
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

(Bump) Tangible Love

Wednesdays are good for Recycling! This was originally posted on 1.4.08.

In the middle of all this, as I walk the halls of this hospital, seeing people in mourning, pain and stress, overhearing bits of conversations between nurses and doctors and patients and families, I cannot imagine even attempting to go through what we are going through without both God and the people who are surrounding us who also believe in and know Him in a personal way.

We have a hope that cannot be explained or understood in this world alone...a hope that, no matter what happens to my wife and unborn daughter, it will be the best for each of them because God has them exactly where He wants them.

If they both survive the next few days, then weeks, then months, I will have much to be thankful for. And, if either or both of them do not live through this, I know that they will be in Heaven at the feet of a very real God, and that one day I will see them again, and that is truly the greatest joy. I can't imagine not having that hope.

I believe these things to be absolute truth beyond a shadow of a doubt. I don't simply believe that there is a God...I know that He is alive and working in our lives with love and mercy.

You all have been praying for us, and we have felt and seen your prayers in a powerful and real way. Tonight, I will be praying for you. I will pray that you are not only "touched" by our story, but that you see it for what it really is...simply a small part of the Story of God.

If you already have a real faith in Him, I pray that your faith will be strengthened by our part of the Story and that you will realize your part of the Story can be just as powerful and world-reaching as ours is becoming.

If you do not have a real faith in God, I pray that you will see the truth in our story that goes beyond miracles and faith and compassion...that you will see this as pure evidence, no matter the outcome, of God's desire for you to know Him in a very real and tangible way.

And, I will pray that one day, we can take all of the blessings that you are giving to us and give them back to you and others twofold. We have beautiful friends, Jordan and Patience Leino, who went through something very similar to what we're going through not even a year ago. I have always believed that, if we allow Him, God never wastes a hurt, and that He will always use a painful experience to bless others going through similar experiences. Jordan and Patience (and all of those who have discovered us through them) have been blessing us in that way, and I believe that one day, we will have the opportunity to do the same.




  1. I found your story through Patience's blog and facebook account. It is amazing what Isaac did for everyone. I mean not only did thousands gather (probably even more than that) all over the world to pray for this little sweet boy and Patience and Jordan ... they have gathered the same for you, Tricia and your little one.

    I will continue to pray for you as I do for Patience & Jordan everyday. They are very special people and I can tell that your relationship with them and with God is also special.

    Peace be with you tonight.

  2. What a beautiful story.
    God will never leave us or forsake us!

  3. Amen, amen!! Oh, I love to see the map and know there are people all over the world praying. Just as it should be.


  4. I've been reading for a while and have never commented but how could I not after this amazing post? The faith of you and Tricia and all of your family is such an amazing testimony, and I know that God will use you to work in the lives of many. We'll be praying for y'all. May He meet all of your needs right now and give much wisdom to the docs and much peace to you all. You are such an example to those of us who only know you through the internet.

    Many blessings.

  5. As a fellow Christian, your story has touched my heart. I have been praying and will continue to ask the Lord to keep his presence strong within your family. I am praying for a January 18th miracle.

  6. Wow! What an amazing and beautiful story. You are so right we are all part of God's story. Your faith is incredible and God will get the glory no matter what!

    A friend sent me a prayer request for you and your wife with your blog address attached.

    Praying for you all!

  7. I just found your blog yesterday and have worked hard all day to share with everyone I've seen your story so we can all band together and pray. You two are amazing people. I am so blessed by your story. You are inspiring beyond words. I am overcome with emotion as I read. I want to say a HUGE thank you for helping me back on my feet. I will be praying once again for you as I have been all day. I am honored to stand with you for your miracle. Thank you again.

  8. The chain of prayer and help should never end...look at how God linked you with Dameron's aunt, through me... little old me in SC that may never see any of you this side of Heaven.

    We are here to be relational, sharing and helping. It is my honor to be on this path with you guys.

    And yes, in our home, our lives and relationships with Jesus have been encouraged and strengthened.

    Still praying,

  9. Just wanted to let you know that your story has moved me to post your prayer request on my blog also.

    Praying God's best for you both!

  10. Without even knowing Patience and Jordan personally, I too can say that they have been such a blessing for me. When I first came accross their blog my son Haniel of just 3 months had past away to HLHS on January 4th of 07. I grew up in a christian household and always have considered myself to be a person of faith. But, I must say, after following Patience and Jordan's journey, all I can say is WOW! With that said, I will continue to pray for Tricia and your baby. I know that this story has already touched many lives. God is our ultimate healer and nothing is impossible for him.

    God Bless You!

  11. I recieved your prayer request from a group of Mary Kay ladies. They are some true prayer warriors. I would also like to add my prayer for you and your family as well.

    As a child care provider myself children hold a very special place in my heart. I pray that you and your wife are blessed with the awsome gift of watching a child grow. That is a love like no other.

    I pray for all good things for you and your family.

    May God be with you all.

  12. what a testimnoy you and Tricia are, thank you for being so inspiring and touching lives all around the world...

  13. I am so touched by you posting this. I can NOT believe the controversy, in my little blogging world, your story has generated! Wow! And I have told people pretty much what you have said---God is sovereign and He will do with Tricia and the baby what is ultimately best in the eternal plan. Easy for me to say when it's not me going through it. . . but in the deep tragedies of my own life, a truth I have come to firmly hold on to--even when nothing makes sense.
    I fully support you guys and truly believe God will get the glory from this!
    Hugs to both of you!

  14. I am praying for you and your family.

  15. We will continue to pray for you. My 7th and 8th Grade science classes start each day with prayer for you, Tricia, and your families. We pray that God will do a miracle in your lives. I can tell now, just through your posts the great faith that you have... it's amazing... and quite infectious. Thank you for being a great example! You don't know us, but we love the 3 of you both!

  16. You are in our prayers. He does care and is with you now.

  17. Nathan and Tricia,

    Thank you for sharing your incredible story! Your unshakeable faith is such a blessing!

    May He continue to strengthen you and give you peace in the midst of this storm. I know He will!

    We know that no matter what the outcome would be, God will be glorified.

    Soli Deo Gloria ... To God be the glory!

    Praying for the 3 of you ...

    Sister in Christ
    EP Church of Annapolis

  18. Thank you for your testimony of faithfulness ... I shared your story on my blog as well ...

    GOD bless, Stephanie

  19. You have such a wonderful story of faith and strength. I wanted you and your wife to know that even though I do not know you I am praying for you and your family each day. As I am going through an extremly hard time in my own life I have gained strength by reading your blogs. I greatly appreciate your openness of what God is doing in your life. I know that God is in total control of your situation as He is mine also. Thank you for sharing your faith with me.

  20. I check for your updates and pray for your family daily.

    Houston, TX

  21. I have been reading daily for a couple of weeks now. I just had to post after reading your latest blog. Your faith is amazing and I my greatest desire is to have faith like that. I have a 4 year old son with cf. It has been 4 years of an emotional rollercoaster for me. Your testimony has really helped increase my faith. I remember a time when my son was 11 months old. He got really sick and was on a ventilator for 10 days. At times we weren't sure what the outcome was going to be. One day with a heavy heart I went to the chapel and told God that no matter the outcome I would serve him and love him. It was the very next day when my son started having a turn around for the better. God is good! I have been and will continue to keep you and your amazingly brave wife in my prayers. You are both my heroes. What a blessed little girl growing inside your wife.

  22. Thanks Nate, we are praying for you guys!

  23. What a faith booster for me. You and your wife are amazing.

  24. I wanted you to know that I shared "tangible love" with your grandmother last night. Through our tears, we agreed that you're faith is incredible and your testimony a blessing for so many.

    Grandmother sends her love.

  25. I am praying for all of you. My son who is one year old has CF. It is very hard to deal with but he is very healthy. I pray the Lord will heal you. I pray for you and your child. God Bless.

  26. I am praying for all of you. My son who is one year old has CF. It is very hard to deal with but he is very healthy. I pray the Lord will heal you. I pray for you and your child. God Bless.

  27. A friend of mine told me about your blog. I started at the beginning and have made it this far.

    I decided to finally comment (that means I'm technically not a 'stalker' anymore)

    As I sit here reading this, I have tears streaming down my face....for what you are going through, but also for your unwavering faith!!

    I feel so blessed to be able to read bits and pieces of the awesome things that God is doing in your lives!!

  28. What a miracle and beautiful story. I am truly touched by your life and story of hope and strenth. Thank you for that!

    God Bless

  29. Praying in agreement with you, that God will continue to reveal Himself to many, many people through the day-to-day journey you are on! You said it so very well.

  30. Thank you Nate for using this avenue to reach thousands of people for Jesus! I see your counter on your blog and know that God is using this to show that not only are you one amazing family but more importantly that Jesus died so that you and I and anyone who wants it can be made WHOLE! I am humbled!

  31. Lol everyday is a good day to recycle according to you!

    I kid, I kid.

    Isn't it amazing to read this 2 months later and realize everything that you said is true? Amazing perspective at the time. Your girls are still going strong, and I thank God for that.

  32. I agree, Nate. I don't understand how people who don't know the Lord can do life. I'm happy for all the people you are helping by sharing your faith.

  33. I know for a fact that there are people who check your blog everyday who do not have a relationship with the Lord. It is my prayer, and I know it's yours too, that they will come to have a relationship with Jesus because of the words of your testimony. Keep being strong in the Lord and thank you for being a witness to so many!

  34. Our God loves to tell a good story. I am so thankful to have stumbled upon your part of the story last month. It's a beautiful reflection of Him.

    Would you pray for my family tonight? We're in the middle of a very sticky situation involving the death of an uncle. I know that He hears...

  35. Dear Nathan and Tricia,
    I found your blog from a friend that i grew up with in Ft Myers, Fl who went to Liberty and knows Jordon and Patience. Their journey has so touched my life and helped renewed my faith along with your story as well. God is so good all the time. His mercy and faithfulness are never ending.
    I pray for you and your family every day. I am a RN that works in a hospital here in North Florida and i see sick people every day but i know who is the PHYSICIAN. Our God is still in the miracle making business.
    Have a blessed day.

  36. I look forward to reading your blog daily. I am SO happy Tricia got to hold her sweet baby. What a great moment. If only these were the stories we saw in the news every night. Our world would be a differnet place. Thinking praying for you all.


  37. Thanks for your post! I needed that tonight.

  38. Wow, 3 oz. weight gain for Gwyneth is over 10% in one week. Wonderful.

  39. nate,
    if the spirit moves you, will you please pray for my baby nephew, josiah, and his family today? they are all at the hospital right now, and he is fighting for his life.

    i've posted about it over at my blog:

    we continue to pray for you and your girls every day. praising god that tricia was able to hold gwyneth for the 1st time!

    in his MIGHTY love,
    em & josh smoyer

  40. Nathan and Tricia,
    I got this from my mom today. If it is too long, either skim or skip it.
    Malachi 3:3 says: 'He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.'

    This verse puzzled some women in a Bible study, and they wondered what
    this statement meant about the character and nature of God. One of the women offered to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible study.

    That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work. She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining silver. As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to
    hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest as to burn away all the impurities.

    The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot; then she thought again about the verse that says: 'He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver.' She asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time.

    The man answered that yes, he not only had to sit there holding the
    silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed. The woman was silent for a moment.

    Then she asked the silversmith, "How do know when the silver is fully refined?"

    He smiled at her and answered,"Oh, that's easy -- when I see my image
    in it."

  41. You are an amazing man with an amazing faith. Thanks for sharing!


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