
Monday, February 4, 2008

10:15pm Update

Gwyneth was moved from the CPAP to a Nasal Cannual because the mask of the CPAP was irritating her skin, which can be dangerous for preemies this age. This basically means that she's breathing completely on her own with some extra oxygen. She's doing well so far.

The last we heard, Tricia should be listed tomorrow. She's been getting some good sleep the past few nights. She's still on the vent most of the time, but because she's able to do PT, they feel very good about listing her.




  1. Saying a prayer tonight for your family :)Hope everyone has a good night!

  2. WoooHooo! Lot's of good things going on. . .keep 'em comin'!

  3. That is wonderful news! I hope and pray they continue to progress. Have you made Gwyneth a tape of your voice, like read her a storybook, or classical music??? I know you have so much free time, right??? Nurse Bev

  4. That's great news for both of your girls! Hope everyone is able to get good rest tonight!

  5. Sweet! I can't believe that little baby girl is on a nasal cannula now!! Good to hear you're feeling better Trisha and Nathan, I love your middle of the night blogging since I tend to be up at weird hours too (the never ending 911 calls). Definitely given me something to do besides checking my junk e-mail. You'll have to ask George about his first missions trip out of his own backyard. It was life changing for him and it makes me proud and humbled to hear him talk about it. Well, we continue to pray for everyone's health and continued peace. Looking for that announcement tomorrow. Love ya

  6. I can't wait to hear more about how you and Tricia met.

    Yay for Gwyneth breathing on her own and for Tricia being listed. I'm praying that everything goes smoothly and we can hear it officially from you tomorrow. :)

    Love & Hugs!

  7. Nate- Awesome news!!! Can't wait to hear the news about Tricia's new lungs. Praying that Gwyneth continues to do well and that God protects Tricia's lungs until she needs them. Have a wonderful week.

    Love The Hagers in Michigan

  8. Thanks for the update. Will definitely keep your girls in prayer tonight - as well as the donor and their family!

  9. Way to go Gwyneth!! What awesome news. It must feel good to have a few less things on her face. Another step forward.

  10. That's wonderful news! Gwyneth is proving that she is certainly one strong and determined little girl, and Tricia is absolutel amazing! God is working such incredible miracles with them both. Praying that they both continue to make good progress!

  11. Good for Gwyneth!! I was so happy when my son got his CPAP off, we had no idea what he really looked like and didn't know his hair color! I hope she continues to do well! Praying for Tricia to be strong and patient, it would be awesome if they both leave the hospital around the same time!

  12. Awesome news, Nate. God is amazing.

  13. You go, Gwyneth! Still praying for Tricia's good news!

  14. Sweet news!! Vent --> NC in one fell swoop for Gwyneth is very impressive.

  15. Wow - Excellent news on Gwyneth, she has her mommy's tenacity!

    Praying that all goes well with the transplant listing and praying for the donor family.

    In Christ


  16. I just finished spending some time reading your story and am in Ahhhhh.I wish the best for you, Tricia and the baby. Your journey in life is amazing and I pray that your lives together will be long, happy and healthy. My thoughts and prayers are with you

  17. Praying for you and both your sweet girls all the way from are incredible..hang in there and thanks for keeping us updated. You are so blessed!!!!!!!

  18. Super awesome that Gwyneth is breathing so well! That's great that Tricia is to be put on the list tomorrow...just amazing. Praying for you guys.

    Angela in central Ohio

  19. Way to go for both your girls!

  20. It will be no time before you will have both of your girls home with you!! Gwyneth is breathing on her own!! AWESOME!! Now we need a good set of lungs for you beautiful wife!! God is Good.

    We are praying for your family!!

  21. Just the type of update I needed while sitting down to dinner!


  22. Hooray for good news! I'm lovin' the story of how you and Tricia met. Gwyneth is going to love reading this someday when she falls in love... (provided her daddy allows any boys within 50 feet of her)

  23. Oh, what a blessing to have Gwyneth on a nasal cannula now and Tricia to go on the list tomorrow:) The Lord has certainly given them the determination to get stronger. I will be praying that Gwyneth will breathe well with the extra O2 and Tricia will be strong and ready for her new lungs when they arrive.

    P.S. - Your story of how you met is so sweet!

  24. Keep the good news coming! Your story gets better every day, God has blessed you in so many ways. Continued prayers for you from Texas.

    YaYa to Bryan

  25. Prayers for sleep all around. Looking forward to super-exciting news in the next few days!!

  26. Nate,

    I continue to pray for you and those 2 amazing girls in your life. Tricia looks totally amazing after all she has been through and Gwyneth is truly beautiful, even though she looks like you. HA! HA! Please stay strong in your faith and get some rest. You are going to need it when yall do go home. Sheri

  27. Go, GWYNETH!!! And praying for the good news for Tricia tomorrow...

  28. CPAP was great, nasal cannula is a reason to celebrate! That's fantastic!

  29. We are so thrilled for you all. Do they have any idea how long it usually takes to get new lungs? Also, do they know where on the list she will be placed? Just wondering.

    Praying for you all! Ashley

  30. so glad to hear it...tell tricia hi for me! im continuing to pray for you all!
    p.s. i thought the video of you holding gwyneth for the first time was something really special and will be great to share with her in the future!


  31. s nicu nurse is doing a major happy dance for your girl!!!!

  32. hey nate, i'm leaving a comment for the first time.. but i've lurked for more than a week now. this is just to say that i'm keeping you and your precious family in my thoughts and prayers every day. i'm glad to read that gwyneth is breathing on her own now (woohoo!) and that tricia's been getting some sleep.. :)

  33. sounding gooooood! :)


  34. Praise God! Wonderful news for your sweet family... continuing to pray for your girls!

  35. here's to 'super' tuesday!

  36. Fantastic news on Gwyneth breathing on her own! Go baby Rose!

    Exellent that Tricia is getting the much needed sleep.

    Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

  37. Nasal Cannula!!!! YAY! What a major step!!! To be so tiny, and so early with only a nasal cannula just seems like a total miracle. There are miracles every time we turn around!
    Praying for you and your girls.

    Lisa R.

  38. WOWEEE....Gwyneth Rose is breathing on her own (with a little oxygen) and Tricia heading her way back onto the list and being activated is such excellant news,
    There is NOTHING like Praying and seeing your Prayers answered, just fills my heart with joy,
    Praying for sleep, strength and
    GREAT news to come...

  39. Awesome. Now when are we going to see some new pics of your little beauty without the tape on her face? Quit holding out on us! Glad Gwyneth is continuing to improve. To God be the Glory!


  40. Great update!

    What does PT involve at this point? Is it breathing exercises?

    I'm continuing to pray for your beautiful family!

  41. WTG Gwyneth!!! You GO girl!! That is a huge accomplishment. Thank you Lord.


  42. go gwyneth! yippppppeeee! God is GREAT!!!! hope Tricia will be the person on the top of that list and her new lungs soon! hang in there Tricia you are doing great!!!!!! god bless..

  43. Nate, I have to say reading your entries about both your girls and breathing has really slowed me down. I sat here a few minutes and just breathed - I ignored the phone, the pc, the pda, my desk - I just breathed...slowly in and out -- and as I did, I prayed for your little Gwyneth's lungs, and then, I prayed for Tricia - for the lungs she has now - that they would carry her through and then, for the new set of lungs she will receive. I thanked God for the unselfish act of the person God has already chosen and then for comfort for the family that will lose those lungs. Finally, I thanked God for my lungs and asked that He continue to allow me to take the breath, to spread The Word. Breathing is a sweet gift. My entry is a grammatical nightmare...but I doubt God cares.

  44. Moving Gwyneth to a cannula is fantastic. I'm glad Tricia is moving forward and healing slowly but surely! I'm running a 1/2 marathon in April, and every day I train I think of her and pray that one day she'll get her lungs and will one day run like I do (although right now it's kind of a jug--jog/run but I'm getting there). Keeping you in my prayers daily. Renee

  45. I'll bet later today we get some more perspective pics with Gwyneth and her stuffed pug. Can't wait!

  46. Praying that Tricia will be/has been listed today, and if not then sometime soon.

    Aside from the mask irritating your little puddin pie's skin, this was a great update. Thanks for posting. >:0)

  47. Wow! I can't believe Gwyneth is already on the nasal canula! That is absolutely amazing. I'm not sure how many people reading this blog are familiar with micropreemie struggles, but Gwyneth is blowing those statistics right out of the water!! God is awesome!


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