
Monday, February 25, 2008

A Good Read

Psalm 27

A David Psalm
1 Light, space, zest— that's God! So, with Him on my side I'm fearless, afraid of no one and nothing. 2 When vandal hordes ride down ready to eat me alive, Those bullies and toughs fall flat on their faces. 3 When besieged, I'm calm as a baby. When all hell breaks loose, I'm collected and cool. 4 I'm asking God for one thing, only one thing: To live with Him in His house my whole life long. I'll contemplate His beauty; I'll study at His feet. 5 That's the only quiet, secure place in a noisy world, The perfect getaway, far from the buzz of traffic. 6 God holds me head and shoulders above all who try to pull me down. I'm headed for His place to offer anthems that will raise the roof! Already I'm singing God-songs; I'm making music to God. 13-14 I'm sure now I'll see God's goodness in the exuberant earth. Stay with God! Take heart. Don't quit. I'll say it again: Stay with God.


  1. Amen Nate, good read for sure. With God before us, who can be against us.
    Praying for your girls today and asking God to meet each one of their needs and yours too. I am 100% behind you and your family in this miracle that continues to unfold. Stand in the Lord.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  2. A very good read, what version is that?

  3. In much agreement on this one. Praise HIS name!!

    Blessings and Hope,

    Jen-William's Mom

  4. I love the way "The Message" makes the bible so easy to read.

    A very good read indeed.
    Thanks for sharing that today.


  5. This was a great thing to read today, thank you!

  6. I am one of the many who check out your blog daily, sometimes many times a day. I just want you to know that I pray for you and your family and think of you constantly.

    I typically don't read the comments nor have I commented before, but... It hurts my heart to hear that some have left negative comments.

    We are not to judge simply by reading parts of someone's life and their struggles and journeys through life. No one that reads your blog has the right to judge your choices and the decisions you have made (by "you" I mean your whole family).

    So I am sorry that you have had to read negative comments. I hope you continue to stay positive through your journey and thank you for sharing it with the world. You are an inspiration!

    Single mom of 2 healthy, beautiful boys. Minnesota

  7. What a wonderful reminder of whom we can trust! I continue to pray for all 3 of you!

  8. amen! it's good to read and be reminded of those things!

  9. That is so true.....Praise God!!!

  10. Sweet Man Nate!
    What an incredibly strong man you are. I am amazed every time I read one of your blogs. Obviously, the only way you are surviving day to day is from the strength that God is providing you and your 2 special girls. I appreciate your sharing yourself with the world.
    I am not one who keeps up with blogs other than yours as well as my son and daughter-in-law's who are attempting to adopt their 1st child from Vietnam. Due to cancer, they are unable to have biological children of their own, so my hat is off to you and Tricia for allowing your petite little angel to enter this world. A true blessing!

  11. hey nate. just curious if you knew any reading that would be great for my wedding. i'm going to try to find the breathing one that you posted a while back. i am getting married march 29th and i need a reading from the new testament and old. i'd appreciate your help :) i'm 25 w/cf.

  12. Just catching up with your "race" progress and WOW a lot's been going on! So encouraged to see you are all keeping up the pace on the road He's set before you. Your videos were terrific--thanks for blessing others with the grace He's given you. We're praying for you, those to whom your lives show Christ, and everything and everyone who will be affected by what comes next.

  13. Many prayers sent your way today. You three are a blessed and amazing family.

  14. There is nothing as inspiring as God's Word.

  15. Hello, Nate, Just wanted to stop by as I saw a link to your website from another blog I read (
    I'm a cf'er and have gone through two lung transplants. The first in 1996 was a bilateral, the second done in 2002 was a single.
    I thought I'd just stop by to let you know there are success stories out here. I'm turning 36 this year, old for a cf'er ;) My wife and I travel quite a bit and recently we returned from a three week backpacking trip through part of Europe.
    Although I'm an atheist, I hope you'll accept my well wishes for you, your wife and your baby girl. It sounds like you are all a remarkable family!

  16. What version is that Nate? Is it The Message? Or something else?

  17. I especially LOVE verse 13(sorry but I'm a NKJV/NASB gal...typed w/ a each his own):

    "I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living."


  18. Thanks for that post. After spending the day with my mom going through my fathers things and felling a little "poor pitiful me" you turned me around. I can always find comfort here because of your positive attitude. I am praying for both of your beautiful girls. As I back read the blog from yesterday I must say the new pictures are great. I do believe Gwyneth is filling out. I loved her cute little cheeks!

  19. I love it when the Word just grabs you and pulls you in to a very specific book or chapter... this was always happening to me when in the hospital with Gabe.

    Isaiah 38 - about 42 was so very encouraging to me during some of the darkest most hopeless times. Maybe you could check it out.

    There's nothing like the Word to remind us of what is important and actually matters. Thank you Lord...

    Much love from our family to yours,

  20. Nate- Praise the Lord that HE is our Light and our Salvation! Although I've been reading your blog for a while now, this is the first time I've commented. Thank you for being a light in a dark world, amidst all the struggles that your family is going through-Seeing the strength that the Lord has given you in such an encouragement. We are praying for you in South Carolina :)

  21. Thank you so much for keeping the focus on God and his marvelous ways. God can and do anything. He is still in the miracle doing business. He is still God and still on the throne.
    Praying a special prayer right now for you and your precious family. I've never met you but we are apart of God's wonderful family.
    Have a blessed day.

  22. Amen!! And we are already raising the roof with songs to God!

  23. Coming out of lurkville to agree. Yes. Good read. Thank you.

  24. Too cool! God is just so awesome and has so much good stuff for us when we read His word! You and your family amaze me. I really enjoy reading your blog and praying for you all!

  25. Amen Brother Nathan!

    Please tell Tricia I said hey and that I love and miss her.

    We really like the new wink trick that you taught Gwyneth. She looks like she'll be really good at that game.

    Josh and Bennett say hi to you all too. :)

  26. Hey Guys! I hope you are finding ways of keeping the fun times going down there. It must be hard. I hope you had a great time with Megan and I just wanted to say thanks for Agnes' note. It was really sweet, but not necessary at all. At least, not for me. You have enough to deal with as it is! Keep up the awesome job Nate. look really pretty with your hair braided. I am sure you are driving Nate CRAZY!! :) I love Gwyneth's wink!! So talented. I think she is gifted!!

  27. Hi- I just found your site and wanted to say that you are amazing people! God bless you all & I'll pray for you here in Texas.

  28. What a blessing to read your posts. Our family has been following your blog for some time now. You, Tricia and Gwyneth have quite a testimony to God's faithfulness. He's amazing, isn't He? :0) Our son, Matthew, was born prematurely and we did the NICU thing, too. It's a great mission field in there ~ lots of hurting families who need to feel God's presence in a huge way. And it was awesome to see God's hand at work in the NICU. Many blessings to you and your beautiful wife and precious baby daughter. We'll keep checking back, will keep you in our prayers, and will keep interceding on your behalf.

    Karla in El Paso, TX

  29. Thank you for posting this today Nate. I needed it!

    You are so very blessed.

    Always praying for your family,

    Amy M.

  30. Sending my prayers to you today. And, thanks for this good read. You have no idea how I needed to read this. God is good.


  31. "...I'm sure now I'll see God's goodness in the exuberant earth...."

    amen to that! (And praise the Lord that that exuberence in God shines out of Tricia's eyes even in the pictures you've shared with us here!)

  32. It took me a few minutes to recognize that one (I'm used to the original)- but I wanted to share that we (I'm Jewish) read that Psalm twice a day, at the end of morning and evening services for a bit over a month and a half every year (from the beginning of the month before our new year until the end of that holiday season) and it never fails to give me the chills in parts.

  33. This is a scripture our pastor gave us last week when my husband was undergoing surgery for cancer. What a wonderful thing!


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