
Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Latest Pics

Our birthday visit with Gwyneth.

Later that day...

Some favorites from today.

If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm fascinated by her feets...

And, now for some fun with Nathan, Ramon and Chris at Friday's on Saturday...



  1. gwyneth is so precious! thanks for sharing pics! i'm so glad that tricia got to spend some time with her! it's amazing how i've only known about you for a few days, but you guys are so on my heart.
    praying for you daily,

  2. Sweet pictures of Gwyneth (especially her tiny tiny feet), precious moment for Tricia (that's wonderful to see a mommy looking on her first child, it warms my soul), and JUST PLAIN SILLY (and very FUN) pictures of you! It's just great. Thank you for sharing.

  3. She is so beautiful! I'm so glad Tricia got to see her, I know she must be aching to take her in her arms. God bless!

  4. Such awesome pictures...Even the ones of you and your pals being goofs. >:0P The pictures of Gwyneth are so beautiful. She is really starting to fill out. It's amazing to see such changes in just a month. She's absolutely amazing!

  5. I am so glad you love her feet. I am a feet parent too! I have an ultrasound pic of my sons feet when he was not many weeks younger than Gwyneth, so it is awesome to see what they looked like at that time. She is such a miracle. Not a day goes by that I don't look forward to reading the updates. And doing that always prompts me to pray for you guys. All my friends know about you guys and I give updates to the ones with no internet. Tricia looks so happy to see Gwyneth! And good job to the nurses for dressing her up for mom. What a great hospital you guys are at. Praise be to God for His provisions! It is so neat to see His work. Take care!
    Shawna in Oklahoma

  6. Awww...she looks so precious. So glad Tricia was able to see Gwyneth again!! Also glad you were able to have some fun time.

    I had to laugh at you missing "Refusing to let you prick my finger "just once" to test my blood sugar". I am diabetic and if my husband mentions that he is feeling funny, I'm more than ready to test his blood sugar for him. :-)

  7. Oh--I forgot to say--

    She has the tiniest little toes. I love feet, too. Here is another one. If you look at my header on my blog, you will see that I also love hands. So, just as soon as you can, get a picture of your hand, Tricia's hand, and Gwyneth's hand all together. You'll treasure it always!!

  8. She is so beautiful !
    The picture with the bow in her hair and such pretty blanket is breathtaking. Thanks for sharing.

    In prayer-krista

  9. Ahhhhhh! She's precious in her crocheted blankie!

  10. Happy Birthday Tricia !!!!

    I pray for Tricia and the nurses taking care of her and Gwyneth. Looks like the nurses at the NICU are taking such great care of your little one and she has gained 7oz already -- WOW !!!

  11. Gwyneth is precious and beautiful as always.

  12. Pretty in pink!!! I am so glad that you all 3 got to be together, and that Tricia got to see Gwyneth again! And glad that you got to have some fun with your friend! I'm still praying for you all!

  13. Gwyneth looked absolutely beautiful for her mama! That was incredibly sweet of the nurses to do! My son is a former 26 weeker, and I have said it a million times that NICU nurses are the most underated nurses in their profession! I am glad to hear that she is doing so well and gaining steadily. Once they start they typically take off! I remember celebrating every ounce that our son, Connor, packed on! He was 1lb 12oz at birth and then went down to 1lb 6oz. He spent 8 weeks in the NICU and is now a healthy, happy, up and running 16 month old! I also must say how terrible I feel for your fellow NICU parents who are dealing with NEC. It seems, for no medical reason, to occur in outbreaks in NICUs, for that reason I have been praying extra hard that Gwyneth remains NEC free! Oh and the video of you kangaroo holding her had me sobbing. It brought back the memory of the first time I was able to kangaroo hold Connor. Such a beautiful memory! In our NICU we were given hand held mirrors (like the ones the have at hair salons) so that we could hold them and be able to see our babies faces while we held them. Take Care!

  14. Great pictures of a great time had by all! Wonderful to see!

  15. great pics. Just wanted to share with you what my 4 year old son thought of your daughter...he said she is beautiful!!!

  16. Thank you for the pictures of your beautiful baby! And I'm so glad to see you just being silly and unwinding, makes for a healthier support man for your wife and daughter!!

  17. What a little angel she is, thanks for sharing these!! I got a chuckle out of the silly ones of you and your friends, too, Nate- It's good that you got a few non-hospital moments!

  18. wow you can really tell of her weight gain :) beautiful baby! as always, praying for all of you!!

  19. WoW! Gwyneth is growing! Love the picture with the crocheted blankie.

    Uhmmm.....I ironically had dinner this evening at Fridays with 2 girlfriends and our toddlers. I would have been very scared if I looked over and saw those goofy guys. ha! just kidding. Glad you got a break and could relax a bit.

    Keeping you all in our prayers!

  20. great Pics Nate. Thanks for posting, don't know about the "Wild Boys for God" being let loose in Friday's, but I am sure it is something that did you good.

    Continued prayers for you three for health and improvements. Little Molly includes you three each night and keeps a check here to see progress.

  21. Awww such a special photo of Tricia lookig at Gwyneth! Both your ladies are gorgeous! Also, such great news that Gwyneth has put on 7oz. And I LOVE HER BOBBLE HAT!!! I reckon Mummy and Daddy both need one to match now.... ;o)
    Emma xxxx

  22. thanks for sharing nate - just one question when you have time - when gwyneth's feet are up on top of that rolled blanket, have the nurses put her legs up like that or is that her moving around?

    thinking of you all from London, England, xx

  23. the picture of gwyneth with the bow in her hair is too precious for words.


  24. Beautiful! :)

    You like her feet because baby feet are TOO PRECIOUS! :)

  25. What great pics today! I love the little pink and white blanket that the baby is wrapped in.

    Happy birthday, Tricia. I hope that this year brings you much health and happiness.

  26. SHE'S TOO SWEET!! The little bow in her hair is totally cute. I love having a girl for that exact reason. It's fun dressing them in frilly clothes and bows!!! I also love baby feet, so I am totally guilty of having pics. of my baby's feet, too!!! You can also tell that Gwyneth is starting to fill out. Her little arms and legs definitely look a lot meatier!!! :)

    I'm glad that you had the chance to get away, and do something you haven't done in a long time. I bet it was a wonderful release for you!

    The way your family is doing, and the way your girls are progressing overjoys me. It's so wonderful, and everytime I look at new pictures and hear more positive news, all I think is "Man, God is so wonderful!!" Thanks for sharing. These put a huge smile on my face:)

    In Christ,
    Brianne from VA

  27. She is stunning!! Toes and feet are a "thing" in our family too....... even though I have 3 boys!

  28. She's SO beautiful, and I can see that she's growing! Nate, I'm so glad you had some time to hang out with friends. Our God provides all our needs, including good friends!

  29. It is amazing what 7 ounces can do for a baby so can really see the difference in a couple of those pictures. I love that the nurses dressed her up for mommy..who says angels aren't among us? I am thankful you were able to get out and let off a little steam. I continue to pray for the strength and encouragement of your family and that Gwyneth would continue to flourish. Blessings!

  30. Love the pics. How sweet it she wrapped in that little blanket and the bow is adorable.
    You should (of course only if you feel comfortable-and it might be in a few weeks,) take a picture like we did with Emery-with my husbands wedding ring around her foot or up her thigh in our case and around her wrist. It really puts things into prospective on her size for others, b/c if they don't see her, they DONT understand!
    Continually praying for you!
    And keeping up with your Blog!
    The Stones in KY!

  31. I know it must be so hard for Tricia to see her sweet baby girl from a distance. I pray for the day to come soon that they will be together!

    The staff at Duke has done such a wonderful job, it seems. The crocheted blanket and the bow in Gwyneth's hair is precious. It is very special that they dress her up that way for Mommy's special visit!

    Still praying....

  32. She's so beautiful! Who made her blanket? She looks sooo girly... Just wait till she's old enough take out in public-- people are going to stop you right and left to coo over how cute she is!

  33. LOVE. THE. FEET. They are the most precious thing! Is Gwyneth's hair getting darker? It looks a shade darker.
    I am praying that Tricia will be well enough soon to hold her tiny bundle!

  34. AWWWWWWW SO cute. Love the bow!

    With love,

    William's Mom

  35. thank you for sharing, your blog always warms my heart, how pretty gwyneth is with the pink bow :) praying for you in south africa.

  36. I LOVE baby feet too! She is so precious and I'm glad Tricia got to see her on her "one month birthday". Also glad to see you get out had have some fun too!

    God Bless all of you!

  37. What beautiful pictures of Gwyneth. I LOVE the hair bow and little blanket! So sweet! Glad Tricia was able to see her.
    Still praying in NY, Amy

  38. Gwyneth Rose is absolutely gorgeous! I like her tiny hands and feet, too. My fave pix would be the close up one of her sleeping with the pretty bow on her hair. The blanky is so pretty-- who made it? :-)

    I'm very glad Tricia got to see Gwyneth again, especially for her month-old birthday. I am noticing that Gwyneth is beginning to fill out and really growing more-- so cute.

    Nathan, I'm glad you took a much-needed break from the hospital environment and ate out with your friends. It must have been very refreshing. :-)

    Continued best wishes for you all,
    Marissa :-)

  39. Happy Birthday Trica! What a wonderful gift.
    The bow in her hair is my favorite picture!

  40. Wow! You really can see those 7 ounces!! :) Beautiful! Yay breastmilk! and Yay Gwyneth!!!!

  41. Oh so precious! I love the "outfits" on Gwyneth! :)

  42. I've heard there's an APB on the clowns that were out on Saturday at Friday's.
    You two sure know how to make a beautiful baby girl.

  43. Prettiest tiny little birthday girl ever. :)

  44. Gwyneth Rose is the MOST beautiful baby I have ever seen.
    I cherish every picture you share with us.
    I love the "birthday outfit" - SO CUTE!!!
    So glad that Tricia has gotten to spend more time with her amazing little princess!
    Praising God for all that He has done to grow and heal these two lovely ladies. And still praying for rest, for continued growth and healing, for new lungs, for doctor's wisdom and for the incredible witness that your family has been able to share through this blog to continue touching lives and changing hearts.
    Love you all ~ Dana and Wil Haupfear

  45. Great to read that everything is going so well! I can't believe that Gwyneth is a month old already and doing so well. I, too, am facinated with babies feet....everytime I see a new baby the first thing I do is unwrap them to look at their feet! Gwyneth's are adorable!!

  46. Nathan, Great to see you hanging out with the guys, you surely needed that. Good to see Tricia being "goofy". Love you guys.

  47. happy birthday Gwenyth! thanks for sharing these beautiful pics..i love the bow and blanket. how sweet of the staff to do that for her mommy....

  48. NICU nurses are indeed amazing ... I remember that from my two babies who had brief experiences with them ... what a gift for Tricia to see beautiful Gwyneth this way!

  49. looks like gwyneths hair is getting a little darker. don't you just love bows. i put a huge one in my daughters hair when someone said "oh he's so cute"

  50. It's so good to see Mother and daugther together!

  51. WOW! She's growing up so fast. Thanks for the pics!

    Tricia, it did my heart good to see you sitting next to that bassinet. I'm a former NICU mom myelf and I know how hard it is to turn around and walk away when the visit is over. I pray for you often, dear sis!


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