
Friday, February 1, 2008

Safe and Sound

We've kept most of the video of Gwyneth for our own private viewing pleasure, but we just had to share this one. The song is "Safe and Sound" by Matthew West.



  1. I thought I was out of tears...

  2. Congrats, I bet holding your daughter was one of the greatest moments of this journey.

  3. I haven't cried like that in a long time, but this time it was tears of happiness...

    Thank you for sharing that with us.


  4. Thank you for sharing! I love to show God's beauty and love to my son through moments like these. I hope you have a video of Tricia & Gwyn to show soon

  5. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful video. She is even more precious than the pictures show. Our God is so wonderful.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Thank you for sharing this precious moment. May there be many more for both you and Tricia. God is so wonderful!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I am a silent viewer, how precious, GOD is good!! Praying for you in Maine!

  10. I ditto scott. The pictures are great, but to see her move, open and close here's like SEEING an answered prayer. And I can't believe that Tricia will be put on the transplant list!!! I have to be honest. I didn't think God would answer both of those prayers. I kind of thought that if God brought both Tricia and Gwyneth through this alive that would be all He would be willing to give. Why I tend to think that God will NOT pour out His blessings 100 fold and give us gifts like any earthly father would I do not know. But it's like God is using your family to show me that He does. Makes me think that He might even do it for me. Ditto Scott again.

  11. Precious. Thanks for sharing such a personal time. May God continue to bless you.

  12. That's amazing -- thank you so much for sharing it with us. I bet she improves in leaps and bounds now that she can be held.

  13. I'm sitting here with my 9-month-old baby girl, crying my eyes out. This little girl that's on my lap was that tiny the first time I held her too, this video really took me back. Thanks so much for sharing. ^_^ Absolutely priceless.

    Kristi and the triplets

  14. What a precious moment...thank you so much for sharing!! Still praying for you all...Blessings from Phoenix!

  15. Beautiful Nate ,That made me cry Tears of Happiness for you
    So Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!:)

  16. How can you watch this & not cry? Praying for Tricia to be able to experience this soon...

  17. N & T,
    I'd love to say something prolific, but I can't see my fingers or the keyboard through the tears.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. "Safe and Sound", on make me cry. This is so amazing and beautiful. Daddy's girl already. What a true blessing and it is so evident that she melts your heart. Soak in God's love Nate, His precious love gift to you and Tricia. Praise Him from all blessings flow. Such a miracle. Tears of Joy here for you.

    Love and Blessings,
    Laurie in Ca.

  20. That is the SWEETEST thing ever!!! What a tiny miracle she is! Perfect song choice. Thanks for lifting us up out here in cyber world.


  21. Oh Nate...

    You share the most amazing things with all of us! That was nothing less than beautiful, a moment that most of us take for granted when we have a full term babe.

    Thanks for sharing this journey with all of us! Gwyneth is just gorgeous!

    Ontario, Canada

  22. Thank you for sharing that brought me to tears. The song was perfect! She looks so peaceful and calm in her daddy's arms. I pray that you and Tricia will remain peaceful and calm in your Heavenly Father's arms.

  23. Thank you Nathan for sharing your storing with world! It has made me see my life and this world completely different. What an amazing video and beautiful moment. I'm continuing to pray for you and your family.


  24. That was so beautiful to sit and watch pure, innocent love that was happening when you were holding your sweet daughter. As a mommy of a 27 weeker, I know that exact feeling of holding that tiny tiny baby for the first time. The love you feel for that child makes it feel like your heart is going to explode. My 27 weeker, Jackson, will be 4 on Sunday(born 2-3-4 at 11:11.) Thank you for bring back that flood of memories.

  25. What a beautiful moment. I survived the loss of my beautiful son and never got to that moment. It was a wonderful feeling seeing you experiencing it. My 4 year old (adopted as a baby) sat and watched it with me and he said "beautiful baby". That's an understatement.

  26. How beautiful...thank you for sharing that very precious moment with us!

  27. A friend shared your blog with me. That video just had me in tears!! Your girls are lucky to have you. What miracles they both are.

    Thank you for sharing.

  28. That was beautiful!
    I remember how precious it was when i got to hold my daughter for the first time, I can't imagine having to wait this long for a cuddle, I think she'd been born 10 seconds and i was asking for her. It must have just meant so much more after only been able to touch her through gloves and then only able to touch her through the crib.
    She looked so relaxed and content. Little girls just get this look when they get a cuddle from their daddy - like everythings going to be alright and they've got all they need right there!
    Thank you for sharing this beautiful moment!

  29. Neat video!

    Nathan (or anyone else who's seen the video), can you (or anybody else) please inform me what you (Nathan was) were saying in the video? I'd much appreciate it to be able to know the words and understand better as I am deaf. Thanks!!

    Looking forward to Tricia's turn to do this! :-)


  30. tears of happiness and rejoicing for you!!!!

  31. Nate-
    Thank you so much for sharing this video. When I was watching you thank your beautiful wife, my thoughts went back to the post when you mentioned that you were a selfish husband and treated Tricia differently when she was at home. I just have to say, you are an incredible husband and father. NEVER DOUBT THAT!!
    Your precious daughter is so lucky to have you and is going to always treasure this sweet video.
    Thank you for sharing again. Hopefully kangeroo care is in the near future for Tricia.

  32. time warn us to be prepared for the flood gates to open. That is a great video, I'm still crying... I'm so happy for you and pray that Tricia gets to share that experience soon. God is soooo good.

  33. I cried through the whole thing!! Absolutly wonderful!! (Perfect song choice too.) Congratulations!! Can't wait to see Tricia get to hold her soon.

  34. Everyone already said this, but yeah, i cried like a baby. no pun intended. :-) God bless you guys! I'm thrilled for you.


  35. It's just a BEAUTIFUL moment...thanks so much for sharing it with us. We're praying for all of you here in Hong Kong.

  36. I remember when I got to hold my son for the first time in NICU. It was one of those happy moments that you don't even know what to do with yourself. I am so glad that you got to hold Gwyneth and do the skin to skin contact that babies so love and need. I pray that her mommy gets to hold her soon. Praise the Lord for the transplant possibilities!

  37. It just keeps getting better and better...what an awesome God we serve.

  38. Since I've watched it at least 6 times...
    He says,
    "Tric, I can't wait for you to hold her. Can you see her? As soon as she touched me all her sats when I right away, right where they're supposed to be. She had her eyes open for me for a little while.
    "I can feel her breathe on my chest. I can feel her little fingers moving around."
    "I can hear her make bubbles with her mouth."
    "Thank you for doing this for us."

  39. Is it my imagination or is Gwyneth pointing her finger up towards Jesus at the very end of the video?

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  40. That was the most moving thing I have ever seen. My heart is so touched. You are God's miracles.

  41. Oh, that was absolutely beautiful. I'm crying tears of joy right now. :) Praise the Lord for your little girl and for Tricia who went through so much to bring her into the world. I can't wait until Tricia gets to experience that same joy of holding her little girl. :) May the Lord continue to bestow His blessings on you all.

  42. Thank you for being willing to share some of your most precious moments with us, a blogging world of strangers.

    Absolutely breath taking to watch.

  43. My heart busted wide open-

  44. I have cried so many tears for your family, but these are tears of joy, tears of amazement. This is amazing.

  45. Thank you. I have linked you on my blog, not that it gets traffic, but I did any ways. I am also going to send a link to my grandmother's pastor.

    Such a personal moment, and so so so beautiful.

  46. Good gravy... I can't take the emotional ride that I'm on with you and your family. This blog is getting the best of me!

    Can I please come over for dinner, maybe move in, have a play date? I know it's weird since you don't know me but I feel like we're bonding. Once God answers all your prayers and you go on living your wonderful, blessed life... I'm afraid that you're going to break up with all of us! Just remember, it's easier to heal when there is closure!! Please, don't forget to give us closure!! :O)

    Thank you. Thank you for sharing! I'm so thrilled with all your wonderful news.


    Thank You for sharing this with us!

  48. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for sharing this with us. What a beautiful video for you to treasure always. It's the most amazing thing in the world isn't it? There is NOTHING like holding your child close to you, and feeling her heart beating with yours, and her skin against your skin. I cried as hard watching this video as I did the day I had Morgan almost a year ago!!! I'm so incredibly happy that you've had the chance to hold your precious girl. I've longed for you to have that moment because I know what it felt like when I held my baby. I couldn't imagine having to wait for as long as you have. What a heart warming video. I'm so so happy for you, and I can't wait for Tricia to be able to hold Gwyneth Rose, too!!!! She's entirely too precious.

    Much, Much Love to You and Your Girls!!!


  49. Thank you so much for sharing that video with us! She is adorable. My cats were looking at me funny for crying so hard--tears of joy!


  50. What a great sharing with all of us Nate. That feeling is great, I agree. The special way one feels when a little child is held for the first time. I am very proud of you, and even though I don't know Tricia, I know in my heart that she mirrors you. What a blessing for little Gwyneth to have special parents like you two.

    God has truely blessed you three...I am praying for all the best of health and speedy recovery for you all. Each and every day continueously.....and at 7:00pm too.

  51. Crying tears of joy - the look on your face at getting to hold your daughter is so moving.
    I have been a silent lurker but your story has moved me beyond words. My faith is strengthened, my commitment to my family is deepened and my love for the Lord is overwhelming. Your daughter is truly a miracle!!!!
    Congratulations and please post more (my tissue box was just restocked)


  52. Thank you so much for brings back wonderful memories of holding my little boy for the first time in the NICU. Prayers for you guys continue...


  53. Wow...that is absolutely beautiful. Thanks you so much for sharing your story and your journey with all of us! You and your girls are in my prayers.

  54. beautiful! we love you and are praying for you all. India can't wait to spend time playing with Gwyneth.

    JBA, LDA, and IGA

  55. I have to agree with everyonoe else...tears of JOY once again!

  56. Oh my goodness! I'm gonna have to watch it again because I couldn't see a thing through my tears! How beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing something so precious and sweet!

  57. Absolutely sweet! What an amazing moment to catch on video. What a precious moment to share with all of us.

  58. I have never commented before now, just have been silently praying for you all, but this post moved me so greatly. That had to be one of the most beautiful and touching things I have ever seen. You looked so in love with your darling daughter. Thank you for sharing!

  59. That was the most precious thing ever..thank you for sharing your story and life with us. Whether you know or believe you and Tricia's life and journey is an inspiration to us all.

  60. Thank you for appreciating your wife and your daughter and for acknowledging God's working throughout your life's journey. Watching it made me understand a comment my son made a while back. We have been in the process to adopt a boy from Haiti for the past two years. My husband and I met him in July of 06, but my kids haven't met him. They had seen many pictures and seemed to understand. Then one day a friend sent us a video clip of our little guy in Haiti. My five year old son commented "wow, mom, now I know he is real". Just being able to see his little brother moving made him seem so much more real to his big brother. Watching your video really made the reality of your little miracle "come to life". I hope that made sense. Thank you for sharing that very special moment with us. God bless you and your family.

  61. STANDING OVATION!! Wow! I am SO thrilled for you guys!! (Don't worry Tricia, your turn is coming soon!) Gwyneth has the most amazing eyes, too..for the couple of seconds the video showed them open, I felt like I got a glimpse of her little soul.

    Oh and Nate, you do realize that eventually she is going to root around and latch on your chest, right? You'll need to post that video,too, for all of us Gwyneth groupies!

  62. Tricia you are amazing :)

  63. Thank you for sharing this video--this intimate moment with your daughter and wife. It is so uplifting. We can't wait to see Tricia have her turn. Blessings.

  64. No words....just tears and PRAISE to our Almighty.

  65. Crying serious tears of joy for you all! Such a precious video, thank you for sharing with us.

  66. I remember our first "Aussie lovin'" session as my husband puts it...I thought I was holding more blanket than child until you feel those tiny fingers and toes wiggle across your chest. Amazing!! And thank you for sharing such a private and personal moment.

    Prayin in Nashville and Iraq,

    M, L, M & W

  67. if that doesn't bring tears to your eyes, i don't know what will. thanks for sharing. throughout the video, i couldn't stop watching your face, nate, and thinking about how God holds us to His big, hairy chest and is delighted with our bubble blowing and finger twirling! gwyneth is starting in the ministry at a young age; i know my heart has been touched!

  68. Happy tears here too!
    Many many happy tears!

    Tricia you are one amazing woman to bring such a precious little being into this world.

    Many more happy tears the day we see Tricia hold her sweet baby girl!


  69. That was so beautiful. How great is our God. I am a young 17 year old girl and I just wanted to thank you have really impacted my life. Blessings on you both and your beautiful baby girl.

  70. thank God she has a heart to listen to!

  71. Thank you for sharing such a special moment. I also cried for you all. What a wonderful God we have.

    Hampton VA

  72. Wow, that was incredible! Can we say "wads of tissue?" Thank you so much for sharing that precious moment with strangers like us.

    Paul and Marla

  73. Amazing, just amazing! Thank you for sharing these precious moments with us.

  74. I couldn't stop crying...that was so precious and priceless. I know you have been waiting a long time to hold your girl and it must just be the most wonderful feeling to have her so close to you.

    Praise God! Praying that her mom can hold her soon...

  75. Easily the most beautiful montage I've ever seen...thank you for sharing such an intimate moment with us. This might stay with me for eternity! Can't wait for Part 2 of this post!

  76. I sat with my husband and we cried tears of joy for you as we watched your beautiful video. Thanks for sharing this with us. She is beautiful and you should be one proud daddy.

  77. Hooray for Daddy and Gwyneth!!!
    Thank you so much for sharing. You and your girls are in my thoughts and prayers.

  78. The video made me cry (as I'm sure it did Tricia and everyone else who's seen it). Gwyneth is perfect...and so beautiful :-) We serve such an awesome God, and this video is such a great reminder of it :-)

    Still praying for you and your girls.

  79. Hi Nate and Tricia,
    I was directed to your blog and to join in prayers for you - my husband and I are from Ontario and have been so touched by your story and your faith and trust in God during this time. Thank-you for sharing your lives with us so that we can help lift you up in prayer. It's amazing how the community of God can be linked all over the world! What an awesome God we serve!
    Congratulations on holding your little one! We are expecting our first child in about a month...a girl too.
    All the best and our prayers will continue to be with you!

  80. that was absolutely the greatest thing I have ever seen.

  81. What a great sneak peek into a treasured moment of your lives. Thank you for the glimpse - I remember the first time I held each of my boys, and then holding them together - I thought I would explode with joy and happiness. You described it perfectly, the even stats... her breathing... her little hands... I have such sweet memories of those times. Treasure each moment with her like this.
    Praying for the day (soon!) that Tricia gets to hold her sweet girl.

  82. Beautiful.

    I've cried more happy tears for you guys lately than I ever have for "strangers" in the past.

    Our God is an awesome God, isn't he?

    Praying for Tricia. Praying for Gwyneth.

    Hoping that that the "kangarooing" continues for you all.

  83. So Amazing. So Beautiful.
    Lovely. Magnificent. That is one great God at work making blessings happen!!!!!

  84. that was beautiful at the end it looked like she was reaching out for you she liked you holding her.

  85. That was the best thing I've seen in a long time. Such a wonderful moment for you both. Hope mommy gets to hold her soon too. May God bless you all with many more miracles to come. Thank you for sharing.

  86. Thanks for sharing! I cried through the whole video. Tears of Joy! She is so beautiful! God is Great!

  87. Regarding your last 3 posts...

    three letters, one word, infinite thankfulness to God:


    Tami in Wisconsin
    (izemmom on

  88. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!! What a treasure God has given you. I praise God for his goodness and his blessing on your family! I praise God as our creator and the creator of your beautiful precious Gwyneth Rose!!
    Your sister in Christ,

  89. Oh, you guys are killin' me here!

    It was so cool to see her moving around!

    And so cool to see your radiant face.

    Love to you all...

  90. You are right those have to be the best posts ever. The video is so touching. I just do not even have the words to say what it made me feel. I am sure you feel the same way. Thoughts and prayers and still coming your way.

  91. The sweetest and most tender moment ever...I do this all the time, but it still brings tears to my eyes. You know, I thought that mama would wish she could be there, but you said the most thoughtful things to her(mama), thanking her for the beautiful moment and bringing this sweet babe into the world. Prayers continue for you all.Bev the NICU nurse

  92. So wonderful...a perfect little miracle. God is so good.

  93. I had to take a moment before I could even type. My heart is just overwhelmed with Joy for you. What a perfect and beautiful song for the video. I had never heard it before. I just had to bury my face in my hands and thank God for his love for you all. How can anyone deny Him after all they have seen here. What a testimony.

    God Bless and have a good night.


  94. A father's love for his baby girl is the most beautiful thing.
    God bless all 3 of you!

  95. Thank you so much for sharing this amazing video. Such a beautiful song, such a beautiful baby, such a beautiful moment. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers.

  96. That was beyond incredible to see her move and all cuddled up on your chest. Thanks for sharing your life and your journey with all of us. Still praying for you guys.

    Angela in central Ohio

  97. This will be the first time I have ever commented on your blog! I have been keeping track of your blog for a while now, but I just had to tell you how special the video was for me! I am 12 weeks pregnant with my first child, just heard its heartbeat for the first time yesterday, and seeing your little one in your arms, just made me so happy. It's great to know that she is doing well enough for you to hold her! What a blessing! Thanks for sharing that with us! :) I am so glad to have seen the video and I wept tears of joy for you!

  98. I had to watch twice because I couldn't see through the tears the first time. What a wonderful sight - it brought back my emotions of when I got to hold my preemie for the first time. You guys are amazing - love to you all.

    Woodbridge, VA

  99. wonderful!!! I'm crying watching the video!
    May Gwyneth continue to grow and soon be safe in your arms for good!

  100. my family weeps tears of joy for your family.
    what a great video. thanks for sharing this sweet/intimate moment.

  101. I can't check your blog without crying - fortunately they've all been tears of joy for your family and for the amazing journey God has taken you (and by proxy, everyone else who reads this blog) on. It's beautiful, marvelous, wonderful, fantastic, spectacular, incredible, awe-inspiring, and just plain awesome!
    Thanks for being willing to share that with everyone!

  102. That is one of the most beautiful things I have ever watched. You all are in our continued thoughts and prayers

  103. congratulations dad. you have a beautiful little girl.

  104. Thank you so much for sharing the video and pictures of the first time you got to hold your baby girl. They are just beautiful!! Brought lots of tears of happiness to my eyes. God bless you all!

  105. Say what you want about your personal failings (i'm referring to an earlier post), you are doing a stellar job of what has been put before you NOW.

    I pray for you often.

  106. I love love love the song that you have put with the awesome video!!! brings me to tears, and I have watched it more than once...

  107. I've watched several times today and have cried each time. It is truly amazing to see that little life.
    Tricia should (in my opinion) receive the Mommy of the year award.

    Gwenyth's Great Uncle Andy

  108. Tears of joy for you and your time with your daughter. WOW!! What a wonderful video and song.
    Praying everyday for you all:)

  109. Thank you so much for sharing that with all of us. You are in our prayers!

  110. Okay, I'm crying like a baby! I thank you for sharing that and I don't blame have SO much to be proud of!

    I'm looking forward to the video of Tricia's first tender moments with the life you've made together.

    She is a miracle. Glory be to God.

    :) kel

  111. Oh, wow. I am at a loss for words. Okay I found some. That was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. God is filling up His love in that NICU. Thank you, so much, for sharing that precious, priceless moment.

    Praises, sweet praises, to our Lord. >:0)

  112. Congratulations. I have a photo of me holding my son Justin and doing kangaroo care. It is such a wonderful feeling to hold your precious baby so close to you skin to skin.

    Praying Tricia gets her chance soon.


  113. She has her index finger up in the end. As to say "I'm #1"

    LOVE IT!!!!!!

  114. I have been following your story. That was so beautiful.

  115. That was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Thank you a million times for sharing that with us. I didn't realize I needed a good "happy cry," but I guess I did! Thanks:)

  116. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing a piece of your life!

  117. This was the most amazing thing... the tears were flowing! What else can I say? Congratulations! There's only one thing that tops this and that's when Mommy gets to hold sweet Gwyneth...

  118. I completely understand your wanting to keep some thing private, but thank you so much for sharing the video! I have been following you guys since little Gwyneth's birth. It is amazing to see how God is bringing you through this journey. I update my husband every night with Tricia and Gwyneth news. So much so that he didn't realize at first that I didn't personally know you! Wonderful video -- Thank you Tricia for giving life to such a wonderful girl and thank you Nathan for taking care of them both.

  119. Praise God! Thanks for sharing this tender moment with us.

  120. (RICK, Thank you for taking the time to interpret what Nathan is saying for me. :-) Appreciate it and knowing what he said now makes the video more touching, at least for me!)

    Thanks again,

  121. Thank you for sharing all of this with us all. That is so beautiful. I pray for you all often and wish you all the best.

  122. Thank you for sharing that. I am speechless. God is amazing.

  123. Beautiful...seeing her move, you holding her for the first time and feeling her breathe. Just a few of many many first. She is so full of life. The biggest miracle in such a tiny package.

  124. One word: Beautiful.

  125. I've already commented but i just had to tell you:
    I showed my husband this post and at the end when you can see gwyneth right up near your head, he pointed out that if you open your mouth you could fit her head in.
    He didn't mean it in a bad way, I just thought it was funny what he used as a measure for how tiny she is!

  126. Wow. Thank you for sharing such an amazing moment of your life. From here on out we will know if Gwyneth's daddy isn't posting it's because he has become a Baby-Holding-Addict :) A man with the magic touch.

    Learning about your experience has got me thinking about how I want to be an organ donor, and how I should probably go through the process to donate milk too (I'm currently nursing my 9-month old).

    Look how much you are touching lives!

  127. This should have a warning, "lots of tissues needed" before viewing! What an awesome God we have. She's so precious. And so thankful to hear about Trisha's good news! Will continue to pray.

  128. Thank GOD for miracles!
    Crying happy tears!
    Continuing to pray in
    Charleston, SC!

  129. Thank you SO much for posting that!!! I'm bawling---again!
    We're praying for you guys! Can't wait til the day Tricia can hold her!

  130. This is really so amazing. Thanks so much for sharing this with all of (as well as the rest of the stuff you're sharing...). She is just beautiful and I cannot imagine what was going through your mind while you were holding her. I can't wait to hear (and maybe see) about Tricia finally holding her. As a new mom, I really feel for her, that she's unable to hold Gwyneth right now...I pray that very, very soon she will be able to. And what fabulous news about the list--wow, wow, wow.

  131. Thanks for blessing all of us...thanks for trying so hard to be what GOD wants you to be...thanks for having the greatest wife and thanks for having the sweetest baby. I think Gwyneth has changed so much...she TOTALLY looks like a GIRL, so feminine and so beautiful...your family is just priceless.
    More tears of joy today than ever!!!

  132. Awesome! Thanks for sharing your special moment with us.
    Joy in Elizabethtown

  133. Oh my goodness I am in love with her! I didn't cry~until I saw your red eyes. I am so thankful to you for sharing this video.
    Ft. Myers, FL

  134. Dear Nate and Tricia,
    I have been reading your blog for some time but never commented. I am praying for all of you and want to say you are giving me hope. My daughter is 9months old, was born early at 33wks, and has CF. Tricia, you are an inspiration.

    KJ, Massachusetts

  135. SO AMAZING!!!
    Thank you for sharing this moment of pure joy with us...
    Gwyneth Rose is so very precious...
    We are so happy for you...
    We are still praying...
    We love all of you...
    Love, Dana and Wil Haupfear

  136. Wow. Still pryaing for you in Michigan. Wish I had an extra set of lungs to spare for Tricia.

  137. That was so beautiful. I am praying for you and your family everyday. God Bless

  138. Awesome! What an amazing moment. Thank you for sharing.

  139. Nate,

    That was just the most touching video ever! My heart is overflowing with joy for your family--more precious miracles are happening everyday! Thanks for letting us in on this glimpse of your sweet baby girl!

    Devin in Illinois

  140. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful and personal moment with us. There is truly nothing like holding a sleeping baby against your chest...

    Still praying for your sweet family.

  141. What a beautiful video!!! thank you so much for sharing!

  142. Wow. What a beautiful, breathtaking moment. Thank you for sharing it. I will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Mtn. Home AFB, Idaho

  143. Once again... tears... okay alot of tears. Saying thank you to Tricia reminded me, and probably alot of other people, the choices two people, and one in particular, had to make for this miracle to happen. It was a choice of life and death and Tricia was willing to risk dying for Gwyneth. That video is awesome! I can't imagine what it will be like to see Tricia hold Gwyneth... the world will be crying tears of joy.

  144. Simply awesome. Gwynny is such a cutie pie........


  145. Crying tears of joy here... What an amazing video! Praise God that you are able to hold her now! I'm praying that Tricia gets to do so shortly. Praying for her transplant too!


  146. Thank you for sharing something so personal with the world. Truely you have an amazing witness to just how good God is to a bunch of sinners like us!

  147. Too many tears for 1 blogging session:

    -Sad ones for Mary Ellen and Steve

    -Blessedly happy ones for your family

    Take care.

  148. Wow. You can really see how tiny and perfect she is snuggled up against you.

    I hope Tricia will get to hold her soon.

  149. Amazing:) So sweet! Thank you for sharing your sweet precious baby girl!

  150. That was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. You deserve all these moments! I am speechless!

  151. this is so amazing, as the Mommy to preemie triplets I can tell you there will be a day that you can't remember her being so small. Congratulations..

  152. WOW! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING THIS! My heart melted watching this and I can totally see the love you have for your girls. God is so good! I can't express my gratitude enough for you letting us into your lives like you have. We said family prayers together tonight and prayed for Tricia to get on the transplant list immediately. Thanks again for being so diligent in keeping us posted.

    God Bless!

  153. Nate, THank you for sharing such a special video. I will keep your family in my prayers.


  154. Absolutely beautiful!! I could not help but cry tears of joy for you. There is nothing like holding your precious child close to you. I hope Tricia is able to share in this joy soon. I continue to check back several times a day, I can't seem to get you guys off my mind. You will continue to be in my prayers!

  155. That was amazing. She is so beautiful! I hope it's okay.. I'm going to mention this and link it on my site. I'm praying and praising God tonight for you guys..
    (Isnt kangaroo care the best thing ever?!)

  156. So touching. Thanks for sharing.

  157. Congrats man! I am so happy for you. Thanks for sharing.
    Amy (TN)

  158. The video is so precious. Soon, will, too. Soon.
    ~ becky b

  159. WOW !! You must be on cloud nine holding her. I have heard some many good things about kangaroo care -- keep doing it and enjoy every moment.

  160. What an amazing picture of your love for your daughter, it reminds me of Christ's love for us! Tears of joy rolled down my face as I watched the video, so amazing! I love that Matthew West song! Continuing to pray for your dear family. The Lord is so good and faithful!
    Blessings from Arizona

  161. I am SO happy for you. What an absolutely beautiful video.

  162. Nate,
    Just beautiful. I guess my eyelids needed a good washing. You need to start putting disclaimers on your blog entries...You also should have purchased stock in Kleenex & Puff's....Because all of us are driving up the price of shares as we speak.
    Precious in His sight.

  163. God is so good!! What a beautiful precious gift God has given to you and Tricia!!

    Even though I'm unable to check every day, please know I'm praying!!

    Congratulations on Tricia's news!! That is awesome!!

  164. Thank you for sharing that. I cried...a lot during that video...

  165. Thank you for sharing that.

  166. I had to run to the bathroom to get tissues. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

  167. INCREDIBLE is all I can say Nate!! Thank you for sharing Gwyneth with us! Thank you Tricia for your act of love in praying for this sweet baby all those years! And thank you Lord for allowing me to have a peek of this miracle!

  168. One of the most beautiful videos I have seen! Thank you for sharing this touching moment! Can't wait to read about Tricia's first time to hold her baby girl too.

  169. Thank you for sharing one of the best moments of your life with us.

    Congratulations on holding your little princess :-)

  170. You're such a natural, Nate! Gwyneth looks nice & cozy on Daddy's chest. I'm so glad that you got to hold your baby girl. I'll be praying for Tricia & the day she'll get to hold her daughter. Thank you for sharing the video with all of us!
    God Bless,

  171. Simply beautiful.


  172. What a precious memory for you to treasure. Thank you for being so transparent with your journey. I pray alongside so many others for your family & I pray for your words to trigger new faith and beginnings with Christ for many. You can't help but be wrapped up in your family's story. Thank you for allowing us to pray with you for miracle upon miracle!

  173. thank you for sharing this beautiful video,these are memories you will have for ever.your daughter is so beautiful,looking forward to seeing Tricia with her bundle of joy.

  174. thank you for sharing such a joyous moment with us. God is truly amazing

    aloha & mahalo

  175. Amazingly beautiful song - another written and sung just for you (where do you find these perfect songs?!) - and even more beautiful video.

    Thank you for sharing such intimate, perfect moments with everyone.

    Congrats on what was likely one of the most memorable, miraculous, and magical moments of your life. May there be many more such moments in your family's life in the near future.

  176. Seriously, that is one of the sweetest blessings ever. Thanks for sharing!

  177. She is so beautiful, thank you so much for sharing that special time with all of us. Continued prayers from Utah!


  178. I've never seen anything so amazing in my life. I, the constant talker, who will talk a stranger's ear off..have nothing left to say.

    Thank you Lord from the very bottom of my heart for this miracle and the chance you've given me to witness this.

    And thank you Tricia..for showing what true love and selflessness are. You are such a special person. May God reach down and touch you with His healing hands and quickly bring you the new lungs you wish for and most certainly deserve.

    Love y'all.

  179. Thank you so much for sharing your precious Rose with us, God is good, praying for you all, Luciana ( RJ-Brazil )

  180. Thank you so much for sharing your precious Rose with us, God is good, praying for you all, Luciana ( RJ-Brazil )

  181. What a flood of tears. Thank you for cleansing my soul and adjusting my view. ;)

  182. And in case you were in doubt of just how moving this video's ten minutes since I watched it and I'm still bawling.

  183. The best....I'm choking on my tears....thank you for sharing with us!!!

  184. WOW! God is so good! What an awesome video!! She's just precious! Can't wait to see the video of Tricia holding her! :)

  185. Wow.

    You made me cry! (In a great way!)

    Thanks for letting us sneak a peek on your journey.

    It's amazing.

    (Great song too...)

  186. Beautiful and an awesome work of our Father. I can't imagine what it is like for you in person being her Dad. Prayers for you coming from Ohio. Colleen

  187. That has to be the most breathtaking few minutes I've ever witnessed. Thank you so much for sharing with all of us such a precious and beautiful moment. My heart is bursting but there are no words to describe...

  188. Praise God! Tricia, you are the bravest and strongest woman in the world! Nate, I shed tears as the video started, but I bawled after hearing your words to Tricia! My husband, who fears I'm a stalker on this sight, had tears as well when he saw the video. (But don't tell him I told you! lol) This is THE most beautiful video I've ever seen. I can't wait to see the photos of Tricia holding Gwyneth.

    I agree there needs to be a tissue alert here! :)

  189. Oh, I am a mess of tears!!
    Thank you SO much for sharing that Nate...

  190. Wow!
    Beautiful song!
    Beautiful baby!
    Beautiful moment!

    Thank you!

  191. What a moment!! I love the video, and I love the song!! Sums it ALL up:) Thanks for sharing.


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