictures in hospitals. Kindred spirits in Maryland- Rob and Danielle

  12. Continue to hold tight to those truths, Nathan and Tricia! In the next two weeks my husband and I plan to travel from MI to MS for a week, then to Florida. Wherever we are, we will be praying for the three of you, and checking the blog when we get the opportunity. Be strong in the Lord and His mighty power! Praying for your miracle to continue to unfold!

  13. Thanks for the reminder from the Bible, Nate. I slept restlessly last night and prayed for Gwyneth's gut each time I was awake. Keeping you all in our prayers throughout the day.

  14. Pryaing hard for baby Gwyneth. My preemie son had NEC and I understand how difficult it can be. Praying that the outcome of the next x-rays is good!

  15. I love the verse that you shared! I heard about your story from a friend, and I was glad to find both your Blog and your wife's website. I also have CF, and a baby boy ( who just turned 1). I am always eager to see how others who have CF and are also Christians deal with their lives. What a wittness you three are! I will be praying for your family, that God would heal both of your girls. On a random note, you were married the day after my husband and I and we went to Hawaii for our honeymoon too :)

  16. Nate,

    I hope you got some sleep last night. I let Grandma and Pop Pop know what is going on and they are starting a few prayer chains there.
    I'm praying for Gwyneth today that her problem with her intestines will clear up today.
    Praying you guys have a great day at the hospital (as good as one can have in a hospital).

    Love you three!

    Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

  17. Amen. You and your family are still in my prayers. May the Lord bless you all.

  18. praying for miracle "news" at the hospital today, as i do each day...
    i also love your favorite Bible passage and will say it every morning & nite for you, in the hopes that you feel peace as you drive to hospital and from the hospital...
    showering you lovingly with prayers
    long island. new york

  19. This was my grandfather's favorite chapter as well. He signed all of his letters, "God is love, Jesus is wonderful. Pslam 34" His love for it was passed down to me, and I hope to pass it down to my children as well.

  20. Hi Nate. I get inspirational emails every day from Beliefnet and the one I got today just made me think of you, Tricia and Gwyneth: His miracles are countless, the waves of His bounty tide upon tide. These and a hundred times as many miracles
    allow the light of His face
    to shine inside and out. Just thought I'd share. Continued prayers for you all. Michelle

  21. He will NEVER leave you and He will NEVER forsake you! I think there are myriads of angels camped out a Duke and all around your girls working in ways we cannot see, but we know is there. If we could pull back the veil for one moment for our eyes to see the spiritual......just imagine.....what you can't see, but you know is real!
    Loving you all up to our Savior Today,
    Karen, Mark and the girls
    Isaiah 41:10
    "Fear not for I am with you, Be not dismayed for I AM your God, I WILL strengthen you, I WILL HELP YOU, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand!

  22. I have prayed for your family this morning in my quiet time...and will continue each time I think of all of you.

  23. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. I am so thankful for the technology we have today. That Doctors can now be abreast of just small changes, coupled with the Almighty Physician and Healer. We are seeing miracles performed daily. Stay nourished in the word, brother.

  24. I found this blog through a friends blog.

    Just wanted to say that I am thinking of you all and remembering you in my prayers.

    Much love MoO xx

  25. What a beautiful verse! I am a friend of a friend and having been praying for your family! You are such wonderful examples of Christ's love. God Bless you all!

  26. We are praying for you, Tricia and Gwyneth! Sunshine

  27. Father,
    Heal this precious one's little body today from any infection or other complication.

  28. Just want to let you know that everyone at Faith Church in Pole Tavern, NJ are praying for you. May our Lord and Savior hold you all in HIS gentle but firm grip.
