
Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Flu

The hospital is the easiest place in the world to get sick.

The Flu is rearing it's ugly head. They say that there is even a flu virus going around that is not affected by the flu shots handed out this year.

The hospital put up signs yesterday warning of the flu and asking anyone who may be sick to not even enter the building. Only primary caregivers are allowed to visit patients.

Please, pray that people will have wisdom when visiting the hospital over the next several weeks. Please, pray as we trust God that Tricia, Gwyneth and I (and our parents who can still visit) will stay germ free. If Tricia or Gwyneth were to contract the flu, it would be a very bad thing.

Visit This Article to learn ways to stay germ free.




  1. I never even thought about ELEVATOR BUTTONS! I try not to be a germ-a-phobe, but the simple precautions illustrated in that article could potentially keep many of us from contracting an illness...or a virus to an already "fragile" person such as Tricia or Gwyneth.
    Maybe hospitals should keep wipes in the elevator like grocery stores do for cart handles! AND, hand out masks at the door to help keep viruses at bay. At least during flu season. Thanks for the heads up, Nate!

  2. Will be praying for all of you to stay healthy...especially Tricia and Gwyneth!

  3. Will be praying for you guys!

  4. thanks for posting about this. i have a good friend that is in the hospital now due to flu and pneumonia. i pray that you and your family remain healthy!

  5. I have been praying for this and will continue to do so. Praying for both of your girls and for the other patients there. Also praying for the donor family and for Tricia. My hearts desire is to hear that the three of you are healthy and headed home to be a family. I know it is in the future, but am praying for it now.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  6. We had the Influenza A last week and it knocked us out for over 10 days. I have always found hospitals to be a hard place to deal with germs. My kids are told to put hands in pockets and not touch anything. Praying that you will stay healthy. Have a good weekend.

  7. prayin' prayin' prayin' prayin'

  8. I am praying for this, for Kelly, for things that I don't even know enough to pray specifically for.

  9. I saw an article on wral on this.

  10. Will definitely be in prayer about this!

    It's great to know that God is in control of all things!

  11. My heart sank for a minute ... I thought YOU had the flu and would not be able to visit your wife and daughter!

    Yes, I hope with you that people are wise in visiting the hospital ONLY if they are completely well!

  12. Nate,
    Thanks for the last few posts. It's very helpful to lead our prayers when we have a bit of specific information. Praying still that God continues holding your family in His hands!

  13. Thanks for the specific prayer request. We will lift it up to the God of all Grace as we pray for you daily!

  14. i worry about this and other respiratory viruses for your girls. i work in a pediatric icu and this is one of the worst years we've seen. so i hope you and your family will continue to not be affected by any of these things.

    good thoughts coming your way.

  15. I stumbled onto your blog through the Bolte's, I think. Just want you to know that I am praying for you, Tricia, and Gwyneth.

    in Clarksville TX

  16. Thanks for all the specific prayer requests and for being so informative! Still Praying.

  17. Am thinking of you and praying that G-d keeps all of you safe.

  18. This is a biggie. Where I work there are pumps of antibacterial hand wash outside EVERY room and the rule is you have to wash hands before entering, after leaving, before entering the next room, etc. Prayers for sure!

  19. If it's not one thing, it's another. I suppose you are used to that. We'll be praying that *all three* of you can stay clear of these germs- along with your doctors and nurses.
    I had some catching up to do.. I am learning so much from here, do you feel like you could be a doctor yet?
    Thanks for the updates- even on your "breaks". Even though God knows, it's good to have specifics to pray for. :) We are praying for you guys!

  20. Nate, thanks for the update and concerns about the flu. We will include that is our prayers daily for continued health, improvements, and all that you all may need.

  21. Been down almost 3 weeks...and I had the vaccine, too. (Yes STAY away folks, if you are sick!)
    Will pray Gods protecting hand holds you all tight!!

  22. Yeah - the flu shot has been absolutely useless this year - there's been a bunch of articles in the news about how it is protecting against the exact wrong strands of flu. Be careful...I'll be praying!

  23. That was very smart of the hospital do that.Last year at the VA hospital which is near Duke they had a few cases of the rotovirus and boy did they close up everything real fast!

    Will keep you in prayer.I can't imagaine how careful you must be so you don't get sick then pass anything on or even the staff.

  24. What are you going to do with your pets? We had to go the immunity route with our baby and we were firmly told no pets, no standing water, even well meaning gifts of flowers were not allowed. Best of God's 'luck' to you

  25. OK, so i AM a germaphobe...I was in our local hospital lately, using my ELBOW to press the elevator buttons - it's a sickness thing that's being going around the UK though - yeugH!

    I will pray for the Lord's protection of you all.

  26. I know a little too much about the flu this year! I gave birth to a beautiful little girl exactly two weeks ago. Unfortunately we ended heading back to the hospital this week because she got the flu. This was very scary since she is so young. She was the youngest patient on the peds floor, but God really had his hand of protection over her. Her fever broke this morning and we are home now, but not quite out of the woods. She's improving but still not healthy. Things could have easily spiraled out of control, but God was certainly in control!!

    I found myself thinking about you guys a lot while I was in the hospital with my little girl, McKenna. The trials you guys have been going through gave me great perspective and I was able to be very calm and at peace about our hospital stay, knowing that things could be much worse. Your faith and calm during the storms you have been going through has been a great encouragement to me this week!!

    One thing that I learned for myself over the last several days is just how great blogging can be. My sister and I kept updating my blog so our friends and family could be praying and it was so encouraging to get comments from everyone and to know that people were checking and people were praying!!

  27. Praying that the flu stays far away from all of you! Purell has become my best friend working in kindergarten and Lowes the past couple of weeks, thats for sure.


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