
Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Shout Out!

I want to say a special thank you to some people who are killing my hit counter:

> The NHC youth who are begging their teachers to check the blog while they're at school!

> The nurses on 7800 and 8200!

> The staff and community of C3!

> The WorshipFreqs!

> The WorshipTogether community!

> The crew!

> And, of course, our NHC family!



  1. Nate, praying for a quiet restful night for all of you...

  2. I hope all of the prayers out there will alleviate some of the weight on your shoulders.

  3. my small group her ein seoul south korea and i are praying for you guys. came here via mexico's blog...

    mark another continent off in which God is moving people to pray for your family

  4. A friend of mine posted a link of your blog to hers. She had twins in the NICU. My thoughts and prayers are with you from Terre Haute, IN.

    LaDonna Ingram

  5. Even though we do not know you personally, as a child of God we are siblings in Christ. Praying is the LEAST we can do for you all.

    Our Father is the ultimate doctor and is caring for your girls every minute of every day.

    Praise Jesus for this good day. We will continue praying for each day to get even better for all of you.

    Thank you for updating us on the progress and let us know if there is anything else we can do to help you.

    Blessings to you, The Black Family

  6. Nate,

    Get some sleep tonight if you can.
    I showed the video to some of the youth before youth group tonight, they were in awe of your beautiful daughter.
    Still amazed! Still praying!

    Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

  7. This is an amazing journey; one that has brought me and my entire family so much closer to God. It has been such a priviledge for me to know your story and to pray for you and your beautiful girls. I'm praying now that tomorrow will be a day filled with joy as Tricia regains consciousness and learns Gwyneth is fighting for life, just as Tricia fought to give her life.

  8. Our prayer for you tonight is one of rest and comfort. May God send his angels upon the 3 of you and give you the strength and encouragement you need. May you feel their presence as you all rest.

    May God hear our prayers and send answers and progress as it is his will.

    Many blessings~

  9. Nate. Tricia and Gwenyth,
    please know that the forest park family is praying for you. I have been reading your blogs and sending updates to my church that attended the call last summer with our youth. I am so amazed by how God can produce such little Miracles as your little baby with such a fight and vigor for life. I pray for a peace filled night for all of you.
    Love thoughts and prayers to you all

  10. So thankful from here that it was such a hopeful and good day. Praying tomorrow is even more wonderful as hopefully Tricia will be awakened and realize she is still here and her baby is too:) Praise the Lord for His faithfulness and grace. Praying for complete healing for both of your girls in His precious time. I am so blessed by you and your miracle. Sleep well tonight in your Fathers arms. He holds you all close.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  11. Again thank you for allowing me to peek into your world. I am intrigued by your Blog. My Husbands best friend battled CF and my daughter was tested for it a few years ago...Thankfully she tested negative but learned she had other issues to battle...she Pulled through and your Two Princesses will too...

  12. This is the most compelling event I can ever remember witnessing. I can't imagine how many people around the world are checking in every chance they get. I know we all are!

  13. ..Thankful for a good day for all three of you, and praying for another one tomorrow. Thanks for the updates.

  14. Nate,
    Prayers are being said tonight all over the world for you & your "girls" tonight. I hope you all have a good night of rest tonight and that tomorrow brings more wonderful improvements, every little thing counts!
    I have shared your website with many people, I feel renewed in my faith in God and that miracles happen more often in life that I once thought. You aren't saying "why Me God?", simply "thank you God for Tricia and Gwyneth", that is amazing. Please rest well.


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