
Thursday, February 21, 2008

Good Day

Today was a good day. No word from the Transplant Team yet, but we're told it should still be in the next few days. Uncle Andy and good friend, Mike came to visit for a few hours today, which was great.

Tricia has been fever free since Sunday, which is a great sign that she's truly infection free. Now, we just need to keep her that way.

Gwyneth is still on the CPAP and doing well. She was moved to a different room today so that they could clean the room she has been in. She's now in a small room all by herself, which I like because it means she'll basically have one-on-one care, and I get some privacy when visiting her. :)

Just a heads up...the days I don't post much are usually a sign that it's been a busy, but good day. The days when there's bad news, you'll either hear from me or my dad or Andy either on this blog or on theirs. In the meantime, please, Think Twice before voicing your worries, begging for an update, or feeling the need to defend me/us on any point. While we (in some way) appreciate the concern, I promise it won't accomplish any good, as evident by all the deleted comments under This Post. (and, there's no need to apologize, defend or mention anything along those lines...moving on)

I'll try to post again this evening sometime if I can get a few minutes.

