
Friday, February 1, 2008

Coolest Update Ever (Part 1)

Yeah...basically the second greatest moment of my life.

Video coming soon...


(Please, be praying for Daniel right now!)


  1. Agreed. Absolutely beautiful. Well worth the wait. So very, very happy for you Nathan. Praying for Daniel!
    God's love and peace, Cousin Amy

  2. Wow...
    Let's hear you put that in words!
    praying for ya'll and Daniel.

  3. WOW that is beautiful! Congratulations dad!

    Told you I would be back this morning before work! ;)

  4. Aw Nate! What a great moment for little Gwyneth and her daddy! Great pictures!

  5. aw, i'm so excited that you finally got to hold her!!! yay!!

  6. I'm turning into a regular on American Bandstand.

  7. God is good! Congrats

  8. What a beautiful moment! I know you will treasure it forever. Praying for MANY more just like it and MANY with her Mommy! God bless!

  9. Its an amazing experience and just as wonderful for little Gwyneth's growth!
    CONGRATULATIONS DADDY! Your daughter is beautiful.

    P.S. You were right awesome update. Definitely worth setting my alarm for. :-)

  10. What wonderful pictures. The feeling of holding your little one in your arms after a long wait is priceless! Looking forward to seeing Gwyneth getting many more cuddles - from both of her parents!! Lots of love to you all XXX PS We're praying for Daniel too.

  11. I actually cried when I saw you holding your little girl. Granted, I cry watching reruns of Boy Meets World. But, I know what a wonderful moment that is. Congratulations. Her heart must be so happy right now.

  12. Wow! The miracle of birth! That sweet, baby girl is going to bring you more joy than you ever thought possible. The love has just begun, Nathan. A child is the greatest gift from God and I'm so thrilled that you and Tricia will share this journey with Gwyneth.

    You may want to use this blog for job-seeking opportunities so that you can get a second job. My husband will tell you that little girls get very, very spoiled by their Daddy. :o)

  13. "I will praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Isn't God amazing? God makes some pretty stinkin' cute kiddos and you are holding one of those treasures! So happy for you!!

  14. Ah....what a wonderful way to start my day today! I always love coming here...but today I'm leaving with a smile that's bound to last me all day! :)

  15. awwwwwwwwwwww is all I can say and i wanna hold her too:) How priceless. So does that mean you get to do kangaroo care everyday now? I also noticed some red eyes in the last pic. (ill bet you were crying like a baby) isnt being a parent the most awesome thing ever!!!

    btw i think its awesome that you post others prayer requests on your site with all this traffic.

    Praying for daniel

  16. ohhhh.... words are insufficient. But yes, you are right. It is the coolest update, ever!!

  17. Yay!

    So glad you finally got to hold her. Congratulations!

    LOVE the last picture of you looking at the camera. :)

    Hooray for "kangaroo care"!

  18. Awesome does not even begin to describe that feeling of holding your fragile preemie for the first time!


  19. I stand amazed...>:0) Beautiful...priceless.

    Praise You, Lord Jesus for your tiny but "huge" miracles. Amen

  20. Awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!! This is so lovely to see! What a gorgeous little thing she is, all cuddled up with her Daddy :o) Can't wait until Tricia gets to hold her too, it must be so hard for her to be parted from her little one. Enjoy the cuddles Dad! xxx

  21. BEAUTIFUL! Bless you all.

    PS : Nate your eyes are bloodshot but can't help not noticing the sparkle in your eye with your baby girl in your arms.

    Rest Nate.

  22. Yea Nate, that is the coolest.

  23. Nate - this is the first time I have made a comment - but I just wanted to let you know that your story has truly touched me. I look at your website constantly - and I'm always so happy to hear your great news. This post is awesome - I pray for you and your girls every day. Stephanie, in VA

  24. Breathtaking!

    Thank you for sharing!

    Such a sweet and tender moment.


  25. what a beautiful sight! she's just perfect!

  26. Oh Nathan
    Yup Yup it happened again ....more Prayers answered loud & clear....
    Oh yeahhhhhh....isnt that the very best feeling in the world, i'm so happy for you...
    lotsa' prayers headed your way
    for you & your's....
    Long Islaand New York

  27. Absolutely beautiful!! What a wonderful moment!!

  28. How Awesome!! Congrats! Praying for Daniel. Can't wait until to see picture of mommy holding her daughter!!!

  29. I'm so happy for you!

    Gwyneth look very cozy doing kangaroo care with her daddy... Precious moments, thanks for sharing.

  30. What a way to start the day! Praise God, from whom all gorgeous little blessings flow! Yay for Kangaroo Care!! :)

  31. Gorgeous!! Teard of JOY I can not imagine how that must have felt for you and baby Gwyneth!

  32. Aw...oh, I am so happy for you.

  33. Oh, my goodness!! How beautiful!!

    Congratulations, dad!

  34. How INCREDIBLY cool!!!!!! Now we can really get a better idea of how tiny she is!!!
    ~Sheryl =)

  35. Thank you so much for sharing that moment with us...most people think that witnessing something truly majestic would be one of God's creations in nature. I believe one of the most majestic sights is a father holding his tiny baby for the first time...what a beautiful sight.

  36. Awesome is really the only word I can think of to describe that right now and I do not think it gives those pictures due credit!! I know it was equally as special for your little White Rose as well!!

  37. God is sooooo good! Praise Him!!
    Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures with us! We are still praying here in NJ

  38. After hearing good news about Tricia, this was the next post I was waiting for!! There is nothing better than holding someone so tiny and finally being able to really bond with her. Our boys thrived after we were able to hold them. Praying for continued growth for Gwyn!
    Praying for you and for Daniel and his family.

  39. Wow...That is sooo great!

  40. That is so awesome.... I am so happy you got to hold your precious daughter. What a wonderful feeling. Can't wait until Tricia gets to hold her. :)


  41. WOW, how amazing and what a precious, long awaited moment. A picture says a thousand words, and the last one says it all. Your first heart to heart with your daughter, praying for many, many more. Praying for Daniel.
    Thanks Nate,
    Laurie in Ca.

  42. What a wonderful moment. How cool it must be for you to finally get to hold her. Still lifting you all up to God.


  43. What a beautiful feeling that is to hold your child just like that. The memories of me holding my little one floods my eyes with tears of joy for you.

  44. Okay, you got me, that IS even cooler than your other "coolest post ever"!
    Did they have to put a tiny umbrella over her to protect her from all of the tears you (must have) had streaming down your face?
    Pretty cool how God can continue to amaze us every day, isn't it? Praying this morning that he will amaze us with Daniel's surgery and recovery as well!

  45. *gasp. choke. SOB*

  46. Glad I checked here before putting on my make-up. Wow! Those are some of the most awesome pictures ever. PTL!

    Our God is an awesome God
    He reigns from heaven above
    Our God is an awesome God
    Our God is an awesome God!


  47. Thank you for sharing the moment with us. Beyond words!
    Enjoy every minute.

  48. Beautiful! Amazing! Our God is Awesome! Leaving here with a smile and happy heart for you and your precious little one.

  49. Awwww Nate... I'm SO happy for you! What a beautiful, special moment! Gwyneth loved snuggling up on her daddy. How precious is that!! I can't imagine the joy that you felt finally getting to hold her after 3 weeks! Such beautiful pictures.... my heart is overflowing for you!

  50. simply put...congrats!!

    M, L, M & W

  51. That is just beautiful. That last picture really got me. *snif* Gwyneth seems to be making great strides. I am so happy for you guys!

    A family in our church has a preemie and she is now 7 weeks old and doing great. I'm following her progress too and thinking that Gwyneth will be hitting all of those marks in the near future. There is power in prayer and unity in the Spirit.

    Melissa in PA

    PS--Hi Tricia!! Glad to hear you're doing better, too. I admire your strength, courage and faith. You are an encouragement to so many. Bless you.

  52. Simply put ~ amazing! Yay God!

  53. When I saw your title, I knew what it was before I even saw the photos.

    What a moment for you. Weeping tears of joy.

  54. WOW. All I can say.

    Siobhan x

  55. Seeing that bring warmth to my heart. I can only imagine what it did for you both!

    Congratuations...what a wonderful day!

  56. Wow! Hallelujah! You're teary, bleary eyes are precious!! :-)

  57. Absolutely precious. You made my day! Can we say PROUD! :)

  58. Absolutely beautiful. Crying tears of joy for you.

  59. How beautiful! :)

    Can I just tell you how addicted I am to this blog and how excited I am to come here and see the work of the Lord~ ~ ~ This morning our dog woke us up EARLY EARLY b/c she had to go out. Usually, I'd just sleepily walk to the door, let her out and trudge back to bed. Not today though, I actually had to let her out, come to the family room, turn the computer on and come here to see what the update was!:)


    Praying in NY, Amy

  60. WoooooHoooooo! ! ! ! The picture of the year! I can't wait to see the NEXT coolest update when we see Tricia holding her! ! !


  61. Another miracle and blessing from God! Definitely worth the wait! Praying for many more opportunities like this!

  62. Oh Nate... there are no words necessary given the look on your face in the last photo.

    Gwyneth looks at home in your arms. Here's to a lifetime of hugs.

    Thanks for sharing the link on Daniel. As much as I was looking forward to your "cool" update, I want to give Daniel's family the prayer support they need right now too.

  63. How beautiful! Do you know what I mean know about "burn your heart?"

    When you put her down, and walked away, her heat was still in your heart wasn't it. And that heat will carry you through until you can hold her again. It is truly an amazing feeling. Now, let's get Tricia that burn!

  64. Amazing! She is perfect. You are so blessed to have Gwyneth for a daughter, and she is so blessed to have you for a daddy. I'm praying Tricia gets to hold her soon. I can't imagine having to wait so long.

    Every time I see pictures of Gwyneth, Psalm 139 comes to mind. For it was You who created my inward parts; You knit me together in my mother's womb. I will praise You, because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful and I know this very well. Praising Him for the gift of sweet baby Gwyneth.

  65. Nate--oooh my goodness!!! Tears ---Nate---HOW AMAZING IS OUR GOD!!! OOOH NATE I have tears--this hit my heart-- we are going to pick up our little boy in Guatemala in three days and he was premature. Born somewhere in the seventh month (we are unsure) without a NICU. Nate we serve an amazing God ---these babies are such an example of his goodness and his MIRACLES!!!!!!! Thank you for posting!

  66. Nothing like that feeling in the whole world is there!!??

  67. Breathtaking ... how could anyone look at photos like these and ever question the existence of God? You and your family (and God's work through you) are an inspiration to us all!

  68. The next "best" moment, will be seeing Tricia holding Gwynie. I still remember that first time to hold my son(3 yrs ago) It's the most surreal feeling, isn't it?


  69. Your eyes tell it all!! Those pictures are the best!!

  70. Isn't it the best??? You just want to sit there forever, don't you? Stay as long as they will let you! Priceless moments.

    Karen in TN

  71. Now not only is she wrapped around your finger, but every bit of your heart! Congratulations, Daddy! Can't wait to watch your relationship grow as she does...
    Praying for you all and Daniel this morning.

  72. I get chills just looking at that - what a wonderful moment. You look so proud of your little Gwen. Praying Tricia gets the same opprotunity soon...


  73. really there are NO words to describe this.

    can't wait to see her mamma doing the same

  74. Awww! One of the most wonderful feelings in the world is your preemie snuggling into you, isn't it? Enjoy every blessed moment!!

  75. Oh Nathan, what an indescribably amazing moment that must have been for you! I can't even imagine what you were feeling. I am praising our great God this morning for giving you such a great gift. I'll be praying for Daniel as well!

  76. AMAZING!! The last pictures says sums it all up! i've been checking this blog for a month now...I'm blessed. every night I get in bed with my laptop and read the latest updates to my husband (both of us are LU alumns but don't know you guys) we are praying and sending love your way! -jamie

  77. You did it to me again, this is so beautiful, I'm crying.
    Thank You Jesus.

  78. Awww, the look on your face. There are no words.

  79. Tears of joy streaming down my face as I look at the indescribable pictures of you holding your daughter. Gods gifts & blessings are amazing! Still praying for all of you, but also praising God for how he is lifting you up.

    ~Sara in MD

  80. Hoorah! I'm crying over here :) What an incredible moment that must have been...I can't wait to see Tricia have her turn :)


  81. Nate & Girls,

    Thank you so much for sharing your journey with anyone who will read this blog. In the past weeks I have been addicted to your blog. Praying every day for the well being of you and your family. All I can say is that we have an AWESOME GOD!
    What a feeling to have your baby girl lay on your chest! I hope that you and Tricia both get to keep holding her! I pray that Gwyneth heals leaps and bounds now that you can hold her and she can "feel" your love.

    God Bless from MN

    We will say a special prayer for Daniel

  82. I am so happy for you!! She is beautiful and looked so warm and peaceful laying there! Every little girls safe spot DADDY'S ARMS!!

  83. There are NO words to describe the BEAUTIFUL and AMAZING pictures you posted of Daddy and his precious little princess! Just AMAZING and VERY TOUCHING! Will be awaiting MANY more pics of ones like these including MOMMY with baby Gwyneth. Many Blessings, Meredith/Orlando FL

  84. Words are not necessary. Your face, especially your eyes, say it all! You are such a blessed daddy and Gwyneth has one cool papa!

    I've linked your site to mine:

    You might want to also check out:

    he's cpap-in!

  85. Oh! WONDERFUL!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures! They are fantastic. I can't imagine how wonderful that must have felt to finally hold your baby girl! Praying for you all- and Daniel too! :)

  86. Wow that is AWEsome! Our Lord is so amazing!! He is so faithful! Praise be to Him, the Creator!!
    Tears of joy here!!
    Shawna in Oklahoma

  87. Absolutely beautiful!!

    I will never forget the first time I held my preemie twins. Forever the best feeling in the world.


  88. You've got your hands on a miracle for sure!!
    Awwww... happy tears and praises to an Awesome God!!
    Congrats Dad.


  89. Coolest update ever to say the least....waiting full of suspense for your next post and video....
    Praying for Mommy to share that wonderful smell infants have,
    that warm snuggly never want to let go feeling...ah gee there's nothing like it, Praying like crazy for Mommy to have her Happy First Kangaroo Day Very - Very Soon
    Happy First Kangaroo Day
    To You Nathan...
    Showering You All Lovingly With Prayers and Well Wish's
    Long Island New York
    ***yes my second comment on this post...I have to do something to justify all the time I spend sitting here hitting the refresh button & when that doesnt work I close your blog page and then open with the link, while thinking the refresh button must not be working....****
    =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =)

  90. Seeing you holding your little miracle is worth a million words.

    Love to all.

  91. Nathan,
    What a beautiful post. Kangaroo-ing has to be the most dreamiest experience in the world. Natural high. You two look gorgeous together. Can't wait to see Trish hold her too :)
    Shannon in Austin

  92. WOW that just made my whole day!!!

  93. I thought you said skin-to-skin contact... looks like somebody needs a wax job! HAHAHA! (You know you love me!)

    Love ya!

  94. blessed daddy and daughter!

    I now see the resemblance!

  95. Well, that's just COOL. Praise Him. What a little miracle you are holding in your hands! I'm so excited she got to be held by her daddy. What a great day for you all as a family. Praying for Tricia, Gwyneth, you, your family, and the medical teams!!!


  96. Beyond Words......

    A blessing from God!

  97. All that I can hear right now is the Hallelujah Chorus!!!!!!!!
    Praise Him! Praise Him!
    That last picture looks like a proud daddy thinking, Lookit me...I'm holding my precious gift! Congratulations! Continuing to pray for all of y'all!
    Now off to Daniel's page...
    ~ becky b

  98. Wow - just wow. No words needy here. Pretty heady feeling eh- overwhelming love and protectiveness - it must be so wonderfully nourishing for Gwyneth to feel her Dad's touch, skin to skin - and wonderfully nourishing for you. Beautiful.

  99. I just can't get this question out of my head...As a Grand Mother I have to ask...
    "when the coast is clear" do grandparents get to share some kangaroo time"
    God Bless & YES we are praying for David & his family

  100. Sweet Sassy Molassy!

    Milk, physical contact = growth
    Watch what happens now to little baby Rose. It won't be long before she is bigger than her pug.

    I'm amazed and I'm sure you are. Imagine what is Gwyneth is feeling now.

    Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

  101. Praise God!!! I don't even have the words. Bless you all!!!!

  102. That is the best feeling EVER. You both look lovely.

  103. The only thing more incredible than that is the look in your eye.

  104. The joy you must have felt when that precious little girl was placed on your chest. Praying for you, Gwyenth and Tricia.

  105. Nate,
    Kangaroo Care is the coolest thing ever!! It's amazing how when you watch her stats, she calms down when you hold her. What a sweet baby girl. Dana J

  106. One of the most beautiful things ever! That baby is so dear. I can't wait to see Tricia doing the kangaroo cuddle.

  107. Um, yeah. Totally cool post. The coolest.

  108. Our God is an awesome God. Beautiful pictures. Praying for all of you.

  109. You have got to be the proudest Papa ever! What beautiful pictures! I cannot believe how tiny your little girl is - what an amazing thing it must be to hold such a perfect miracle. Blessings!

  110. Yeah! What a blessing ... I know you are LOVING the kangaroo hold. It is amazing to see how absolutely tiny Gwyneth is. It is very evident in these pictures. Does she not have the longest legs????

  111. Wonderful and beautiful!! God is great!! Prayers are still comming your way, and Daniel's too!!

  112. Thank God for the blessings in life.

  113. that is awesome!!! so happy for you!!!! :)

  114. thanks for the warning that I needed a box of kleenex this morning! Wow! Beautiful site!

  115. What a great day! Another answer to prayer!

  116. Oh Nate--I cried as I rejoiced at your chance to do kangaroo care!! How awesome for you!! I can only continue to pray for the day Tricia does the same. Keeping you and the girls in my prayers.
    Renee in Lexington

  117. What an absolutely beautiful moment! The Lord has really brought little Gwyneth far. Just as you were able to hold your little one in your arms, I think of the times we are helplessly in the arms of our Heavenly Father. He is working in her little body each minute. Precious. Amazing.

    -with tears of excitement for you-

  118. Nate I'm so glad you finally got to hold Gwyneth, what a beautiful moment.

  119. Wow what a wonderful moment... there is nothing to compare. Just more to look forward to.

    We're praying for Daniel!

  120. How beautiful and so sweet! What an amazing feeling to hold someone so precious so close to your heart. I know you have been waiting patiently for the time to come. We will keep you and your family in our prayers along with Daniel. Thank you for taking your time to share with everyone.

  121. Oh my gosh! How absolutely precious!!

  122. I am speechless.....Just so Amazing and Beautiful....WOW!

  123. I am in tears as I look at those beautiful pictures. I think that must be how God holds us. May you continue to feel Him holding you just like that!

    Praying in Kingston, Ontario,
    The de Boer Family

  124. Her thighs are smaller than your fingers! Wow shes tiny, and beautiful.

  125. That is one of the most precious things I have ever seen!!! Congratulations. I hope you have many more awwwww moments coming your way! :)

  126. I know you are SUPER BUSY! I remember when I spent 3 months in the hospital my husband didn't have time for ANYTHING but eatting...
    BUT as I was reading your post the song ~ "The Way you Look Tonight"
    It goes ~
    Some day when I'm feeling blue I will feel feel a glow,
    Just thinking of you, and the way you look tonight..

    There is more, but I thought it was so fitting.
    The pictures are beautiful, I'm so glad you finally got to hold your little girl.
    Please if you get a chance, or put it on your list of things when you get out of that hospital to listen to that song... It's perfect for you.

  127. Looks like sweet baby Gwyneth already has her daddy wrapped around her little finger. Simply beautiful...thanks for sharing and please know that I continue to pray for all of you daily.

  128. Wonderful! I'm so happy for you. :) Still praying for you guys! Congrats, by the way.

  129. just breath taking! i am speechless...praise God! this is just absolutely awsome...OMG! i can't believe it! well worth waiting for this update that's is for darn sure!!!!!!!! God bless and there will more days like this to come!!!

    Bonny in TX

  130. just breath taking! i am speechless...praise God! this is just absolutely awsome...OMG! i can't believe it! well worth waiting for this update that's is for darn sure!!!!!!!! God bless and there will more days like this to come!!!

    Bonny in TX

  131. I knew there was a reason I shouldn't read your blog at work...I'm a puddle! SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!! I am soooo soooo happy you were able to hold her skin to skin!!!!

  132. Love it! You are hereby the PROUDEST PAPA in the world! God Bless! Praying for you all!

  133. Ahhhhh!! Love it. I'm sure that was so wonderful for Gwyneth too... to be able to be snuggled like that. So happy for you guys and looking forward to seeing Tricia hold her soon as well!

  134. Wow! What an amazing sight! I am so happy for you.

  135. Absolutely beautiful! Still praying for your precious family.

  136. Wow, it makes it obvious how tiny she is when you see her next to you. Amazing.

  137. I had a feeling this might be what you were going to post!! Beautiful, indeed. One of the best feelings in the world...holding your precious babe for the first time!!

  138. thank you Jesus! you guys are in my prayers.

  139. Absolutely beautiful pictures. Continued prayers for you precious family.

    God bless,


  140. Amazing pics Nate! So happy you finally get to hold your baby girl! Thinking of you and your family always....

    Prayers for daniel as well....
    take care little one....

  141. Nate, this is the first time I have commented on the blog and I am teary-eyed, speechless, and definitely in awe of my God!! I just wanted you to know I am a friend of Donna Holland. She called my home during my Bible study this past Tuesday evening (1/29) and asked for prayer for Tricia. You were all well covered in prayer by the time we ended. Thank you for sharing your journey...

    Serena Luke

  142. Thank you for sharing special moments with us all. I had tears of happiness seeing your sweet girl in your arms.

    Thank you heavenly Father for the miracle's you are allowing us all to be apart of.

    What a precious sight!

  143. Oh my goodness....don't think I've ever seen anything more precious! You must be one proud daddy :)
    She's beautiful! I bet you're glad to finally be able to hold your little sweet-heart! Yet another answer to prayer :-)

  144. I am still tearing up! Gwyneth is such a true fighter and now that she was held by Daddy, she's gonna fight harder so that she gets more of that! Always in our prayers here on Long Island...

  145. God is SO good! Thanks for sharing! You'll be amazed at how quickly Gwyneth begins to grow now that she can touch you! Congratulations, Daddy!

  146. Warning: When Part 2 comes up be ready. I've seen it.

  147. All choked up here. Words can't even describe that moment!
    Absolutely wonderful and Gwyneth looks so at peace in her Daddy's arms!

  148. I got the chills. Congratulations! What a beautiful time with your daughter. Praying that Tricia gets that moment soon.


  149. Those are just precious! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing!!!

  150. Amazing! The look on your face says it all...

    Praying for you today.

  151. The only thing better will be when mama gets to hold her!

    Wow! There really are not words!


  152. One of the most beautiful things in life is to hold a baby. Your face says it all. Brings tears to my eyes. You will remember that moment for the rest of your life.
    Can't wait to see part II!

  153. Looks like you've got 2 beautiful girls on your hands now. Can't wait for Tricia to be holding her too!!

  154. When my younger son told me that sometimes he can or cannot believe in our Heavenly Father I tried to explain that this would not necessarily depend on our circumstances. Then I showed the kids your blog. I told them about Gwyneth and Tricia (and you). They were so fascinated by little Gwyneth. :-) We had a great talk about the ways of our Heavenly Father. I also showed them Maddox. Now they sometimes ask about any news. And tonight they will love it! :-) We think of you. We pray Tricia and Gwyneth will be fine. Hopefully they will be able to be that close to each other soon. We love the Lord. And we love the example that so many people give through their lives. Dont worry, no "heights".

    I said a prayer for Daniel now...

  155. Thats gotta be the best feeling to hold your baby on your chest for the first time, Congratulations Daddy, Gweneth is very beautiful.

  156. Makes you wonder how God feels when one of His creation turns to Him in faith and Father and child are brought together for the first time?

    "He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart." (Is. 40:11 NLT)

  157. WOW.
    Now I have to explain to everyone at work why I sitting at my desk crying.

  158. I love that post. Seriously, Gwyneth looks so content and peaceful and you look like your about to explode for happiness and joy.

  159. Okay... so I am crying right here at my desk at work. I am so happy for you. I can't even begin to think of the emotions you must be going through. Gweneth looks so small and beautiful in your hands. Congratulations.


  160. "and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice." 1 kings 19:12

    so glad you got to experience the "still small voice"

  161. "and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice." 1 kings 19:12

    so glad you got to experience the "still small voice"

  162. Oh my gosh that is so AWESOME. It made me cry. God is so good.
    Jenn in CA

  163. Oh Nate,

    I started to tear up when I saw the pictures. How cool that you got to hold Gwyneth. Has Tricia been able to hold her yet? Looking forward to those pictures when she is able to hold her. We will be praying for Daniel. May you all have a blessed weekend.

    Love, The Hagers in Michigan

  164. Brought tears to my eyes. ;-) I know this was a special moment for you. Praying for you all.

  165. AMEN! :D This brings tears to me eyes! God continues to reveal Himself in ways FAR beyond our expectations! Whoever said that this was a 'curse' from Satan has obviously forgotten about the sovereignty of our God!!! NOTHING and NO ONE can touch us, if He does not allow! What a blessing to know that you and Tricia believe in this LIFE-GIVING truth from His Word, as well!!

    Continued prayers from 'Breathtaking Ministries',
    Amber N. Metz

  166. I was doing good till the last picture then I lost it! Thanks for sharing such intimate moments with all us out here!

    We are still praying!

  167. Psalm 145:6 "Men shall speak of the power of Thine awesome acts, and I will tell of Thy greatness."

    Thank you for reflecting His glory and speaking of His greatness in the midst of such indescribable difficulty.

    Gwyneth is beautiful. We pray every day for you all. We rejoice in these pictures and those moments.

    Jer. 32:17 "Ah, Sovereign LORD, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for You."

    Praying in Wheaton, IL

  168. Amazing, heart touching-I just can't think of anything else to say.

  169. I haven't left any comments on your blog up until now, but wanted to let you know I'm reading multiple times a day and praying for you and your beautiful family.

  170. What a milestone!! Those are just the most precious pictures ever. Continuing to pray for you.

  171. OH, that made me cry! I remember the first time I was able to hold Bennett (he was 6 weeks on the oscillating vent so it took awhile.) Cradling a one pound baby is surreal, isn't it? Holding a miracle...

    Bennett turned 3 years old this week, our 23 weeker is now racing around and barely pauses long enough for me to snatch a quick hug. But when he's in my arms, I remember those precious moments of him so tiny on my chest.

    Congratulations on this beautiful milestone. I am so, so happy for your family.

  172. Oh Nathan! I am so happy you got to do the Kangaroo thing!
    She looks so content laying in Daddy's arms!
    I bet you are dancing on cloud 9!

  173. WAY AWESOME !




  174. Wow...
    God's creations are incredible :).

    Praying for you guys, and for Daniel.
    -Emily Haager

  175. This comment has been removed by the author.

  176. How beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing this precious moment with us!

    Thanks again for sharing space on your blog to let others know about Daniel and to ask for prayers for this precious boy as he goes through his brain surgery!

    His mom said she would call me as soon as she had information for me to post, so keep the prayers going everyone. I will update my blog as soon as I get the call.

  177. I dont know you, but I read your blog. The pics of you and your wonderful baby brought me to tears. What a great day. :) Hope you all are doing well.

  178. Gwyneth, Nathan and Tricia,

    I thank God you are sharing your journey. He used it in a mighty way for me today. I saw the entry about 20 minutes after you posted it and spent all day "hearing" God speak to me through it. You are often in my prayers.

  179. Wow! Congratulations! How beautiful.

  180. when is mommy's turn???

  181. -shedding tears of joy-

  182. Priceless.
    What is more special!?

  183. Praise God! How wonderful that you were able to hold your precious little daughter. What a gift from God.


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