
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Gwyneth Update

Gwyneth continues to do well in contact isolation. A few things of minor concern:

There was a little distention in her belly, but the Xrays show that it's just a little air, which should not be a big issue.

> There is a little fluid build-up in her lungs. This is probably due to some med changes, but they're sent some cultures in to check for infections. Should hear back about the culture within 48 hours.

> She has had a few "desat" (oxygen desaturation) episodes over the past 24 hours...they've had to "bag" her (take her off the vent and manually breathe for her) a few times. Again, this isn't a good thing, but it's also not uncommon.

> Due to the distention and lung fluid, they've stopped her feeds for the time being.

So far, there is no sign of MRSA infection. Duke's NICU is rather unique in that they swab every baby for MRSA (and other bugs) every Monday. Most NICU's only swab either randomly or once a month. Gwyneth will be swabbed again on Monday, when she should be cleared from contact isolation.




  1. Extra Prayers!
    Christy in KY

  2. Continuing to pray for both your girls!

  3. We are praying for your sweet white rose. She is such a strong little girl!

    May his blessings be abundant!

    With Love,

    William's Mom

  4. Gwyneth sure is a trooper...she'll pull through great!!! :)

  5. sending Prayers for your little one

    and hugs for mummy and daddy xx

  6. I pray every day for your two girls and I will continue to do so. Gwyneth seems to be so strong and resilient. It's no wonder... she is Tricia's daughter!

  7. Praying for Gwyneth and all that she needs to stay healthy and strong. She is in good hands. Such a little warrior like her Mom!!

    Laurie in Ca.

  8. aww! i will pray that she gets some great 02 and her little delicate tummy distention goes down poor baby! hang in there Nate! you have a lot of prayer warriors around here it seems like!

  9. Your "girls" are getting such wonderful care, Nate!! Absolutely no detail is missed or ignored. That is so very good! you must be so very grateful for that...and it inspires such confidence in those caregivers! Thank YOU, Lord!

  10. more pray...everything will be ok..god is good..Claudia (jacksonville florida)

  11. Nate,
    Thanks so much for the specific prayer requests and for keeping me so updated. It's the next best thing to being there with you guys! Love ya all.

  12. I continue to be so amazed at how well little Gywneth does! To God be the glory! I will keep praying for her new "issues." Thanks for sharing with us!

  13. Definitely praying that Gwyneth's tummy gets better and her MRSA swab is clear Monday.

    Also praying specifically for a smooth portacath removal for Tricia and quick listing and activation. We've all seen what God's done so far for your girls, I believe He'll answer these prayers too. :)

    Lots of Love..

  14. Praying for the best and that Gwyneth is able to eat again very soon so she keeps growing!

    Marissa :-)

  15. Praying and praying for things to all turn out well!

  16. Will continue to be praying for sweet Gwyneth!!

  17. Praying for you and your mom Little Rose...."Miracles have happened when God's people come together in prayer."
    Billy Graham

    With love, Lu

  18. Prayers going up for you all from the Shenandoah Valley! Loving the "Story of Us", btw.

  19. Still continuing to pray for precious Gwyneth Rose!! God has done so many wonderful things for your family so far, I'm waiting to hear that He's done it again! She's wrapped up in the greatest arms of protection that she can possibly be wrapped in!!

    Also continuing to pray for Tricia. Your girls are troopers, Nate!!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I've been reading your story over the past 24 hours and I'm deeply moved. I have two family members with CF. I live in Kansas City and am associated with the International House of Prayer. I came to NC on an unexpected trip on Monday and happened to find your info on a friends blog. Just a few minutes ago I found out that my mom and I will be at Duke Hospital tomorrow. I am praying that I run into you so that I can pray with you. Even if I don't - me and my family are praying for you and your yours. daniewheeler (at) yahoo (dot) com

  22. Prayed for all of the specifics you mentioned. Hope you all have a restful night with renewed strength for the morning and good results all around.


  23. You are so blessed to be in such a great medical facility! We continue to pray for all of you! :)

  24. God's Blessing to you and your family. From Wisconsin

    I'm guessing you'll reach 1 million around 12:14 AM at the rate you've been getting hits. Have a Happy Valentines Day with your two sweethearts.

  25. Still praying for both your beautiful girls!

  26. Thanks for your updates on how to pray. We just prayed for you ALL as I put my daughter to bed tonight.
    I pray you and Tricia are strengthened as you depend on your Rock day by day. Psalm 18
    Blessings from Wheaton, IL

  27. Hi
    I have been reading your blog every day for about two weeks.
    I just wanted you to know that, the three of you are being prayed for daily here in North Dakota

  28. I have been and am continually blessed by your blog. Thank you for allowing perfect strangers to be blessed by your lives and your testimonies!

  29. Still praying for your family from here in Michigan. I am so hoping that Tricia's wait for new lungs is very short. As I said before, I'd give her mine if I wasn't using them. I'm also praying for that extra gorgeous Gwyneth.

  30. Nathan,
    Continuing to pray for you and your have all been a blessing to many.
    Much love,

  31. I am just amazed at how fabulous your hospital is. I'm so glad you guys are able to be there!
    I know how scary desats can be! Though they never had to bag ours, she had some issues for a while, and is still hooked up to an apnea monitor at night- she's 6 months old. Does her heart rate drop too much when that happens? We'll be praying for her to get better with her "concerns" today.
    Your dog is super cute too.
    We are praying that you all have a great Valentine's day! I look forward to what you are going to do for your girls. And I'll probably be really jealous that my husband doesnt do stuff like that. :)

  32. Ive been following your blog for a little while and all I can say is WOW. You, Tricia and Gwyneth are such amazing and such strong people. I know how hard it is to have a child that hangs on by a thread but to have your wife in the same situation is incredible. Im keeping my fingers crossed that a match will be found for Tricia very soon and that Gwyneth continues to thrive and grow.

    ((Hugs)) from British Columbia

  33. Good wishes from here.... Hope all test results come back clean.


  34. Thanks for all the wonderful information Nate. There are many faithfully praying from Philadelphia Biblical University and very interested.
    Phillipians 4:13

  35. Continued prayers, plus some extra, going up for your precious baby.

  36. Will keep praying that all is well and soon she'll be playing with audrey and bekah, Sherri Jenkins

  37. My younger brother 9in 1977) was a 30wker....he would desat alot....they began to keep a ribbon on his toe....when he would desat they would give it a little tug, and all would be fine....he was forgetting to breath


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