
Thursday, February 7, 2008

New Pics

Gwyneth on the CPAP:

Gwyneth without anything on her face...this is the first time I've really gotten a good look at her:



  1. What a sweet little girl! Praying for improved health and strength for your girls this morning from Ohio.

  2. Aw! She's SO pretty! She's going to be quite the heart breaker! Watch out dad!

  3. Beautiful. Still praying for improving health for both.

  4. BEAUTIFUL!!!!! What a sweetie!!!! thank you so much for sharing pictures of your White Rose! by the way, your special name for her warms my heart because our 5th baby's nickname is Rosebud! we gave it to her in the hospital when we first met her. so sweet. her name is so perfect for her. simply precious! she looks so good! praying for you all every day, jen in al

  5. Nathan, she definitely looks like you. So precious. So glad to hear the updated good news. Still praying for all of you.

  6. Awww what a beautiful little girl. Keep both your girls in our prayers.

  7. Beatiful girl! What is she holding on to in the pictures...the squishy-looking-yellow thing? Praying!

  8. I'd been hoping for some new pictures of your younger girl. :)

    That last picture, it looks like she's "saying," "Hi, Dad!"


  9. She is so cute!
    Hope both of your girls are doing well today!

  10. Blessling Blessing Blessing. Oh what a testimony this presious little darling will have. God is going to use her in ways that will be unremarkable.

  11. thanks for showing us such a beautiful face! you are a lucky man to have ssuch great girls in your life!

  12. She's absolutely perfect! BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for sharing her with us- both girls for that matter! Still praying for both!

  13. AWESOME is the best word! I'm amazed at all the hair and that it's blonde! All my kids had pretty much no hair at birth and if there was any it was dark. Thanks for sharing!

  14. A million years could pass and I'd still want to see pictures of her. I am so attached to her life through your stories. She is just beautiful. I can't get over the blonde hair!

  15. What a sweet little girl Nate. So glad to see new pictures, and still praying for you all.


  16. She has such a sweet little face!

  17. Gwyneth,
    I passed your Grandaddy Rick on his way to you this morning. He should be there by lunch :0) I am so happy to hear that you are drinking that milk up like a champ! You are a strong beauty just like your Mom!!

  18. Nate and Tricia,


    Love, The Hagers in Michigan

  19. WOW!!! In the last photo, she is a spittin' image of YOU:) Thank you for sharing your has been an incredible journey so far!

  20. What a beautiful perfect baby girl! Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful photos. Tell Agnes that Melissa asks about "Agnes'grandaughter Gwyneth" each and every day and was thrilled to see Gwyneth's little face this morning. Tricia,Gwyneth, all of you, are constantly in our thoughts and prayers.

    Love from Agnes' old friend Judy

  21. Gorgeous Gwyneth! Hope you are all doing well today.
    Jenn K

  22. Nate & Tricia
    Gwyneth is just beautiful.You are so blessed.

  23. I LOVE the strawberry blonde hair. Am I seeing that right? She is adorable, you guys made a great looking little girl (with God's help of course). Lots of love, prayers, and hugs going your direction.

  24. if she were full term she would had enough hair for braids!! Precious miracle baby!

  25. I aborted my baby, seeing these pictures breaks my heart. Oh my GOD the pain of that horrible decision... please forgive me, my child.

  26. How lovely. What is really cool is that I don't think its my imagination how I can see some Mom and some Dad in her already.

  27. She is so gorgeous! Wow! And I can really tell she is starting to put on the ounces. :)
    I think she looks like you!

  28. She looks like she is changing already...Everytime I see a picture of her I sit here amazed at our God and His miracles. Your daughter is beautiful.

  29. Nathan and Tricia, I've been following along with your blog for the past few weeks, but always felt awkward about leaving a message. However, today, having seen your beautiful daughter I had to say this - she's the image of her Dad, it's like looking at you Nathan (but more wrinkly!!)!! I've never seen a baby more like their Dad than your little daughter!
    Thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful story with us, and allowing us into your lives like this.

  30. she is amazing! what a gorgeous little girl you both have!


  31. Look at her grow! She has changed so much in these past 4 weeks. And getting to see her pretty little face...I just can't imagine that moment for you. Awesome I am sure. Keep it up girls!

  32. Thanks for letting us "see" her. She kinda does look like you; but I think it is hard to tell at this age. Mine both started out looking like daddy but now my littlest looks just like I did at 5. We are still praying for both Tricia and this little miracle every day.

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. We pray for you all in our house, here in NY and send much love to little Gwyneth! She's so precious and we like watching her progress!

  35. Precious little girl!! Still praying for all of you!

    Lovin' you story, looking forward to the next installment!!!

  36. She is a cutie pie. Keep up the good work.

  37. She's Beautiful Nate!

  38. Thanks for these most recent photos that show her beautiful face. She is so perfect and so perfectly beautiful.
    Love, Barbara Kay

  39. What an amazingly beautiful little girl! We are continuing to pray.

  40. She is so beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing the photos.

  41. She's precious. I love how in the one picture where you said you finally got to see her face with nothing on it she looks like she's saying "stop looking at me!" :)

    She's beautiful. What a blessing.

  42. She's so beautiful! We are constantly praying for you guys!

  43. What a beautiful little girl!! Always praying for your girls and you too Nate.
    Heidi in CT.

  44. She has chubby little cheeks!!!! What an absolute living doll. When I look at her picture all that comes to is the Steven Curtis Chapman song, "Fingerprints of God".

  45. look at those cheeks!!! absolutely beautiful!

    and I thought my c-pap mask was small. to see the hand at her head, the mask must be about the size of two thumbs, at most!

  46. She is getting bigger everyday - just beautiful! God id working miracles in your little one - thank you for sharing something so special!

    Praying in Wilmington, NC

  47. What beautiful pictures!!! Thanks for sharing.

  48. I LOVE the picture where you can clearly see her face! My daughter was a preemie and she used to scrunch her eyes like that all the time. I used to tell her it would be so much easier to just OPEN them than to do all that work to keep them closed!!
    She is absolutely gorgeous. Such a precious gift. What a sweet blessing!

  49. She looks so sweet! I love all her hair. WOW! -Jenny

  50. So perfectly beautiful! I nearly started with a, "I'm speechless.", but I know how humorous that would have been for you! >:0P Seriously, though, the pictures have gotten me all out of sorts with emotions and I've gotta go fetch a hanky. So, so beautiful. Wow. I know that you guys are just gleaming with pride, as the parents of such a precious angel.

  51. Oh, I just wanted to add one more thing. That breast milk is working well, as she looks like she is filled out a little bit, especially in her face. She has the cutest lil cheeks. She is perfectly beautiful!

  52. Absolutely beautiful! Still praying for you in CA!

  53. I love the full view of her face!! She definately is the perfect combination of mommy and daddy! :)

  54. I think she look a lot like Grandpa Lawrenson (Rick's dad).

  55. What a beautiful little girl you and Tricia have there!!

  56. Gwyneth is absolutely adorable. I love all the blonde hair!! Thank you for sharing pics of her. It's wonderful to see her cute little face without all of the tubes, etc. on it.

    I'm glad Tricia got to go outside. When I had my C-section I was in the hospital for 6 days due to complications, etc. and I was so ready to get out!! I can't imagine being in there for 5 weeks without getting to go outside. I'll pray for her fever, and that she gets to hold her precious girl very very soon!!

    Love and Hugs,

  57. awww she is so cute! I love tht last picture!!!

  58. How can a little girl be so tiny? She is beautiful and so precious.

    This is the first time I've posted a comment and just wanted to send my love, prayers and best wishes to you all.

    Sarah in Kent, England

  59. what a sweet girl! she is beautiful! look at those little fingers! thanks for sharing that made my day :)

  60. Oh man,
    I'm losing it over here. What an absolutely precious child of God. Look at that strawberry blonde hair. Could she look MORE like the both of you????? I think not. You two are lucky parents.
    Kisses to you sweet Gwyneth. And lots of prayers for both girls and you too Nate.
    -Shannon in Austin

  61. She is so beautiful! Congratulations on the CPAP! My son was on the vent for 7 weeks, so I'm so excited whenever I hear of anybody being weaned off of it earlier than that.

  62. It JUST makes you want to be sooooo super CAREFUL to even look at her! I type gently, breath gently. Ooooh precious Gwyneth. You're doing great small one.

    I'm thankful for the great medical staff, for the loving father, and for the mommy who hung in there long enough to give her a fighting chance, and for our wonderful Heavenly Father who blessed us all with this experience!

  63. She is so precious! I never realized how much hair she has! You could put pretty bows in it already! What a doll - so tiny, so cute - such a miracle!

  64. She's BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations, Daddy. Stay positive, and God Bless you and both of yor girls. Our prayers are with you! Kate

  65. That little face is one of the most precious things I've ever seen! She is beautiful!

  66. Oh my goodness! She is so beautiful!! What a sweet precious face! We are praying for you and thinking of you constantly. Our little girl (also Gwen Rose!) loves to look at pictures of "the baby"... thank you for sharing your lives to bless ours!

  67. wow that hair!
    she is perfect.
    blessing to the three of you... now and forever.

  68. aww! she beautiful! thanks for the pictures, their awsome!

    continueing to pray in TX

  69. oh Nate, what a head of hair! It's totally your color!

    You and Trisha and your beautiful daughter are in my thoughts and prayers constantly. Thank you so much for keeping people around the world updated on your family.

    A Sis in Jesus in Seattle

  70. She is so pretty! We're still praying for all of you.

  71. Awe... she is so precious... makes you want to reach out and hold her.

    I pray Tricia will recover. It is good that she finally got to go outside and enjoy the fresh air.


  72. Gwyneth is beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  73. What beautiful hair! And a ton of it! It still amazes me how tiny she is. I love the stuffed Pug next to her.

  74. I am so amazed at the transformation. Gwyneth is so different. She is still supposed to be in the womb. God is amazing. Honestly, the first pictures were a little overwhelming. This is just WOW!!!
    Thank you LORD!!!

  75. Nate,
    You have two beautiful women in your life! Thank you for sharing these heartwarming pictures with all of us...we continue to keep you and your ladies in our prayers and we continue to hope that you're all home together in April! God Bless!

  76. OHHHHHHH HOW BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! She is the most precious little girl ever!! I am praying for your family.

  77. Now I'm TOTALLy addicted to this blog... She's gorgeous! And all that beautiful blond hair! I can't wait to see her get chubbier and chubbier as she grows stronger and stronger. Blessing baby Gwyneth.

  78. thanks for sharing the pics of her sweet little face....she kind of looks like her dad maybe? I just know both your girls are going to come out on top! God bless!

  79. My goodness! She just looks like a tiny little lady :-) Gorgeous -- really!

  80. I love the pictures! Looks as if we all know who is going to be in charge of holding the remote! What a nice day you all have had. God's Peace!

  81. She is so beautiful. What a blessing to finally get to see your girl. Blessings from Florida.

  82. Oh my goodness! She is even more beautiful than I imagined.

  83. She looks a bit like you with the hair! Such sweet pictures of her little face... we don't have very many pics of my Moses without the CPAP and I wish we did... you just don't get the full effect.
    She looks like she is really filling out in her face. Thanks so much for the pictures!

  84. Your daughter is absolutely beautiful. I continue to pray for you and your girls daily.


  85. Oh my, that last picture is just incredible. What a beautiful little sweetie she is.

    Angela from central Ohio

  86. she is beautiful.i dont even know her and i love her you guys are wonderfull before you know it mom will be putting her hair in a braids. praying for the girls as always. jackie

  87. O my she is Beautiful ! Gorgeous features

  88. How precious!

    Just wanted to let you know that Daniel got out of the hospital last night. He made an amazing turn around after I sent the last email to you. His mom called me with tears of joy. He has a long ways to go, but he's heading in the right direction. Thanks again for asking everyone to pray for him. I posted more pictures this evening on several of the posts.

    Daniel's parents also thank you!

  89. That's amazing! I'm sure you're thankful beyond words for God's protection over your little sweetie. She's beautiful :)

  90. Gosh, Gwyneth's sooo adorable! So nice to see how she really looks like and she definitely has both of your genes! :-) Thanks for sharing! Continuing to pray for the best.

    Marissa :-)

  91. She is SO adorable. What a little face! And all that hair!!! :)
    She's going to be a heartbreaker. :)

  92. She is so beautiful Nate. I'm still praying for a full recovery for your family.
    Katie Columbus,Oh

  93. She is so precious! I still can't believe how much hair she has. She has more than my 9m daughter!

  94. She is SO cute. I could go on and on. Her hair looks like it is strawberry blond. God is going to do AMAZING things with your little blessing!

    With love,

    William's Mom

  95. she has such a 'mature' looking face! she is beautiful.

  96. Oh, I hope she turns into a big chubby baby soon! My two daughters were both preemies, and I remember them having those waif-like arms, and longing for they day when they would be out of the hospital with thick michelin like arms. I hope little Gwyneth gets those one day.

  97. Oh, I just saw some comment about her 'mature looking face'. That is common with preemies because they just don't have enough body fat to fill them out - but it will come and she will look totally different in just a few months.

  98. She sis beautiful and she is an ANGEL!

  99. aww!!! how sweet Nate! thank you for posting these...she's so beautiful..hopefully mommy will be able to see her precious gift today!!

  100. How wonderful to see her whole face! What a beauty!! Since I do not know either you or Tricia personally, I cannot be sure, but from the pics, Nate, I think she looks like you! Praying for all of you!!

    Shari J

  101. Wow, she is getting so big:) Thanks for sharing your story.

  102. What a head of hair!!
    Wonder where she get's it? lol,,...
    Great Pictures by the way, they are worth more than a million words...
    Can't wait to see Tricia's face when she is holding your sweet lil angel... You guys are blessed,thanks for sharing your life with us.. Your in our hearts and prayers...,,,,
    Love Cari
    Harmony OK...

  103. She looks like a True Blessing!!
    Praise God for her, and God be
    with you guys also.. God has shown
    he mighty love once again......
    Sincerely CDS

  104. Awww,..,,, Sorry nate, she looks like her mommy.,, Maybe next time there buddy....ha ha, but hey she is really a sweet little angel. Mommy will be proud. You guys did good. God Bless this family...

  105. She's so beautiful!!!! God bless her.

  106. WOW! Someone looks like her mommy and daddy. What a precious little joy!


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