
Thursday, February 21, 2008

Newpaper Article

(written by Sheryl Rooth)

A stranger’s gripping story of life and near death

You never realize how small the world is until you become united with a complete stranger over a single thread of something in common. Life changes in a New York minute.

A diagnosis, a promotion, a new baby. It’s those life altering changes that happen when you blink. Or when you think you’re ready but you’re really not. If you’re fortunate, you have someone to share it with, no matter how good or bad. And sometimes you have a million people sharing it with you.

For the last two months or so, I have been following the story of Nathan and Trisha and wee baby Gwyneth. I’ve never met them. And I likely never will. Their story is one that will stay with me as though I did...

Read More (Tricia and I both enjoyed reading this)



  1. Thats a really nice write up spoken by someone who's been there and understands.

    Sending a massive (((HUG))) and continued prayers.


  2. I love your blog. I found it a few nights ago and have read several hours worth of posts.

    Must love and encouragement from Los Angeles being sent out.

  3. That article is really good.

    Please know I am praying for you all still. As you have a break, from people who perhaps don't have the wisdom to be careful in what they say, I pray that you will know God's strength, peace and refreshment. Trusting also that Tricia continues to be so strong in God's might, resting in His perfect will, and that your beautiful White Rose, Gwyneth, will continue to grow stronger every day.
    Look forward to hearing from you - when YOU are ready....

  4. What a wonderful article! Thank you for sharing it! In this early morning hour, I'm praying that all three of you are snoozing quietly, and God's peace has settled over you like warm blanket...

  5. May all be well with your soul.

  6. Nate,

    I am a friend of your fathers, he was actually my youth pastor back in Tulsa Okla. I am praying for you and your family. I am currently serving in Iraq and was so inspired by your little video of I'm in love with you. I want to make a similar video for my wife back in the states. I cannot find that song by Sonya Kitchell anywhere on the net. Would do me a hugh favor and email me a copy of that song so I can use it in my video for my wife, it would be the perfect song. Tell you dad I said Hey and remember God is in control
    Thanks, Bill

  7. Love the article, very well written and heart felt without being the pity fest focus on the medical thing I've found these things can be (I use a wheelchair and have not had much in the way of positive experiences with the press). Continuing to Pray and hoping NOT to see any updates during your blogging break unless they are to say Tricia got the call!

  8. I have prayed for you non-stop since January. Your story certainly is glorifying God. It's so clear to me that God is using your family for a specific purpose. To me, that is incredibly awesome! I'm sure that I am only one of many that can say, you have encouraged me to strengthen my relationship with God. For that, I am forever thankful. Peace and love to you and your family!

  9. Really cool, maybe others will pick up on the story from there and run with it! I still see a book and movie deal coming!!!

  10. Nate, enjoy your break from blogging, although I recall the last time you said that you still blogged almost daily! We are praying for you!!

  11. Great descriptive article guys! May you have 2,000,000 visitors as a result, before you know it! Nathan take it easy mate and look after yourself. Have a good break.....what a great idea! No one deserves it more than you.
    Prayers and positive thoughts coming your way from Down Under.
    Hugs from Liz & her precious gang
    And a special sniff and lick for Meka from our dog Max!!! Woof Woof!

  12. At this risk of sending an article you have already received, this link is for an article in today's Daily Press (Virginia Paper) about organ donation and the need.,0,2131572.story?page=1

  13. HOW COOL! It was a very touching article, and so neat of her to write about your family. I also love coming to your blog to check for updates, and see new pics of your two beautiful girls. I know, along with myself, you have deeply touched so many hearts. I consider it a privilege to be able to pray for your family. Thank you for allowing us to see pieces of you, and to continue to uplift you in prayer! Enjoy your break, and I can't wait to read more if you decide to write more! Have an awesome weekend. God is in control!

    In God's Grip,

  14. Wow, that's a great newspaper article!

    Enjoy your break and your time with your girls, Nate. Restore your soul and spirit.

    Continuing to pray, Debbi/Aspiemom

  15. What a wonderful article. Isn't it amazing how your family's story has touched people around the world?! We continue to pray that your girls keep getting strength needed to continue their journey. The newest pics of Tricia look great....she is such a trooper!! What strong women you have around you Nate!! Ya'll take care, enjoy your break, and we'll keep praying!

  16. She pretty much summed up my feelings into words. So glad that you share your personal journey with us. Makes me a better person with a positive outlook and faith in Him by just reading your blog.

    Of course, I never would have said this! LOL :)

    "Nathan is a big bear of a man with a tousled head of hair and a big goofy grin"

    Lisa in NC/C3

  17. She did an awesome job. It is funny, that we don't know you but yet, there are aspects of our lives that just mingle enough to make connections. I just feel like I want to help give Tricia a little boost by praying for her daily. I know that you need prayer, because you are giving in every sense of the word. Gwyneth needs God to just be with her and cover her right now like she would be covered in the womb for a few more days. I guess, the biggest thing for me is giving back. I had so much prayer and encouragement when I went through cancer. I want to pay it forward because of the LOVE of my Lord.

  18. What a beautiful article. Enjoy your weekend and your break from blogging. Still praying in Florida!

  19. How cool is that. It's so amazing how what you write touches others. Continuing to pray!!

  20. Nate and Trisha,

    My love and prayers are with you. I've been keeping track of all your posts since the begining. What a true inspiration you are Nate of God's love. Have a wonderful weekend.

    Prayers coming your way from Bloomington, Illinois.

  21. That was GREAT!! You guys are (even more) famous now. :-P Still praying a ton for you guys.

    Angela in central Ohio

  22. What a great article! Still praying for you in Upstate SC! Enjoy your break. I think too often we as readers take for granted the thought and effort and TIME it takes to post. Your girls need you and we all understand that. Thank you for your openness-it is truly inspirational!

  23. Your story compells me not only to pray for you all daily, but to remember to daily give prayers of thanks for my beautiful grown children (one of whom was a preemie, not expected to survive, and now is nearly perfect in every way - athlete, engineer, wife, friend) and my healthy young grandchildren. Thank you for the reminder. Shouts of praise that you have family to stand by your sides as well.

  24. I've been reading your blog for a while now, and i just wanted to say thankyou. Thankyou for sharing some of your most precious memories with us, thankyou for giving us a little glimps of your abounding joy and love and faith. Your story is always on my heart and as I read I take time to pray for you and your incredible family.

  25. Nathan, I enjoyed the article too. Have you thought that sooner or later one of the major networks might pick up your story?? By the way I was listening to some music last night,if you get a chance listen to stevie wonders "isn't she lovely"..for some reason I never caught that it is a song about his child?? Praying for you guys. Love, Judi & Steve Taylor

  26. That was very well written, and I am glad you called our attention to it--Thanks Nate!

    Continuing to pray for you, Tricia and Gwyneth everyday....updates or not! :-)

    Devin in Illinois

  27. This is a wonderful article
    thanks for sharing.
    Prayer being said for your family daily.
    Malette in ND

  28. Wow! That's from London? I guess people all over the world are praying for you. I think of you often and pray for you several times a day.

    I just want to leave you with one of my favorite verses: The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwels in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, "My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."

  29. That was a really nice article -- I especially liked how she described all three of you. She put into words what I too have seen in each of you but never would have found the words for. Continuing to think of and pray for all of you.

  30. If you never wrote another word on your blog from this day forward and decided to devote all your energy to your family, I would continue to pray for you. Your family has a place in my heart. I rejoice when your family rejoices and weep when your family weeps. I have appreciated your openness and the awareness you have created on the importance of organ donation and finding ways to cure CF. It is also amazing to see the preemie care and the technology involved there. May God continue to bless the 3 of you and keep you safe, strong and encouraged. Bless you!

  31. Praise the Lord! What an amazing article! All I can think is, "...I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in all the earth."

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. You don't owe anyone who reads anything. My daughter just had surgery yesterday and I am spending time away from her just to update her site. You start to feel a sense of obligation. I am glad you are stepping back a bit. I know you enjoy blogging but you know as well as I do that everyone can wait. They get to check your blog and then walk the dog. This is your WORLD. If people are inconvenienced that is just fine!

  34. What a beautiful article that truly embodies the beautiful people that each of you are. My husband and I were just discussing the incomprehensible challenges you face daily and yet you find time to share it and your faith with the world. God will bless you for it and will give you the strength you need each day.

    We care for you~

  35. What a really nice article!

    Glad you're taking a break, big guy (and NOT entering the birth story contest LOL).

    Keeping you all in my prayers.

  36. From a strangers perspective that doesn't really "know" you, it seems to fit PERFECTLY!

    So beautiful, I enjoyed reading it and I'm so thrilled to be able to partner in prayer for the two amazing girls in your life!

  37. Very nicely done! Thanks so much for sharing. I also have some of those same feelings of connections to you and Tricia. Being brothers and sisters in Christ give us a special bond. I continue to lift all of you in prayer. I pray that God give you each the stenghth and continued faith for each and every day ahead. God Bless!

  38. What a neat article written about you guys from someone 1/2 way around the world from you!
    I had to chuckle when she recounted the story of it taking 15 min. to dress her baby to come home. We have a video of me dressing our premie baby (6 1/2 wks early) to come home and it took me forever! Now that she's 16 months old and very active I have to do diaper changes and clothes changes as quickly as possible!
    You remain in our prayers...your sister in Christ, Denise

  39. That write up was so touching. I feel that she really captured who your family is. From what I can see. Sending prayers and good thoughts.

  40. How truly awesome, let me say thank you from us around the world for you sharing your story, what an awesome privledge for you to allow us to be a part of your story, and I want to appologize for any of us who over step our bounds. May God bless and give you peace beyond measure while you take your break. And may he give wisdom to those who do not clearly comprehend what a privledge it is to be a part of your story.

  41. Take a break Nate... enjoy your family & some solitude.

    Gather your thoughts & your momentum; you too need some time to decompress for a bit.

    Here's to a restful couple of days from the blogger world.

  42. That's a really neat article. Also, taking a break from blogging is good. Enjoy your time off and get some good rest and refreshment time. You deserve it!



  43. That's a great article!

  44. Her writing ability is as great as yours Nathan, and I love that she gave such an understanding and well stated voice to many of us out here in blogland who have been so amazed by you and Tricia and Gwyneth, by your story, by God's love and by our own sense of deep connection.

  45. I enjoyed that article very much!

    I am grinning just thinking of the scrapbooks full of momentos you already have for Gwenyth!

    Have a great weekend!
    P.S. Everytime I am anywhere around Durham I can't help but think of you guys at Duke and pray for you!-- We live about 35 minutes North of you!

  46. My apologies for saying what I did about misinterpreting some of your blogs. It was unfair and selfish of me. You are under tremendous pressure and stress and my comments were insensitive to that. Please know my intentions weren't really evil. I have fallen in love with your girls and check in daily. I hope you can forgive me--actually I hope you don't spend another second thinking about me.

    Praying for you all!

  47. What a great article! :) Thanks for sharing it. :)

    You and your family are continually in my prayers.


  48. So awesome!!!!
    Still praying in Nor Cal!

    Kimberly, Stephen and Abigail

  49. What a platform God has granted you!! That's what happens when we ask God to use our lives. He does it in an extraordinary way.

    Still praying for you guys and I'm excited for the days ahead. Who knows, maybe you'll find yourself on Oprah. :)

  50. I enjoyed this article. Yours is an inspiring story, and our family's thoughts are with you.

  51. Great article.

    Praying and rooting for you girls.

    Katy in MI

  52. This is nice! :) Praying for you guys! Glad to know that Tricia is doing well. :)

  53. That is SOOOOOOOOO cool!!!!
    As far as you being misunderstood, people hear through their own frame of reference and sometimes that is super skewed. It's not you, it's them! :-) Most of us get you! :-)

  54. Great Article!
    Take a break if you need to and enjoy your girls and some peace and quite to just be.

    I will admit though I can't wait to hear about your sweet family :) Many prayers still being said for all of you. Have a great weekend!


  55. Great Article!
    Take a break if you need to and enjoy your girls and some peace and quite to just be.

    I will admit though I can't wait to hear about your sweet family :) Many prayers still being said for all of you. Have a great weekend!


  56. So everyone here knows, this article is actually from London, Ontario, in Canada, not England. Lots of our cities and towns are named after places in England. Confusing, I know!

    Still sending prayers from Vancouver, BC.

  57. What a wonderful article. Your family's story has touched so many hearts, including mine and my family. My thoughts and prayers are with you guys as always.

    Tami Foytik

  58. Nate,

    Enjoy your break, I think it is well deserved (and for that matter probably way overdue!)

    Spend the weekend and next week enjoying your girls, don't worry about "us" - you know we'll all be thinking & praying for you!!

    Hugs from London (England that is)

  59. "She won't break." Too true, but still so lovely to hear.

    Enjoy your blogging break, you have more than earned it. Upon occasion, a nice computer free, family filled vacation of sorts, is just what the dr. orders!

    We all dearly love the wonderful updates, we all are rooting for miracles, no news is good news.

    Life is good.

  60. Your break is completely understandable...however never doubt for a second the amazing impact you, your wife and your miracle daughter are having on the world. Your are so obedient to always give God the honor, glory and credit...and that is an awesome testimony to share with the world. We are believing wholeheartedly in the miracles that are taking place in your lives...God is show off in a mighty way through you and your girls...thanks for keeping it real, and true and full of love and fun! Sometimes laughter is the very best medicine! God bless you all!! Hugs from Texas!

  61. Wow... Word really has spread. Thank you for continuing to update.

  62. Nate, don't ever doubt what you are doing. You are a strong, caring, wonderful man. Most men don't show the compassion and love that you do, they are taught to hold it in and be tough. Keep doing exactly as you are, don't let petty jealous people affect you. If someone is saying something negative it is because they don't have compassion and love in their relationships and they are jealous. If they had a 'Nate' in their life they would not be so bitter.

    I have spent many, many hours reading your blog. It brings me happiness to know about your love story, your family and the countless loving friends and compassionate blog lurkers.

    Take your break and enjoy it but don't ever doubt that what you are doing is right. You are giving many people a glimpse of what it is like to be a compassionate, loving male and the world definately needs more of that! If you inspire one man to hold his family closer, be kinder and show emotion you are accomplishing a wonderful thing. (On top of all the inspiration you are giving other CF families, preemie families and humanity in general!)

  63. The misguided souls who request, maybe at times very strenuously (as in "demand"....), updates and details of your current life experience don't seem to understand that they're trespassing the limits of propriety. Those of us who are following your blog need to remind ourselves that we are complete strangers to you...concerned strangers, but strangers nevertheless. There should be no confusion that we have no rights where the three of you are concerned. You are willingly offering up to us what you are comfortable offering. We should graciously accept your writings, no matter how often or seldom they come or how detailed or vague they may be, and display patience and understanding.

  64. Sorry to hear the weariness in your "voice". Hope you get some rest and refreshing in the next few days... Praying for you and the girls.

  65. What a great exciting! Enjoy your break and your weekend. Can't wait for an update when you're ready.

  66. I couldnt have said it any better than the unamed person who said "we are strangers to Trisha & Nate" We really should read what is there and know that when its possible he will update- comments left requesting updates probably wont make updates any faster- Im sure he is quite busy helping with his family. Ive so enjoyed this blog but wouldnt dream of harrassing Nate about when he was going to post again- They are both such a blessing to us for even opening themselves up for us to read and learn from. God bless you both (and Gwyneth too)

  67. I couldnt have said it any better than the unamed person who said "we are strangers to Trisha & Nate" We really should read what is there and know that when its possible he will update- comments left requesting updates probably wont make updates any faster- Im sure he is quite busy helping with his family. Ive so enjoyed this blog but wouldnt dream of harrassing Nate about when he was going to post again- They are both such a blessing to us for even opening themselves up for us to read and learn from. God bless you both (and Gwyneth too)

  68. What a wonerful article. I bet you were surprised that you inspired someone elso to write about you that way. I love to read your blog and pray for your family. I don't sign in very often and I struggled with whether to sign in now or not. I don't want to add to your stress in anyway. I just want you to know how privileged I feel to be able to be a lurker and read your blog. It has profoundly affected my life and my relationship with God. I know lots of people have said that to you. I know that this blog started as a way to ask for extra prayers for Tricia, and now look at the amazing things it has done for people. I hope that you get the rest you need, and some special time with your girls. Thank you so very much for allowing us to have a glimpse into your life, it is very inspiring.

    Jaime in WA

  69. If you don't post when I want, what I want, I am leaving this blog and just going to go shopping.

    the devil
    muah ha hah hhaaaa

  70. Thank you, Nathan and Tricia, for being willing to share your life with us. I hope you don't mind me sharing a couple of thoughts with the general public. I might be directly contradicting part of what I'm about to say by saying anything ... but I'm going to say it anyway, and then I'll shut up! :)

    To everyone reading this blog - it is an unbelievable privilege to be invited to follow someone else's life. We can't forget this.

    Having been on the other side ... writing a blog (while my sister waited on her second double lung transplant), that tens of thousands of people followed, I understand the frustration that can ensue on both sides. While we feel we know this family intimately, most of us do not. We have to remember that for the most part, this "friendship" is not a two-way street. While I am sure they appreciate each and everyone of us, they do not know us intimately, so we cannot assume or expect them to act like they do.

    When people asked and begged and made me feel guilty for not updating the blog, it made me not want to do it anymore. It actually made me want to keep our private life private. Why should I update for all of these people that I don't even know! I kept doing it because you don't want to ruin it for the great many because a few bad apples are spoiling the bunch.

    Waiting on a double lung transplant is tough. I can't imagine having TWO family members in ICU at the same time. We have to remember that this is a real family experiencing real emotions in real time. Out of the goodness of their hearts they are sharing a myriad of emotions with us.

    Our place here is to simply keep our prayers going and appreciate all that we have been given.

    When asking for an update, or leaving a rude comment, or giving your two cents on anything, think about the fact there are plenty of places on the internet to vent, complain, or talk about people. If you have a question about the medical conditions involved, google is incredibly easy to use. Or, look up the past blogs Nate has categorized so well. We can't expect a man with a wife and daughter clinging to life to respond to over a million people. No one can do that.

    Remember that the point of this blog is for us to offer support and encouragement and for Nate to keep us updated from time to time. And for that, Nate and Tricia, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Hope you have a nice vacation from blogging, that Tricia gets listed, and that they find a perfect set of lungs ASAP. I'm praying and thinking about you all on a regular basis.

    PS: If I made anyone mad or angry, respond directly to me and leave these sweet people alone!


  71. Still praying, enjoy your break time from Blog, everyone who loves you and your family will perfectly understand as you said "... no news is always good news .. " :o)I wish I could write as well as this article, one day at time and I´ll have a better english to express myself, all the best for you Tricia and "Little Rose" Have a blessed weekend. Lu

  72. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  73. What a sweet write-up! Thanks for sharing it.
    Praying for y'all,
    ~ becky b

  74. Don't know how many times it's been suggested, but I love "Isn't She Lovely" by Stevie Wonder as well. Thought I'd put in my vote.

  75. Just thought that with all the drama on your blog lately that you would maybe enjoy a movie recommendation instead. How about the "Truman Show" a great movie, that you can probably relate to. Also, "What About Bob"...even if you have seen these, they will probably have taken on new meaning now that you have gained so many well-meaning "stalkers".

    Haha myself included...

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Great article from the paper in London, ONTARIO, Canada!

    We're praying for your family and looking forward to hearing that Tricia is officially listed!!

    To God Be the Glory!

  78. I've been reading for a couple months now and I want to let you know we're continuing to pray for you all. God bless your family. Thank you for reminding me how wonderful our God is. I liked the article, it seemed well written.
    ~Kim T in Ohio

  79. great article! thanks for sharing!

    after catching up on your blog yesterday i wanted to share that i am praying for freedom for you to be exactly what you feel you need to be...for you not be bound to any guilt or obligation. i am praying for you to experience balance and grace towards yourself and from others who love you from both near and from far. i am thankful that you share ANY of your lives with us and i am equally thankful that you allow yourself boundaries to do what you need to when you need to...for yourself and your girls.

    continuing to pray....

    OH, i almost forgot: but thanks to you i signed my donor card last week...i am ashamed to say i had never really thought to do it! thanks for the education/reminders and for the lives you will be part of saving potentially for years to come!

  80. Cool! I delivered my daughter at St. Joe's in London a couple of years ago. She was also a preemie and spend some time in the NICU there.

    It's sooooo great to see the pics of your little rose as she grows and blooms. She is doing so well, and one of these days you will be able to take her home. God is faithful!

  81. LOVED the article. And I'm happy to see you take breaks from blogging whenever you feel like it. Hugs and prayers from Maryland!

  82. Hey your like, famous now - cool!
    Seriously, that was a great story, I'm glad more people will have the chance to be blessed by you.

  83. Great article. Try to take that break from blogging. We love you.
    Margarete and family

  84. Loved the article. I feel the same way. I think about all three of you during the day and I pray for you all at night. Be strong Nate and take care of your beautiful girls.

  85. Wow, this is really great. This article (along with probably more that will come in the future as your blog becomes more famous) helps to draw attention to the very human story of Cystic Fibrosis, organ donation/ transplant and premature births. These all get more well deserved attention when people can "put a face" with them.
    Try not to let the comments of the few misguided posters get you down. The majority of us hope and pray only good things for Tricia, Gwyneth and you. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.---Romans 12:12

  86. Wow! I love the article. Very well written. :)

  87. Love that article. Isn't it neat to see how many lives your family has touched? Funny how you get so into a story and wanna see the happy ending for people you've never met. I think its so neat. Best wishes and continued prayers!

  88. Jane,
    Your comment was very well done and appreciated. You win the "Reader Who Gets It for the Day" award!

    Nate's Dad

  89. great story, well written. how odd it must be to read a story about yourself and never having met the person who wrote it.

  90. As someone who has left a questionable comment, I just wanted to send my apology. I've been thinking of a statement that many leaders in my life use frequently, "We should always assume the best of everyone." Admittedly, that was not my first instinct before I fired off a comment that most likely added some discouragement. Nathan, it truly isn't you who should be forced to take a break from your own blog. It should really be the readers who take the break from your blog ... the readers who aren't able to assume the best and support you well.

    Again, my apology to you...


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