
Friday, February 15, 2008


Since so many of you made cruel comments about my waking up picture from yesterday, I thought I'd show you what I look like when I don't sleep in the hospital and do get a shower, etc. before showing myself to the world so you can compare... :)



  1. Looking pretty darn good!!!


  2. Cruel? I don't think so.
    Honest? Absolutely.

    Get a haircut.


  3. I think you look just like John Goodman (Rosanne) in the "before" pic. Still praying for you and your family.

  4. I think Tricia is so blessed to have some one who is so free to be silly and make her laugh. Don't loose that gift! Blessings to you and your family.

  5. i thought your hair was pretty sweet in the last pic

  6. So pretty much the same except for the hat?! ;)

    Wishing you all a wonderful Friday!

  7. It's funny because I'm always talking about you, Tricia and Gwyneth to my hubby. Well, yesterday I was reading the post with that picture when he walked by and asked "Who is that?!" When I explained he said, "Hm, that's not how I pictured him at all." lol

    I'll show him the new pic, maybe that's more what he was expecting. And for what it's worth, I love the crazy, wavy hair look! :) I try for that look but can't seem to get it since I lack the genetics. ;)

  8. See, now I thought the lower pic was the "mad genius" shot, 'cause you predicted the 1,000,000th hit date with your mathematical prowess . . . you know kind of an Einsteinian portrait . . .
    Keep that sense of humor; it's much more practical than sanity!
    Kathy H

  9. I think your before picture shows that you have a healthy head of hair (maybe some folks are jealous) and a healthy sense of humor!!! Laughter is good for you both!

    As I told you in my email a few days ago, I am attempting to create a prayer chain around the entire country. I have contacted people in all but about 10 states! I promise I won't give up till I get all 50 states and as many country's as possible!

    Warmest Regards,

  10. amazing what a little water and coffee will do!

    still praying in SC

  11. That's too funny. You are like your own evil twin or something : )

  12. I just laughed when I saw the pic yesterday, because it reminded me so of our youngest son's hair his senior year in college...only his was probably a good 4-5 inches longer, with some curl like yours...and was totally unruly! He had shaved most of it off the summer before for something at the camp where he worked, and took advantage of his last year in college to grow it longer than he ever had it before, knowing he probably would not get away with that after graduation. We marveled at how he was able to get it all stuffed into his cap for the graduation ceremony! He, like you, has discovered that a good baseball cap can cover most any bad hair day! :) While I agree with your Dad, I think you totally rock, no matter what that mop looks like! I'm praying that this is a great day for all of you!

  13. You have got the greatest spirit! I just love you and think you're hilarious. Many prayers to you and your family right now!

  14. It must take awhile to get all of that hair under your hat, I'm impressed it all fits (LOL!).

    Thanks for the laugh :-)

    ps. LOVE your Dad's comment~ spoken like a real parent!

  15. I guess we know where Gwyneth gets all her hair. :0)

  16. Awww, Nate. I don't think anyone meant to be cruel. I loved that picture from yesterday. :) (And if I said something that would make you think otherwise, I apologize.)

  17. My favorite thing about these pictures is that it shows the sunlight coming into the room. I am sure glad that ya'll get to see the sun from your room. I bet that feels really good after all of those days without a window in ICU.

  18. hahaha...had to laugh at your dads comment. Leave it to family to be brutally honest!

  19. Much better! Oh, and I wasn't being cruel, I thought the picture was hilarious! :) And it's awesome that you have the guts to post it for all the world to see! It just shows that you are a true person, and could care less what others think of you, which, in my opinion, is an awesome quality!

  20. Oh, goodness... your dad's comment takes the cake and wins the award for the day.

    I've been following your "story" for weeks now and I marvel at God's goodness, mercy and grace on your family. You all truly are examples of what the hand of God on someone's life can do.


  21. You don't get props for that "clean up". C'mon Nate. A hat? That's called CHEATING!!!!

    Have a wonderful day!! Praying for you all.

  22. Oh right, so you'd just woke up in that first pic....I must remember that excuse for future 'mad hair' days.

    Still grinning here.

    Much love & praying for you all.

  23. I think it has more to do with the crazed look than anything else.

  24. With all that is going on, you can look any way you want :)

    Take care....thinking of you here in Ohio.

  25. I totally forgot to add...



  26. So fuuny!! I think your first picture has great!!! It made my day :)

    You do look great "cleaned" up too:)

    Have a blessed day :)

    Hugs from VA

  27. Love you no matter what!

  28. I had the unfortunate experience of having to sleep at the hospital when my son had his transplant and I certainly was not a pretty site in the morning. Who cares what your hair looks like, it's what's underneath that counts, right?
    I used to be like your Dad though and always nagged my son to get his haircut.
    I have been following your incredible story for a couple of weeks now and can tell you have such wonderful support from your family and friends and if that's what's going to get you through this, to have your family together at home with you, then that's what will be.
    Many prayers coming your way from another cf family.

  29. You know, Nate, I've been there - done that in the hospital with my daughter...I didn't think it should've been any other way yesterday! ;-)

    You're dad's funny, and your support system is fabulous. I agree with the 'Einstien-ish' look as well!

    You are a blessing to your family & the rest of the world! Keep it up, you're doing a great job!!


  30. Well, you invited it...

    The only difference is that you are using a (well worn) hat to contain that head of hair of yours.
    Is your hair made of springs?

  31. that is so funny! i thought the wild hair picture was something you did on purpose because of the "mathematical genius" vibe you had going in the post! :) others are probably just jealous because you are blessed with a head full of hair. LOL:) loving Tricia's perspective on your story! :) praying, jen in al

  32. I just thought you were making a fun face for having had a million hits!

  33. Oh, don't let 'em give you a hard time. If we're honest with ourselves, we all look like that when we first wake up...we just don't take a picture and show the whole world :)

    PS Don't you love parents? You'll be telling Gwyneth something like that one day..."Cover up, you can't go out dressed like that."

  34. Just tell anyone who asks that you are growing it out for Locks of Love....boy you could make wigs for a whole slew of kids with that head of hair :-)

    Anything to make your princess laugh!!!

  35. Thanks for the laugh. I check your website many, many times a day. You are all in my prayers. You have an awesome family!

  36. I love your dad's comment.


  37. haha...very nice. lol

    I love your dad's comment.

  38. Your dad is the best. (Don't worry, I'm always telling my 13 year old to get his hair cut - even though when I was younger and not a mom I LIKED long hair. I think it's some sort of recessive gene that only gets activated once you have a son) My hair, while not as wavy as yours, is pretty wild when I wake up in the morning, too. I just have too much pride to post a picture of it for the whole world (okay, the 12 people who read my blog) to see. LOL

  39. I'm in agreement with the poster Ramon. Remember, Gwyneth clearly has your hair based on baby pics. She's going to be like the Pantene girl, with full wavy locks.

    I know exactly how to achieve that look myself after spending the night in ER with my son with his seizures. It's very attractive. People wonder if you are in the right hospital, if you know what I mean.
    Loved your dad's comment. I see where you get your sense of humor.

  40. So, now we all know what's hiding under the hats.

  41. Listen to your Dad;)

  42. A previous poster said "With all that is going on, you can look any way you want :)" And whats great about that is that God can use you however you look! And using you He is!

  43. Love it!! and dad's comment... spoken like a true parent!!LOL (he is my ageor near) Humor is good...also love the mad scientist comment...LOL Good that people think they can pick on you--in a good way-like if you were a family member of all these people--I think you guys are!! Love and prayers continue...

  44. Absolutly fantabulous!!! In my opinion its not about how you wake up in the morning or how you go to sleep at night, its all about the love that you have for one another and all the other stuff just does not matter.. if the wonderful world of bloggers or people on the street don't like it, tell them to walk a mile in your shoes and then have them tell you that they would look any different.

    I think you look..... LOVED!!

  45. Phhwweeeewww. I am laughing so hard at the visual of you taking your hat off for the first time in front of someone. You're like a can a snakes springing out from under that hat! How many people have you startled? Good thing you're in a hospital where they can get help when they have a coronary! LOL!

  46. I read your blog all the time! I never comment on blogs, but I had to let you know....I laughed so hard when I seen your waking up picture! Thanks for the laugh! I really, really needed that!

  47. That's so Funny-

    Praying for you all,

  48. I like the second picture better! That's real life, right!


  49. The theme song from the movie "Weird Science' popped into my head when I saw it! Wishing you all love, prayers and healing from MS!

  50. You are so funny!! I love reading your blog! My prayers are with you, Tricia, and that sweet little baby. I shared your story in our Sanctity of Life Sunday Service. You are an awesome family.

    ~karen (Wisconsin)

  51. Hilarious! I think we "share" the same sense of humor, maybe it has something to do with being "PK's"??!! Hmmmmmmmm something to ponder!! HAHA!! Have a great day guys!
    Michelle in Tulsa

  52. You silly silly man, I can tell you are a new daddy! Don't you know that when you have a kid and we see the word Compare, we are expecting side-by-side pictures of your baby so we can see how much she is changing!

    (hint hint)

    Apryl in NC

  53. i really like your crazy hair photo... made me smile big time :) very funny!!
    thanks for keeping us informed about everything, your blog has been a great inspiration to me.
    greetings from south africa!

  54. I thought that picture was GREAT.I laughed out loud!!!!!!! Shows your personality.

  55. Nate, I am sitting in the hospital right now and let me tell you...I guarantee neither Nicholas or my self look like we normally do. We call it "hospital hair." I thought you did it because you referred to us being crazy people at reaching the million mark. It doesn't matter what your hair looks like. I used to worry about it when we first started "living" in the hospital, but now I just don't care. (I'm still not brave enough to put it on my blog) ;o) You're a cutie no matter what. I love your dad too. He and your Uncle Andy are hilarious. I can see where you get it from.


  56. either are DA MAN!!!

  57. I was flipping from channel to channel the other day and saw this sitcom on TV. I don't remember the sitcom, but you looked like the man character on the show. I wish I could remember it.

    Don't cut your hair. It gives your wife strength. ;)

  58. I am vey fond of the first picture, you are rawkin' that fro!

  59. Barium is from the devil, I am sure of it!! LOL
    Praying for you often!

  60. I don't think ANYONE looks good when they just wake up! But you look great!

    Your dad's comment is pretty hilarious!

  61. I think the movie another poster commented about could be something with Chris Farley in it. Maybe a Matt Foley impersonation??

    "I'm tired of living in a van down by the river!"


    Go ahead can punch me in the shoulder.

  62. *Long time listener, first time caller and all that*

    I think it is perfectly wonderful to see a real person on the Internet. With bed head. It shows what type of person you are and your priorities. You get an A+ from me and your wife is very lucky to have such an attractive man by her side!

    And your dad IS awesome. He's allowed because he is your dad, I suppose.

  63. Nate- we've never met you, but, my, oh my, do I think we'd love to hang out with you guys!! What a super way to be able to show all that God is doing in your lives. Praying for you and your girls- looking forward to pictures of your whole family together in your house!!!
    Debbie S

  64. The hair reminds me of this guy named Rick that lived in our house in the 70's.

  65. Thanks for the chuckle!

    Love your hair hope it wins!


  66. Praying hard in Houston!!


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