
Saturday, January 5, 2008


Since last Thursday, Tricia has only gotten about 8 hours of sleep. She has not slept a minute in the past 72 hours. Sleep is the highest priority at the moment.

This morning has been rough. Stress and anxiety have been rising as the lack of sleep continues.


(I posted a few times last night while we were both up, so please, read below)


  1. Nathan and Tricia! I've been reading your blog for about a week now and finally realized how to make a post! We are praying for you all and for the precious life inside Tricia! I have been praying specifically for your rest and claiming Psalm 4:8 for you all - "I will lie down in peace and sleep, for you alone, O LORD, will keep me safe." We're only about an hour from Durham - we'd love to stop by if you'll tell us a time that might be good! I hope you guys have a really good day today!

    Love, Susan and David Groseclose

  2. Lack of sleep can be extremely exhausting. I know. I have shared the same sleep deprivation as Tricia since Wednesday. Don't know if it will help, but have you tried putting the TV on the UNC station maybe like channel 4 real low. make it dark in there. maybe get her some relaxation music OR some inspirational music to fall asleep to. The worst part about ICU is that the nurses are in and out of there. so of course probably as soon as she does fall asleep, a nurse comes in to wake her up for vitals huh?

    I will add sleep to my prayer list for Tricia.

  3. Nathan, I commented accidentally on "Countdown". I have a question for you, and just wanted to make sure you saw it.

    Many prayers for you and your family. ~Rebecca

  4. Tricia! I love your haircut! You look so cute and did you know that red is definitely your color (your shirt I'm talking about). Brings out your beautiful brown eyes.

    It's been extremely cold here on the obx the last few days--even had a few snow flurries Thursday! It's supposed to warm up after today though. That's good because it will give my heater a break that's been on non-stop for about 4 days.

    What do you think about the name Natalie Sue? It would have part of Nathan's name and part of yours. Or maybe Aggie Sue??? Have you settled on a name yet?

    Your story has been an inspiration to thousands of people. Your and Nathan's faith is awesome to witness. Baby Girl growing inside you is lucky to have such beautiful parents. God has you in his hand.

    We love you three and miss you mucho. I hope you are able to sleep today. Love, Marie

  5. We continue to pray for all three of you. We love the new hair cut. We pray Tricia and you get more sleep. You both have been a blessing to us and are amazed at your continueing faith. We love you.
    The Lee's

  6. I have awakened several times during the night thinking and praying for you guys. I have circled January 18th on my calendar. Always praying!

  7. I'm praying for sleep to come to you soon!Love In Christ

  8. Hey Guys! Tricia, I love your new hair! So cute! I hope Janet and Meg have bedecked your room in faniciful things!! GO tell those nurses to leave you alone and take someone elses vitals so you can sleep! It must be very hard to sleep if the breathing hurts. We love you and are praying continually!!
    The Oehlers

  9. Tricia, you are an amazing person. You are absolutely beautiful (LOVE the haircut!) and your love for God makes you even more beautiful! Nathan, thank you for your testamony about knowing whatever happens, you know it will be God's will. That is something that I have struggled with over the past few years. My dad was killed TRAGICALLY, my mom remarried over a year later and moved to another state. So, I feel like I lost BOTH parents. Anyways, I will continue to pray for you guys here in Shelbyville, Tn!!!!!

  10. Please Lord, allow your precious daughter to rest. Breath into her lungs fresh air. Give her Your rest, piece, comfort and love. You, Lord, are the ultimate healer. We don't understand your timing and plans for those of us on earth. WE rest in knowing YOU are in control and make NO mistakes, yesterday, today or tomorrow. Amen

    I wish I could could take your pain. That I could go through this in your place. That you would be experiencing a peaceful pregnancy. If wishing could make it so, it would be done. For now, I will pray. Pray for health and rest for mommy, baby and daddy!

  11. you guys are amazing people. I have read some of your journey and I wanted to let you know I am praying and passing the prayer along my chain. You will have an amazing story to tell that little baby girl of yours. She is going to grow to become an amazing woman because she has amazing parents. Your strength is amazing and I do not know you but you are brothers and sisters in christ and I am proud. God is an awesome God and I know he will do what needs to be done. May you feel his love and comfort.

  12. I just want to let you know that the people of Word of Life International Church in Ashburn, VA are praying for you. May God keep you in his perfect peace and may your faith in his love and his goodness be a shield about you. God grant you recuperative rest and surprise you with moments of joy as you walk through this difficult trial. It is obvious that he is your very present help in times of trouble.
    God bless, Cindy Larscheid

  13. Tricia and Nathan! We are still constantly praying for you guys! The pics of the baby are amazing - that whole 3D thing is awesome! And Tricia - love the hair! You always look so cute! We are still thinking about you guys every moment of the day, and praying for all three of you incessantly. We love you guys!!! ~ Lisa and Mike (in NJ)

    P.s. Tricia - I know how you can get sleep! Ask Nathan to discuss all the upcoming Apple/MAC/computer products that are being released soon! Haha - anytime I can't sleep, Mike just talks about IT/computer stuff, and I'm out! Hahah! Love you guys!

  14. Praying for you for sweet peaceful rest today. Your story is an amazing testimony of the realness of God. Thanks for sharing. It is a privilege and blessing to join you in prayer. (Friends of Patience and Jordan)

  15. hey guys. i know you both must be so exhausted! i've been thinking about you both (baby too)and praying for you nonstop. your constant joy and faith is so encouraging! and tricia continues to look so beautiful even though she's in the hospital and not feeing well... amazing! the haircut is precious. i e-mailed her and sent it to her website, so i don't know if she got it... just to let you know. we love you guys! rest, sleep, and comfort for you both will be our prayer today.

  16. Praying for a peaceful day of rest. See if there are any textbooks laying around for inducing sleep...western civilization always worked for me. :)

    In all seriousness, in the face of your struggles, you continue to encourage and inspire all of us to seek God for fervently. Nathan your post about hope amazed me. As much hurt as you face, I pray that hope will be more real to you each day and that you both will find Christ's hand to grab and hold in this journey.

    Prayers for the whole family, coming from chilly Ohio. -erin

  17. Tricia and Nathan-
    Praying for God to continue to work miracles in your health and to let your little one grow inside of you a little longer. God bless and pray that you are able to get some deep refreshing sleep.
    Rachel from PA

  18. Well another idea for some rest is if she doesn't already have one you can have someone head to Target, Walmart or really any one of those stores nearby. There is a sound machine by Homedics and it plays very soothing sounds and it helps drowned out back ground noises (nurses, machines, people...). Seriously the "white noise" affect is very calming and it may be just what she needs to relax. I have been sleep deprived before and it does make you feel horrible. Not sure if she can take sleep meds but if all else fails I would ask her doctor. I did take them during my last pregnancy, NOT that I had the same health conditions as Tricia but the lack of sleep is very hard on the body emotionally and physically.

    Praying for some sleep!!

  19. Tricia,I'll pray hard for sleep to come your way someone who goes through life sleep deprived I know how hard makes you feel.A hospital is the worse place in the world to sleep anyway.I've had them actually wake me up to give me a sleeping pill.Honest!I know you've probably tried this but when I was at Duke awhile back and couldn't sleep I would pray for all of the people I knew who were praying for me and I would at least feel more rested even if I didn't sleep.The power of prayer is amazing and the number of people who are praying for you is astounding.All who know you and your family are praying for you and love you all! Yours In Christ, Tommy

  20. I will pray for sleep...

    And I love Tricia's new haircut.

  21. We check our blog all throughout the day to see what's going on. Please feel free to share the smallest detail. I know alot of the people reading this blog who joined with the Leino's for Baby Isaac are doing the same. I know they and myself will be with you guys until the end of all this when God reveals whatever his plan is for Trisha and your baby.

    In Him,
    Gina and family

  22. I see many are suggesting names for your little one in other threads. I am sure that you guys have thought about that ad nauseum, but just in case I thought i'd throw my two cents in.

    Elisha *MEANING* my God is Salvation

    Eva * Giver of Life* (one of my best friends fought a battle with cancer. she lived way longer than she was supposed to due to God's Grace.

  23. I am touched by your faith, and how incredibly strong you both are. I found your blog from a friend in NY. I live in Raleigh, but my sister in-law is a nurse at Duke. Small world I guess...Just wanted you to know that I am praying for your entire family.

  24. Love you all- and standing in awe of our Great God and his people all over the world praying for you. Mike, Tina and Lilbit in NC

  25. Tricia and Nate,
    I'm checking for updates whenever I can get to a computer, and praying every quiet second. I've told your story to everyone I can and it is so evident that your faith in God is what is taking you through this. I was so touched by your post yesterday that I printed it out so I can share it. I'll pray specifically for sleep for you all.

  26. I realize you have a name and all.. but just in case..

    Megan Edith happens to be a fabulous name. ;)

    On a happy note, as I type this comment in the room our family has termed "The Hole" or our personal family room, Tricia is currently sound asleep in her bed!

  27. I pray that the Lord will sustain you. I know you are aware of God's sovereignty and faithfulness - your trust in him is so clear in what you both write. I will lift up your need for sleep and peace and REST to the Lord in prayer.

  28. Nathan & Tricia ...

    Sleep is a commodity that I have been unable to achieve several times in the past several years. 3 years ago, 7-9 months pregnant, herniated disks, and cancer (didn't know about the cancer until Makayla was 6 wks old), but nevertheless ... sleep was a luxury for both Benjamin and me! Some things I did were simply getting as comfortable as I could (which sometimes meant standing/leaning against a wall), and allowing my mind to simply drift off to another world ... focused solely on the face of Jesus.

    Now .. there are many nights that I cannot sleep once again because of back pain and recovering from surgery. Again, I get as comfortable as I can, this time, lying amongst about 1700 pillows (Thank GOD we have a cal. king bed), and simply focus on the face of Jesus.

    I know you write too .. there are other times that I open up a word document and begin writing ... fiction, non-fiction, feelings, emotions ... words ... once I have fallen asleep, Benjamin would attempt to read it merely for the comedy because the words do not make complete sentences and the entire document is nonsense!

    One more piece of advice ... this is something my religion professor from college told me ... start ready 1 Chronicles ... the begats will have you sleeping in no time!

    I know that the breathing is hard for you and the emotional stress that you are under is truly unbearable. Duke is a good hospital. I know they are doing everything possible to care for you and your precious baby. Sometimes, you need to simply focus on Jesus' face ... eyes closed ... and let nothing else in the room allow yourself to focus on the love of Christ ...

    We are praying for you daily ... lately, my days consist of 90% prayers and 10% other stuff. Be assured that your situation is among the 90% prayer times.


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