
Saturday, February 16, 2008


Yes, I already have Part 9 of The Story Of Us complete and ready to be published...I promise that it's the best yet, but you ain't seeing it at least until tomorrow, so chill.

I'm off to find something to munch and then go say goodnight to my baby girl (from a distance).

In the meantime, go talk with God, kiss you kids, snuggle with your spouse, wrestle with you dog or eat a late-night snack.



  1. I hope you have a WONDERFUL night!

    I was just thinking - it's kind of a blessing to have BOTH your girls in the same hospital. Idealy, neither of them would even be in a hospital, but it's great that they can be in the same one and that you can have wonderful people caring for your daughter while your wife is going through her transplant.

    God is awesome. Everything happens for a reason, even if that reason is not seen for years to come.

    I hope you, your wife, and your daughter have a great, restful night.

  2. I hope you are feeling better and have a peaceful night. It is good you are taking extra efforts to take care of yourself, it can be tough to do, in a hospital setting.

    Your girls are beautiful. How blessed you are to have them. How blessed they are to have you. Think positive thoughts about being home, with your girls, and enjoying typical family life.

    Keep praying and know that so many people are praying for you and your girls.

    May you all sleep tight and have wonderful dream.

    Peace and God Bless.

  3. Good night Nate...thanks for always bringing a smile to my face. Have a wonderful evening...

  4. I'm not sure how, but my parents know Tricia's parents, and they remember Tricia as a little girl. And I believe my brother and sister in law may go to the church that Tricia's parents attend, because my sister in law was giving my Mom an update about Tricia a few weeks ago. I am a nurse on a pediatric respiratory floor, so we have alot of CF patients, and that is why my Mom told me about your blog. All that to say that I think you two are amazing! I cannot believe that Tricia is married and has a baby, all the while having CF. It is absolutely astonishing to me. I am so happy that Tricia has such a sweet husband who loves her so much, because sadly, I don't personally know of any other CFer with such an amazing story and such a wonderful life. You are blessed! We are praying for you and hope Tricia get's those lungs soon!!!!!

  5. Nate, I dont know you or your family, but feel comfortable callling you Nate. I have made one comment in the past. I know you are a humble man, but I am feeling a LIFETIME (television for women)movie coming on here !!! I am a Christian, but my prayer life is not as it should be, but you make me want to pray for you and your family daily !! One million hits !! That is so awesome !! I cant wait to read the rest of your "how we met" and dont have regular access to a computer, so its like waiting till next weeks episode to catch up. I pray the Lord will be truely Glorified by all his great works done to you and your family !! Grace and Peace. Lora from Maryland

  6. Torture! Why do we have to wait! NOOOooooooooo. NOOOOooooooo.

    I am going to need therapy after this. Maybe Scott has a home remedy for me too?

  7. Hi Tricia and Nate,
    I just finished reading, over the past 2 days, all the posts on this blog. I want to thank-you for being willing to share your story and to give all who read specific things to pray for. I also appreciate your willingness to show that you don't want to be on a pedestal. I think it's true of most of us that we tend to lean on God or have a better relationship with Him when things are tough, then when they are going good. I'm adding a prayer that you can maintain this great relationship even in the good times. I love seeing pictures of Gwyneth she is beautiful(I love her little feet) Tricia - Nate has mentioned that you do have struggles with not being able to hold/see Gwyneth as much as you would like but I still think you are amazingly strong for trying to understand and be at peace with the situation right now. Praying for you that you maintain a good mental status and that you continue you to do well in your PT. It's not the same thing as what you went through, but I dealt with Post partum depression after my daughter was born and I know it can be scary to have thoughts and feelings come floating into your brain that you know would not normally be there. I'm adding your family to my prayer list. Our God IS a God of miracles even though some people don't believe that. Gwyneth is your miracle baby and I pray you have many, many years to spend with her.
    Our daughter is almost 14 months old and we started sign language with her when she was 6/7 months old. She didn't actually use or pick up on it until about 8/9 months but I'm glad we did and I definitely encourage you when you start that with Gwyneth. It's amazing the things they can pick up at such a young age and it helped a lot with potential temper tantrums. Sorry that this went really long. Praying you have a good night.
    Your friend in Christ,
    Yvonne (BC, Canada)

  8. I found your blog thru a friends, and though I don't know anyone with CF, I did have my baby girl 14weeks early and she was 1 lb 13 oz. She's now 9 months old (14lbs)and PERFECTLY healthy(we spent 9 weeks in the NICU with heart surgery and many infections)! Be encouraged...prayer IS STRONG! Ww will be praying for you as the Lord brings you to mind!!!!

  9. thanks for blessing me with your story...God is working mightily (is that a word) through your blog and your story...all things work for good...etc! Bless you, Trisha and baby Gwyneth! Thanks for sharing:)
    blessings from Sydney, Australia

  10. Great advice! I'll do all of the above just because you said so!

    Praying for ya, always.

  11. Hey Nate and Trisha! Just wanted to add an encouraging comment 'like everyone else' :-) As a fellow-blogger I know the frustration of getting unsolicited advice/criticism. I just thought I'd let you know that we love you guys! We're due in the next three weeks or so (March 8) with our first, and just reading the joy you're both experiencing as first time parents (even in the midst of difficult circumstances) has us alllllll pumped to join the ranks. Thanks for adding joy to our lives.

  12. You're mean ;)!! We're praying for you and Tricia and of course Gwyneth. She is adorable. Our great niece was 1 lb. 6 oz. when she was born and now is a gifted
    8-1/2 year old (going on 35!)

  13. FYI: When my 3 year old saw your Hospital Wake-Up Pic, he said, "That guy looks like Nacho" (Jack Black in Nacho Libre)...and I think that is the highest compliment he gives to someone. So congratulations!!!

  14. It is tomorrow...WHERE IS PART 9???? hee hee hee :) I think I might need to stop stalking this blog now :)


    Jen-William's Mom

  15. Tricia and Nate
    I am a longtime reader, 1st time commenter...Been praying and reading along since a few days before your baby arrived. I found you guys through another adoptive parent from my son's orphanage in Haiti. All I have to say has already been said, but I will say it anyway. Thank you for everything, for sharing your situation, for sharing your faith, for letting me watch your little miracle grow! Thank you for opening my mind and heart wider to Jesus, for reminding me to hug my children closer and to extricate myself from the mad rush of everyday life and trying to get ahead. I have stopped more often these past 2 months to thank God and to realize how lucky I am and just to feel God's love swirling through my heart. I have found a new love for life and you are the ones who are to blame. Thanks again.

  16. If they only knew...

    If you want to see Nate looking like Nacho go here.

    That's Nate in the background and his uncle Andy up front.

  17. Nate whats takin so long its almost 3pm and we still dont have Part 9. I've been checking all day. Hope your girls are doing better. Thinking of you all.

  18. Hi. I am new to your blog, but find we have a ton in common. In the 70's, my parents lost 2 children to CF. I personally do not have it. I have done a ton of research and I'm very amazed how far treatment has come since the
    70's I am actually int he hospital with my 5 yr old right now. She ha brain surgery last wed.

    Our prayers are with you. I look foward to reading more.

  19. well since I don't have kids to play with or a dog to wrestle, i've hoovered my entire flat & baked banana-nut muffins, enjoy your sunday afternoon

  20. Hi! I have been keeping up with your blog and have prayed for you and your family daily!! Thank you for sharing this story with everyone! I know it has meant a lot to me! I have two sons both wcf and it is very powerful to see how much you care for Trisha and your daughter!! I was wondering if you might post one of your conversations that you have with God? I know this sounds crazy. I pray everyday but I have never really had a conversation with God and was wondering how you do it. If it is too personal I understand. I debated on even asking but I just thought "why not?" I know praying is one thing but having a on going connection is another thing. I thought I would ask and maybe others would like an example too. Anyway I look forward to future posts and thanks again for sharing parts of your life with the rest of the world!!

  21. Oh I do like you! You make me smile :o) X Goodnight to all 3 of you special peeps xx Much love n hugs from the UK XXXX

  22. That late night husband hospital face beats the snoring coming from mine at 4 pm today! Just wanted to let u know that I am considering telling more of my story, like our love story and the birth of our kids, etc. hope u wont think I am ripping off your blog, but If I know u, u will be honored. hang in there, misty---I actually did get to wrestle with two of my dogs yesterday, it was wonderful!

  23. i just wanted to say i toataly agree loving your children is a true moment from god i have 3 beautiful children 2 are here with me and my oldest went to heaven after battling cancer in 2006.. i pray that your little one gets stronger everyday and someday tricia will be healthy and gwen will be healthy and all of you will be the most grateful people.. keep up the strongness that you all have and im positive god will keep blessing you.......


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